Mistrial, Hung Jury - Raven Abaroa Murder in the 1st

Actually Raven was the bridge.

Raven used to grow his hair a bit long and then dye it blonde. It went with his tan. He had it slicked back and quite greasy in prison. It got shaved in jail. Usually before trial defendants either grow their hair to look clean cut.

Raven has some thinning hair so I think that's why he grew it out. He had it shut for his embezzlement hearing and you could see thinning in the back and it was mentioned here and I think it bothered him a lot.

Right after the trial he got it buzzed again and had the facial hair and that is why he didn't want to go back to court and they had tried to hide him because he looked so damn rough.

Dyed hair and name changes is something he gets from his mother I guess.

Raven is very high maintenance when it comes to clothing etc. Raven is nothing like Michael Jackson though, he's more like OJ Simpson in personality and he also has a thing for younger women.

Good luck with your "Trial Vision". Best of luck winning Mani's heart.
Actually Raven was the bridge.

Raven used to grow his hair a bit long and then dye it blonde. It went with his tan. He had it slicked back and quite greasy in prison. It got shaved in jail. Usually before trial defendants either grow their hair to look clean cut.

Raven has some thinning hair so I think that's why he grew it out. He had it shut for his embezzlement hearing and you could see thinning in the back and it was mentioned here and I think it bothered him a lot.

Right after the trial he got it buzzed again and had the facial hair and that is why he didn't want to go back to court and they had tried to hide him because he looked so damn rough.

Dyed hair and name changes is something he gets from his mother I guess.

Raven is very high maintenance when it comes to clothing etc. Raven is nothing like Michael Jackson though, he's more like OJ Simpson in personality and he also has a thing for younger women.

Good luck with your "Trial Vision". Best of luck winning Mani's heart.

So if I wanted to dye my hair blonde - what, I just go to the aisle in CVS that has those little boxes of haor color - with the pictures of girls with different color hair? Sort of like a box of color dye? How does it work? (smile)
Charlene is a fine Prosecutor, she definitely didn't let the lies and rudeness of any of the defense witnesses get under her skin. She's careful, concise, and like I said before, opening statements and theatrics are the Defense's forte. Defense attorneys are always actors and actresses, it's a show to them, for a Prosecution team it comes down to logic, they aren't allowed the same theatrics afforded to Defense teams with their Red Herrings.

I'm sure Mani is a very nice woman, but when you see someone defending a like Raven and you see what almost looks like flirtation between the scum and his defense attorney it's creepy. There is no other kind way to put it, except gross & creepy.

TY for the report!!! Wow - that's so long away... this guy Abaroa - he's at least still in the clinky-clink, right? They really need to accelerate this process. Swift justice is really an urban legend at this point, although the Dunne trial was nice and neat, and quick. Am I right- doesn't the defendant drive the initial stages, something where in the first week or os second appearance, they have a right to either fast track a trial, or postpone?

Well, not much to do except wait around, I guess.

Remember from the first trial - the nice young, sporty blonde girl called to testify? She was the girl who Raven had been accused of ( with hard text /telefonika evidence) sleeping with ( I guess that's the word). Remember how irritated she was being there? She looked like one irritated and angry girl, who, obvi, has gone on to get married and have kids, and now has to be embarrassed by having to answer for what seemed like innocent actions from her past ( although, I know Janet e-mailed her and gave her the "don't break up our family bit)... so she knew what she was getting into. By the looks of her alone, I wouldn't be surprised if she is not the underlying pursuit which may have caused the trigger for this event. Wouldn't surprise me.

Let me know if you remember her - and how much fun she was having up there.

Thanks, my highly intelligent friends of power.

Your admirer,

The Gajonka

Yeppers, gajonka -- As the song goes, "He's in the jailhouse now..." &

you can see what little there is about him & a special bonus if you click on it -- his mug shot. Well, heck, I'll give you that fer free:




ETA: When you get to the page above, go back one to see his charges & bond amount, etc.
So if I wanted to dye my hair blonde - what, I just go to the aisle in CVS that has those little boxes of haor color - with the pictures of girls with different color hair? Sort of like a box of color dye? How does it work? (smile)

CVS or Walgreens, I use L'Oreal, because I'm worth $9.98 :)
Yeppers, gajonka -- As the song goes, "He's in the jailhouse now..." &

you can see what little there is about him & a special bonus if you click on it -- his mug shot. Well, heck, I'll give you that fer free:


ETA: When you get to the page above, go back one to see his charges & bond amount, etc.

Coooooool ! Thanks Borndem!!!


