Maricopa Jane Doe 1999 Thread #4

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There was a witness who remembered her as being turned down as a dancer at a club because she was too young...
I would send it in, even if the eye color is a bit off. My eyes are bluish-grey technically, but sometimes they shift to green in the center, around the iris. I don't know why, but they do that every so often, especially in brighter light, so I'm told. LOL

Either way, I'd send it in. The tattoo and the "wild" lifestyle could be enough to get investigators to check her out. Better to be safe than sorry, right?

IDK Im gonna hold off on turning this in....Im just not sure about it the height really is OFF
IDK Im gonna hold off on turning this in....Im just not sure about it the height really is OFF

I can't remember and don't have my stuff here at work, but, would this have picked up if they were a match? It the 'mt' that always throws me.

DNA: mtDNA Available in CODIS
I can't remember and don't have my stuff here at work, but, would this have picked up if they were a match? It the 'mt' that always throws me.

I thought mt was an abbreviation for mitochondrial. Not sure though.
Yeah your right I think it would have came up as a match

Mito-condrial ( sp) DNA is from the mothers side only

Forensic laboratories occasionally use mtDNA comparison to identify human remains, and especially to identify older unidentified skeletal remains. Although unlike nuclear DNA mtDNA is not specific to one individual, it can be used in combination with other evidence (anthropological evidence, circumstantial evidence, and the like) to establish identification. mtDNA is also used to exclude possible matches between missing persons and unidentified remains.[4] Many researchers believe that mtDNA is better suited to identification of older skeletal remains than nuclear DNA because it is often easier to harvest from older remains because of the greater number of copies of mtDNA per cell,
I found a very interesting article on missing foster care runaways it mentions several states

This is one quote from the article

and how true this is

The Daily News of Los Angeles reported that at least eight children have been killed or died in accidents in the past few years after running away or being abducted from foster care.

Richard Wexler, president of the National Coalition for Child Protection Reform, said that states have been minimizing the plight of runaways and downplaying the risk these children are in.

"If your, or my, teenage child ran away, we would move heaven and earth to find that child," Wexler said. "And when the state is the parent, it has the same obligation."

Following the high-profile disappearance of a foster child in Florida last spring, several states are under pressure to account for hundreds of missing foster kids that ran away or were abducted from state care.
OK, I would say we can make a rule out pretty simply by emailing/tele agency and only verifiyiing that Rachelles mtDNA is really 'in'......I have had many cases w/misinfo reported, says dentals when no dentals, says DNA when there is none. I would email/tele the agency where her report is listed and verify her DNA actually is in CODIS.
I found a group based out of Milwaukee for teen prostitues.

I sent the following letter to the owner/director of the organization. She also founded/set up the group in Chicago that was previously contacted regarding Marleina Reed.

Dear Claudine,

My name is XXXXXXX XXXXXXX and I am a member of an online crime sleuthing forum called
I am writing today regarding an unidentified female who was either pushed or jumped out a vehicle in January of 1999 in the Phoenix Arizona area.

We are currently working on a case regarding a white female, possible 15, who passed away in Arizona in January of 1999 and remains unidentified almost a decade later. After reviewing the police report regarding her case, it is possible she may have been lured into prostitution and brought to Phoenix, AZ to work in the central area from the Milwaukee area. A witness interviewed stated her alleged pimp, Kelly Lipsey, had been arrested for trafficking minor girls from both the Milwaukee area, and somewhere "back east". Since her death, no one has stepped forward to give her an identity. We believe she was never reported missing and may have been a runaway, in foster care or possibly a victim of abuse in her home.We hope that your organization may be of some assistance. Possibly someone within your organization may have run across her in 98 or early 99. I thank you in advance for taking the time to look over our request and any suggestions or direction which might assist us in finding this young girls identity is much appreciated.

Her information on the Maricopa Medical Examiner's Unidentified Persons Bureau website (Case #99-0305):

Thank you for any time you can take looking into this case.


Will post if I hear back. Maybe someone in this organization remembers our MJD from the late 90's, or maybe they know of the gals KL trafficked from the Milwaukee area......
I found a group based out of Milwaukee for teen prostitues.

I sent the following letter to the owner/director of the organization. She also founded/set up the group in Chicago that was previously contacted regarding Marleina Reed.

Dear Claudine,

My name is XXXXXXX XXXXXXX and I am a member of an online crime sleuthing forum called
I am writing today regarding an unidentified female who was either pushed or jumped out a vehicle in January of 1999 in the Phoenix Arizona area.

We are currently working on a case regarding a white female, possible 15, who passed away in Arizona in January of 1999 and remains unidentified almost a decade later. After reviewing the police report regarding her case, it is possible she may have been lured into prostitution and brought to Phoenix, AZ to work in the central area from the Milwaukee area. A witness interviewed stated her alleged pimp, Kelly Lipsey, had been arrested for trafficking minor girls from both the Milwaukee area, and somewhere "back east". Since her death, no one has stepped forward to give her an identity. We believe she was never reported missing and may have been a runaway, in foster care or possibly a victim of abuse in her home.We hope that your organization may be of some assistance. Possibly someone within your organization may have run across her in 98 or early 99. I thank you in advance for taking the time to look over our request and any suggestions or direction which might assist us in finding this young girls identity is much appreciated.

Her information on the Maricopa Medical Examiner's Unidentified Persons Bureau website (Case #99-0305):

Thank you for any time you can take looking into this case.


Will post if I hear back. Maybe someone in this organization remembers our MJD from the late 90's, or maybe they know of the gals KL trafficked from the Milwaukee area......

