Judge Orders Boulder DA to Show Cause As To Why GJ Testimony Should Not Be Released

I haven't discussed this case from the beginning as many of you have so I'm curious, is it the assumption the Grand Jury evidence and testimony contains previously unknown information? Even after all of the books by insiders in the investigation, is it the belief of most of the posters here that there is more to be learned from the release of the Grand Jury proceedings and conclusions?

Not trying to start something....genuinely curious.

There really isn't any way to tell what was in the indictment unless it is made public and to me irrefutably knowing what was in the indictment is important. Releasing it will remove all doubt of exactly what was said. Secondly, to me, it is direct proof the Ramseys and their team have lied about no indictment being handed down.
I trust Kane,he said there are a lot of things we don't know about.
And I think there are some statements that could shed a new light on what happened,FW's,the first officers on the scene,etc (IF they will be released)
I wonder how the fact was kept under wraps that the Grand Jury had indeed handed down an indictment but that Hunter had refused to file charges.

I weaned myself away from the JonBenet case years ago when I lost hope it would ever be solved, and now here I am, feeling hopeful again.

I hope something good comes from this latest development!
I know that weaning away feeling well. I have to step away for periods too. I can't stand the thought of someone(s), getting away with something like this, especially with these kinds of circumstances. There's no mystery here. Every bit of evidence leads right back to that house. Think about all the people who were investigated- from the housekeeper, to neighbors, to friends, santa, strangers... but here we are, 17 years later and it's still about who was in that house. Full circle.
On a Cold Justice (TNT) episode I watched recently, further investigation by the CJ team in a certain case revealed that a grand jury had handed down an indictment against a suspect, but that the DA had not filed charges. Because of this revelation, an investigation will begin (maybe one has already) into the DA’s handling of the case, to see if criminal charges could be filed against him for not proceeding even though the grand jury had issued an indictment.

I hope the same revelation in the JonBenet case has legs even if Hunter remains unscathed, and that finally, things start to happen and the case is solved.
I haven't discussed this case from the beginning as many of you have so I'm curious, is it the assumption the Grand Jury evidence and testimony contains previously unknown information? Even after all of the books by insiders in the investigation, is it the belief of most of the posters here that there is more to be learned from the release of the Grand Jury proceedings and conclusions?

Not trying to start something....genuinely curious.

2 percent,
Yes, we might learn more definitively about the Partially wrapped Christmas gifts, the Barbie Doll, the Days of The Week left remaining in JonBenet's underwear drawer, if the missing piece of the paintbrush handle was discovered inside JonBenet? What Ramsey associates had related to the parents regarding JonBenet.

For many specific information will help to focus on the main perptrator be it JDI, PDI, or BDI.

It should also help to reject some of the off the wall RDI theories.

The main things I wanted for years were Fleet and Priscilla White's testimony. They hold a big piece of the puzzle, were very vocal about the case needing a special prosecutor, then the big blow up in Roswell at the Paugh grandparent's house, and they shut up and have never said another word about JonBenet.

Anyone else want to know what Fleet and Priscilla testified to? They put big full page ads in the Boulder newspaper which were open letters calling for a special prosecutor... then they and their two healthy children disappeared from view. The GA fight must have contained a chilling threat, or so I've always thought.
There really isn't any way to tell what was in the indictment unless it is made public and to me irrefutably knowing what was in the indictment is important. Releasing it will remove all doubt of exactly what was said. Secondly, to me, it is direct proof the Ramseys and their team have lied about no indictment being handed down.

So you see it as more official, "on the record", facts? I agree.

Also see your point about the Ramseys. Very telling.
The Daily Camera reports Ramsey's attorneys sent a letter Sunday to Boulder District Attorney Stan Garnett. It says the release of an indictment that wasn’t prosecuted "only serves to further defame (John Ramsey) and his late wife Patricia."


Because heaven forbid anyone "defame" them.

Yeah... that's it- that's the important thing anyone should care about. Does JR not realize how this statement makes him sound?

I won't say what I want to about the man, I don't want a T/O.
The main things I wanted for years were Fleet and Priscilla White's testimony. They hold a big piece of the puzzle, were very vocal about the case needing a special prosecutor, then the big blow up in Roswell at the Paugh grandparent's house, and they shut up and have never said another word about JonBenet.

Anyone else want to know what Fleet and Priscilla testified to? They put big full page ads in the Boulder newspaper which were open letters calling for a special prosecutor... then they and their two healthy children disappeared from view. The GA fight must have contained a chilling threat, or so I've always thought.