HE LOOKS like he knows a SECRET

See, plenty of pre-game, warm-up reviews to go through. Do you think there is any way they can not have the csi person be a awitness in this case?
:seeya: Sliding in here fresh off of Amanda Hayes.
This case has been recommended as a good one to follow by some of the NC folks on that thread....so here I am.
I literally know nothing about this case. I was going to read up and saw the number of threads and realized that would be impossible :eek:.
So I am going to go into this one with a fresh clean look and an open mind.
I will try not to bug y'all with too many inane questions along the way, I will read up a little to get the basics down.

Borndem, is this the one that is pushed back because they forgot to send out jury notices? Or was that Brad Cooper?
I can give you a quick synopses if you would like.

On April 26, 2005 Janet was murdered in her Durham, NC home.

The year before the murder Raven left Janet for another woman. When Raven left Janet had found out she was pregnant. Janet is Mormon. Janet's family lives in VA, Raven's family in Utah.

So here is a young women, pregnant, her husband left her because he doesn't want to be tied down anymore. Raven was very big into 'toys', he had a VX, Ducati, lots of vehicles basically. He's also high maintenance when it comes to bikes, clothings, designer wear. Raven didn't want responsibility anymore and he didn't want to be with Janet anymore. He had a string of infidelities. To make matters worse, Janet and Raven worked at the same company.

When Raven found out that Janet was having a boy he went back to Janet, they ended up renting a home. Raven, is a narcissist and a sociopath, he couldn't pass up the chance to have a 'mini-me'.

Their son, Kaiden was born end of October 2004. In January of 2005, just 4 months before Janet's murder, Raven was caught embezzling from the company. He was fired. Janet loved her job and the people there, they did not fire Janet, they knew she had zero knowledge of the embezzlement and was not part of it, but out of embarrassment for what her husband did she left the company and got a new job.

Raven was struggling with work. He got another job but he wasn't making his quota. They needed help with their rent, they needed money for food, and their church gave them help. The person they rented from gave them some help. Raven was under indictment for the shoes, and he was getting ready to get let go from his job.

Janet's vehicle, was brought in for a tune up or something on the day of her murder. It happened to coincide with a day that someone from the church was going to meet up with them at their home after work.

They ate dinner while the church member was there. Supposedly Raven and Janet folded clothes and Raven finished up some 'homework', Kaiden was put down for the night and Janet was getting ready for bed to watch DVR'd General Hospital and Raven left the home to play a 'pick-up group' soccer game in Morrisville, NC.

Janet was suppose to be in bed when he left, but he told many people different things. He came home and went in the back door and went up stairs and he checked on Kaiden and then he found Janet shot in the office.

He called 911 - there are many links here for the 911 call but it looks like they are dead. Here is a link to the 911 called transcribed: [ame="http://websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=1793493&postcount=14"]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - The 911 call[/ame]

Here is a quick cheat link to Evidence and Questions Revisted here at websleuths [ame="http://websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=78731"]Evidence and Questions Revisted - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

Raven went to the police station that night and he was picked up by a church member. He told the church member that Janet committed suicide. Janet's family first news of Janet's death was that she committed suicide. Janet was stabbed, not shot.

Raven has over the years told people Janet was alive, he told people he gave her a priest blessing, he told people Janet was cold, he told people she talked to him. He gave many different statements.

Within a few weeks of Janet's murder he took Kaiden and moved to Utah. We find out that Janet was pregnant when she was murdered.

They couldn't afford their bills, they were getting church welfare for all their food needs, they got breaks on their rent and then we find out that there was a Life Insurance Policy in the amount of $500k taken out on this young married mother.

We later find out that three months after Janet's murder Raven got an underaged girl pregnant. During the 5 years between the murder and his arrest he did not cooperate with police. The morning after the murder he was suppose to visit the police department and take a polygraph, he had already lawyered up.

In those 5 years he had a string of women. We found out during that time he stole again at another company. Many of the women he was with were like sugar momma's. He met a young mother and married her. Their marriage ended and we found out that he was verbally and physically abusive with her.

We know through friends that he was very domineering and very verbally abusive with Janet.

We know that Raven got into many altercations and he's a bit of a hot-head.

We know that Raven had a knife collection and he liked to collect knives. We also know that the only missing from the home after the murder was his knife collection and his laptop.

When he was arrested 4 months before the murder the police confiscated his computer/laptop. He knew that would be the first thing confiscated by the police.

Raven did not work with police at all. He put up no reward towards information leading to the arrest of Janet. The day of the one year anniversary of Janet's murder he was sitting in his lawyers office in Utah filing bankruptcy papers. He never visited Janet's grave. He never contacted police regarding the case.

A few years after the murder he did an extended interview with NC Wanted. Again, I can't seem to find the links.

He flew into Durham, did the interview and right out again. He was fake, he cried at laughed at inappropriate times, it was bizarre considering the circumstances. He talked about wanting a baby brother or sister for Kaiden, but we find out that Kaiden did have one. It was bizarre to say the least.

