Hand Writing Comparison; Breakthrough

For some really good close up side by sides of the Zodiac's writing compared to the writing in the Cheri Jo Bates case, check this out:

I think Timecop's issue is that he is comparing his suspect's writing to ONLY the Cheri jo Bates case writing which was disguised,and the confirmed Zodiac writing was more of his true writing
For some really good close up side by sides of the Zodiac's writing compared to the writing in the Cheri Jo Bates case, check this out:

I think Timecop's issue is that he is comparing his suspect's writing to ONLY the Cheri jo Bates case writing which was disguised,and the confirmed Zodiac writing was more of his true writing

Sorry for not being informed on this case, but can you tell me, who is Cheri Jo Bates? Do they think it is connected to the Zodiac killer?
I'm not sure I see the similarity that you do. In the first picture, the horizontal line that crosses the "f" in that of the Zodiac letter is very straight while in you POI letter is has a downward curve on each side. The "g" is also different with the tail being off to the left in the Zodiac letter and straight down in your POI letter. These two letters look more similar to one another in the second set of letters. For example, in the second letter, the tail of the Zodiac's "g" does change to be more straight downward, though. Look at the "r" though in the second POI letter compared to the "r" in the Zodiac letter. The Zodiac letter is well-formed with the curved line staying connected to the straight line until they are supposed to separate at the top where in the POI letter the lines separate, almost looking like a "v". Also, the "u" and the "e" in the second POI letter is quite different from those same letters in the Zodiac letter.

All of this being said, I'm no handwriting expert and I would like to know more of your story. Is there another thread or post where you explain the background on how you came to suspect your POI?
This is a very good analysis. There are some similarities between the samples but there are just as many discrepancies.

Isn't there some question as to whether or not the "desktop poem" was actually written by the Zodiac killer or someone else? Such doubt would cast further doubt upon the comparison between TimeCop's POI and the Zodiac killer.
I guess I am not porfessional. I have bad eyes and no editor. I am a GED graduate, sorry I did not have proper education. Doh. Too late now.
Here, look at these and see if it opens your eyes.

Public domain is publuc domain I guess. My book,whenedited will blow the threads away. I have not even began/begun to tell the story.I am not getting paid to post here either. I have the origianl letters my POI sent me locked away safe. I can always say, I DID this and all anyone else has is, I coppied that guy. Oh well. Take a peak,please. Sorry I am not professional...blah.
I see more discrepancies here than matches. The Zodiac's writing from the pink letter has a decided slant to the right, while your POIs writing slants to the left. In addition, none of the Rs in your example seem to match each other.

It's far more useful if you provide longer writing examples and use a highlighter on the letters that look like matches than it is to cut/paste individual letters from the samples for comparison. That way, we can evaluate the overall style and flow. Presumably your POIs handwriting (in the context you've described it) is more hastily written and informal than the Zodiac's writing, which was definitely carefully planned and considered. Sometimes larger samples allow us to somewhat compensate for the differences in intent between an informal and a formal sample.

Your POI's number 2 is different from Zodiac's. Zodiac writes his number 2 just like the letter Z,he does not use a curl at the top where as your guy does. Other letters look more similar. More samples needed. You need a professional questioned documents examiner, and you need writing samples from Zodiac that are 100% authenticated as being written by Zodiac(not possibly written by zodiac)to compare to your POI
Good catch. It's also good advice. Submitting full copies of the POIs handwriting and comparison samples from known Zodiac writing to a professional analyst couldn't hurt. If TimeCop is planning to write a book about this, an opinion from a professional handwriting analyst saying that the writing is a match would definitely add to the book's credibility, and an opinion saying that they didn't match would probably give TimeCop some peace of mind that his acquaintance, the POI, isn't the Zodiac killer.

Also it seems your POI does two stroke "K" 's, while Zodiac mostly did 3 stroke "K" 's. I seem some matches, some mismatches. I have looked at dozens of POI's handwriting samples over the years, there are often lots of matches with some mismatches. You are welcome to post more at Morf's site, at which you are a member, www.zodiackillersite.forummotion.com , and we can discuss it more.
Another good find.

I see similarities as well, but the Zodiac has a forward slant to his writing that I don't see in the POI'S. But many of the letters do appear to be similar.
Yes. That is really eyecatching imho. Of course a person could intentionally do this. I find it unlikely as it doesn't seem like TimeCop's POI would have any reason to believe that his handwriting would be compared to the Zodiac's writing someday. If the Zodiac were the POI and trying to disguise his handwriting when he wrote the Zodiac letters, one would presume that some of the more distinctive features, such as the tailless Gs, would also have been disguised in the Zodiac letters.

For anyone who is interested, my qualifications in handwriting comparison is elaborated in this post:
[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=9676600&postcount=146"]Zodiac Killer pg. 6 post 146[/ame]

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