George Kennedy

The more I read about this Kennedy guy, the more I am convinced down under that he is Nevaeh's killer... I worked corrections years ago and this guy has a habit of violating terms of his parole, look at his history... and in short order after being released each time.. There is something about his eyes that haunt me.. and I also am sick of hearing the mother of this child defending herself.. She is just way too nonchalant about the fate of her little darling child and I don't care how one hides emotion, this is way too odd for a mother who has lost her child and especially the horrible way she was found.. just does not make sense. I feel she knows something or is involved in some way... wish they would hurry with the forensics and investigation.. I just have this down deep gut wretching feeling that Kennedy is the murderer of this child.. Innocent until proven guilty sometimes!
The more I read about this Kennedy guy, the more I am convinced down under that he is Nevaeh's killer... I worked corrections years ago and this guy has a habit of violating terms of his parole, look at his history... and in short order after being released each time.. There is something about his eyes that haunt me.. and I also am sick of hearing the mother of this child defending herself.. She is just way too nonchalant about the fate of her little darling child and I don't care how one hides emotion, this is way too odd for a mother who has lost her child and especially the horrible way she was found.. just does not make sense. I feel she knows something or is involved in some way... wish they would hurry with the forensics and investigation.. I just have this down deep gut wretching feeling that Kennedy is the murderer of this child.. Innocent until proven guilty sometimes!

I read GK's statements and I don't think GK believes he is guilty of rape because he said the female who was 15 years of age at the time consented to having sex with him. Maybe she did consent to having sex with GK, then later changed her story and pressed charges against him. In regards to his probation violations, GK says he does not choose to have relationships with mothers with children in order to prey on the children so in this matter too GK does not feel he is guilty of committing the probation violations he was accused of and arrested for. Inside I think GK could really despise and resent LE for insinuating he is a sexual predator when he is not. I can see why GK would hate the Justice system but I don't know how far he was willing to go in retaliation for what they were doing to his life. I don't think GK wasn't ever far off of LE's radar screen but LE will have to see where GK fits into the puzzle. JB stated publicly that she had nothing to do with her daughter's disappearance and she also added that LE has ruled her out as a suspect. IMO LE likely have the DNA results back from the items that were found at the makeshift gravesite and I hope they are able to resolve who killed Nevaeh soon.
I understand what you are saying Bluesky. But a 15 yr old can't consent legally to have sex. No matter how many ways GW can try to justify that in his mind, it was a crime.
GK's began what appears to be a peaceful existence with Savannah Gray near the beginning of May and GK states he hadn't seen JB since he became involved with Savanah. Smart choice. SG is a better partner for GK because she is over 18 years-of-age and from what I understand, she does not have children. My guess is GK is not happy having this indiscrete relationship with JB and NB exposed since he had taken the initiative to stay away from JB and begin a new relationship in which he felt safe. GK by all accounts appears to have made a fresh start in life with a woman who he found comfort with. Did GK murder NB to pay back JB for enticing him into a high risk situation or was JB willing to stake her daughter's life to implicate GK because he was free to move on into a healthier relationship and she felt very offended.
I just don't think GK is guilty at all, imoo
Bluesky - I am a bit shocked at your post.

First, GK was an adult male who had sex with a child. A 15 year old girl is a CHILD and cannot consent to have sex with an adult anymore than she can enter into contracts, buy alcohol, cigarettes or drive a car. That GK said the girl consented is simply his way of excusing his crime. I am surprised that you sympathize with him on this issue.

Second, it doesn't matter that GK "feels" he did nothing wrong by having a relationship with the Buchanan's. He violated the clear terms of his parole, no matter what his personal interpretation of the conditions imposed by the parole board may have been. Apparently his refusal to adhere to the terms clearly defined in writing and in his native language, concerned his parole officer such that he was sent to confined in-house "therapy" for 7 months of the 2 years of his parole.

Third, what would you call a 29 year old man who has sex with a 15 year old child other than a sexual predator? There is no excuse for trying to soft peddle this issue. He is a child rapist - period.

