Kyron's case on Dr. Phil 9/17 *includes tape of the show*

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Discuss the case without accusations that Kaine was involved in Kyron's disappearance. Can you say "I think Kaine is wrong for not allowing searches"? Yes. Can you add "and so obviously he's hiding Kyron"? NO. And if you say he's hiding "something" - that can also be problematic. Just make your statement that you think it's wrong not to allow searching and you're fine.

TH has had POI status on Websleuths since a couple of months after Kyron went missing. That hasn't changed. We can't put the toothpaste back in the tube at this point. If you want to say you don't think she did it and has been treated fairly, that's fine. Just be respectful.

Now, back to discussing the show!

KNOCK it off! I'm removing posts left and right here. Don't accuse or speculate past the POI. Other family members are considered victims.

I have been watching the show over and over and my biggest revelation is that while I am glad that Kyrons case had an hour of national tv, I so wish it was not on dr Phil.
I just don't love his handling of cases but at least he got air time.

What I would love to know is stuff they can't tell us. ;)

I'm curious about why Desiree feels the last search was a success
I don't think there was a financial motive.

Whatever motive the person had is not a logical one that will make us smack our heads and say "oh, I get why they killed the child, makes perfect sense".

Of course a sane person wouldn't kill a child for any reason.

So naturally if you try to work out a sane, reasonable motive for child murder you'll keep poking holes in the logic.

Angry with Kaine, jealousy and anger towards DY? I see jealous on her part that's why she had an affair with Kaine in the first place to hurt DY? They were friends before.
As far as money, people have different ideas about money.

TMH seemed to be into money if you remember the comments by her ex's mother. Was it Ecker? I forget the name now.

Maybe she wasn't living the life of the rich and famous, but it was a pretty good one.

She could try hustling up a new guy, but she wasn't in top looks form for that. Kaine made a nice salary.

Her job options were limited because of her DUI and was it child endangerment?

Other teachers without those issues would be hired over her.

Could she even teach with those charges on her record?
Massive, massive, massive respect to Desiree. She is one heck of a woman. I just watched Dr Phil on YouTube as we don't get the show here. I'm humbled by Desiree.
It is called denial. That is why people who are involved with alcoholics are advised to attend support groups.

Alcoholism is a bizarre illness that affects everyone that comes in contact with the alcoholic.

Couldn't agree more!

Unless people have lived it, they just don't quite understand how it is.

Doesn't matter what it is called it isn't an excuse.


Granted I have no idea what the home was like where KH grew up, but if one is raised in a dysfunctional home, dysfunction can become the norm and you don't even see the dysfunction when you're in it as an adult.
Massive, massive, massive respect to Desiree. She is one heck of a woman. I just watched Dr Phil on YouTube as we don't get the show here. I'm humbled by Desiree.

Haven't seen it yet but couldn't agree more about Desiree. The lady is a class act, all the way.
Interesting concept.

He had the child when they were dating.

If she did not want the whole package, mother and wife, she should have looked elsewhere.

She was not babysitting. She was his other mother.

I don't agree with the infidelity. I have never met a man who was leaving his wife who did not have another woman in the wings.

It could be that TH's lying and drinking was not helpful for a good relationship,

IMO, having K changed the dynamics.

In addition to all the things Human said in that stellar post (#150), the fun of playing "Mommy" to Kyron had ended. Remember all those pics on TH's facebook page of the early days? After K was born there was not more than a handful of pictures of Kyron on her page. You could literally see the downward progression. She was also the one who first realized Kyron had visual problems. Hard to believe this is the same person who earned a Master's because she loved children and wanted to be a teacher.

Way back when I researched TH's adoption. I have forgotten most of what I found, but I want to say she was adopted at age 3 or 4. I remember thinking that she may have experienced some sort of trauma. Did having K bring something out which had been repressed? I dunno, I'm not a mental health professional. Maybe she is simply a bad person with no conscience.
Google really is our friend. Here's a refresher for those like me, who struggle with CRS.
IMO, having K changed the dynamics.

In addition to all the things Human said in that stellar post (#150), the fun of playing "Mommy" to Kyron had ended. Remember all those pics on TH's facebook page of the early days? After K was born there was not more than a handful of pictures of Kyron on her page. You could literally see the downward progression. She was also the one who first realized Kyron had visual problems. Hard to believe this is the same person who earned a Master's because she loved children and wanted to be a teacher.

Way back when I researched TH's adoption. I have forgotten most of what I found, but I want to say she was adopted at age 3 or 4. I remember thinking that she may have experienced some sort of trauma. Did having K bring something out which had been repressed? I dunno, I'm not a mental health professional. Maybe she is simply a bad person with no conscience.

I don't get the point you are trying to make....TH realized Kyron had visual problems but because she didn't keep posting photos of him on facebook that makes her "a bad person with no conscience"???

I think most mothers with two young children find their time much more constrained when the second child arrives. I know I did. My second or third child did not nearly capture the number of photos as their oldest brother. Does that make me a bad person?

I don't get the point you are trying to make....TH realized Kyron had visual problems but because she didn't keep posting photos of him on facebook that makes her "a bad person with no conscience"???

I think most mothers with two young children find their time much more constrained when the second child arrives. I know I did. My second or third child did not nearly capture the number of photos as their oldest brother. Does that make me a bad person?


i agree. i try my hardest to make sure i have lots of pictures of my son but I have no where near as many as my daughter who is my first child. Do I feel bad about that? yea, sometimes, but I'm honestly too busy chasing 2 kids under 2 around and making sure their needs are being met and they both get enough attention, it doesn't make you a bad person at all, it's life. I was told that going from one child to two is the hardest transition, then after that it's not as bad. I have found that to be true in my case.
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[ame=""]Kyron's General Discussion Thread for 2012-13 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
[ame=""]Dr. Phil Part 1 - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=""]Dr. Phil Part 2 - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=""]Dr. Phil Part 3 - YouTube[/ame]
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