IN - Abby & Libby - The Delphi Murders - Richard Allen Arrested - #165

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No, but neither have the defence claimed responsibility. The wording doesn’t seem very legalese, quite informal actually for what normally would be an important motion. JMO
I was thinking this as well! I had literally just said to a friend I was going to look for a more official source because this does not seem legit!!
This is a footnote on the document released. IT has to do with the defense keeping this Odinist angle quiet from him until they investigated it througoughly. Does this sound like something a lawyer would say? "Rick would remain in the hell hole"

16 This decision has been painfully and emotionally difficult for Rick’s defense team, as defense counsel recognized that while the Defense took the necessary time to review the discovery to establish the Odinist links both to the murders and to the Westville Correctional Facility, defense counsel was also aware that Rick would remain in his hell hole at Westville subject to the cruelty of Sgt. Jones and Sgt. Robinson and perhaps other Odinite corrections officers. This was especially painful at the June 15, 2023, hearing to transport Rick to Cass County as defense counsel knew at that time of the links between the murders and Odinism and Westville. Unfortunately, defense counsel needed additional time to fully understand and verify the facts before leveling such accusations. This is the reason that the Defense tactically decided to keep its knowledge to itself rather than reveal that knowledge in open court at the hearing. Unified Command and the prosecution’s hiding of exculpatory evidence is even more angering because difficult strategic decisions could have been avoided had McCleland offered the exculpatory documents sooner. Perhaps, then, Rick would have filed for speedy trial or would have been removed from Westville as the Defense would have been able to more fully inform the Court about the facts of the case.

..”The court document also references a Rushville investigator's 85-page report, which claims the FBI Behavioral Analysis Unit found "the individual(s) responsible for the homicides were involved in Nordic beliefs."

ISP investigators, however, dispute that assertion, saying the FBI unit never made such a finding.

Carroll County Sheriff Tony Liggett and a spokesperson for ISP declined to comment further, citing a gag order in the case.

News 18 reached out to Carroll County Prosecutor Nicholas McLeland but hasn't immediately heard back.”
This is a footnote on the document released. IT has to do with the defense keeping this Odinist angle quiet from him until they investigated it througoughly. Does this sound like something a lawyer would say? "Rick would remain in the hell hole"

16 This decision has been painfully and emotionally difficult for Rick’s defense team, as defense counsel recognized that while the Defense took the necessary time to review the discovery to establish the Odinist links both to the murders and to the Westville Correctional Facility, defense counsel was also aware that Rick would remain in his hell hole at Westville subject to the cruelty of Sgt. Jones and Sgt. Robinson and perhaps other Odinite corrections officers. This was especially painful at the June 15, 2023, hearing to transport Rick to Cass County as defense counsel knew at that time of the links between the murders and Odinism and Westville. Unfortunately, defense counsel needed additional time to fully understand and verify the facts before leveling such accusations. This is the reason that the Defense tactically decided to keep its knowledge to itself rather than reveal that knowledge in open court at the hearing. Unified Command and the prosecution’s hiding of exculpatory evidence is even more angering because difficult strategic decisions could have been avoided had McCleland offered the exculpatory documents sooner. Perhaps, then, Rick would have filed for speedy trial or would have been removed from Westville as the Defense would have been able to more fully inform the Court about the facts of the case.
Only a lawyer in a very bad, low budget movie IMO
Only a lawyer in a very bad, low budget movie IMO
I mean maybe in court when going back and forth in discussion I could see that being said out of frustration.. "he's going to remain in that hell hole of a place" or since they claimed conditions were bad.. maybe saying that to the judge that the prison was a hell hole and their client was suffering or something, but in an official document for the court to take seriously and read? The wording all over it is just off. The way it reads is like a juicy gossip magazine, not an official document. I half of what is stated is true, then why isn't this written in some type of filing to dismiss the case or to bring up the officers conduct or the prison officials conduct in some legal way? If guards are threatening their client, they allow him to remain in the prison without helping him so they can investigate the Odin connections first.. for months before filing this odd document? It's just off.
Can someone please sum up, maybe in bullet points, what we’ve learned today? Is it true that a witness said the guy she saw on the bridge was a young man with puffy hair? AKA the young guy sketch?
It feels like bad fan fiction ( I am pages in) and you have to wonder who is feeding them this information.

So a suspect asked “what would happen if they found spit on one or the girls” and he could explain it away.

Well if this was remotely true then there would be DNA evidence of this occurring on the body. So why would LE cover this up? It simply doesn’t add up IMO
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Interesting that it’s documented that Richard Allen had prior knowledge of Odinist.

>>Max Baker and Matt Hoffman have both been a part of Richard Allen’s Defense team since December 2022 and have met with Richard on several occasions. Paragraph 10 of Max Baker’s affidavit (Exhibit 115) provides insight into some of what was going on at Westville with Odinist guards Jones and Robinson:

During one memorable visit on May 4, 2023, myself, Attorney Baldwin, and Attorney Rozzi met with Richard Allen to discuss matters involving the case. At this time, Richard Allen was in a mental and physical state of deterioration and was nearly non-communicative. During the visit, Richard Allen repeatedly asked whether or not his Wife was okay and if his family was okay. He claimed on a couple of occasions that “they were going to kill him.” When asked who he was referring to as “they”, Richard Allen responded by saying the guys with the Odin patches. Up to this point in the legal process, Richard Allen’s Defense team had never mentioned Odinites or Odinism to Richard Allen either directly or indirectly. The first time I’m aware of any mention of odinite involvement to Richard Allen was during a visit on August 25, 2023, when Kathy Allen attended, and a discussion occurred between Attorney and client regarding ties to the crime scene;>>

[Page 122]

Reckon he was a lurker on their Facebook then framed them for his murders now is stuck with them in charge.

