General theory thread and motives rehashed #3

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BUT they have declared it a homicide so they don't have to release anything pertaining to the investigation..ever..JMHO

Thanks cold cases in florida don't include homicides? :banghead:
Thanks cold cases in florida don't include homicides? :banghead:

Guess not.. I just recall reading IF a case is classified a homicide they do not have to declare it a cold case.. ever And IF it is NOT a cold case they don't have to release any information...JMHO

ETA So I guess they can sit on it til ..The TWELFTH of NEVER.
I just read that ICA's case was flooded with many, many thousands of documents...yet people can't get hardly anything on the "Billings" murders.

I find this very interesting. There is much more media with ICA, may I assume the Courts buckle under when media puts pressure..?
Guess not.. I just recall reading IF a case is classified a homicide they do not have to declare it a cold case.. ever And IF it is NOT a cold case they don't have to release any information...JMHO

ETA So I guess they can sit on it til ..The TWELFTH of NEVER.

....yet they released almost every piece of info in ICA..:waitasec:
I am going to try and hunt down that pesky carpet from the van. I need to find where I read that the bloody carpet was removed by the croslins and not by LE as I had originally thought.

I assumed that the part missing was where the alleged "deer blood" was located or was all of the carpeting removed? I wonder if Chelsea will that she is talking.

Would you believe her if she did? 'HaLeigh's dead - JO & TC are to blame' - 'No HaLeigh's alive, being held in a wear-house, see here's her picture!' (NOT!)

I think at this point the only way this case will be solved is if HaLeigh's little remains are found and I don't think that's going to happen because she was put in the water. These dopers were way too lazy to dig a grave and bury her, besides with all that prime swamp land; why would they take the risk?
Forensice Cold Case Definition:

..A cold case is any criminal investigation by a law enforcement agency that has not been solved for (generally) at least one year and, as a result, has been closed from further regular investigations. A cold case may be closed for various reasons such as: previously available technology was not able to adequately analyze the evidence in order to form a conclusion; witnesses were hostile and uncooperative; various time constraints hindered the investigation; the originally assigned detectives had a heavy workload; a lack of worthwhile leads stalled the case..

Haliegh Cummings is a Cold Case by all definitions. It is time for them to release information.

Wouldn't you just love to know if anyone even goes into the Haleigh file room except to dust anymore? Who is suppose to be on this case at the moment? I'm guessing, noone.
They were POTTED? LOL give me a break. Maybe they started out in Rons house lol

That's my thought on this. I have always believed that the 100 potted pot plants were in Jr.'s room and that is what Tommy and Timmy's van was used for, to clear the MH of the pot plants. Easy breezy, in February they would be seedlings. Small pots. Visualize this: five rows of small pots x 20 in each row, or four rows with twentyfive rows or even better, ten pots x ten rows. Plenty of room in a small bedroom. Door could have been propped open in order to faciliate the removing and putting into the van and also to air out the MH.
All paperwork given to a defendent/victim in the State of Florida is available to the public with the exception of crimes to a minor victim.

So if 202 green was searched, there should be a search warrant availabile. People who own or rented that addy would have been served with document.

That incident report we saw is way toooo brief. There has to be another one around that has some more detail.
Is it truly possible that there are so very many of these [unusual people] that are all involved with what's happened to Haleigh??..Many would be of course after-the-fact and involved in the continued covering up of the crimes against little Haleigh...

Just as tiki and suspicious discussed in ^above^ posts ala..Annette and Teresa Neves having knowledge there was "something" there at the St John's search as we know they were there on the peripheral of the scene of the St John's dock search before even the cops had arrived and began the actual several days long search..