Fourth, GK can despise and resent LE all he wants but LE didn't make him commit a home invasion or rape a child. He got what he deserved. I despise and resent him because he was given a second chance in life and was paroled, only to violate the terms of his freedom on at least 3 occasions, showing his contempt for the justice system that was showing leniency to him. I resent and despise those who allowed him to violate without consequence and did not return him to prison to serve the remainder of his sentence.

Fifth, I am perplexed that you post of retaliation for what "they" were doing to him. By "they" I assume you mean LE. Bluesky, GK did this to himself and has no one to blame but himself. LE has the responsibility to keep an eye on paroled felons to protect the community from them. Even if you dismiss the child rape issue out of hand due to an ill-conceived notion of "consent" he is also guilty of entering someone's residence, while they were home to rob them by violent force. He is a dangerous and violent person who has not rehabilitated and must be kept away from the general public.

Sixth, his "indiscreet" relationship with the Buchanan's is exactly his problem. The fact that he stayed away after he got a new girlfriend is moot. The horse was already out of the barn.

Seventh, that he found "comfort" with his new girlfriend and a "peaceful existence" is irrelevant, even if true. He continued to associated with known felons, another violation of the terms of his parole.

I have a difficult time understanding your position on these issues. I am not trying to attack you, so please do not take it as such. However, I am trying to open your eyes and clear your thought processes. Whether GK is involved in NB's murder or not, the fact remains that he was a non-compliant parolee and must now pay the consequences.

Should it become known that he is responsible in any way for her murder, will you still be sympathetic to him and his suffering at the hands of LE who labeled him a sexual predator or will you be angry that he was released early, found to be in violation of his parole on 3 occasions and was not returned to the slammer before he had the chance to kill NB?

The only thing we know for sure is that he can do no more harm to innocent people while he is behind bars and I am personally relieved by this fact.
I snipped some stuff from various articles the other day and copy and pasted it into word. I think I was preparing to post it under "conflicting accounts/statements" or somewhere. I think JB has been one walking conflicting statement from the get-go, so I guess I'll just throw this up here as it's all about George Kennedy anyway. I think he is key to the abduction and murder of Nevaeh, but not for obvious reasons.

I don't think he was anywhere near Charlotte Arms Apartments, and I believe if JB did have anything to do with this horrific crime against her own child, and you looked at motive, I believe it was jealousy and revenge.

Here are a few of the statements that jumped out at me in review ~
Kennedy admitted that he knew having a relationship with Nevaeh's mother could get him shipped back to prison.
Buchanan and her mother, Sherry Buchanan,learned shortly after he met them that he was a registered sexual offender
he had served part of a two to 15-year sentence for the sexual assault of a teen girl in 1998.
He said Sherry Buchanan, who took custody of Nevaeh while Jennifer spent 11 months in jail, made sure that he was never alone with the child.
"I was a father figure to that little girl," he said.
Kennedy said he hasn't seen Nevaeh and her mother in more than a month, about the time he began dating Ms. Gray.
"I didn't take her and I definitely didn't kill her," he said.
He said he was cleared as a person of interest after authorities checked his alibis against witness statements, receipts, and video surveillance and came up with nothing.
He said he had used the car of his girlfriend's mother to take friends to the county inmate dormitory about 7:15 p.m. May 24 to visit their friend. He said he went to the motel and to a nearby gas station, where he believes he appeared on video. He went back to the dormitory and took his friends to their home.
Investigators searched Kennedy's motel room after an 8-year-old neighbor boy who said the girl was kidnapped by a "bad man" and stabbed.
Bloodstained shorts, a towel, and blood spots on a wall from his motel bathroom, and a multiknife tool set taken from a 1993 GMC van that Kennedy was driving were tested at the Michigan State Police crime lab.
However, Sheriff Tilman Crutchfield said none of the property belonging to Kennedy matched Nevaeh's DNA.
Kennedy was one month away from being released from parole
he said he had planned to move from Monroe to Ohio to be closer to his son and daughter, who lives with her mother in Toledo, and other family.
"All three of our relationships together was like a family. He claimed her as a daughter," Buchanan said. "He was in my daughter's life more than her own father.

