Jason Young to get new trial #3

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I dont think that is contested, but maybe the point is that Jason - knowing of Michelles issues - did not conduct himself in a way that would help ease her anxiety with these issues.

Who knows. Perhaps he tried and then gave up when nothing changed. He did seem sincere about how thankful he was that MF would be a mediator for them and that MF would try to convince her sister that he had valid concerns. JY was a huge PITA, but it sounds like MY was as well. Marriage is hard and way harder when you put two bull-headed people together.
Who knows. Perhaps he tried and then gave up when nothing changed. He did seem sincere about how thankful he was that MF would be a mediator for them and that MF would try to convince her sister that he had valid concerns. JY was a huge PITA, but it sounds like MY was as well. Marriage is hard and way harder when you put two bull-headed people together.
I think if he was truly sincere about working on his marriage he would not have been carrying on with MM and others.
Michelle Hannon, a DNA analyst with the State Bureau of Investigation Crime Lab, testified that she tested a root from a piece of hair taken from the couple's bedroom that didn't match DNA profiles of either Michelle Young or Jason Young.

She also tested two cigarette butts – one that defense attorneys say was found in the garage and another found in the doorway leading into the kitchen of the Young home – that contained two different sets of DNA from unknown males.

A partial DNA profile from a jewelry box in the couple's bedroom also excluded Jason Young as a contributor to that sample.

The only definitive DNA matches to Jason Young that were found were from a piece of sheet rock taken from the couple's bedroom wall and semen found on the bed sheet.

Special agents with the SBI also testified that two shoe impressions found on pillows were determined to be a pair of size-10 Franklin athletic shoes and a pair of discontinued Hush Puppies-brand shoes.

Further DNA testing on what has been described as a red lava rock found at a Hampton Inn in Hillsville, Va., contained a partial DNA profile that couldn't exclude Jason Young, said Shawn Weiss, a DNA analyst with LabCorp.

Tests found that the same sample could potentially belong to 1 in every 79 Caucasian males, Weiss said. That indicated to him that it was nowhere near to being a match to Jason Young's DNA.

Read more at http://www.wral.com/specialreports/michelleyoung/story/9732796/#Mfj67dCxByTkfBpV.99

Jennifer Remy, a hair and fiber analyst for the State Bureau of Investigation Crime Lab, testified that hair samples from the Youngs' home, including a clump from Michelle Young's hand, did not match hair samples from Jason Young.

Read more here: http://www.newsobserver.com/2012/02/16/1858449/prosecutors-probe-youngs-phone.html#storylink=cpy

I'm still searching for the tests on the hair which some here claim are only MYs, if anyone has a link, I would very much appreciate it. :)
I think if he was truly sincere about working on his marriage he would not have been carrying on with MM and others.

I learned a long, long time ago that you never know about the inner workings of anyone's marriage except your own.
She said he was inside. Evidence suggests otherwise.

It most certainly does not.......lack of bloody paw prints and poop mean nothing. If he was shut up, which I think he was ( there are rooms with doors in this house) and not let out until suspect left, some of the blood would be drying. This killing took a long time. Michelle was hit many, many times and this went on a while. He was JY's dog and would more than likely obey him more than anyone else. Also the bigger the dog, the bigger the bladder. Our large dogs can hold theirs for well over 12+ hours....this is not uncommon at all. The fact there was no poop in the house means nothing to me. Now if he were a little chihuahu, on the other hand, it would be different.

It's been said dog's are drawn to blood....I debate that, having been a dog owner for my entire life. Some are and just as many aren't. Behaviors are different also as we all know. We have had many Labs over the years and they have the sweetest, most gentle personalities and ours, at least, tended to be meek and as said above, would cower at loud moises, unusual circumstances. Our girl now will whimper at the slightest thinig. I can't imagine what she would do if something this henious happened in our home.

As for the purse, if some crazed druggie put it there, why aren't the contents strung out everywhere? That to me proves it wasn't.

As for the white sneakers( Cassidy's), the first thing many children do when they come in the door is take off their shoes. Most go barefoot or in socks when in the house. So shoes there on the desk would be a common place to put them IMO because I've done this myself hundreds of times.
She must have agreed that she had issues with sex and relationships since she did not argue his point. Being raped and being a child of divorced parents can cause issues like that.

