IN - Terry and Darleen Anderson Murder, Mungo, 22 Oct 2005 - #3

Welcome to WS Jorjamay! I too wonder if it was two people who committed the crime. It's been so long, I forget if there was a blood trail between the house and barn. I still can't figure out in my mind how there were no bloody foot prints from the perps. No palm, or finger prints.... NO fibers from the perps clothing......... It makes no sense. Imagining, and I hate to write this out, the amount of blood, I can not see how the perps could have avoided leaving a blood trail of some kind.

I agree it was someone VERY familiar with the family and very comfortable in the home. I think the dog was tied up prior to the events occuring, to keep the dog from possibly attacking the perps.

I think it was done to obtain drug money and weapons, either for personal usage by the addict or to pay a debt owed to a dealer. Someone HAD to be under the influence of drugs while commiting this crime. It is simply too evil, too overkill to have not been in a drug induced rage -or- a need to get high induced rage.

I STILL think it was commited by someone in A's 'sphere of influence' - whether it be someone who knew of her family through a direct associate of A's that A' may never have met. I am convinced it was tied to that circle.

I pray LE has some info, something that they are working on, and only need further proof to file charges.

Continued prayers for Justice!
Thanks for the welcome, Cubby

From what I have read LE found no blood trail but given the fact that they hand the house back to the family with in 48hours and they did not realize they were dealing with a double murder at first, I am not sure if they were really lucking for one,
They was also no blood transfere between the victoms.... It's really a strange crime
hi every body:woohoo::woohoo::woohoo::clap::):crazy::chicken::rolleyes::woohoo::woohoo::woohoo::woohoo::woohoo::woohoo:
JT - There was no 'last time' I have seen or spoken to 'A'. It was the moment I/we left the property to be ~ 'the last time we spoke' and it was the murders that were tattooed in my/our brain - not her drug abuse.
It never occured to me/us regarding her/XBF's drug abuse (even knowing what they both were doing that very night of the homicides) until weeks after we had left ` so that did not seem to be a problem as far as communication issues... (her being in a fogg)

I have no desires to contact Miss 'A' nor want to know what she might have to say. She's currently in Michigan's Finest Jail system and deseves to be right in that spot.

If she has anything important to say then she should/could go to LE and speak to them. She certainly can get the reward money and maybe her sentancing will be lowered (if she has info on the murders) for her crimes she has committed and in jail for....

She has shown NO connection to me as a sister in 3.5yrs (and counting) and I have no desires to beat up a dead-horse trying to see (or if there was any in the first place) if there is anything there to salvage - as far as family conncetions are concerened.
I doubt she would NEVER/EVER give me information or anything for that matter of fact - it has been proven by her actions since the moment we left. She has and never will consider me or DB a part of her life and she prolly never did.. it has been a hidden anger for Miss 'A' since I/we came into Dad's life when she was just a toddler... Prolly hated for a long, long, long time...

Sorry - :furious: I have nothing to offer her except anger at this point...

I do not know where the XBF (at the time) is these days. I have heard from LE that he's not far and they do keep close contact.


Rosco, so glad to see something else in print. It was a good article.

If your half-sister has sobered up in jail, maybe it would be a good time to write her a letter. Obviously before when you saw her in person, she was doing drugs. Clean, she may be willing to talk with you, esp. if she thinks she has something to gain from it like immunity if she spills the beans on some of her cohorts.

I just don't understand why LE isn't talking to her now that she's locked up and drug free. You know, they can lie and tell her they've got her & her friends, make her believe she's about to be charged. She's bound to have heard something even if she wasn't directly involved. She's gotta know who did this.

Any idea where the ex-boyfriend is--the one who was the ex at the time of the murders?
Rosco -didn't you speak to the xbf on the phone awhile back ago?

Have you heard anything from AMW? Is the case ever going to make it to the airwaves?
Rosco -didn't you speak to the xbf on the phone awhile back ago?

Have you heard anything from AMW? Is the case ever going to make it to the airwaves?

Hey gaia227 - spoke to XBF years back. This was right around the time they had broken up (June-July 2006) and I spoke to him around that time.

Nothing on AMW with the TV show and 'IF' it will ever make it there
...... still on the web-site tho. :clap:

All my love ~

You and your family have been through so much and I can't blame you for the feelings you have for "A". Your feelings are valid. We can't force her to have feelings or talk about it, but someday, someone will come forward with the information and maybe a confirmation to answer all the questions you have AND all the answers that LE needs to convict someone.

My prayers are with you and your family and the precious children that "A" has selfishly left to the wayside.

Sincerely, Boyz_Mum :blowkiss:
Rosco, I certainly get that you have no interest in having any kind of relationship with A! that wasn't at all what I meant.

