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I also think their personalities play a part in determining whether or not they would have headed directly home from the mall that day, or made a stop somewhere along the way. I agree motherof5, an insight to their personalities would be most helpful,
but I am looking at it from a different angle, to determine whether they had some rebellion/adventure (not necessarily in a negative way) in them.
I can only draw conclusions about the girls' personalities from what I have read about them. Somewhere back in the origional thread there is a post by someone who knew them personally and she speaks of what they were like.

I think that the girls might have been a bit bolder around a stranger or someone they had only met casually if both were together, rather than one or the other walking home alone. They may have felt safer together. While Sheila may have been more reserved, and Kate more outgoing, Sheila may have been the one to lead the way as seen in one statement or Mrs. Biosca below.

I remember reading a quote from the girls' mother once in which she stated that the girls were pretty smart, and knew not to talk to strangers, but that she could imagine them being tricked into a vehicle.

She mentioned a scenario in which maybe a person were to drive up and say something like "There has been an accident, your Mom asked me to drive you to the hospital."

Below are some quotes that I have snipped from an article published in the Washington Star on 6 April 1975. The reporter made her own observations and also interviewed Mary Lyon, the girls' mother in writing the article. I posted it in its entierty in the News Reports and Articles thread a while back.

Perhaps you can draw some conclusions concerning the girls' personalities from these comments:

Sheila and Kate went to Wheaton Plaza by themselves. First, though, they went upstairs to the pale yellow bedroom they share with their stuffed animals and dressed.

Sheila put on a navy blue sweatshirt and wheat colored jeans that she called her "Cheap jeans" and tennis shoes.

Kate had on Wrangler blue jeans, a bright gold turtleneck, a red knit jacket and brown shoes.

Mrs. Lyon told the girls she thought 3 o'clock would be "a good time" to be home.

...It was into this busy, teeming shopping scene that the two Lyon sisters walked. Two blond haired girls: Kate, the youngest, "sort of the silly one - the outgoing one" as some friends affectionately put it, and Sheila, the oldest, who they said is "quiet - she would talk when you talked to her."

Sheila is the cook, the honor roll student at Newport Junior High, the artist, the bowler, a young girl just starting to take outside babysitting jobs - with a secret ambition to be a cheerleader.

Kate likes to garden, play volleyball, roller skate, read books - and run. "She is really a fast runner - like a bullet," one friend said. And Kate is especially fond of her youngest brother, Joe. She often would dress him and walk him every day to their school, Oakland Terrace elementary.

Sheila's school is Newport Junior High, to which she rides a bus.

Sheila's and Kate's faces are not unfamiliar at Wheaton Plaza. The girls like candy and frequently browse through the shops, especially to look at clothes.

...Mrs. Biosca said one of the girls had stepped in front of her to look at a woman's wallet on display. "The one with the glasses (Sheila) was walking with the other one behind her, and had said, 'Oh, excuse me' to me. She was looking for a wallet, and I heard her say something to her sister like, 'Look at this. Isn't this nice?'"

...In the girls bedroom with the dainty vanity and the pink flowered vanity skirt and the ruffled white curtains. A poster of rock star John Denver hangs over Sheila's bed -- over Kate's one of Loggins and Messina.

...Sheila kept her money in a metal tea can. Jay counted the money in it and there was $17 and some odd cents.

"We go to Myrtle Beach every year," Mrs. Lyon said. "And we encourage the children to save their money for that. I remember Sheila said the day before, 'Hey Mom, I have $20 already.'"

"Kate had some money but she didn't have near what Sheila did."

...Mary Lyon hurriedly straightened the pink blanket on Kate's bed ...The photographer snaps a few pictures of the stuffed animals piled high on Sheila's pink sheets and blue flowered blanket. He does the same for Kate's.

... Mrs. Lyon stands over by the bookcse in a corner of the room pointing out Kate's Bobbsey Twins books. "Kate likes to read," said her mother. " She likes very sad, sentimental stories about orphans and poor little girls. She takes after me that way."