I didn't know that there was a rape. Does anyone know the time frame for this?
Michelle Hannon, a DNA analyst with the State Bureau of Investigation Crime Lab, testified that she tested a root from a piece of hair taken from the couple's bedroom that didn't match DNA profiles of either Michelle Young or Jason Young.

She also tested two cigarette butts – one that defense attorneys say was found in the garage and another found in the doorway leading into the kitchen of the Young home – that contained two different sets of DNA from unknown males.

A partial DNA profile from a jewelry box in the couple's bedroom also excluded Jason Young as a contributor to that sample.

The only definitive DNA matches to Jason Young that were found were from a piece of sheet rock taken from the couple's bedroom wall and semen found on the bed sheet.

Special agents with the SBI also testified that two shoe impressions found on pillows were determined to be a pair of size-10 Franklin athletic shoes and a pair of discontinued Hush Puppies-brand shoes.

Further DNA testing on what has been described as a red lava rock found at a Hampton Inn in Hillsville, Va., contained a partial DNA profile that couldn't exclude Jason Young, said Shawn Weiss, a DNA analyst with LabCorp.

Tests found that the same sample could potentially belong to 1 in every 79 Caucasian males, Weiss said. That indicated to him that it was nowhere near to being a match to Jason Young's DNA.

Read more at http://www.wral.com/specialreports/michelleyoung/story/9732796/#Mfj67dCxByTkfBpV.99

Jennifer Remy, a hair and fiber analyst for the State Bureau of Investigation Crime Lab, testified that hair samples from the Youngs' home, including a clump from Michelle Young's hand, did not match hair samples from Jason Young.

Read more here: http://www.newsobserver.com/2012/02/16/1858449/prosecutors-probe-youngs-phone.html#storylink=cpy

I'm still searching for the tests on the hair which some here claim are only MYs, if anyone has a link, I would very much appreciate it. :)

The article isn't very clear because it states that the clump of hair was in her hand; it was actually under the body. There was a single strand of hair in her hand. All of the hair near her body was determined to be hers. The single strand was confirmed via DNA. The strands from the clump were visibly examined and based on the color and length and texture it was determined to be hers. Then I believe a few of them that had the root attached were sent for nuclear DNA testing and that confirmed again that they were hers.

Listen to Hannon and Remy's testimony.
It most certainly does not.......lack of bloody paw prints and poop mean nothing. If he was shut up, which I think he was ( there are rooms with doors in this house) and not let out until suspect left, some of the blood would be drying. This killing took a long time. Michelle was hit many, many times and this went on a while. He was JY's dog and would more than likely obey him more than anyone else. Also the bigger the dog, the bigger the bladder. Our large dogs can hold theirs for well over 12+ hours....this is not uncommon at all. The fact there was no poop in the house means nothing to me. Now if he were a little chihuahu, on the other hand, it would be different.

It's been said dog's are drawn to blood....I debate that, having been a dog owner for my entire life. Some are and just as many aren't. Behaviors are different also as we all know. We have had many Labs over the years and they have the sweetest, most gentle personalities and ours, at least, tended to be meek and as said above, would cower at loud moises, unusual circumstances. Our girl now will whimper at the slightest thinig. I can't imagine what she would do if something this henious happened in our home.

As for the purse, if some crazed druggie put it there, why aren't the contents strung out everywhere? That to me proves it wasn't.

As for the white sneakers( Cassidy's), the first thing many children do when they come in the door is take off their shoes. Most go barefoot or in socks when in the house. So shoes there on the desk would be a common place to put them IMO because I've done this myself hundreds of times.

Again, we're back to "could haves". Suggesting the dog would obey for over 10 hours is a bit hard to accept. We have to think logically about what is the most likely behavior for a dog in a bloody crime scene. Of course it's that they will most likely get into the blood.

Is there any logical reason why the killer would lock the dog up in a room and then release them afterward --- so that they "could" get into the blood? Why not keep him where he's contained or put him in the fenced yard?

Also, why didn't MF put the dog in the fenced yard when she exited the house? Why didn't any of the responders see him? You can say that she was too distraught but would she really just let the family dog run loose? That is what we're to believe happened. And no one saw him until the neighbor finally noticed he was loose and took care of him.
The article isn't very clear because it implies that hair from the "clump" was not MY's. In fact, the only hair found at the scene that was not MY's was the hair from the wedding picture.

