Investigating the Investigators-Timeline of who knew what & when

Looked thru and didn't see this following info, not sure if you want this added but if not, disregard.

September 11, 2008 - Group of teens stumbles upon area on Suburban Dr. where there appears to be an area of freshly dug earth with a string tied to a stick leading down into it.;jsessionid=7AC193506015CAF1A6554FAEE23E8A82?contentId=8056962&version=1&locale=EN-US&layoutCode=TSTY&pageId=1.1.1&sflg=1

September 12, 2008 - Same group of teens who discovered freshly dug area on Suburban Dr. the previous day sees cops go by to the same location. The teens approach them and tell them about the area. Duputies told them that it turned out to be a bomb.;jsessionid=7AC193506015CAF1A6554FAEE23E8A82?contentId=8056962&version=1&locale=EN-US&layoutCode=TSTY&pageId=1.1.1&sflg=1

I just found this as well. It says the East end of Suburban Dr. Not being from there.. was Caylee found on the east end? If so... then the cops had 1 meter reader and 3 teens.. are we sure it was a bomb?

However, LE knows that this report is in the document dump and they would be in hot water for lying. The teens would be on tv now saying how they were at the spot? So maybe it has nothing to do with where the remains were found.:waitasec:
"Oh, don't worry, it was just a bomb, now go play." HUH?
I'm working on November's attorney visits at the moment and I happened to notice as I was looking over them and converting them to standard time that, for instance, on November 9th the att. JG (not JB!) spends 7 hours and 45 mins with KC!?! from 11/09/08, 19:00:58 to 11/10/08, 02:45:21 - does that seem VERY odd to anyone? (except me)
I'm working on November's attorney visits at the moment and I happened to notice as I was looking over them and converting them to standard time that, for instance, on November 9th the att. JG (not JB!) spends 7 hours and 45 mins with KC!?! from 11/09/08, 19:00:58 to 11/10/08, 02:45:21 - does that seem VERY odd to anyone? (except me)

Nope, par for the course in this case.
Putting this here so it will be seen. This could support that someone knew about Caylee's death other than KC. Taken off of My Space, (Fish, 25 y.o., Sanford, FL) On 8/17/08 Fish writes, "WOULD HAVE DONE THINGS DIFFERENTLY...") Who's Fish? Other names linked w/Fish are Mike, Ryan, Corey, Ashley and Sean (I wrote them in the margin of my notes). I also noted that Sean R. is in PA now (7-13-08 B-day, 26) and related to Football somehow. Mike, in Sanford, I traced to IL which freaked me out, cuz if I'm correct, he's from my area (small world, that anyone from here would know KC). Sean R. and a Matt (Animal?, Army - out mid-Oct. '08 and going back to FL) are linked. KC communicates to Sean on 8/5/08, "hi sunshine how are you? " Does anyone have a clue to this relation? I remember reading in the PING threads about unidentified numbers and a connection in Sanford. Or just of KC talking about Sanford? This is why reading that one of her friends said "WOULD HAVE DONE THINGS DIFFERENTLY" jumped out at me.
:woohoo:Absolutely the greatest info-time table!!! Many thanks!
I just found this as well. It says the East end of Suburban Dr. Not being from there.. was Caylee found on the east end? If so... then the cops had 1 meter reader and 3 teens.. are we sure it was a bomb?
However, LE knows that this report is in the document dump and they would be in hot water for lying. The teens would be on tv now saying how they were at the spot? So maybe it has nothing to do with where the remains were found.:waitasec:

Bold by me. (link to Bombs found in Lee Vista area)

In this case it could very well be. That area was used an a military bombing range many many years ago and last year (and still ongoing) unexploded bombs are being located and set off. Bombs have also been found outside the perimiter of the old bombing range.
September 7, 2008
TES temporarily calls off the search for Caylee Anthony due to environmental conditions and concerns

AHA! moment.- Just on NG tonite, LP said that the MR was at the site and called again on this same date?!!!! now what is up with all the calls from the MR?

There is so much great info being posted about the calendar and timeline that this post seemed to get buried. That would be a total of 5 calls from the MR? Do you think we could come up with a link for this?

