Guilty Proclaim Innocence on TV: Video of Drew P, Scott P, Susan Smith, Mark Hacking

You may not know that DB/JI are so far getting away with anything, others feel that they do know.

Narcissism is a personality disorder known as NPD. In the world of narcissism, it is known that virtually all psychopaths are narcissists.
Psychopathy is most often viewed as a particularly virulent type of narcissism, in which the person is not only completely focused on themselves, but also highly manipulative, sometimes sadistic, and very much into control and power. Does this sound somewhat like DB and/or JI? It probably won't to those who believe that SODDI, but for those who believe that one or both of the parents know what happened to Lisa, this will sound just like them.

Narcissism can be identified in individuals quite easily for those who are used to spotting it. I believed that DB was a narcissist the day I saw the Megyn Kelly interview. You should read up on narcissism just for is a very fascinating disorder.
I'm curious to see some examples of Debbie and Jeremy showing signs of narcissism. And if you feel that these examples may be a sign of psychopathy. Should they be institutionalized?
Drew Peterson hasn't been convicted yet, but how many think that HE is innocent?

The video provided by redheadedgal shows video of Scott Peterson, Susan Smith and Mark Hacking. The talking heads pointed out how Drew Peterson was different than these people. I would agree that another difference would be that he hasn't been convicted yet.
I'm curious to see some examples of Debbie and Jeremy showing signs of narcissism. And if you feel that these examples may be a sign of psychopathy. Should they be institutionalized?

At the risk of sparking yet another off topic argument, I will refrain from giving examples of what I and many others see as DB being narcissistic. Those of us who see it and have, in fact, discussed it here on other threads, already know what the examples are. For those who support DB, they won't see it. And, I never said that she was psychopathic or should be institutionalized. Your post brought that part into it.
If someone has some of the traits associated with this problem, does it mean that they are violent and prone to hurt other people? What I'm asking is being a narcissistic person automatically make you a danger to others? Should all narcissistic people be institutionalized to protect society? Or are there gray areas that should be considered?

Should they be institutionalized?


The show is about supposed victims of crime speaking out to media only to months later be found guilty of killing a spouse or children. I thought it would make for a good comparison exercise with DB and JI.
taking a poll (to get thread back on track):

who felt susan smith was lying right from the start?

(please "thank" this post if you agree)
taking a poll (to get thread back on track):

who felt susan smith was lying right from the start?

(please "thank" this post if you agree)

I didn't...but then again, I didn't think DB was either. Contrary to what some might think, I am not quick to make judgement on such things. I even thought Scott Peterson was innocent!
Came across this 2007 video... The show is about supposed victims of crime speaking out to media only to months later be found guilty of killing a spouse or children. I thought it would make for a good comparison exercise with DB and JI.

Of note: Bill Stanton (Yep! lol) was one of the guests on this MSNBC show... He stated:

(Guilty speak out to) "spin things in their favor. The whole world is looking at them closely and they feel they're smarter than everyone else and they feel they can go on, shed a tear, shake their head a few times, that they're gonna convince Mom and Pop America -who's very forgiving- that they didn't do it".

Interesting that he, years later, is one of several who proclaim LI's parents innocent. This is quite amazing to me... considering the behavior he's describing describes DB and JI -- and there's no evidence of a SODDI.

A criminal profiler then states that these people do this b/c they have a history of lying (and getting away with it) and they are narcissistic and crave attention -- two things that have been said about DB.
In the original post there is this statement about it being said that DB is narcissistic and that a criminal profiler states that these people are narcissistic.

How is asking about that subject considered to be off topic if it's in the original post?
did anyone else think scott p was telling the truth?

(like this post if you agree - thanks)
did anyone else think scott p was telling the truth?

(like this post if you agree - thanks)

Well, maybe it wasn't so much that I thought he was telling the truth, but that I gave more weight to giving him the benefit of the doubt. And, I have to say that this was in the very beginning of the case, like the first week. That's usually all it takes for me to fall off the fence. I'm definitely not a person who immediately says someone is guilty as soon as I hear the circumstances of a case. But, I definitely can see the writing on the wall once i get some overwhelming facts and will not stubbornly hold onto an opinion just because I thought a certain way at one point.

Off topic a bit - I'm reading Catherine Crier's book about Scott Peterson right now and learning a lot of things that I hadn't heard before in the press. It's pretty interesting!
I'm definitely not a person who immediately says someone is guilty as soon as I hear the circumstances of a case. But, I definitely can see the writing on the wall once i get some overwhelming facts and will not stubbornly hold onto an opinion just because I thought a certain way at one point.

Off topic a bit - I'm reading Catherine Crier's book about Scott Peterson right now and learning a lot of things that I hadn't heard before in the press. It's pretty interesting!

i seem to pick a side asap... and thought these parents were lying as soon as this case was reported in the news and they were shown on tv....

i haven't read anything about SP except threads here -- and his website lol :what: :floorlaugh:
They simply have no motive to share what kind of evidence they have.

I don't think it is callous. I think their job is to solidify a conviction.

Don't you think it hurt Susan Smith to go on tv and boohoo about the two black men that carjacked her, all the while knowing that wasn't the case?

Don't you think the jury considered Scott Peterson's performance all the while knowing exactly what happened to Lacy and Conner?
I think that it definitely hurt Susan Smith to falsely accuse black men of a crime that they didn't commit.

It's been awhile but I think that the jury in Scott Peterson's case saw his television interviews during the trial. And yes, I believe that they considered that in finding him guilty of killing Lacy and Conner.
I think that it definitely hurt Susan Smith to falsely accuse black men of a crime that they didn't commit.

It's been awhile but I think that the jury in Scott Peterson's case saw his television interviews during the trial. And yes, I believe that they considered that in finding him guilty of killing Lacy and Conner.

I think that is relevant in this case. If DB or JI are ever arrested and tried, those interviews are going to come back to haunt them. JMHO
I think that is relevant in this case. If DB or JI are ever arrested and tried, those interviews are going to come back to haunt them. JMHO

I agree that if DB or JI or both are arrested then anything they've ever said to anyone could be relevant. JMO.
If DB or JI are ever arrested and tried, those interviews are going to come back to haunt them. JMHO

are there any particular statements made by either of them that you believe will be especially "telling"?

btw, just did some research on when DP's trial is to begin... july 23 w/ jury selection... i wanted to watch (if it's televised) but with olympics and traveling late july - mid august, i doubt i will be able to... grrr.
are there any particular statements made by either of them that you believe will be especially "telling"?

btw, just did some research on when DP's trial is to begin... july 23 w/ jury selection... i wanted to watch (if it's televised) but with olympics and traveling late july - mid august, i doubt i will be able to... grrr.

Me too! Man, that trial is going to be good!

I personally think that the changing times that DB said she put Lisa to bed is going to be a big thing because she apparently did so BEFORE she was "falling down drunk" and won't be considered lack of memory because of her drinking.
Drew Peterson hasn't been convicted yet, but how many think that HE is innocent?

not many according to the poll here:

[ame=""]POLL: What do you think happened to Stacy? - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

(the "none of the above"? don't get it... at all)
Just to give a glimpse of the other side of the story, here are two cases where innocent parents proclaimed their innocence and weren't believed...

[ame=""]Julie Rae Has Been Wrongly Convicted - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

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