All imo
This is a footnote on the document released. IT has to do with the defense keeping this Odinist angle quiet from him until they investigated it througoughly. Does this sound like something a lawyer would say? "Rick would remain in the hell hole"

16 This decision has been painfully and emotionally difficult for Rick’s defense team, as defense counsel recognized that while the Defense took the necessary time to review the discovery to establish the Odinist links both to the murders and to the Westville Correctional Facility, defense counsel was also aware that Rick would remain in his hell hole at Westville subject to the cruelty of Sgt. Jones and Sgt. Robinson and perhaps other Odinite corrections officers. This was especially painful at the June 15, 2023, hearing to transport Rick to Cass County as defense counsel knew at that time of the links between the murders and Odinism and Westville. Unfortunately, defense counsel needed additional time to fully understand and verify the facts before leveling such accusations. This is the reason that the Defense tactically decided to keep its knowledge to itself rather than reveal that knowledge in open court at the hearing. Unified Command and the prosecution’s hiding of exculpatory evidence is even more angering because difficult strategic decisions could have been avoided had McCleland offered the exculpatory documents sooner. Perhaps, then, Rick would have filed for speedy trial or would have been removed from Westville as the Defense would have been able to more fully inform the Court about the facts of the case.
I noted the same phrase as questionable!! The copy I am reading says "Final Draft". I do not see a seal from the courts - does anyone?
It feels like bad fan fiction ( I am pages in) and you have to wonder who is feeding them this information.

So a suspect asked “what would happen if they found spit on one or the girls” and he could explain it away.

Well if this was remotely true then there would be DNA evidence of this occurring on the body. So why would LE cover this up? It simply doesn’t add up IMO
I think this "document" is bollocks. The media outlet where I originally found it had taken it down shortly after I posted it here. I recall that last week or the week before on a particular social media platform, there was a lot of discussion about something major that was about to happen in this case that was set to happen mid September. I recall further that there was a lot of jibber jabber about the source of that assertion. Today's info, I suspect is a result of that, and I do not believe the document is real.
This is a footnote on the document released. IT has to do with the defense keeping this Odinist angle quiet from him until they investigated it througoughly. Does this sound like something a lawyer would say? "Rick would remain in the hell hole"

16 This decision has been painfully and emotionally difficult for Rick’s defense team, as defense counsel recognized that while the Defense took the necessary time to review the discovery to establish the Odinist links both to the murders and to the Westville Correctional Facility, defense counsel was also aware that Rick would remain in his hell hole at Westville subject to the cruelty of Sgt. Jones and Sgt. Robinson and perhaps other Odinite corrections officers. This was especially painful at the June 15, 2023, hearing to transport Rick to Cass County as defense counsel knew at that time of the links between the murders and Odinism and Westville. Unfortunately, defense counsel needed additional time to fully understand and verify the facts before leveling such accusations. This is the reason that the Defense tactically decided to keep its knowledge to itself rather than reveal that knowledge in open court at the hearing. Unified Command and the prosecution’s hiding of exculpatory evidence is even more angering because difficult strategic decisions could have been avoided had McCleland offered the exculpatory documents sooner. Perhaps, then, Rick would have filed for speedy trial or would have been removed from Westville as the Defense would have been able to more fully inform the Court about the facts of the case.
Of course, these are the same people who compared RA's living conditions to a prisoner of war, a dog in a kennel, etc. They were being called unprofessional then too. Just a thought. But I'm waiting for more official sources for today's motion...
Also I believe the girls were missed pretty much straight away so are we meant to believe there was a massive cult murdering the girls and nobody spotted these individuals walking away from crime scene?

Let’s not forget RA placed himself on the bridge moments before the girls arrived.

Interesting that it’s documented that Richard Allen had prior knowledge of Odinist.

>>Max Baker and Matt Hoffman have both been a part of Richard Allen’s Defense team since December 2022 and have met with Richard on several occasions. Paragraph 10 of Max Baker’s affidavit (Exhibit 115) provides insight into some of what was going on at Westville with Odinist guards Jones and Robinson:

During one memorable visit on May 4, 2023, myself, Attorney Baldwin, and Attorney Rozzi met with Richard Allen to discuss matters involving the case. At this time, Richard Allen was in a mental and physical state of deterioration and was nearly non-communicative. During the visit, Richard Allen repeatedly asked whether or not his Wife was okay and if his family was okay. He claimed on a couple of occasions that “they were going to kill him.” When asked who he was referring to as “they”, Richard Allen responded by saying the guys with the Odin patches. Up to this point in the legal process, Richard Allen’s Defense team had never mentioned Odinites or Odinism to Richard Allen either directly or indirectly. The first time I’m aware of any mention of odinite involvement to Richard Allen was during a visit on August 25, 2023, when Kathy Allen attended, and a discussion occurred between Attorney and client regarding ties to the crime scene;>>

[Page 122]

Reckon he was a lurker on their Facebook then framed them for his murders now is stuck with them in charge.

All imo
Okay, I perhaps am looking for fault, but what lawyer capitalizes the words "wife" and "attorney" or puts comma outside of quotation marks as in the above excerpt?

I know, I know, people will say these are minor mistakes, but an educated person with experience in formal writing doesn't make them.

If the doc is legit, I'm unimpressed.

The tedious step by step description of redressing a body broke any believability to me. The person who wrote this out has likely never dressed a sleeping child. The wrote it as if a nurse was dressing a bariatric coma patient that couldn't be sat up, not a teenager that they had already murdered and don't have to worry about maintaining airways...
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