I agree. I can't remember how news of the fight came out, though. Well hopefully we'll know.:seeya:
Because heaven forbid anyone "defame" them.

Yeah... that's it- that's the important thing anyone should care about. Does JR not realize how this statement makes him sound?

I won't say what I want to about the man, I don't want a T/O.
I honestly don't think he realizes how he sounds to the average person. I used to think his ruthlessness came from being a business man and it seeped over into his day to day personality, but I don't think so anymore. It has been how many years since he ran a business? Besides, with the exception of a couple of construction company owners, the business owners I know, don't act like this. Now, there's a cut throat business with all the bidding for jobs and whatknot, and these guys go after each other with a vengeance. Anyway, after PR died, I read a JR interview where he admitted that he didn't think about her much. To tell the truth, I was shocked at his coldness. She hadn't been gone long, just a couple of years, and reading his words made me feel sorry for her. I mean, how could he not think about her every day? She was this larger than life personality and she was literally bound to him and their family til the day she died. I'm not saying he should have been wracked with grief, (although that would've been 'normal'), but how could he not think of his wife/ the mother of his children? And he admitted it. Anyway, after reading this interview, I don't think he's worried about PR being defamed. He barely thinks about her, so what does he care? This IMO, is about His own reputation. That's what he cares about...that and all the things he has lost-mainly money, house, planes, boats. http://www.thedailybeast.com/articl...exonerated-in-the-murder-of-his-daughter.html
I've always wondered if perhaps there were other persons at the house that night. Also wondered why JR got lawyers for his ex and older children. The same was not done for PR's family. JMO
In the same article, JR talked about taking Benedryl to help him sleep. I mean come on now...if you slept through your child's murder because you took a sleeping pill, would you ever and I mean ever, take another sleeping pill? Also, he said of BR, "if anything happened to him, I wouldn't survive it". Again come on...He lost 1 daughter in a car wreck and he survived that. His youngest daughter was brutally murdered in his house and he survived that. He lost his wife to a long, lingering illness and he survived that. But it's BR, he couldn't survive? What about his other 2 children? Where do they fit in in his survival plan? That's what I mean about his coldness. Why would he single BR out for that kind of prominence when he had 2 other children? How did reading their father's words make them feel?
The main things I wanted for years were Fleet and Priscilla White's testimony. They hold a big piece of the puzzle, were very vocal about the case needing a special prosecutor, then the big blow up in Roswell at the Paugh grandparent's house, and they shut up and have never said another word about JonBenet.

Anyone else want to know what Fleet and Priscilla testified to? They put big full page ads in the Boulder newspaper which were open letters calling for a special prosecutor... then they and their two healthy children disappeared from view. The GA fight must have contained a chilling threat, or so I've always thought.

No, the Whites didn't disappear from view...They have been very active in Boulder. I don't know where you got this information at. Daphne made the national news awhile back about sexual abstinence.

No, the Whites didn't disappear from view...They have been very active in Boulder. I don't know where you got this information at. Daphne made the national news awhile back about sexual abstinence.

I haven't read much about them either, but they seem like genuinely good people. When you think about JB's murder and the affects it had on the people around her, it's kind of staggering, isn't it? This man has had to live with the horror of what he saw and it probably affected everything about his life...the way he parented, the way he viewed and interacted with friends, and of course his long fight for justice, not to mention nightmares. I wouldn't wish what he saw on my worst enemy.
The Whites will have their day ~ just as I have kept the faith that this corrupt fiasco would have the Spotlight shined on it as it is soon to be ~ I could go on and on and on and on and on but really ~ right now ~ Just Taking in This Moment.

In the same article, JR talked about taking Benedryl to help him sleep. I mean come on now...if you slept through your child's murder because you took a sleeping pill, would you ever and I mean ever, take another sleeping pill? Also, he said of BR, "if anything happened to him, I wouldn't survive it". Again come on...He lost 1 daughter in a car wreck and he survived that. His youngest daughter was brutally murdered in his house and he survived that. He lost his wife to a long, lingering illness and he survived that. But it's BR, he couldn't survive? What about his other 2 children? Where do they fit in in his survival plan? That's what I mean about his coldness. Why would he single BR out for that kind of prominence when he had 2 other children? How did reading their father's words make them feel?

I thought JR said he took Melatonin. I don't recall the Benedryl comment. Benedryl keeps some people up all night- I am one of them. I can clean my whole house in an hour on Benedryl.

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