Invoice for the Defense for Work Performed

Ah, MissJames, may I please sit next to you? I never thought about it this way. If this happens the only thing in this case that will not have been a charade would be the fact that we FL taxpayers have helped support the entire defense team and all their ilk for the last couple of years. If this turns out to be the case, I wish FL could make Casey reimburse the state. . . Implant an earbud and make her work for some collection agency with the paycheck going straight to the state. She certainly has those skills well documented! :D

They can start with her bean dip fund, aka her commissary account. I do NOT understand why she is allowed to keep purchasing luxury/fun stuff when she owes thousands in fines to the state over the check cashing case. I wish they would get serious with her.
You are right of course - this is the second time in the last half hour I've posted such a silly answer! :slap::slap:

Don't feel bad. You're just thinking like a logical, normal person. lol

How Is Casey's Defense Team Spending Taxpayer Money?

PI Jeremy Lyons
"He billed taxpayers almost $8,000 in September and October. After all that tax money was spent, prosecutor Linda Drane Brudick told the judge the number of new possible witnesses was greatly exaggerated publicly by the defense."

"Defense expert Dr. Henry Lee has billed state taxpayers more than $8,000 for three days worth of work and travel from Connecticut. He claimed to be giving taxpayers a 50 percent discount and months ago, defense attorney Cheney Mason told a judge that Lee would be willing to work for oranges.

"He told me at a conference that Dr. Lee said he'd been willing to work for boxes of oranges," Mason said."

Dr Lee was in Orlando in July 2010 reviewing evidence,

Didn't Dr Lee say on NG that he was working Pro Bono?

Did Baez say at a hearing a few months ago that Dr Lee was working Pro Bono?:waitasec:


GRACE: Back to Dr. Henry Lee, who, as you all know, is a famed forensic scientist on the Anthony defense team. Dr. Lee, I`ve just got to ask you, you know, tot mom Casey Anthony was siphoning gasoline from her family`s car to fill up her own tank. How the heck are you getting paid? I`m sure you`re costing a pretty penny. Dr. Lee does not come cheap.

LEE: No, we did not get any pay for that and for -- I`ll say, you know, this country, as you know, everybody entitled a defense. And many forensic experts, we do pro bono cases and that`s our obligation to our profession. As an expert, we look at evidence, doesn`t matter inculpatory, exculpatory, we report (ph) as it is. I don`t think should be labeled as a defense expert going to just for defense. Many time, found more evidence, inculpatory evidence, than the police found. There -- you know, case history, case example, many time we`re allowed to work on the case together. Many of my cases, I let the defense expert observe. It`s nothing wrong.

GRACE: Dr. Lee, are you telling me that you are working on the case pro bono, for free?

LEE: Yes.

"The defense also hired a court reporter service, which charges almost $1 more a page for transcripts than the state allows. That could've cost taxpayers hundreds more than it should have, but the Justice Administrative Commission, which monitors defense spending, caught it and turned down reimbursement at that rate."

WFTV legal analyst Bill Sheaffer said the defense is playing fast and loose with taxpayer money.


Thank you to the JAC for keeping a close eye on how Baez and Mason are spending taxpayers money...
I can't help but wonder if JL participated with the defense's PIs that were calling all the TES volunteers this month. On 11/02/10 he was paid $1,520 and on 11/26/10 he will be paid another $2,860 (which is the largest of the payments listed on the above link). I also wonder if we will see the names and payments listed for the several other PIs who have called many of our own people who volunteered. This will be interesting to track. . .

WFTV and another news station recorded video of JL going in to the room where the TES records were being reviewed, and the Defense was calling TES searchers. We know JL was participating in that.

HHJP seems to have changed his mind according to the video here (or else I'm not understanding ~ which would be nothing new). In this clip it appears he is vehemently against using tax payers funds for calling all volunteers, no? Please watch video; it is so concise:,0,3104351.story
Originally Judge Perry granted Baez 300 hours for an in-state PI.

