My book about the unidentified photos is now on Amazon


True Crime Writer
Dec 28, 2010
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Some of you have been around here since I first started writing the book 9 years ago. Some know the struggles I encountered, both personal and professional.

But, April 2, 2019 my book, More Than Just a Pretty Face was published!

I have to impress on people that this book is NOT ABOUT ALCALA but about finding the families of those in the photos. There are still 53 photos out of the original batch that have still not been identified. I received very little help from law enforcement, save for some inside sources who made this book happen by giving me little pieces of info here and there.

Please check out the book and leave a review. My goal with the book is to find even one family who recognizes their loved one.
Just saw this! Downloading to read right now & purchasing a few for local libraries. Still can't believe he was hiding out at a camp here in rural NH. Such a creep.
Whoa! I was NOT expecting that!

Go buy the book!
I'm not sure where to mention this since I do not see a thread for the photo, but it's such a strong resemblance it must have been mentioned previously but Unidentified #29 in your book, the brunette in denim cut offs hair pulled back, looks a lot like Dorothy Clitheroe.
Congratulations norest4thewicked I read your book and it was amazing!!!! I am almost certain that one of the families will see it and contact you about a loved one they can recognize!! :)

Also.. I'm not sure where to post this.. or if this is appropriate to post on here, but I will anyway if no one minds..
I stumbled across Rodney's living older brother Raoul on social media. I found that he owns a business called "Alcala Enterprises" with several other family members. One of his sisters is still alive as well. Do you think if we reached out to them they could provide us with some information about Rodney like which states he stayed in and other additional info about his life? Sorry if it sounds like a strange request, but I do recall other serial killer's family members providing information about their infamous relative so they could help find closure for the victim's family. I am hoping if this is successful that we can get more potential leads to push us to potential missing person cases that could be linked with Alcala and hopefully come closer to identifying missing girls and boys in his photos.
I was curious if his family financially supported him? Reading the book, I noticed the mention of his mother easily coming up with $10k for bail. Was she independently wealthy? Given the era, a woman left with several kids, struck me as....Interesting.

My opinion only, but I wouldn't contact his family. I probably sound paranoid, but I think he's still dangerous. I wouldn't want contact with anyone associated with him.
I was curious if his family financially supported him? Reading the book, I noticed the mention of his mother easily coming up with $10k for bail. Was she independently wealthy? Given the era, a woman left with several kids, struck me as....Interesting.

My opinion only, but I wouldn't contact his family. I probably sound paranoid, but I think he's still dangerous. I wouldn't want contact with anyone associated with him.

I just found out the brother worked as a White House Fellow during the Carter and Ford presidencies. You can find more information here. COL Raoul Henri Alcala - Strategic Studies Institute

It's got me thinking, White House Fellow is a pretty powerful position, right? I wonder that's why he kept getting bailouts and slipping from the justice system. I also wonder if this has to do with the fact his early history and where he was during many periods of time is nigh impossible to find and you can't grab his military records pretty much anywhere on the net.

Random, but one of the other things that sticks out is that he and his siblings all have French middle names. He probably has French ancestry. I wonder if he's been to France. One of those photos were confirmed to be in Paris, I think.
Interesting. Really doesn't seem like someone who would be willing to talk with any of us. I'd think if he had information he was willing to share, he would have with authorities in the past? He obviously has a reputation of his own to protect.

The system failed so often in those days with serial killers. I'm glad Tori mentioned that in her book but I'm hindsight it's mind boggling how many of them were apprehended, and then released multiple times to continue killing.

I personally don't trust Alcala is as ill as he claims to be. I hope that's one secure medical wing, and he's just manipulated his way in there because it's more comfortable or something. I hope they don't let their guard down because he's old.
Great book! Love the perspective of focusing on the victims. Also had a bit of reality hit me at how much danger we put ourselves in as teens in the 1970’s. I grew up in NJ and we would often skip school and take a bus into NYC for the day. We used to talk to and hang out with all kinds of strangers. Who knows if we were ever in the same places he was. It’s frightening to think about it now.
I just drove through Georges Mills, NH and was again struck by how rural it is, even today.The area is all heavily wooded, lots of swampy, boggy spots with signs warning of moose.

In addition to easy access to Interstate 89, Alcala would have had Colby Sawyer College in New London, NH just a few miles down the road. I was in New London this morning for an appointment, and it's more upscale than many of the surrounding towns. Lots of artists, actors, etc. A perfect place for someone from NYC or California to hang out....
I've been thinking about Unidentified #29, the young woman I think resembles Dorothy Clitheroe. She also resembles this long unidentified Doe from NH, right down to the denim shorts and the sandals.



edited to add I realize she could not be both, as the Doe was found in 1971
I've been thinking about Unidentified #29, the young woman I think resembles Dorothy Clitheroe. She also resembles this long unidentified Doe from NH, right down to the denim shorts and the sandals.



edited to add I realize she could not be both, as the Doe was found in 1971
Dorothy looked totally different later when she was older.

Could this girl be Susan Curtis. She went missing in 1975 but we don't know if someone kept his nyc apartment assuming this is the Greenwich village one. Or for that matter if all pics were taken by him. Susan could also have run away. And subsequently been photographed in 1977 after his release.

Cases – The Charley Project
Not buying Bundy's claim, he didn't want to be executed.


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Her disappearance is certainly unusual. Leaving a banquet in your formal gown to go brush your teeth? That's odd...

And sure, times were different but riding your bike 50 miles to a conference at 15 sounds weird too. It wasn't a cycling convention. Why didn't she ride with frjends, I wonder?

Does seem at least *possible* she could have set things up to run.

There's a resemblance,but I feel like I'm finding everyone's unlikely twin lately, so take my opinion with a grain of salt. I'm just checking in to see what others find at this point.

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