From the about page:
I led the Young Women’s Empowerment Project, a social justice, harm reduction organization for girls and young women in the sex trade and street economies, ( in Chicago, Illinois as Executive Director for over 7 years, creating programs and workshops together with youth. Through supporting youth to take leadership in every possible capacity, YWEP is a youth led organization.
My BA is in Critical Pedagogy from Northeastern Illinois University.

I think I will copy the letter to the site if an email is available. It may be a bit before we hear back as Claudines page says she is currently in Detroit at a confrence.

ETA; letter sent to too.
Does anybody know if Kelly Lipsey is incarcerated right now or is he out on bond?
How about Raechelle Jeanean Wilson for a PM

I know she is older but some people look alot younger, Also the heart tattoo on the chest and the exotic dancer connection

she was last seen in 94 or 95 in Kansas what side of the chest was MJD's heart tattoo?

Left midline, size of quarter, or 1"x1"..

Raechelle would have been 29 as well, there is no way I think MJD was that old.

I remember finding something a while back about blue tattoo hearts.....i will see if i can dig it up again...but what I am thinking about is that it might be a possible brand in a way for a pimp...wonder if LDJ has one....
Ok, Here I go thinking AGAIN, LOL

I wonder if maybe they were fighting/wrestling around for the Rolex waych? Instead of a gun?

Also. I wondered if maybe she felt trapped in the car thought they were going to kill her and she wanted OUT and he refused etc. And the only thing she could think of was to say I think Im going to throw up, so they would pull over and let her puke.

But they just rolled down the window. and she decided to take her chances by jumping. I find it odd she was sitting in the middle, Alonzo and Lindsey knew each other normally they would be sitting side by side and the "stranger" would sit by the door. But they didnt want her by the door,,,,,,

Thats an interesting idea, phenol about the rolex? That does seem to be the, well not red herring, but an interesting object in this whole scenario, doesn't it. I agree about MJD sitting in the middle. I thought about that since it was first mentioned. That doesn't make any sense, other than, since apparently, she was already in the car when she and Alonzo were buying dope and they picked up Lindsey later... But unless they left in a hurry when they picked Lindsey up, whey wouldn't MJD have gotten out of the car to let Lindsey in to sit next to Alonzo and then gotten back in? And that is assuming that she still wanted to be in the car at that point.
The police report mentioned they ALL stopped at a house after MJD was picked up. Did LE ever find out where they stopped and interview anyone in the home at that time?

I'm still wondering if MJD happened to get out with LJD and go into that home? I can see with a "deal" the two gals would have stayed in the car while Alonzo went in, but why the need to score drugs twice in such a short time? Unless they picked up some coke or crack after picking up the marijuana- which they admitted to. LE would have found other drugs with the blood tests right?
The police report mentioned they ALL stopped at a house after MJD was picked up. Did LE ever find out where they stopped and interview anyone in the home at that time?

I'm still wondering if MJD happened to get out with LJD and go into that home? I can see with a "deal" the two gals would have stayed in the car while Alonzo went in, but why the need to score drugs twice in such a short time? Unless they picked up some coke or crack after picking up the marijuana- which they admitted to. LE would have found other drugs with the blood tests right?

Fmw let us know a few pages ago that LE confirmed she went into the house and stayed for 20 minutes or more iirc?? I think Alonzo picked MJD up because there was a party that required he bring 2 girls, or that this was the story he told MJD when he scooped her up at the mini mart...jmo. He had 140 in his wallet, right, post scoring some drugs...just a thought.
Fmw let us know a few pages ago that LE confirmed she went into the house and stayed for 20 minutes or more iirc?? I think Alonzo picked MJD up because there was a party that required he bring 2 girls, or that this was the story he told MJD when he scooped her up at the mini mart...jmo. He had 140 in his wallet, right, post scoring some drugs...just a thought.

MJD went into a home and stayed for 20 min? I dount it was a mid afternoon party. Alonzo was scoring a second time and it was safe to bring the gals into the home. Alonzo bouught from this person before and was trusted in that crowd. Hard core dealers don't want a lot of in and out traffic- and make buyers hang out for 45 min or so at times., 20 min isn't a long time at night... but ??? during the day. Maybe 20 min was all that was necessary to not attract attention during the day.

Now I am curious if the people who were renting the home they stopped in were ever busted for dealing, and how often did Alonzo buy from them. Was he a regular customer or just someone who happened to drop in that day.

Did they all 3 go in the house or just her? Maybe she was in there on a "job"?
Here's another theory: MJD wasn't a prostitute---yet. Maybe she was hanging out with the wrong people, even transported out of her safety zone to another area and being prepped to "work" for her boyfriend. She may have still been in the "grooming" stage and not really working. She starts trying to act the part and realizes she is in over her head and completely freaks out. It seems plausible that a young girl who isn't street wise may be terrified out of her mind if put in the situation described by both Alonzo and Lindsey.
The police report mentioned they ALL stopped at a house after MJD was picked up. Did LE ever find out where they stopped and interview anyone in the home at that time?

I'm still wondering if MJD happened to get out with LJD and go into that home? I can see with a "deal" the two gals would have stayed in the car while Alonzo went in, but why the need to score drugs twice in such a short time? Unless they picked up some coke or crack after picking up the marijuana- which they admitted to. LE would have found other drugs with the blood tests right?
Wasn't someone supposed to get an autopsy report or am I mistaken? Or did we? Was a tox screen done? What were the results?
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