LE statement on the case to be released

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<<Police have exhausted leads provided by Lisa Irwin&#8217;s family and their attorneys, and the leads
were of no benefit to the investigation. While communication with the family has been ongoing,
police have not had the opportunity to sit down one-on-one to speak with Lisa&#8217;s mother,
DB. As the only adult in the home at the time of the baby&#8217;s disappearance, police
continue to have questions to which only she can provide answers.>>

:-( Can you imagine?..."over a year and Mom hasn't had the opportunity to sit down one -on -one with police"
Also, question/favor:
As much as i have poured over this case...the one statement " someone who cheats on their ....." I actually have not been able to locate, hear, or see which and where that interview snip is" If someone could direct me to a link, i would really appreciate it. TY


From around one minute in

Also from a news report on yahoo
Police asked the Irwins to make a list of anyone who could have been responsible for Lisa's disappearance. When asked in an interview by Judge Jeanine Pirro, "How did you pick these names," Jeremy Irwin answered, "Anybody. People who have been in the house. People that have had miscarriages lately. People who got divorces, cheating on their husb- (he stopped himself; his wife shook her head "no"). Irwin's mention of people getting divorces and cheating on their husbands has no logical nexus with a baby kidnapping and raises eyebrows.
BBM Key word - curcumstantial. IMHO there's more than enough circumstantial evidence in this case to convict. (But that's just MO and we know what those are like.) Unfortunately, too many jurys won't convict on circumstantial evidence alone. Everyone's been watching CSI for years and thinks there has to be all this forensic evidence to convict instead of circumstantial and some good common sense. I agree that they had tons of circumstantial evidence that Casey was guilty, but we saw how that turned out.

And no...I was referring to Casey. But she's really not my point. I was just saying that I think that case taught all LE an important lesson: Make sure there is enough physical evidence to convince a jury before making an arrest.

I do think KCPD has physical evidence that Lisa was deceased in that house. I think what they lack is anything that connects that evidence to a time of death, thus they are unable to link it to one specific suspect, even though I think they know which suspect did it. I think they have absolutely no evidence that SODDI. IMO I believe they are waiting for someone's loose lips to sink someone else's ship. :please:

This is it! ^^^^^
Perhaps if Lisa's mother would consent to helping out, they may have come u[ with some new leads? For some reason, she still refuses to help. Why that is would be left to personal speculation. My personal opinion (along with many, many others) is that she is responsible, in some manner, for Lisa's disappearance. I cannot fathom any other reason why a parent would refuse to help when their child is missing. MOO :moo:

Seems like a good amount of consent to help to me.

the bolded response to stormy's post distorts the point i believe she was attempting to make. yes, DB sat down for initial interviews and consented to the dog, but these are things she's done in the past to cooperate. but, she will not do what LE currently has asked her to do... needs her to do... and have asked of her since early october 2011 (over one year ago):

"I'm not saying they're not cooperating; they have met some of our needs," Young said. "What I've been talking about specifically is sitting down, separate from each other, to be interviewed by detectives. In regard to that, no, that hasn't happened since the 8th of October."


&#8220;While communication with the family has been ongoing, police have not had the opportunity to sit down one-on-one to speak with Lisa&#8217;s mother, Deborah Bradley,&#8221; Friday&#8217;s statement read. &#8220;As the only adult in the home at the time of the baby&#8217;s disappearance, police continue to have questions to which only she can provide answers. &#8221;

the bolded response to stormy's post distorts the point i believe she was attempting to make. yes, DB sat down for initial interviews and consented to the dog, but these are things she's done in the past to cooperate. but, she will not do what LE currently has asked her to do... needs her to do... and have asked of her since early october 2011 (over one year ago):


I apologize if my post comes across as distorting anything as that's not my intention. The point that I was trying to make was that DB and JI have consented to many hours of LE interrogation and searches of their home.