Raven and his new wife broke up. He was with another few women and then he went to Idaho. There was another new investigator on the case that was contacting Raven and I think Raven knew they were closing on him. He was arrested.

Raven killed Janet and their unborn child. He knew she was pregnant, he didn't want that responsibility. He was ready to lose his precious VX, I believe Janet was done with him. He didn't want to be tied down, but he also didn't want anyone else having Janet. He didn't want Janet taking Kaiden either. He needed to come up with money to pay his attorney for his embezzlement and he knew he was in trouble there and there were $500k reasons to kill her.
Coooooool ! Thanks Borndem!!!


HE LOOKS like he knows a SECRET

See, plenty of pre-game, warm-up reviews to go through. Do you think there is any way they can not have the csi person be a awitness in this case?

I think you are referring to Donna Jackson. I think she did her job to the best of her ability. They were going to the home of someone that was hurt & shot and at the time Raven was not considered a suspect. People want to think that CSI shows are real, it's not always so cut and dry and I saw nothing wrong with her testimony. Are you sure you don't like her because she isn't Mani?
I can give you a quick synopses if you would like.
*Snipped by me*

:tyou: Terminatrixator!

This helps alot, I am going to check out the links you put in also.
I am just starting through this thread, has a date been set yet for this trial to start (or jury selections, I should say)?
March 17th jury selections. The last trial was approximately 6 weeks.

I hope it goes in March. I have been told that Mrs. Christiansen has breast cancer and has put off any sort of surgery or big treatments since BEFORE the first trial because it would be too hard to do that while living in NC during the trial. None of Janet's family live in NC and they all have to travel and be displaced during the trial.

I can't imagine losing a daughter to cancer and another one to murder and having to deal with all the emotions while having cancer. This family has been through way too much and it's time for Justice and closure.
I think you are referring to Donna Jackson. I think she did her job to the best of her ability. They were going to the home of someone that was hurt & shot and at the time Raven was not considered a suspect. People want to think that CSI shows are real, it's not always so cut and dry and I saw nothing wrong with her testimony. Are you sure you don't like her because she isn't Mani?

I'm trying not to bring too much attention to the csi girl because hers is one that can be ripped to pieces. Not as bad as Melissa Fleak, from the LA coroners office, the one who worked the MJ / CMurray crime scene.

IDK, I just remember her not representing a reliable source of helpful information. Sloppy, incoherent comes to mind.
I already let Mani know, so the cat is out of the bag.

But its clear , that RA had to have promised some fo the insurance payout to whomever he paid to do the deed.

Is the state's theory that he came back and did it>?

What was the theory about the shirt all about?

Thanks , Borndem and Terminatrioratrix.
YOur admirer,

The Gajonka
I decided to try and watch the "hung jury mistrial" before the retrial starts.
Keep in mind I know almost nothing about this case (I started with this current thread, and a couple posts linked from Trix).
Right now I am just 3/4 through defense opening, and I already have an issue.
He is talking about RA coming home and finding her. He runs outside and screams, then realizes he does not have his phone.
What (innocent) person does not immediately go check on their baby after finding someone else dead in their home?!? :eek:

Probably something that will come up during trial, but not even 20 min. in and I already have issues with the defense!

One other thing, again a Durango!
Abaroas owned one, Hayes' owned one, Michael Dunn killed a kid in one.
If someone offered me a brand new Durango for free tomorrow I would say NO TY, those trucks have bad mojo. :scared:
I decided to try and watch the "hung jury mistrial" before the retrial starts.
Keep in mind I know almost nothing about this case (I started with this current thread, and a couple posts linked from Trix).
Right now I am just 3/4 through defense opening, and I already have an issue.
He is talking about RA coming home and finding her. He runs outside and screams, then realizes he does not have his phone.
What (innocent) person does not immediately go check on their baby after finding someone else dead in their home?!? :eek:

Probably something that will come up during trial, but not even 20 min. in and I already have issues with the defense!

One other thing, again a Durango!
Abaroas owned one, Hayes' owned one, Michael Dunn killed a kid in one.
If someone offered me a brand new Durango for free tomorrow I would say NO TY, those trucks have bad mojo. :scared:

Thanks, Nymeria - where can we find a link to watch the old trial>
I decided to try and watch the "hung jury mistrial" before the retrial starts.
Keep in mind I know almost nothing about this case (I started with this current thread, and a couple posts linked from Trix).
Right now I am just 3/4 through defense opening, and I already have an issue.
He is talking about RA coming home and finding her. He runs outside and screams, then realizes he does not have his phone.
What (innocent) person does not immediately go check on their baby after finding someone else dead in their home?!? :eek:

Probably something that will come up during trial, but not even 20 min. in and I already have issues with the defense!