I was only suggesting that you could write her & tell her things might go easier for her if she talked to LE, and told them what she really knew. My point being not that you want things to go easier for her, but that getting her to talk is, I think, the key to solving the murders.
That's all I'm sayin. It's your choice of course, and I understand if you can't even bear the thought of doing that without being ready to vomit.
Rosco, I certainly get that you have no interest in having any kind of relationship with A! that wasn't at all what I meant.

I was only suggesting that you could write her & tell her things might go easier for her if she talked to LE, and told them what she really knew. My point being not that you want things to go easier for her, but that getting her to talk is, I think, the key to solving the murders.
That's all I'm sayin. It's your choice of course, and I understand if you can't even bear the thought of doing that without being ready to vomit.

HI JT...

It's all good JT... :) ;) She certainly is aware of her position and LE can keep it clear for her ~ if she is still looking thru a fog of drugs.

I don’t think she would give a rats arse what i would want to say to her anyway... and your right about wanting to barffff just by the thought of wanting to be civil with her. Truly I think I would/could get violent... and that is not a good thing no matter... so best to stay away..

:cool: Rosco

Wanted to share this information.

Miss "A" had a sentancing hearing today in Michigan. She has been in jail for about 3months.
The charges were 2nd degree child abuse regarding the birth of her second daughter being born additcted to drugs in the state of Michigan. Apparently MI has that as a law. She had pled guilty to these charges.
She was given 6months ( she had served 90 days so far and will have to serve 90 more ) and 2yrs probation. Paying fines and court costs.
She faced the courts and said that she had learned much in jail and truly wants her 'family' back and has blamed the murder of her parents to her drug abuse. :razz: (( she was a druggie before their murders ))
Michigan courts did say she has pending charges in Indiana (( do NOT know of what charges and what courtdates .. TBA )) and that this hearing has nothing to do with IN and whatever charges are pending there.

BW's parents attending the hearing as well as 'my' informant. "A" waved and smiled at BW's p's when she arrived while handcuffed.
BW was NOT at the hearing for his beloved.

I also found out that CPS allows "A" to visit with her baby 2 times a month and CPS has all intentions of returning the abused baby back to 'A" once she is out of jail. They actually deliver the baby her to the jail for visits.

I was also informed that 'baby' does have something 'wrong' with her... and you can notice as soon as you see her. There has been nothing SAID to confirm that there is something wrong with her.. but informats say that you can notice right on the first look of her... that she's not normal/healthy...(( not sure what that means...)) and there is some physical issues with her.. :-( sad

I don't get it. She's in jail for 2nd degree child abuse and they deliver the 'said abused child' to her for visits... AND... will then re-connect her to this 'said abused child' whenever she gets out of prision. :slap: WOW... that's pretty incredible and very very sad to know.:furious:

Also - heard that 'A' said some really nasty lies to CPS regarding our family ~ and that was reasons why CPS would not return calls to DB and SIL.
Sad... only getting a story from a drug and child abuser... :razz:

Oh my, this is all very maddening! Child PROTECTION Services is taking the abused child to prison to see it's loving, responsible mother and is making arrangements to reunite child with mother upon release - how touching and lovely. The poor baby probably has fetal alcohol syndrome.
If it's okay, I'd like to interject here with some info about CPS. CPS's official stance and goal is to reunite families where possible. That is the official stance...I'm not going to go into the many cases that happen to fall through the cracks of where this should or should not happen.

When a child is taken and placed in CPS custody, the parent or parents are given every opportunity to work on themselves to make themselves a healthy parent or parents. They are required many times to take parenting classes, attend drug/alcohol classes, do drug drops (random drug testing), check in with caseworkers. The official view is that if a parent can rehabilitate themself, then they can eventually be reuinted. So yes, you will have cases where abused children or children who lived in previously poor situations are returned, if the circumstances merit it. There are supervised vistations, which eventually can progress to a child being returned, if the worker recommends it.

Just because a child is returned, that does not automatically close the case. The parent must continue on improving themselves and their lifestyles. They are often under the close eye of CPS still, and it can take a long time, a year or more, to have the case closed out. They still may do random drug testing, they will still get many visits and lots of casework.

The parent or parents are given tons and tons of help, resources, etc. If the parents do not comply, if they reject the help, if they refuse to attend classes or drop or drop dirty, if they do not rid themselves of abusive relationships, if they get arrested again---then finally over time parental rights can be severed. So just because vistations are happening right now and there is "talk" of her getting her child back, it does not mean it will be permanent. There's still a lot of legwork.