But yet as we know it was Tommy that led LE to both the mondex[which I was not certain of this}and definitely led LE to the entire escapade in all things surrounding the St John's dock search..which in speaking of the dock search not to veer far OT but can you believe that has even been an entire solid year ago this very month..and going back one year to us learning of this much televised search with special excitement here on WS the day that we first got a glimpse of the photo snapped from heli above of Misty in her prison blues with shackles and all there on that St John's boat dock[I even remember it being KellyNC that posted us that first glimpse of Misty on that].. I know atleast for myself personally I was filled with so much hope for the first time in a year and truly truly felt and believed it was all coming down right before our very eyes and that little Haleigh was going to be found..laid to rest..and justice served on those guilty of harming a hair on her head..
Well we all know that far from materialized and still here we are yet a whole another year has passed and IMO not a d@mn bit closer to finding Haleigh and serving justice..Again AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!

Back to those involved and the possibilities.. So Annette and Teresa having knowledge of "something" being at one or both of those search locations..along with having Tommy be the one that actually did the leading of LE to those areas..And then of course Misty's "supposed" knowledge as well{i.e her being brought to the dock to confirm that was the correct well as Granny Flo stating that Misty told her of these "versions" of who/what/where Re:Haleigh's demise}..
Could all of these[+ some]actually be involved and/or know for certain all details of what happened to Haleigh???

I just find that almost near impossible for that to be the case.. For at some point especially when we know the heat has been on as high as it will go on both Tommy and Misty and their own hides being the only thing on the line that desperately needed "something" to save them..And at some point their not having blurted out any of the Cummings part that was taken in Haleigh's demise and cover up..That is what I find to be an ABSOLUTE IMPOSSIBILITY IMO..When push came to shove especially Tommy would have been singing like a bird of the Cummings involvement..with something/anything that he could give LE to in any even teeny way possible could/would tie them to what happened to Haleigh and/or the cover-up...

Their not having done so is for no lack of reason.. It is infact for very very good reason why this didn't happen with the finger pointing and why infact Tommy nor Misty can in any way whatsoever give LE even the teeniest of tiniest of ANYTHING that would have any of their "stories" hold a drop of water.. that is simply because they both are the primary[and IMO quite possibly only]perps of what was done to Haleigh..therefor there is nothing that can be given to substantiate anyone/anything that they have attempted to give LE as the "truth of what happened to Haleigh" because anything/everything that can be used to corroborate or lend itself as any kind of proof whatsoever of the "truth of what happened to Haleigh" directly ties to them..directly points to them..and therefor directly implicates them in the "truth of what happened to Haleigh"..

And that is why IMO until one of them miraculously grows a conscience or there is a deathbed confession[and I have posted in detail about what that would entail and IMO it would mean that beyond a shadow of a doubt it was proven to them that they had zero chance of recovering and were for absolute certain about to die..that is the ONLY way we will get a deathbed confession IMO]..One cannot give any proof to substantiate the other's involvement without self incriminating and thereby admitting their own part and guilt in Haleigh's death..

It is only up to LE..the FBI..investigators..etc to do a bang up superb job of good old fashioned hard azz police footwork and thorough investigating with a fine tooth comb to find a sliver of evidence left behind that can crack the mystery of what happened to little Haleigh Cummings and hopefully lead to her remains being found as well...

jmo tho!

IIRC, the letter that Nay Nay sent to her boyfriend talked about Joe P. signing an affadavitt that Haleigh was put into a black bag and thrown into the Mondex. I think that is what instigated the Mondex search.
That report was finished about 9:40am. That it almost 6 hours of recording events. The narraitve doesn't fit the bill. There just had to be much much more going on then collecting names and addys and BRIEFLY questioning misty.
I think Teresa and her Bf were the ones that came and took Haleigh from the house the BF was the person in black.. I think TN and GGS know exactly where haleigh is! JMO

Wouldn't Jr have recognized "the man in black" if TN & friend did the deed?

What kind of grandparent gets caught up in the disposal of their grandchild? The doper-punk kids, yes I can see. The grandparents being part of the crime IDK - that's way out there IMO. The cover up yes, I agree they are involved in - I don't get it or like it but I see it. (Just look at Cindy Anthony.)

AS & TN could have helped create a much better story than the door is open & HaLeigh's gone, if they had her body. Besides why not call 911 and blame whoever for some accident or just remove drugs from the house and say they have no idea where HaLeigh could have gotten her hands on drugs - not to mention if she died with no visible injuries - wouldn't they assume natural causes until an autopsy said different?

