Is Lisa's case going to end up a cold case?

I have a query .... the CAC unit is in charge of this case in KC. I don't see any mention of "Kidnapping" in the description of things this unit investigates....?
I see on the list of crimes that CAC investigates is "parental kidnapping". Is your question if a stranger kidnapping a child is considered to be something that they would investigate? I don't see why not. What I don't see on the list is homicide. They have a separate unit for that.
What does the Crimes Against Children section investigate?

• Abandonment
• Abuse
• Child Custody cac_kidspic
• Child Protection Order
• Deviate Sexual Assault
• Endangering the Welfare
• Molestation
• Parental Kidnapping
• Rape
• Runaways
• Sexual Abuse
• Sexual Assault
• Sexual Misconduct
• Sodomy
I see on the list of crimes that CAC investigates is "parental kidnapping". Is your question if a stranger kidnapping a child is considered to be something that they would investigate? I don't see why not. What I don't see on the list is homicide. They have a separate unit for that.

THIS: "Crimes Against Children also handle runaway juvenile records and the data base for all juvenile offenders. We do not handle any other investigations that are not listed above. You must contact the specific investigative element.
THIS: "Crimes Against Children also handle runaway juvenile records and the data base for all juvenile offenders. We do not handle any other investigations that are not listed above. You must contact the specific investigative element.
Are you trying to say that KCPD should move this investigation to a different unit? Which unit would be more appropriate? Or are you trying to say that since CAC is handling this investigation they don't believe that Lisa was kidnapped? Sorry, but I'm not sure what point your trying to get at.
This is off topic, so I won't say more about it, but I honestly think that the parents gave the weight at 30# because they didn't know how much Lisa weighed. I don't think they tried to mislead intentionally, but that they just didn't have a clue what she weighed. Parents who think it's okay to drink excessively while small children are present and who don't pay attention to safety recommendations for car seat guidelines for a little baby probably have no clue what their child weighed.

As far as the case ending up cold, I guess that is a subjective matter to many people. Some here already think that it is cold. I still maintain that this case will be solved. It just might take longer than some might expect or want.

I have a problem with that (line I bolded). Good and interested parents KNOW their child's weight and height. There are many Dr. visits to document it. I wonder how often Lisa was taken to see a dr.
I have a problem with that (line I bolded). Good and interested parents KNOW their child's weight and height. There are many Dr. visits to document it. I wonder how often Lisa was taken to see a dr.

I wonder this same thing. Once their dr's visits become an annual event it may be harder to keep track but a lot of people own scales and still keep track.

Another thing about her weight and the importance of its accuracy for finding Lisa is from age 4 months on children should stay on the growth chart on the same growth line. So if at 4 months your child is in the 97th percentile, they will continue in the 97th percentile unless there is a health issue. This is why those growth charts are so important, to make sure your child is growing on track. If we had Lisa's accurate weight at 10 months, then we could look at a growth chart and see what height and weight she would be now.

If you look at the picture of Lisa looking out the door with her brothers in each side of her, it pretty well depicts the in accuracy of her weight. I believe her brothers were 6 & 8, So they would weigh approximately 45 & 55 lbs.

Has anyone actually imagined what 30 lbs and 30 inches would like on a 10 month old? My 33 month old is 36 inches and weighs 31 lbs. He is a solid chunk.

Onto my point, if Lisa were abducted, then the family would want to put the most accurate information and most up to date pictures out there. Accurate information is absolutely vital in finding missing children. I could see being frazzled not able to think clearly and just guessing at a number, but at some point shouldn't they contact her drs office to get her most recent measurements? If LE thought she were kidnapped wouldn't they inform the family that they need accurate information not wild guesses that seem unrealistic?
I don't understand how people can live in the same neighbourhood as the womb donor (I refuse to call her the 'M' word) and bite their tongues?
Has the whole community just gone back to normal and says nothing about the big elephant in the room? JMO
I don't understand how people can live in the same neighbourhood as the womb donor (I refuse to call her the 'M' word) and bite their tongues?
Has the whole community just gone back to normal and says nothing about the big elephant in the room? JMO

What do you suggest that the neighbors do?
I don't understand how people can live in the same neighbourhood as the womb donor (I refuse to call her the 'M' word) and bite their tongues?
Has the whole community just gone back to normal and says nothing about the big elephant in the room? JMO

I'm sure that there are some neighbors who think Deborah is innocent. As for the ones that believe she's guilty...Well, I can think of a few cases where people with that infamous reputation were walking around, and were not confronted or harassed. Many people were suspicious of John and Patsy Ramsey yet they have always said that the public was wonderful to them, that no one ever gave them any problems, etc. I haven't heard about people confronting Casey Anthony, but I don't follow that case closely. There are so many people out there who the public is suspicious of for heinous crimes...and I think the most "harassment" that any of them get are dirty looks. As for WHY people don't confront people they think are guilty...I don't know...but I think it's pretty common to just keep your mouth shut.
If my neighbor killed her baby and wasn't prosecuted, I certainly wouldn't confront her, is she is cold hearted enough to kill her own baby, imagine how little heart it would take to kill my baby. I would avoid her at all cost, I'm not sure what options you have legally, maybe keep in touch with police and report any and all suspicious activity at the house. Move? It would be really uncomfortable for me. I'd be concerned for their other children.
EXACTLY! Concerned parents do know....

I agree that knowing you child's weight is important.

Do we know for a fact that Lisa weighed less than 30lbs when she went missing?

And if it was less than 30lbs, how much less? And how was this weight determined?
I think the investigation is at a standstill, but I don't think that means there couldn't be a new discovery or lead that pops up that leads to a resolution. We could wake up tomorrow and find out there was an arrest or another significant development. But I also realize that this case could still be unsolved 10 years from now.

However, I've noticed that most cases are resolved within the first few months. There aren't too many cases where there's an arrest 1+ year(s) later.
can anyone think of cases where a parent was arrested for the death of their child after one year? my mind is blank right now...
can anyone think of cases where a parent was arrested for the death of their child after one year? my mind is blank right now...

I can't think of a case were a parent was arrested for the death of their child after a 12 month period of time.

I think that it is a rare occurrence for a parent to kill their own child and not be arrested within a year.

I don't consider Lisa to be dead yet.

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