One other thing, again a Durango!
Abaroas owned one, Hayes' owned one, Michael Dunn killed a kid in one.
If someone offered me a brand new Durango for free tomorrow I would say NO TY, those trucks have bad mojo. :scared:

I found it! wRal.xom
:seeya: Sliding in here fresh off of Amanda Hayes.
This case has been recommended as a good one to follow by some of the NC folks on that thread....so here I am.
I literally know nothing about this case. I was going to read up and saw the number of threads and realized that would be impossible :eek:.
So I am going to go into this one with a fresh clean look and an open mind.
I will try not to bug y'all with too many inane questions along the way, I will read up a little to get the basics down.

Borndem, is this the one that is pushed back because they forgot to send out jury notices? Or was that Brad Cooper?

:seeya:Glad you're here, Nymeria!!:seeya:

And yes, this is the trial they had to re-schedule due to the summons not getting in the mail.

And yes, another narcississtic womanizing sociopathic wife-killer.

Trixator's run-down of this worthless piece protoplasm is super & just what you need to snuggle in with the rest of us. But you have got to watch Mani & Raven in action in the courtroom. What a pair.

And I think the prosecutor is good -- she's not a sharp looker like Mani is, but she's smart & gets her licks in there.

Again, glad you've joined us!
:seeya:Glad you're here, Nymeria!!:seeya:

And yes, this is the trial they had to re-schedule due to the summons not getting in the mail.

And yes, another narcississtic womanizing sociopathic wife-killer.

Trixator's run-down of this worthless piece protoplasm is super & just what you need to snuggle in with the rest of us. But you have got to watch Mani & Raven in action in the courtroom. What a pair.

And I think the prosecutor is good -- she's not a sharp looker like Mani is, but she's smart & gets her licks in there.

Again, glad you've joined us!

:tyou: Born, happy to be here....now lets get this trial going!
(After I do all my catching up, of course :giggle:).

BTW, I was reading a few very old threads back in the days right after the murder. There were quite a few posters who naturally pinged my radar.
Was RA ever actually *posting* here that anyone knows of?
Partial quote originally posted by Nymeria:

BTW, I was reading a few very old threads back in the days right after the murder. There were quite a few posters who naturally pinged my radar.
Was RA ever actually *posting* here that anyone knows of?

Sorry to be so late to respond, my cold-country friend. I don't recall one way or the other if any of us were suspicious of a phantom-Raven poster, but it's been a while. I'm trying to deal with the trial of Jonathan Richardson who is accused of torturing & killing the 4 y/o Teghan Skiba. -- As you have been, as well. -- What a horrendous nightmare. So my mind is wa-a-ay far from this selfish, I-love-myself-and-no-one-else, and worthless Raven. I'll have to go back & look when I can.

Obviously I need to review to get ready for the re-trial. And 11-1 - oh, that just amazes me. At least he's been cooling his heels in a county jail for a while... No country club there, I'm sure.

I certainly wouldn't put it past him -- and we surely have seen this before, haven't we?!
:) I know that Raven was very aware of Websleuths since the first thread was made, almost to an obsession. I do know that his attorneys are very aware of Websleuths, considering they brought it up quite often during the last trial.

If you did get a chance to go through the ending of the Prosecutions case you will notice l there is a video tape Raven took of himself after speaking with a Detective on the case and he was rambling on about wanting to win the lotto and needing money to fight the internet people. It's so creepy and surreal to watch. This guy is seriously wanting to win $3 million so he can have power and fight against those on the internet (Websleuths posters) and then he made an odd comment about using some of the winnings to get Janet's name more well known at SVU (her college) and then of course some for Kaiden's future. How crazy is that? He mentions NOTHING about trying to find the so-called real killer. His obsession with WS is quite weird, then again in the five years this guy has roamed free, he did NOTHING to help LE, nothing to find the real killer, because he got to see the real killer in the mirror every single day.

Another strange thing is Websleuths has been around a long time, we've seen serious high profile cases here, Scott Peterson, Michael Peterson, Casey Anthony, Jodi Arias, not once in all the time did I see the defense attorneys bring up Websleuths. What does WS have to do with Raven murdering Janet?
We have the right to talk about the case. This is not even a very high profile case, it's not National news. I am willing to bet people walking around in Durham right now, if you asked them who Raven Abaroa is or hey have you heard of Janet Christiansen Abaroa, the pregnant woman that was killed most people would have no clue who either one of them are.

Whether or not Raven has 'posted' here is something none of us can really truly know though, but I'm sure if you go back to the beginning you will find some very close ties with Raven.

Raven killed Janet and their unborn child and I hope Justice will be served, but we all know that sometimes that doesn't happen.

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