47C - hair in MY hand - full profile match

47D - clump under MY body - partial profile match

47F - remainder of hairs, hair roots - full profile match

47D and 47F came from same clump originally.


Starts from 8:54
Again, we're back to "could haves". Suggesting the dog would obey for over 10 hours is a bit hard to accept. We have to think logically about what is the most likely behavior for a dog in a bloody crime scene. Of course it's that they will most likely get into the blood.

Is there any logical reason why the killer would lock the dog up in a room and then release them afterward --- so that they "could" get into the blood? Why not keep him where he's contained or put him in the fenced yard?

Also, why didn't MF put the dog in the fenced yard when she exited the house? Why didn't any of the responders see him? You can say that she was too distraught but would she really just let the family dog run loose? That is what we're to believe happened. And no one saw him until the neighbor finally noticed he was loose and took care of him.

Also, I like the comment about this killing took a long time, and by the time the blood would be dry by the time the killer left.

IF JY committed the murder, he wouldn't have that much time at all.

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It most certainly does not.......lack of bloody paw prints and poop mean nothing. If he was shut up, which I think he was ( there are rooms with doors in this house) and not let out until suspect left, some of the blood would be drying. This killing took a long time. Michelle was hit many, many times and this went on a while. He was JY's dog and would more than likely obey him more than anyone else. Also the bigger the dog, the bigger the bladder. Our large dogs can hold theirs for well over 12+ hours....this is not uncommon at all. The fact there was no poop in the house means nothing to me. Now if he were a little chihuahu, on the other hand, it would be different.

It's been said dog's are drawn to blood....I debate that, having been a dog owner for my entire life. Some are and just as many aren't. Behaviors are different also as we all know. We have had many Labs over the years and they have the sweetest, most gentle personalities and ours, at least, tended to be meek and as said above, would cower at loud moises, unusual circumstances. Our girl now will whimper at the slightest thinig. I can't imagine what she would do if something this henious happened in our home.

As for the purse, if some crazed druggie put it there, why aren't the contents strung out everywhere? That to me proves it wasn't.

As for the white sneakers( Cassidy's), the first thing many children do when they come in the door is take off their shoes. Most go barefoot or in socks when in the house. So shoes there on the desk would be a common place to put them IMO because I've done this myself hundreds of times.

The only room that I have found on the main floor with a door is the small bathroom. The family/living room has no doors, the dining room is wide open to the front hallway, and the kitchen has several entrances without a door. If there is another room with a door, other than the small bathroom, on the mainfloor, please point it out. Thanks

Dogs have different personalities. Some dogs attack when their owner is being threatened, others are afraid. During a thunderstorm, for example, some large breed dogs will sit on their owner's lap. Others are unconcerned about the storm. Many dogs are trained to be non-barking pets, while others are trained as watch dogs. We don't know enough about Mr G to predict what he would do when his owner was threatened. We also don't know whether the smell of blood would draw him in, or frighten him such that he wanted to flee - which is what appears to have happened when he had a chance to run.

The purse was left on the floor exactly where people needed to walk to get a meal from the kitchen, carry it to the living room, and have access to the small bathroom hallway. It was a really stupid place to store a purse. Given that Meredith mentioned the purse, I think that relates to the fact that she had to step over the purse to go upstairs to the bedroom ... and that's probably not how things usually were at the house.

The child's running shows were not on the desk. They were tossed on the floor near the purse and also in a place where it would be easy to trip over them. It was a really stupid place to leave a pair of shoes.
So, basically when MF arrived, she said the dog was freaking out but she didn't say where he was, right?
I didn't know that there was a rape. Does anyone know the time frame for this?

No, I really don't know much about this at all.....just that it happened before she met Jason.
I never really heard about MY dating much or any ex-boyfriends, she was into cheerleading,
(cheered at the Atlanta Olympics in 1996 and was involved with her sorority, Alpha Delta Pi. and according to Michelle Money, they had a group called The McBroads,
Also, she had her Bachelors and Masters Degree and was a senior financial specialist at Progress Energy.