At the last hearing, Baez was granted an additional 60 hours of PI work.

At $14,382.00, he has used 359.55 PI hours.

He's got 27 minutes left.......

BBM: You can't argue with the numbers! :dance:
The media has reported that HLee has billed the State for $8,000+, however do we know if the State has PAID anything yet to HLee? When JA made mention in court that he was having difficulty scheduling a deposition with HLee, my first thoughts were that he maybe HLee hadn't yet been paid and wasn't going to sit for a depo until he was paid.
The media has reported that HLee has billed the State for $8,000+, however do we know if the State has PAID anything yet to HLee? When JA made mention in court that he was having difficulty scheduling a deposition with HLee, my first thoughts were that he maybe HLee hadn't yet been paid and wasn't going to sit for a depo until he was paid.

Two can play that game.

I vote for, "He doesn't get paid until he sits for his depo." How do you like *them* oranges, Henry?
It is standard practice for experts to be paid up front for deposition and testimony. As Mr. Lee seems to be a "professional" expert, I am willing to bet he won't show up for a deposition til he's cashed the check. IMO JB has played fast and loose with the fundage and now doesn't want to pay up front for depo, maybe can't afford to cut that check right now?
The $$ has run out for in-state private investigators, right? They're still doing a mighty job of working for free then! Check out the recent posts on the TES thread. What do you suppose is happening? Thanks. :blowkiss:
The $$ has run out for in-state private investigators, right? They're still doing a mighty job of working for free then! Check out the recent posts on the TES thread. What do you suppose is happening? Thanks. :blowkiss:

According to the figures the PI is running on empty.

a. He may be chugging along because Baez ~swore~ he could get more hours from the JAC?

b. He may be continuing out of his own pocket (being so convinced of The Cause)? (This one ranks about 67th on my list.)

c. Mason may be paying him, or promising to pay him?

d. Baez told him to keep going and that the JAC doesn't really count the hours?

I honestly don't know, but can only guess.

However, the division doesn't lie. From what he has billed and the $40 per hours, he's done. Unless he saved up that last 27 minutes just to harass this poster yesterday.
The $$ has run out for in-state private investigators, right? They're still doing a mighty job of working for free then! Check out the recent posts on the TES thread. What do you suppose is happening? Thanks. :blowkiss:

ty for directing me over there expecting, I had no idea the PI was calling as recently as last week. Sounds like someone is working gratas?? Yeah, cause all PI's make a living giving their skills away.
The $$ has run out for in-state private investigators, right? They're still doing a mighty job of working for free then! Check out the recent posts on the TES thread. What do you suppose is happening? Thanks. :blowkiss:

I saw one of the name of the PI's posted on the TES thread and she was a PI intern, perhaps they are doing this for free or "credit" towards their intern requirements?
I saw one of the name of the PI's posted on the TES thread and she was a PI intern, perhaps they are doing this for free or "credit" towards their intern requirements?

"You MUST show up to volunteer!"

Yeah, a good possibility.
I saw one of the name of the PI's posted on the TES thread and she was a PI intern, perhaps they are doing this for free or "credit" towards their intern requirements?

Possibly, for this one person. But the from what I have read here many of the others have current licenses. In any case, they have lots of interviewing yet to do . . . One poster said someone came to her house only today. With JB's financial reputation, I can't imagine who would be working for him with only a promise of being paid. Especially with all of the JAC restraints. Maybe they're confident that another exception will be put in place again ~ just to make sure we don't have an appeal. :confused:
So, I see there is a new motion posted for approval of prior travel of experts. Are we guessing what this is about and why it wasn't brought up at the hearing yesterday?

Is Baez hoping HHJP will rule on it quietly without asking for embarrassing details in front of the taxpayers and the cameras? What travel, what experts?

Isn't he only using four experts? Did he say four? And does Baez have to pay the travel on experts he decides not to use? Can he say - "wrong answer, too bad so sad, no payback of expenses to you?"

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