KatieCoolady Holds 'Court' - The Dedicated KCL Thread

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long time lurker, first post......
If there was only one holdout they never intended to find for death. I believe there was a stealth juror or someone is looking for notoriety. Either way I have no wish to listen to their story.
We are here for the duration.

This is just another bump in the road to ultimate justice.

We will support the Alexanders to the end.


The killer is in jail and will remain there with none of the things we get every day.

I am going to go pour another BIG glass of wine and sit on my porch swing that overlooks my corn and wheat fields. The breeze is blowing in gently......and the smell of freshly cut grass is so soothing........
I will be here for the long haul again, when it is time.

I am proud of this jury, I wouldn't want to be in their shoes.

I (along with my children and hubby) will have time to hold more lemonade stands, garage sales, and whatever else I can come up with to help the Alexanders, as well.

They will not be alone and we will help and be stronger than ever!

Thank you beautiful Websleuthers for your loyalty and resolve. I have learned so much from Travis and all of you. We will get the justice he deserves.
There IS a peace that passes all understanding. I was w my brother who broke down in tears remembering when we lost our last appeal and Rudi was released from death row- I reminded him that decision ultimately ended up better for us and worse for them. I was right where I needed to be with my Alfonse for this non decision. He needed me. I needed him. All is not lost. There is something higher operating here I truly believe. Just prayed via phone w Katie wick and my friends including Pasa- they are all together. Praying for the right words for the alexanders. I will text them when it comes to me. Lots of love to you all.

This is beautiful, Kathy. You know the right words to bring peace. Thank you.
Hi Katie,

I'm still absorbing the shock of the jurors inability to come to a decision but as Mr. Treader reminded me tonight -- Jodi Arias desperately wanted the jurors to give her life in prison and they did not do that. She could still be sentenced to death.

Blessings to you, your darling brother and the Alexander family and supporters.
I'm heart broken. DH turned tv off right after because I fell apart. I was so upset for the Alexander family. Also for the jurors. It's been a long road.

Refocused now, and trying to put anger aside. I'm still 100% with the Alexander family. Going to do what I can to support them. Prayers and money for now. They need both. They have a long row to hoe.

Lets rally!!
Just saw on Anderson Cooper the split between the jurors was 8-4 for death. That is good news and makes me really hopeful the next jury will side with death.

Prayers going out for the Alexander family for strength in the coming months.
To The Alexander Family:

My heart weeps for you today but my soul soars as the splendid truth of Travis reverberates far and wide. It is because of each and every one of you, through the deepest of familial love, the most impenetrable cloak of dignity, and the purity of infalliable courage that Travis is known to all. I trust that his presence and light will be with you all throughout the days ahead.

Here is where I have been and here is where I will stay, with Travis and his family seeking justice.

Sincerely, KMP (TXProfessional)
I want to thank everyone for your wonderful posts. It has helped me so much to read here and have a place to come....to mourn and get renewed hope. We have to believe that this happened for a reason. I am praying for the Alexanders. I hope they find the strength they need. And, yes, we are all here for them. Love and hugs to you all.

"He will always be young. He will always be beautiful. And I personally feel much safer knowing he’s up there on my side." adapted from Steel Magnolias

My favorite movie ever. I have watched it so many time's that I knew where those words came from. I wish I had a Weezer to pull in front of me and tell the Alexander's *Here, punch this. Go ahead Alexander's punch her light's out.*
"He will always be young. He will always be beautiful. And I personally feel much safer knowing he’s up there on my side." adapted from Steel Magnolias

Oh Katie...your sweet thoughts have touched my heart so many times. May you know that your strength and kindness has helped many, most importantly the Alexander's at this time. Send the Alexander's many hugs,

KCL and company - A term used in England comes to mind: "gutted". I feel gutted and can only imagine how you and the family and Juan feel. But it's important to keep in perspective that they got the most important thing: a murder-1 conviction.