It's April 6 and the wait is still on. Mrs. Lyon has changed her mind about a lot of things. "When they come home, Kate can get her ears pierced. And Sheila can wear eye shadow."

I recall another similar article which stated that Sheila was very good at her school subjects and had mostly A's, while Kate was not quite as studious.
I can only draw conclusions about the girls' personalities from what I have read about them. Somewhere back in the origional thread there is a post by someone who knew them personally and she speaks of what they were like.

I think that the girls might have been a bit bolder around a stranger or someone they had only met casually if both were together, rather than one or the other walking home alone. They may have felt safer together. While Sheila may have been more reserved, and Kate more outgoing, Sheila may have been the one to lead the way as seen in one statement or Mrs. Biosca below.

I remember reading a quote from the girls' mother once in which she stated that the girls were pretty smart, and knew not to talk to strangers, but that she could imagine them being tricked into a vehicle.

She mentioned a scenario in which maybe a person were to drive up and say something like "There has been an accident, your Mom asked me to drive you to the hospital."

Below are some quotes that I have snipped from an article published in the Washington Star on 6 April 1975. The reporter made her own observations and also interviewed Mary Lyon, the girls' mother in writing the article. I posted it in its entierty in the News Reports and Articles thread a while back.

Perhaps you can draw some conclusions concerning the girls' personalities from these comments:

Sheila and Kate went to Wheaton Plaza by themselves. First, though, they went upstairs to the pale yellow bedroom they share with their stuffed animals and dressed.

Sheila put on a navy blue sweatshirt and wheat colored jeans that she called her "Cheap jeans" and tennis shoes.

Kate had on Wrangler blue jeans, a bright gold turtleneck, a red knit jacket and brown shoes.

Mrs. Lyon told the girls she thought 3 o'clock would be "a good time" to be home.

...It was into this busy, teeming shopping scene that the two Lyon sisters walked. Two blond haired girls: Kate, the youngest, "sort of the silly one - the outgoing one" as some friends affectionately put it, and Sheila, the oldest, who they said is "quiet - she would talk when you talked to her."

Sheila is the cook, the honor roll student at Newport Junior High, the artist, the bowler, a young girl just starting to take outside babysitting jobs - with a secret ambition to be a cheerleader.

Kate likes to garden, play volleyball, roller skate, read books - and run. "She is really a fast runner - like a bullet," one friend said. And Kate is especially fond of her youngest brother, Joe. She often would dress him and walk him every day to their school, Oakland Terrace elementary.

Sheila's school is Newport Junior High, to which she rides a bus.

Sheila's and Kate's faces are not unfamiliar at Wheaton Plaza. The girls like candy and frequently browse through the shops, especially to look at clothes.

...Mrs. Biosca said one of the girls had stepped in front of her to look at a woman's wallet on display. "The one with the glasses (Sheila) was walking with the other one behind her, and had said, 'Oh, excuse me' to me. She was looking for a wallet, and I heard her say something to her sister like, 'Look at this. Isn't this nice?'"

...In the girls bedroom with the dainty vanity and the pink flowered vanity skirt and the ruffled white curtains. A poster of rock star John Denver hangs over Sheila's bed -- over Kate's one of Loggins and Messina.

...Sheila kept her money in a metal tea can. Jay counted the money in it and there was $17 and some odd cents.

"We go to Myrtle Beach every year," Mrs. Lyon said. "And we encourage the children to save their money for that. I remember Sheila said the day before, 'Hey Mom, I have $20 already.'"

"Kate had some money but she didn't have near what Sheila did."

...Mary Lyon hurriedly straightened the pink blanket on Kate's bed ...The photographer snaps a few pictures of the stuffed animals piled high on Sheila's pink sheets and blue flowered blanket. He does the same for Kate's.

... Mrs. Lyon stands over by the bookcse in a corner of the room pointing out Kate's Bobbsey Twins books. "Kate likes to read," said her mother. " She likes very sad, sentimental stories about orphans and poor little girls. She takes after me that way."