All this can be found here at WS....... on the "About Michelle Fisher Young" Thread.
The only room that I have found on the main floor with a door is the small bathroom. The family/living room has no doors, the dining room is wide open to the front hallway, and the kitchen has several entrances without a door. If there is another room with a door, other than the small bathroom, on the mainfloor, please point it out. Thanks

Dogs have different personalities. Some dogs attack when their owner is being threatened, others are afraid. During a thunderstorm, for example, some large breed dogs will sit on their owner's lap. Others are unconcerned about the storm. Many dogs are trained to be non-barking pets, while others are trained as watch dogs. We don't know enough about Mr G to predict what he would do when his owner was threatened. We also don't know whether the smell of blood would draw him in, or frighten him such that he wanted to flee - which is what appears to have happened when he had a chance to run.

The purse was left on the floor exactly where people needed to walk to get a meal from the kitchen, carry it to the living room, and have access to the small bathroom hallway. It was a really stupid place to store a purse. Given that Meredith mentioned the purse, I think that relates to the fact that she had to step over the purse to go upstairs to the bedroom ... and that's probably not how things usually were at the house.

The child's running shows were not on the desk. They were tossed on the floor near the purse and also in a place where it would be easy to trip over them. It was a really stupid place to leave a pair of shoes.

Your plan leaves out the laundry room?

I was only referring to the purse because of comments regarding crazed druggie murderer. They would have strewn contents of purse on the floor.

I only referenced shoes because they are there. I meant children's shoes are taken off and put somewhere (ie:desk ) when coming in the house.....I never said left on the floor. I think they were on the desk.....I also think the purse was on the desk BEFORE the murder. Were they pushed there to make it look like a robbery? Were they put there accidentally? Did Cassidy come downstairs? IMO these are things we'll never know. I agree with you, I don't think Michelle left the shoes there as they would be tripped over.

Otto, you're exactly right about the dog....we don't know enough about him. My point was dogs are different and a poster's comment saying he should have been drawn to blood is debatable. I agree with you you....we don't know his personality, so we can't make that assumption.
The only room that I have found on the main floor with a door is the small bathroom. The family/living room has no doors, the dining room is wide open to the front hallway, and the kitchen has several entrances without a door. If there is another room with a door, other than the small bathroom, on the mainfloor, please point it out. Thanks

Dogs have different personalities. Some dogs attack when their owner is being threatened, others are afraid. During a thunderstorm, for example, some large breed dogs will sit on their owner's lap. Others are unconcerned about the storm. Many dogs are trained to be non-barking pets, while others are trained as watch dogs. We don't know enough about Mr G to predict what he would do when his owner was threatened. We also don't know whether the smell of blood would draw him in, or frighten him such that he wanted to flee - which is what appears to have happened when he had a chance to run.

The purse was left on the floor exactly where people needed to walk to get a meal from the kitchen, carry it to the living room, and have access to the small bathroom hallway. It was a really stupid place to store a purse. Given that Meredith mentioned the purse, I think that relates to the fact that she had to step over the purse to go upstairs to the bedroom ... and that's probably not how things usually were at the house.

The child's running shows were not on the desk. They were tossed on the floor near the purse and also in a place where it would be easy to trip over them. It was a really stupid place to leave a pair of shoes.

It's strange no one questioned the location of the purse before, it just doesn't belong there, not when there is counter space or a chair or stool to put it on. I can't imagine putting my handbag on a floor.....and I definitely can't imagine someone with a toddler doing so.
Again, we're back to "could haves". Suggesting the dog would obey for over 10 hours is a bit hard to accept. We have to think logically about what is the most likely behavior for a dog in a bloody crime scene. Of course it's that they will most likely get into the blood.

Is there any logical reason why the killer would lock the dog up in a room and then release them afterward --- so that they "could" get into the blood? Why not keep him where he's contained or put him in the fenced yard?

Also, why didn't MF put the dog in the fenced yard when she exited the house? Why didn't any of the responders see him? You can say that she was too distraught but would she really just let the family dog run loose? That is what we're to believe happened. And no one saw him until the neighbor finally noticed he was loose and took care of him.

A BIG dog with a BIG bladder staying in for 10-12 is not hard to accept. It happens all the time....with the dogs in our family anyway. People with jobs leave them inside for long days ALL the time and at night they hold it, even when you sleep late.

Why keep him contained? What would the dog have done while someone was murdering Michelle? That's why I believe he was put up......so he wouldn't be in the way.

Meredith had just seen her dead/murdered sister, was carrying/attending to Cassidy. I can only imagine her state of mind. The dog, I'm sure, was her LAST concern. Saying she should have put him in the back yard is unbelievable to me and absolutely no big deal at all.
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