How you guys and the family stay so strong is beyond me. It's completely awe-inspiring and totally humbling. No matter what happens now or how long it takes, I have to believe the worst is over. The murder-1 conviction (and the aggravating factors) are set in concrete. And the beast is locked down, finally starting her life of misery out of the eye of the public and the TV cameras she so craves.

Even though we're not at the end of the road yet, a big corner has been turned in the past couple of weeks. It's time for you guys to get some well deserved, long overdue rest. Recharge your batteries and spend some quality time with your loved ones.
BBM: for what it's worth, anyone I have ever met named "Maureen" was Irish Catholic; not Mormon.


But did you notice I put her name in quotes? This was because this is the name (or alias) some of the WSers called her by.
Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone

W. H. Auden

Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone,
Prevent the dog from barking with a juicy bone,
Silence the pianos and with muffled drum
Bring out the coffin, let the mourners come.

Let aeroplanes circle moaning overhead
Scribbling on the sky the message He Is Dead,
Put crepe bows round the white necks of the public doves,
Let the traffic policemen wear black cotton gloves.

He was my North, my South, my East and West,
My working week and my Sunday rest,
My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song;
I thought that love would last for ever: I was wrong.

The stars are not wanted now: put out every one;
Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun;
Pour away the ocean and sweep up the wood.
For nothing now can ever come to any good.

Perfection gogranny. One of my favorites also.

I stepped away today, from WS, from HLN, from it all. I was beyond frustrated after the hung. Instead I watched a hockey game and enjoyed it immensely.
The majority of us have that luxury. The Alexanders don't.
I wish for them more than anything to be able to let some time pass with no thoughts of HER and this trial. Just to do something where their minds can slip away from this ugliness for just a little while. I wish I knew some magic spell that could let them have that until it time to resume this madness again, but alas, I do not.
But maybe those moments will come organically, some day in 2 weeks, a month, etc. Playing with their children, relaxing in a pool or lake, sitting outside at twilight enjoying the sunset....just times of PEACE.
And if they DO have to think of HER, the solace will be that she is in a small grey room, no one to hold, no one to talk to, no one who cares. And there she will stay.

PS- And Thank You KCL. That is what I came to this thread to say. I was reading here last night and wanted so badly to say something, but I am pretty new and felt it was not my place. Was glad to see today everything was resolved smoothly (I knew it was just a "bad time" for many). Again though, THANK YOU.
I have been away for a few days and am trying to catch up on some of the posts. Sweet KCL, you are a wise woman to know when your limits have been reached (or surpassed) and that it is time to step back a bit. I do hope our paths cross more in the future--it has been a pleasure to know you through WS.

I am hopeful there will be a verdict today and the Alexander family can achieve some peace. They still have a rough road ahead emotionally.

Hi Spell:seeya::seeya::seeya: Hope you all rested and relaxed:seeya:
I think the only contributions should be directly to the Alexander family. Also any gifts can be sent directly to them.
What struck me about Maureen was her voice during the polling of the jurors. THAT is what said to me she was a holdout.
That was a red flag for me as well.

If she was a holdout, I just found out there were three more who also voted for life -- while eight voted for the death penalty.
long time lurker, first post......
If there was only one holdout they never intended to find for death. I believe there was a stealth juror or someone is looking for notoriety. Either way I have no wish to listen to their story.
You may have heard by now that there were actually four holdout jurors who voted for life imprisonment instead of the death penalty.
Well, I was a hot mess earlier, but have calmed down a bit. I want to tell the Alexanders' to stay strong and just how much people admire them for staying so stoic through all of this, and for representing their dear brother so well. They did everything right. The rest was out of their hands.

I want to give people on here some uplift - we should be happy that the 8 for death didn't cave in! They stayed strong and firm in what they believed. Now the Alexander family has another chance, and if the second jury goes for life or not unanimous, then the family can begin to have some closure. I really feel like they will try it again, because if not, there will always be in the back of their minds, what if the second jury had given death? That is just MOO. If they do it again, then they can be sure...2 juries will have weighed in and the result will be final.

Agian, MOO.

Prayers for the family. Thank you all for helping me through this process, I could not have gone through this trial by myself!!
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