It's April 6 and the wait is still on. Mrs. Lyon has changed her mind about a lot of things. "When they come home, Kate can get her ears pierced. And Sheila can wear eye shadow."

I recall another similar article which stated that Sheila was very good at her school subjects and had mostly A's, while Kate was not quite as studious.
Thank you so much Richard.
You had mentioned this about picutres of the girls.

Richard quote-I have seen quite a few news articles about Sheila and Kate, and have only seen one other photo than the two portraits which are so much circulated in the many websites.

That photo was a blurry snapshot of both girls standing next to each other outside. You could see in the photo that Sheila was quite a bit taller than Kate. End quote

Is it possible for you to post the other picture? Thanks for your help!:)
From the 4/6/75 Washington Star Article-

At 3:30 p.m., Mrs. Lyon arrived home from her bowling trip. The girls weren't there. She said it was her worst bowling performance ever - so bad, in fact, that she is embarrassed to tell her score.

Her husband had met her outside the Wheaton Triangle bowling alley. From there they went together to the Kensington bank before it closed and then on to a used bookstore.

Back home, Mrs. Lyon recalled, "John went in and lay down. I changed my clothes and worked in the front yard for three hours. The boys had come home by then."

Does this mean that the boys came home at 3:30 or 3 hours later when she had finished working in the yard? I'm just wondering what time Jay walked home from the mall as he probably took the same path.
From the 4/6/75 Washington Star Article-

At 3:30 p.m., Mrs. Lyon arrived home ..., "John went in and lay down. I changed my clothes and worked in the front yard for three hours. The boys had come home by then."

Does this mean that the boys came home at 3:30 or 3 hours later when she had finished working in the yard? I'm just wondering what time Jay walked home from the mall as he probably took the same path.

The wording is a bit awkward, but I interpret it to mean that the boys came home sometime shortly after 3:30 PM when Mrs. Lyon was beginning her gardening.

I have never seen an account of how or exactly when Jay arrived home from Wheaton Plaza. I am sure that the Montgomery County Police files contain a very detailed statement from Jay which includes all that information.

It was stated in one newspaper that Jay was the last FAMILY MEMBER to see the girls at Wheaton Plaza. This statement has been misquoted by other writers to say that Jay was the last person to see them at the mall.
The wording is a bit awkward, but I interpret it to mean that the boys came home sometime shortly after 3:30 PM when Mrs. Lyon was beginning her gardening.

I have never seen an account of how or exactly when Jay arrived home from Wheaton Plaza. I am sure that the Montgomery County Police files contain a very detailed statement from Jay which includes all that information.

It was stated in one newspaper that Jay was the last FAMILY MEMBER to see the girls at Wheaton Plaza. This statement has been misquoted by other writers to say that Jay was the last person to see them at the mall.

Thank you,Richard. I was wondering if the girls knew that Jay was at the mall that day or if they knew that he was planning to go that day? Have you read anything on this? I know that Jay said that he saw them at the mall,but he wasn't sure if they saw him.
We'll never know if they saw him,but I wonder if they knew if he had plans to be there? Have you found anything on this or do you have an opinion either way?
From the 4/6/75 Washington Star Article-

At 3:30 p.m., Mrs. Lyon arrived home from her bowling trip. The girls weren't there. She said it was her worst bowling performance ever - so bad, in fact, that she is embarrassed to tell her score.

Her husband had met her outside the Wheaton Triangle bowling alley. From there they went together to the Kensington bank before it closed and then on to a used bookstore.

Back home, Mrs. Lyon recalled, "John went in and lay down. I changed my clothes and worked in the front yard for three hours. The boys had come home by then."

Does this mean that the boys came home at 3:30 or 3 hours later when she had finished working in the yard? I'm just wondering what time Jay walked home from the mall as he probably took the same path.

I interpreted this to mean they were not home when Mr. and Mrs. Lyon returned at 3:30, but they did arrive home sometime before 6:30 when Mrs. Lyon finished working in the yard.