ETA Here is a snip from the show transcripts: GRACE: OK. To bounty hunter Leonard Padilla joining us out of Sacramento, California. He`s been saying this for some time now. Leonard, now you can tell everybody "I told you so."

LEONARD PADILLA, BOUNTY HUNTER: I`m not going do that because there`s more to the story than that.

GRACE: Oh, Lord. Hit me.

PADILLA: Well, you don`t want to hear about Kronk, do you.

GRACE: Are you back to saying the meter reader got his information from someone at the jail?

PADILLA: I don`t know where he got it, OK?


PADILLA: But he definitely got information from somebody because he was out there on the 11th. He was out -- back out there on September the 2nd. And he finally, finally on the 11th of December exposed the body by calling law enforcement. That`s no coincidence on anything like that. It just...

GRACE: Well, if the information came from the jail, it obviously came from the tot mom.

PADILLA: It had to come from Casey through somebody. I would assume it was Lee. Lee passed it onto somebody, who passed it on to Kronk.
Shadow Of My Mind & JWG

Great work by the both of you....

There is much confusion about Kio's (secret place) "behind the school" the front of the school to the south ?? so the 'serect place' would be to the north ?? Even Kathy Belich said she went to the end of Suburban thru a gate looking for it (to me this seems like that would be to the west).

I think it strange that Kio would imm. remember things from 'middle school years' & burying bodies. I wonder if Kio's "wrong Casey call" was really KC & she talked about their days in the woods ?? (remember Kio says KC says things & then forgets them)...

I don't think Kio is involved, but I wish LE would check her phone records, because I do think she talked to KC during the 31 days (more than once).......& KC might have been calling on the 'blackjack'.
Kio's statement to LE about the hiding spot being behind the school is confusing. Behind to me means if you walked in the front door and went through the building back outside that would be behind but that’s just me. I did a deed check and found that the school property was purchased in 1990 as vacant land

Deed transfer.

but I can't find as to when the school was actually built. This school is grades K-5. Kio said that once they hit 9th grade they did not go there again.

Casey ‘graduated’ June 2004 as a senior so this are the years = grades.
Sept 2003-June 2004 12th age17-18
Sept 2002-June 2001 11th age 16-17
Sept 2001-June 2002 10th age 15-16
Sept 2000- June 1999 9th age 14-15
Sept 1999-June 2000 8th age 13-14
Sept 1998-June 1999 7th age 12-13
Sept 1997-June 1998 6th age 11-12
Sept 1996-June 1997 5th age 10-11
Sept 1995-June 1996 4th age 9-10
Sept 1994-June 1995 3rd age 8- 9
Sept 1993-June 1994 2nd age 7-8
Sept 1992-June 1993 1st age 6-7
Sept 1992 June 1992 K age 5-6

So by going by the middle school age group that Kio mentioned they would have been about ages 11-14

I did come across a PDF about a safety study for school traffic that was done in 2006 on this school and this PDF has maps, diagrams of entrances, exits, boundary lines of property, traffic congestion and pattern of cars, bikes and people, overhead shots of area and good pictures of what the streets from different direction look like.

Thought it might be good for visual of the area.

Hidden Oaks school information.

The day Caylee remains were found it was said that the location was in a wooded area at the front entrance to Hidden Oaks Elementary School
This is an article about the school on December 11 mentions where the site is in relationship to the school and talks about a rear entrance that was used to dismiss students.

Thought it might help in comparing the videos that GSJ made as to where the MR said he was at and anyone else. There is a thread here that has some of our own WS’s who have been there and gave as a walking tour via words that may be helpful.
Bold by me. (link to Bombs found in Lee Vista area)

In this case it could very well be. That area was used an a military bombing range many many years ago and last year (and still ongoing) unexploded bombs are being located and set off. Bombs have also been found outside the perimiter of the old bombing range.

There was a video report on Fox orlando with the 3 teens. I am also surprised NG has not had them on her show!
Hello, also, Shadow.

I still cannot find out the date SA took DP off the table. I tried! : (


I am trying to nail this down also, but discussions/articles show leaks about it around 2nd-3rd week of November. Will plug it on calendar once it is firm.
Where do you want me? I'll be up lateeeeeeeee. Just tell me where to go and what to do!

My PM box was getting full, so I accidentally deleted the PM with dates on Calendar to recheck. Would you please resend if you have it in your sent mail?