I just can't see them disposing of this little tiny girl - their grandbaby!
IIRC, the letter that Nay Nay sent to her boyfriend talked about Joe P. signing an affadavitt that Haleigh was put into a black bag and thrown into the Mondex. I think that is what instigated the Mondex search.

You're right. For some reason I thought TC was involved with that. Maybe it was just my thinking he took plants there. If TC wasn't involved at all w/mondex, then I will remove my suggestion that Pot Plants are related to him.
Guess not.. I just recall reading IF a case is classified a homicide they do not have to declare it a cold case.. ever And IF it is NOT a cold case they don't have to release any information...JMHO

ETA So I guess they can sit on it til ..The TWELFTH of NEVER.

Well, it was a sad day indeed when this was declared a homicide case. IIRC, that was immediately after the Shell Harbor dock search, where we were eventually told that nothing was found.

The big question has been why did LE change this from abduction to homicide? I think you have answered that question, Em. This is a homicide case so that LE can move on without solving the case but not having to answer to the public.

Some, me included, had hoped there was some type of forensic evidence found that led to reclassification of the case. But there wasn't. It was reclassified for LE's benefit. Certainly not with "justice for Haleigh" in mind.

All JMO.
Well, it was a sad day indeed when this was declared a homicide case. IIRC, that was immediately after the Shell Harbor dock search, where we were eventually told that nothing was found.

The big question has been why did LE change this from abduction to homicide? I think you have answered that question, Em. This is a homicide case so that LE can move on without solving the case but not having to answer to the public.

Some, me included, had hoped there was some type of forensic evidence found that led to reclassification of the case. But there wasn't. It was reclassified for LE's benefit. Certainly not with "justice for Haleigh" in mind.

All JMO.

But then you have to really wonder if it is back to being a missing person case.

The last Press Release by PCSO does not mention a Homicide at all.

Two Year Anniversary of Haleigh Cummings Disappearance
2011-02-09 by: Captain Johnny Greenwood
Haleigh CummingsTomorrow marks two years of investigative efforts into the disappearance of Haleigh Cummings. During the early morning hours of February 10, 2009, Haleigh Cummings was reported missing from her residence in Satsuma. Sheriff Hardy’s interest in the public’s desire to bring Haleigh home, have led him to release the following update on the investigation.
If jr was there and awake, he was old enough to tell what happened. He conveniently has been dismissed.
From what i have seen LE has turned a blind eye on everything.
ron could have and should have been arrested for statury rape for one.
They cant prove neglect because no one in their circle ever complained and the others im sure were afraid of Ronald Cummings.

Hummmmmmmmm :waitasec: Let's see, since we have had the priviledge of knowing Ron, there has been the statutory rape charge, the assault and burglary charge on Tommy, the road rage, waving the gun thing with Charlie Jones, and then of course the drug dealing and partaking........and let's don't forget the "almost lethal drug" that Ron gave father Hank. All of these charges or possible charges were just ignored or dropped.......kinda like Ron's entire arrest history.................Yep.
But then you have to really wonder if it is back to being a missing person case.

The last Press Release by PCSO does not mention a Homicide at all.

Two Year Anniversary of Haleigh Cummings Disappearance
2011-02-09 by: Captain Johnny Greenwood
Haleigh CummingsTomorrow marks two years of investigative efforts into the disappearance of Haleigh Cummings. During the early morning hours of February 10, 2009, Haleigh Cummings was reported missing from her residence in Satsuma. Sheriff Hardy’s interest in the public’s desire to bring Haleigh home, have led him to release the following update on the investigation.

Greenwood AGAIN. I should make an effort to put all of his badly worded press releases into one journal. He failed as a spokesman but apparently did the right thing to get promoted...hmmm.
If jr was there and awake, he was old enough to tell what happened. He conveniently has been dismissed.

I agree, Jr. was right at 4 years old. At that age you can't shut them up if you try. Very observant and talkative. Is that a word? :waitasec:
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