- radio interview where Jennifer denies having any relationship other than a friendship with Kennedy:

Do you think that George Kennedy or anyone associated with George Kennedy had any involvement with the disappearance of your daughter, Nevaeh?

BUCHANAN: I`m pretty sure that probably someone associated with George or his girlfriend

I snipped some stuff from various articles the other day and copy and pasted it into word. I think I was preparing to post it under "conflicting accounts/statements" or somewhere. I think JB has been one walking conflicting statement from the get-go, so I guess I'll just throw this up here as it's all about George Kennedy anyway. I think he is key to the abduction and murder of Nevaeh, but not for obvious reasons.

I don't think he was anywhere near Charlotte Arms Apartments, and I believe if JB did have anything to do with this horrific crime against her own child, and you looked at motive, I believe it was jealousy and revenge.

Here are a few of the statements that jumped out at me in review ~
Kennedy admitted that he knew having a relationship with Nevaeh's mother could get him shipped back to prison.
Buchanan and her mother, Sherry Buchanan,learned shortly after he met them that he was a registered sexual offender
he had served part of a two to 15-year sentence for the sexual assault of a teen girl in 1998.
He said Sherry Buchanan, who took custody of Nevaeh while Jennifer spent 11 months in jail, made sure that he was never alone with the child.
"I was a father figure to that little girl," he said.
Kennedy said he hasn't seen Nevaeh and her mother in more than a month, about the time he began dating Ms. Gray.
"I didn't take her and I definitely didn't kill her," he said.
He said he was cleared as a person of interest after authorities checked his alibis against witness statements, receipts, and video surveillance and came up with nothing.
He said he had used the car of his girlfriend's mother to take friends to the county inmate dormitory about 7:15 p.m. May 24 to visit their friend. He said he went to the motel and to a nearby gas station, where he believes he appeared on video. He went back to the dormitory and took his friends to their home.
Investigators searched Kennedy's motel room after an 8-year-old neighbor boy who said the girl was kidnapped by a "bad man" and stabbed.
Bloodstained shorts, a towel, and blood spots on a wall from his motel bathroom, and a multiknife tool set taken from a 1993 GMC van that Kennedy was driving were tested at the Michigan State Police crime lab.
However, Sheriff Tilman Crutchfield said none of the property belonging to Kennedy matched Nevaeh's DNA.
Kennedy was one month away from being released from parole
he said he had planned to move from Monroe to Ohio to be closer to his son and daughter, who lives with her mother in Toledo, and other family.
"All three of our relationships together was like a family. He claimed her as a daughter," Buchanan said. "He was in my daughter's life more than her own father.

- radio interview where Jennifer denies having any relationship other than a friendship with Kennedy:

Do you think that George Kennedy or anyone associated with George Kennedy had any involvement with the disappearance of your daughter, Nevaeh?

BUCHANAN: I`m pretty sure that probably someone associated with George or his girlfriend

I agree, she has made some conflicting statements. I have never understood her relationship with GK. How she could have ANY type of relationship with a RSO is beyond me. I have raised my children as a single parent after their father died, and I have been very selective about who I would have around my kids and in their life. My kids are almost grown now. NEVER would I allow a RSO in my life (even as a so-called "friend"). That would be to me a "turn off" as I believe they cannot be rehabilitated, and I would NEVER allow someone like that around my children - even now - even though they are almost grown. The statement that he made that he was "like a father" to NB makes me sick. I feel sorry for JB because she has lost her child in a horrifying murder, but she really needs help. She lives a very dysfunctional life. JMO
Taken from Monroe Evening News July 25, 2009
Nevaeh Buchanan Task Force lists latest report

The Nevaeh Buchanan Task Force issued a press release Friday that discusses the number of tips it has received to date and attempts to clear up some rumors that have been talked about in regards to the investigation.

The task force reports it is continuing to follow up on the more than 1,200 tips and resulting leads on the case, in which the 5-year-old Monroe girl went missing May 24 and was found dead June 4.

"Only partial results have been received on the analysis of evidence recovered at the gravesite and submitted to the Michigan State Police Crime Laboratory," the notice said.

