New website for Lisa

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I disagree - Baby Lisa is a victim no matter where she is or what happened to her. If her parents had nothing to do with whatever happened to BL, they are victims also - that remains to be seen at this point. You don't feel a "missing" child is a victim? We must have a different idea of what that words means.

The baloon release brought attention and awareness to and for Lisa.
That is what makes it a SUCCESS.
I disagree - Baby Lisa is a victim no matter where she is or what happened to her. If her parents had nothing to do with whatever happened to BL, they are victims also - that remains to be seen at this point. You don't feel a "missing" child is a victim? We must have a different idea of what that words means.

I read that post differently. IMO it said that Baby Lisa is a victim but that it wasn't yet certain that there were any true victims besides her, in addition to her.

I'm sure the case touches several innocent people no matter who did what.
I disagree - Baby Lisa is a victim no matter where she is or what happened to her. If her parents had nothing to do with whatever happened to BL, they are victims also - that remains to be seen at this point. You don't feel a "missing" child is a victim? We must have a different idea of what that words means.

um, where in the world did i say lisa wasn't a victim?

"but it hasn't yet been discerned that there are any true victims in this case... beside a "missing" baby..."

donjeta-- thank you !!
The baloon release brought attention and awareness to and for Lisa.
That is what makes it a SUCCESS.

If you call attention here on THIS forum, as well as the awareness of the release on the few Facebook forums that The Family haven't had closed down, & the one local channel that covered it a "success" ...

OK. :seeya:
The ONLY reason they did it was because family/friends in PA & TX pressured them into doing it.
If they REALLY wanted to bring attention to Lisa, they would be doing more...a lot more. They are doing the bare minimum to make it look like they are actually doing something. I bet they hate it when someone reminds them every few months that it's time to do some small gesture to make it look like they are actually looking or caring.
I would still like to know who why are trying to do the 'bare minimum' for. Who exactly is it for show? LE? The public? How can they make it look like they are looking and caring by doing the 'bare minimum' when it's hardly getting covered to begin with.

There's a lot of parents of missing children in this country, where the child hasn't been found and it's suspected the parents are responsible, who aren't bothering doing the bare minimum or anything at all to try to keep up appearances.

IMO if your a guilty person, the last thing you want to do is bring attention to yourself, even if you think everyone else is on to you.
I'd like to know if the parents truly believe IDI, then why not do more to bring attention to Lisa. Why the hiding? Why not talk to LE again after talking the first week? Surely new things have come to light since that first week that might possibly be a clue for LE. If there is even the slightest possibility of finding Lisa, why not do it, if you are not guilty? What are these parents afraid of?

I don't know about other cases out there and suspect that if there are other parents who are not talking to LE (I'd love to see who these people are) that they would be under the same scrutiny. ANY parent who crawls out of the woodwork every few months to release a balloon, IMO is NOT doing much to find their child.

"IMO if your a guilty person, the last thing you want to do is bring attention to yourself, even if you think everyone else is on to you."

Considering the fact that this balloon release was not reported anywhere but KC, here and on Facebook by a handful of people and wasn't widely noted by national TV or other mainstream media, the above is EXACTLY what these parents are doing...NOT wanting to bring attention to themselves!
I'd like to know if the parents truly believe IDI, then why not do more to bring attention to Lisa. Why the hiding? Why not talk to LE again after talking the first week? Surely new things have come to light since that first week that might possibly be a clue for LE. If there is even the slightest possibility of finding Lisa, why not do it, if you are not guilty? What are these parents afraid of?

I don't know about other cases out there and suspect that if there are other parents who are not talking to LE (I'd love to see who these people are) that they would be under the same scrutiny. ANY parent who crawls out of the woodwork every few months to release a balloon, IMO is NOT doing much to find their child.

"IMO if your a guilty person, the last thing you want to do is bring attention to yourself, even if you think everyone else is on to you."

Considering the fact that this balloon release was not reported anywhere but KC, here and on Facebook by a handful of people and wasn't widely noted by national TV or other mainstream media, the above is EXACTLY what these parents are doing...NOT wanting to bring attention to themselves!

BBM in blue.
DB and JI have talked to LE after the first week. They met with them in February before the Dr Phil show.
For the first time in months, the parents of baby Lisa Irwin are speaking with police once again after reporting their young daughter missing last October.
I'd like to know if the parents truly believe IDI, then why not do more to bring attention to Lisa. Why the hiding? Why not talk to LE again after talking the first week? Surely new things have come to light since that first week that might possibly be a clue for LE. If there is even the slightest possibility of finding Lisa, why not do it, if you are not guilty? What are these parents afraid of?