Now obviously we all know of children who fell through the cracks, as I mentoined previously. Cases where children should not have been sent back at all, or cases where a parent has improved their lives but still cannot get their children back, or had their children taken for no real reason. There are shoddy agencies, shoddy work, it's a sad situation really, the state of our agencies. However what I am describing above is how it is supposed to work, and I have seen cases, through where I used to work, where the agency here functioned exactly as it was supposed to.

If everything goes as it should, she will have to prove herself that she can parent what sounds like a special-needs child and be able to stay clean and sober. Regardless of the personal feelings involved, it can happen and it has happened, and CPS is giving her the chance to prove herself. Now WILL it happen? Only time can tell. Personal feelings aren't relevent to these situations, it's the protocol that CPS is supposed to follow and officially must follow. Different states have different laws and protocols of course, but there is a general framework that is blanket throughout all states.

My point of all of this is just to explain how CPS works and not to be on anyone's side at all. It's just that CPS is often critisized, and many times rightly so. A lot of criticism comes from people not understanding how it is supposed to work, so that's why I'm speaking is all. I mean no disrespect for Rosco or her feelings at all..I'm a neutral party who follows this thread, nothing more.
I completly understand and do not take offence. :blowkiss:

Your right about this is the tip of the iceberg and that Miss "A" will have to do more than just promise and bunch of words... she will have to show action and prove she can and wants to be a mom. For her own sake I sure hope she can manage to 'try' the very least. For her own sake and/or the sake of the little girl that really needs to have a family....

Thanks for being a supporter for justice w/Dad and Darleen.
All my love ~

If it's okay, I'd like to interject here with some info about CPS. CPS's official stance and goal is to reunite families where possible. That is the official stance...I'm not going to go into the many cases that happen to fall through the cracks of where this should or should not happen.

When a child is taken and placed in CPS custody, the parent or parents are given every opportunity to work on themselves to make themselves a healthy parent or parents. They are required many times to take parenting classes, attend drug/alcohol classes, do drug drops (random drug testing), check in with caseworkers. The official view is that if a parent can rehabilitate themself, then they can eventually be reuinted. So yes, you will have cases where abused children or children who lived in previously poor situations are returned, if the circumstances merit it. There are supervised vistations, which eventually can progress to a child being returned, if the worker recommends it.

Just because a child is returned, that does not automatically close the case. The parent must continue on improving themselves and their lifestyles. They are often under the close eye of CPS still, and it can take a long time, a year or more, to have the case closed out. They still may do random drug testing, they will still get many visits and lots of casework.

The parent or parents are given tons and tons of help, resources, etc. If the parents do not comply, if they reject the help, if they refuse to attend classes or drop or drop dirty, if they do not rid themselves of abusive relationships, if they get arrested again---then finally over time parental rights can be severed. So just because vistations are happening right now and there is "talk" of her getting her child back, it does not mean it will be permanent. There's still a lot of legwork.

Now obviously we all know of children who fell through the cracks, as I mentoined previously. Cases where children should not have been sent back at all, or cases where a parent has improved their lives but still cannot get their children back, or had their children taken for no real reason. There are shoddy agencies, shoddy work, it's a sad situation really, the state of our agencies. However what I am describing above is how it is supposed to work, and I have seen cases, through where I used to work, where the agency here functioned exactly as it was supposed to.

If everything goes as it should, she will have to prove herself that she can parent what sounds like a special-needs child and be able to stay clean and sober. Regardless of the personal feelings involved, it can happen and it has happened, and CPS is giving her the chance to prove herself. Now WILL it happen? Only time can tell. Personal feelings aren't relevent to these situations, it's the protocol that CPS is supposed to follow and officially must follow. Different states have different laws and protocols of course, but there is a general framework that is blanket throughout all states.

My point of all of this is just to explain how CPS works and not to be on anyone's side at all. It's just that CPS is often critisized, and many times rightly so. A lot of criticism comes from people not understanding how it is supposed to work, so that's why I'm speaking is all. I mean no disrespect for Rosco or her feelings at all..I'm a neutral party who follows this thread, nothing more.
Thank you Rosco, you are a doll for saying such nice things. I truely didn't want to come off in any way as disrespectful of everything you've gone through, or your feelings. I should add I'm in no way connected to CPS now or previously, but I did used to work for a mental health agency for children. This agency only takes Medicaid, and of course thats where foster children in CPS care get their insurance I saw lots come in, complete with reports, updates, everything needed for their file.

My personal feelings are that no, she should not get back that child at all. I've seen some kids come through that in looking over their background, you just shake your head in sadness and wonder WHY is reunification the plan?? That's why I say personal feelings don't come into play. CPS officially comes from the view that families need to be's that official view (along with the court, which can override recommendations although it's rare) that those involved have to go along with. I'll go back to lurking and reading now, since this is your thread for your dad and Darlene. Thank you again for being who you are :) :blowkiss:

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