In the meantime, the task force reports there is a rumor circulating "in the news community" that a driver's license of George Kennedy was found in the River Raisin. Mr. Kennedy was reported as a person of interest early in the investigation.

However, the story as related in the rumor is not correct.

Here is what the officers are saying: "An expired state of Michigan identification card belonging to George Kennedy was found by a passerby on Wednesday, July 22, in a small creek alongside Telegraph Road near where Kennedy was residing. It does not appear to have any significance to the Buchanan investigation."
ID card found in creek not seen as relevant to Nevaeh investigation

Article published July 26, 2009

MONROE - An expired state of Michigan identification card that was found Wednesday in a small creek along Telegraph Road does not appear to have any relevance to the ongoing investigation surrounding the slaying of 5-year-old Nevaeh Buchanan, according to a statement issued by the Monroe County Sheriff's Office.

The document belonged to George Kennedy, 39, a registered sex offender who has been described by authorities as a boyfriend of the child's mother, Jennifer Buchanan, and a "person of interest" in the case
The Monroe County Sheriff's Office said the ID card was found by a passerby, but "does not appear to have any significance to the Buchanan investigation."

Ok this little tidbit about this ID being found does not sit right with me.
How convenient this is, that this ID just happened to be found along side a creek and happened to belong to one of the POI's. Didn't ole Georgy boy claim he had been out fishing the day Neveah went missing? Perfect find for a perfect he can say "see I told you I was out fishing" I wonder if he mentioned that he had lost this ID to LE when they were questioning him?
There is something up here and it stinks...:mad:
ID card found in creek not seen as relevant to Nevaeh investigation

Article published July 26, 2009

MONROE - An expired state of Michigan identification card that was found Wednesday in a small creek along Telegraph Road does not appear to have any relevance to the ongoing investigation surrounding the slaying of 5-year-old Nevaeh Buchanan, according to a statement issued by the Monroe County Sheriff's Office.

The document belonged to George Kennedy, 39, a registered sex offender who has been described by authorities as a boyfriend of the child's mother, Jennifer Buchanan, and a "person of interest" in the case
The Monroe County Sheriff's Office said the ID card was found by a passerby, but "does not appear to have any significance to the Buchanan investigation."

Ok this little tidbit about this ID being found does not sit right with me.
How convenient this is, that this ID just happened to be found along side a creek and happened to belong to one of the POI's. Didn't ole Georgy boy claim he had been out fishing the day Neveah went missing? Perfect find for a perfect he can say "see I told you I was out fishing" I wonder if he mentioned that he had lost this ID to LE when they were questioning him?
There is something up here and it stinks...:mad:

I like to know where was it found and how near was it to were Neveah was found??? do we even know know where GK was fishing that day?
I agree something up here and it stinks :mad:
Read it the opposite way: that the ID found is not "significant" to the case, that is, that it doesn't establish a fishing alibi. That means it doesn't indicate anything about the case. The statement is a very cagy one.

Maybe LE is being very ambiguous for a reason.
Thanks Bessie

Hmm. If they thought it was him it might explain why there doesn't seem to be a blazing hurry to get the perp off the streets. I had forgotten about the ID in the creek. What a coincidence.

I miss tfroh...
Yeah, that's my thinking, too, Donjeta. GK was never really cleared, even though a couple of his friends offered him an alibi. Sheriff Crutchfield has said repeatedly that the public is not in danger. How could he be so sure unless he knows the perp is incarcerated. Maybe I read too much into the Sheriff's words, but I got the impression he was referring to GK. JMO

I miss tfroh, too.

This is from 2009
Sheriff Crutchfield said this morning that despite a reported alibi for George Kennedy, a friend of the family who is restricted from being around children because of his past, he remains a person of interest. #"Nobody has been cleared," the sheriff said

May 23, 2012
He said he believes authorities know or believe they know who the killer is, based on recent public comments by Monroe County Sheriff Tilman Crutchfield. The sheriff said the public is not in danger, leading to speculation the suspect or suspects are already in custody or dead.|

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