I'd like to see what we can fix, and post corrections on the Calendar discussion thread. TYVM!
January 8, 2009
Private Investigator Dominic C. denies allegations of Jim H. that he knew where remains where located.
Denies he had information where to look. Has spoken to detectives and this was his only search for a body.

No actual words direct from Dominic Casey just reported stating what they know.

News Report January 8, 2009
VIDEO REPORT January 8, 2008

January 8, 2008
Interview with JB part that pertains to the PI’s starts at 7.53
[Major points of this video pertaining to the PI’s]
JB says it was not him that gave DC information.
Until he sees the video and speaks to DC and JH is anyone’s guess. It could be nothing or it could be something. Will not make any unsubstantiated accusations or assumptions. If anyone was in the area and has video or photographs I want them, I would like to see them and would like to speak to them just as LE would. DC after October had little or no contact with us (sic Defense)
Video Report January 8, 2009

january 7, 2009
Private Investigator Jim H. speaks
[Major points of this video]
LP dates where incorrect they where actually three days November 14, 15 & 16 but November 15 & 16 were the two days of the search
Jim H. was contacted by Dominic C and told him he knew where the remains where and asked Jim H. to help him search and locate the body.
Jim H. does not know who told Dominic C about the remains
Jim H. does not know whom Dominic C was on the phone with during the numerous calls on both November 15 & 16.
It was Jim H. understanding that Dominic C. had received specific directions on where to search in a specific area and what to look for.
It is apparent that Dominic C. did not find anything but does not want to comment any further to keep the integrity of the investigation.
There is limited audio on the tape the Jim H. provided to LE but it was not clear. Tape my have to be enhanced.
Jim H. gave a full and detailed account to LE.
According to Jim H. there where multiple cells phone that were available to Dominic C.
There was no water in the particular area that they were looking on November 15 & 16. They were close to where the remain where then found on December 11
Jim H. let LE know that Dominic C. had been there to do a detailed search of that specific location.
The area had been search several times prior to November 14 by others but after November 15 & 16 that Dominic Casey told Jim H. he had been back to that area at least two more times to search. That means that DC was there in that area at least 4 times.
Bases on where they were looking on November 15 & 16 they were close to where he remains were found.
Jim H. was shocked that the remains were found that close to where they were looking
It is significant that DC expressed optimism that Caylee would be found on but on that particular day he called Jim H. his statement was I know where Caylee is and she is dead.
Video Report January 7, 2009

Entered on Timeline calendar
New Spokesperson and Cindy Anthony: "Caylee is Still Alive"
November 15, 2008 - 7:49PM

Monday, Bart plans to hold a news conference to show evidence that Caylee is still alive. Bart says several leads placed Caylee at Orlando International Airport.
UPDATED:padilla Offered $200K To Allow Filming Of Search For Caylee:
Monday, November 17, 2008 1:43:10 PM

Padilla told News 13 he has been contacted by a company that is willing to fund the search effort if Padilla is willing to give them exclusive rights to film the search effort.

The bounty hunter said he has not made a final decision on if he is willing to take the offer.

Padilla: Film Co. May Pay For Caylee Search:
Bounty Hunter Returns To California
POSTED: 6:35 am EST November 17, 2008
UPDATED: 5:06 pm EST November 17, 2008

ORLANDO, Fla. -- Bounty hunter Leonard said Monday that he is talking with a film production company about funding a new search for Caylee Anthony.

In a phone conversation with WESH 2 News from California, Padilla said the unnamed company might be willing to put up as much as $200,000 for exclusive rights to film the search.
Snipped with notes in red by me

I noted on the calander a link I found stating that DCasey visited KC in jail on August 8th. - So I guess he was involved pretty early.

Will work on more tomorrow. Must sleep.
Interesting that this is the day before Caylee's birthday.
IIRC Casey was refusing visits from family days prior to and after Caylee's birthday.
Roy K. is negotiating with a major national news outlet to speak out.
News Report January 9, 2009

entered on calendar

Shadow - you're doing such great work!

I love that so many others are also helping to add to the calendar. For me, having the visual representation of activities really helps. I chipped away again last night on some more Nov/Dec entries.

I'm hoping that we can get a few of the text & pingster posters adding there, too.

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