I don't know about other cases out there and suspect that if there are other parents who are not talking to LE (I'd love to see who these people are) that they would be under the same scrutiny. ANY parent who crawls out of the woodwork every few months to release a balloon, IMO is NOT doing much to find their child.

"IMO if your a guilty person, the last thing you want to do is bring attention to yourself, even if you think everyone else is on to you."

Considering the fact that this balloon release was not reported anywhere but KC, here and on Facebook by a handful of people and wasn't widely noted by national TV or other mainstream media, the above is EXACTLY what these parents are doing...NOT wanting to bring attention to themselves!

Going on national tv shows such as Dr. Phil or the TODAY show contradicts this. Why go on tv at all if you are not trying to bring attention to yourself. Why even advertise a balloon release and call it a 'success' if you are trying not to bring attention to yourself? Why publish a website, as minimal as it is, if you are not trying to bring attention to yourself.

Didn't she even get a tattoo that has something to do with BL? If true, how is that not bringing attention to yourself, reminding people of your missing baby whoever sees her?
The parents show up on one or two national TV shows every few months. It's enough for supporters to say that they are keeping Lisa's face out there, but it's not enough for the general public to remember Lisa. That's the whole idea. Since November 1, the parents have made one appearance on Dr. Phil, one appearance on Today, and one appearance on Megyn Kelly's Our America. IMPRESSIVE!

As for the comments about how other suspicious parents aren't doing anything to keep their child's case in the spotlight, everyone is different. No one deals with the media the same way, even if they are all guilty of killing their children.

The parents know that a balloon release is not going to get much media coverage, eight months later, unless they paired it with a sit-down interview.

I just don't get it. Why don't they go on national TV more often? Especially in a case like this, where Lisa is a baby, so if there was an intruder, there's a good chance she's still alive. Get an age progression done, and get back in the spotlight? Or are they worried about drawing too much attention to themselves?
The parents show up on one or two national TV shows every few months. It's enough for supporters to say that they are keeping Lisa's face out there, but it's not enough for the general public to remember Lisa. That's the whole idea. Since November 1, the parents have made one appearance on Dr. Phil, one appearance on Today, and one appearance on Megyn Kelly's Our America. IMPRESSIVE!

As for the comments about how other suspicious parents aren't doing anything to keep their child's case in the spotlight, everyone is different. No one deals with the media the same way, even if they are all guilty of killing their children.

The parents know that a balloon release is not going to get much media coverage, eight months later, unless they paired it with a sit-down interview.

I just don't get it. Why don't they go on national TV more often? Especially in a case like this, where Lisa is a baby, so if there was an intruder, there's a good chance she's still alive. Get an age progression done, and get back in the spotlight? Or are they worried about drawing too much attention to themselves?

BBM: How does that work, getting on National TV? Could it be they would like to be shown more but can't find a network to show them?
They have to do just enough to keep the money flowing in..
JMO, I don't believe they're eager to go on national TV, I don't see them begging and pleading for media attention, and I didn't see anything on the website about "please contact us if you can give us and Lisa airtime on your show". And wasn't there an interview that Deb had given a local reporter saying she didn't feel like she needed to be on TV?

But I think that even if they wanted to they would probably need some kind of new angle, or new developments, an anniversary, etc. at this stage to get a lot of attention. Plenty of children have gone missing since Lisa and there are only so many times that the news networks will do "this child is still missing" shows.

In April:
"she doesn't feel a need to go on tv"||||
I posted a comment today & they deleted it-I guess they did not like what I said about-the police are the only ones looking for lisa....oh well.....
BBM: How does that work, getting on National TV? Could it be they would like to be shown more but can't find a network to show them?

Tacopina and Stanton have many media connections. I definitely believe that they could get D&J on national TV a lot more frequently than they have been. I also think the fact that the media will give them airtime, despite going months without saying a word (or barely anything) about them, shows that there is still interest, or maybe more like Tacopina and Stanton pulled some strings.

I definitely feel the case could've gotten a lot more coverage if the parents wanted it.
ONE time since the week Lisa went missing, nearly 10 months ago. WOW.
If that isn't very telling, I don't know what is.

I was just trying to keep the facts straight. What it tells us is up to each individual person to decide.
Tacopina and Stanton have many media connections. I definitely believe that they could get D&J on national TV a lot more frequently than they have been. I also think the fact that the media will give them airtime, despite going months without saying a word (or barely anything) about them, shows that there is still interest, or maybe more like Tacopina and Stanton pulled some strings.

I definitely feel the case could've gotten a lot more coverage if the parents wanted it.

I don't think it's as easy as you think. How many times has Ayla Reynolds mother been on national tv recently? I agree, there is always more to be done in this case, but most people, not even the Irwins have the luxury of making a call and showing up on a network. They are not celebrities and there are tons of other missing people in this country.
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