I take the LE request to sit down "one on one" as being exactly what it says. One investigator and one subject. I don't blame DB for not accepting that stipulation. JMO.
If it were my missing baby, I would sit down with LE every day of my life if there was even a billionth of a chance that it would bring her home. But, I guess that's just me...
I apologize if my post comes across as distorting anything as that's not my intention. The point that I was trying to make was that DB and JI have consented to many hours of LE interrogation and searches of their home.

I take the LE request to sit down "one on one" as being exactly what it says. One investigator and one subject. I don't blame DB for not accepting that stipulation. JMO.

It's also my understanding of the "one on one" request.
What I honestly do not understand is if KCPD have questions that are so important, that only Debroah can answer, why can't the questions be ask with Jeremy or an attorney present?? I simply find it hard to believe that KCPD have important and speciffic questions about Lisa, and they haven't ask them.
What they want is an interrogation, IMO.

I doubt that it is against the law to be ask to do such an interview. You just can't be forced.
It's also my understanding of the "one on one" request.
What I honestly do not understand is if KCPD have questions that are so important, that only Debroah can answer, why can't the questions be ask with Jeremy or an attorney present?? I simply find it hard to believe that KCPD have important and speciffic questions about Lisa, and they haven't ask them.
What they want is an interrogation, IMO.

I doubt that it is against the law to be ask to do such an interview. You just can't be forced.

It's obvious to me that any questions KCPD has can be asked at any time without having a "one on one" interrogation of DB. They do say that communication with the family has been ongoing. Notice that they do not say she has failed to answer their questions.

What KCPD needs IMO is a confession. And since they haven't got one, they put out the need for a "one on one" interview. It's plain as day to me.

It may be different in Canada, but here in the United States people can waive their rights to have an attorney present and say anything they want to police. Heck, they can even confess to murder without a lawyer present and it's legal and admissible in court. It happens all of the time. Thank God it does because it allows these scumbags to plead guilty and families don't have to endure the stress of going thru a trial.
Even if a defendant has nothing to hide, a criminal defense attorney will help speed up the process and will represent the defendant's interests throughout the proceedings. In most situations, if you waive your right to counsel, you essentially help the police and the prosecution engage in tactics that could easily result in a stronger case against you.

If it were my missing baby, I would sit down with LE every day of my life if there was even a billionth of a chance that it would bring her home. But, I guess that's just me...

I think you're wrong norest. I think almost every parent would. Of course, there are the exceptions...:furious:
I think you're wrong norest. I think almost every parent would. Of course, there are the exceptions...:furious:
Do you really think that Norest is wrong? Almost every parent? Ok. :waitasec:
I agree 100%! I would do ANYTHING if it meant even the most minute chance that it could possibly help my child. The fact that Bradley is NOT, and hiding behind her lawyers speaks volumes. I believe she is guilty of either harming/killing Lisa, or has something directly to do with her disappearance, based entirely on her own words and actions, & lack thereof.
Thank you, Clutch, for your voice of reason. I would be living at the police station!!

for sure for sure

its like inmany other cases where one or both parents have refused to cooperate with police, casey anthony kate mccann, and others

The argument they give is they do not want to incriminate themselves, well, how can you do that if you are innocent

If your BABY is missing you would do anything, crawl down on yourhands and knees and dig or anything that you thought might help find them, you certainly wouldntbe telling the police to f themselves would you?
I agree 100%! I would do ANYTHING if it meant even the most minute chance that it could possibly help my child. The fact that Bradley is NOT, and hiding behind her lawyers speaks volumes. I believe she is guilty of either harming/killing Lisa, or has something directly to do with her disappearance, based entirely on her own words and actions, & lack thereof.

Let's see. Choices, choices. What would I do?

I could immediately volunteer for a polygraph that I pass with flying colors, sit through any questioning and/or interrigation they asked, for as long as they asked, by myself, wrack my brain for any minute detail that could help, while I beg that they continue to look for her while clearing me. And I could do it all without a lawyer! Then I could get my own *advertiser censored** out there looking for her everywhere I could think of to look, for as long as it took to find her, or till I died trying!