If I recall the boys were not together later in the day, so they would have arrived home separately.

I have also wondered whether or not the girls knew Jay was going to the Plaza that day. I tend to think they didn't know he would be there. An article stated he and Joe played Basketball earlier in the day, most likely Jay decided to go to the mall after that. Maybe a friend called or he ran into someone while playing Bball??
I interpreted this to mean they were not home when Mr. and Mrs. Lyon returned at 3:30, but they did arrive home sometime before 6:30 when Mrs. Lyon finished working in the yard.

If I recall the boys were not together later in the day, so they would have arrived home separately.

I have also wondered whether or not the girls knew Jay was going to the Plaza that day. I tend to think they didn't know he would be there. An article stated he and Joe played Basketball earlier in the day, most likely Jay decided to go to the mall after that. Maybe a friend called or he ran into someone while playing Bball??

I wish we knew if the girls saw Jay at the mall that day.If they did, they might have mentioned that their brother was there during their interview with TRM.
I can't remeber if we talked about this before or not.Does anyone know if Mary worked outside the house?
I would love to know that too.I think it would have been difficult for a stranger abduction to take place in front of their house,beacuse Kate was supposed to visit her neighbor's baby. I think this woman was probably home(but don't know for sure)and would have heard a struggle.But, like I said, we don't know if she was home.I really think someone known to them could have done this without drawing attention.

Mof5, If I remember correctly from the article I found, the neighbor was home I believe for most of the day...or at least during the afternoon when the girls would have been walking home. She called the Lyon home at some point to ask whether Kathryn was still coming over. Mary Lyon told her something to the effect that they'd be coming back from the mall very soon.

I couldn't find the article for a second..sorry I've been out of the information/discussion loop for a little while. Anyway, found's on the "Why Do People Abduct Children Thread?". There are other neighbors interviewed, but here is the section with Frances Kuester the new mother who Kathryn was going to visit:

"Frances Kuester, a neighbor of the Lyon family on Plyers Mill Road in Kensington, knew the younger Lyon sister well. Kate, as Kuester called her, would stop by occasionally to take Kuester's daughter Cathy, a toddler at the time, to nearby Homewood Park.

"We would sit on the porch and talk sometimes if it was a nice day," she said. "Those were before the days that kids had every minute scheduled."

Kuester had given birth to another daughter, named Judy, a week before the girls disappeared. Katherine had stopped by on March 24 hoping to see the baby, but Judy was asleep.

"I told her to come by the next day," Kuester said. "I promised her I'd be sure to have Judy up." When Kate didn't show, Kuester called the girls' mother, Mary Lyon, who said the girls were running late and should be back any moment."
I'm so glad you're back!! I remember that article,thank you so much for finding it at posting it!!:)
Thank you,Richard. I was wondering if the girls knew that Jay was at the mall that day or if they knew that he was planning to go that day? Have you read anything on this? I know that Jay said that he saw them at the mall,but he wasn't sure if they saw him.
We'll never know if they saw him,but I wonder if they knew if he had plans to be there? Have you found anything on this or do you have an opinion either way?

From all I have read and heard, Sheila and Kate were not aware of Jay's plans to visit Wheaton Plaza that day (if he even had plans to go there before they left for the mall).

As I understand, none of the Lyon children had definite plans when they first got up on the morning of Tuesday, 25 March 1975. Their mother, Mary Lyon suggested that the girls go there for a pizza lunch. And as the girls were preparing to leave, the boys were looking for their basketball.

Some time after the girls left for the mall, Jay decided to go there. He stated that he saw them near the Easter Bunny display but did not know if they saw him, because they did not make any indication of recognition. Some stories indicate that Jay saw the girls at the Orange Bowl Restaurant eating pizza, but that may be an incorrect conclusion on the part of a reporter.

The youngest boy did not accompany his brother Jay to the mall. I do not know where he went, but aparently it was to a friend's house. He and Jay arrived back home some time after 3:30 PM that day.
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