Or, I could fail a polygraph miserably, answer a few questions until they got uncomfortable, lawyer up, shut up, get amnesia, change my story, and then go bask in the limelight for as long as I could make it last. Change my story again...Oh! And get several makeovers in the process, some new clothes, plane trips, fancy hotels......baby....what baby? Anyway, back to ME....Oh! and maybe some limo rides....:takeabow:

I'm so on the :fence: Have to give that some thought. NOT!!!
Let's see. Choices, choices. What would I do?

I could immediately volunteer for a polygraph that I pass with flying colors, sit through any questioning and/or interrigation they asked, for as long as they asked, by myself, wrack my brain for any minute detail that could help, while I beg that they continue to look for her while clearing me. And I could do it all without a lawyer! Then I could get my own *advertiser censored** out there looking for her everywhere I could think of to look, for as long as it took to find her, or till I died trying!

Or, I could fail a polygraph miserably, answer a few questions until they got uncomfortable, lawyer up, shut up, get amnesia, change my story, and then go bask in the limelight for as long as I could make it last. Change my story again...Oh! And get several makeovers in the process, some new clothes, plane trips, fancy hotels......baby....what baby? Anyway, back to ME....Oh! and maybe some limo rides....:takeabow:

I'm so on the :fence: Have to give that some thought. NOT!!!


This is such a heartbreaking case so thanks for bringing in a little levity.
:floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:
Let's see. Choices, choices. What would I do?

I could immediately volunteer for a polygraph that I pass with flying colors, sit through any questioning and/or interrigation they asked, for as long as they asked, by myself, wrack my brain for any minute detail that could help, while I beg that they continue to look for her while clearing me. And I could do it all without a lawyer! Then I could get my own *advertiser censored** out there looking for her everywhere I could think of to look, for as long as it took to find her, or till I died trying!

Or, I could fail a polygraph miserably, answer a few questions until they got uncomfortable, lawyer up, shut up, get amnesia, change my story, and then go bask in the limelight for as long as I could make it last. Change my story again...Oh! And get several makeovers in the process, some new clothes, plane trips, fancy hotels......baby....what baby? Anyway, back to ME....Oh! and maybe some limo rides....:takeabow:

I'm so on the :fence: Have to give that some thought. NOT!!!

You forgot get a black ribbon tattoo w/ your child's name on it & they day they "went missing".
You forgot get a black ribbon tattoo w/ your child's name on it & they day they "went missing".

LOL Thanks for pointing that out Stormy!

Darn it! I knew I was forgetting something! Must have had too much box wine and blacked out!

I've been sad lately...:waitasec:...my limelight is fading...maybe they'll write a book about me. :great: Then they'll make it into a movie! I, of course, would play myself and be the star. Let's see, who would I want to play my boyfriend? Brad Pitt? George Clooney? Ah hah! I know! Matthew McConaughey! Oh I'm going to be so rich and famous! :skip:

I was just thinking about Lisa today so I googled her name. I read the most recent article in the media regarding her.

There were a few things that struck me as odd. One is DBs wording when she says she comes home to us" it makes it sound as if Lisa is gone of her own volition. Just weird. No further thoughts, it's just an odd way to phrase it when the child is clearly not a runaway.

The second was a statement from Picerno "until someone finds her and she's not alive". This statement suggest that someone will find her dead, if Lisa is assumed alive, then the correct wording would be "unless someone finds her and she's not alive".

I'm not typically one to pick apart words and over analyze them, and had no intention of doing so when I read the article. But those two things just stood out as not making sense. DB's wording I can excuse because well she's DB. But Picerno? He's an attorney. Choosing words carefully is his job. Leading the audience to visualize something based on words is what he does.

So Nancy Grace had a recent segment about Baby Lisa. On the show, she had a woman who claimed she saw Baby Lisa at 12:30 AM. Anyway, the witness decided not to use her real name...and guess what name they called her instead? LISA. Yup, out of thousands of names out there, they decided to call the witness...the same name as the victim. Really.

(I'm reading the transcript for this, so if it was different on TV, apologies)
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