NOT RIGHT: Police close case on Zodiac

Bumping this thread up due to recent discussions on other threads attempting to connect the Unibomber (Ted Kaczynski) to the earlier Zodiac killings in California.
Richard - Are there any other threads than the one in Cold Cases regarding the Caesar Code posted by AKWILKS? I did a search and that is the only one I come up with - in regards to the TJK-Zodiac connection. I have to admit i find the argument compelling. TJK was in the area during the Zodiac killings, they both had an affinity for using codes and symbols, they both enjoyed taunting the police and media by mailing letters to news outlets. I have to wonder though if once TJK was arrested and convicted, he has zero hope of ever being let out, if he would not confess. Even though he was a recluse, he liked the attention, he forced the public to pay attention to him through his actions and his demands to the media. I just have to wonder if he was Z if his ego, now that he is jailed, would let him keep that a secret. I am not a profiler so maybe I am off base with that train of thought.
I think - if I am right, that Ted Kaczynski is the Zodiac - he is torn between his ego wanting credit for the Zodiac crimes and fooling police AND his desire to still be thought of by some in the radical anarchist and primitivist environmental worlds as a hero. I think exposure as Zodiac would hurt him in those circles.
There are indeed some interesting links and possible connections regarding the Unibom and Zodiac cases. I think, however, that when you are trying to use reason to figure out a crazy person, you will always run into frustrations.

Ted was obviously the Unibomber. He mailed most of his bombs from the San Francisco area - which was also the center of most Zodiac activity. There are a lot of similarities. Ted has said almost nothing in the past 18 years or so since his capture regarding his Unibomber activities and I doubt that he will speak about Zodiac any time soon.

While he certainly COULD talk about the Unibom case now that all is said and done legally about it - he could stand trial for murder and be looking at the death penalty if he were ever connected by solid evidence to the Zodiac killings. That would be a reason (if he needed one) for him to keep quiet about it.

I have often thought that Ted might have been involved with bomb making and planting while a very young undergraduate going to school in Connecticut. In the early 1960's, someone called the New York City Subway Bomber was leaving bombs on Subway cars. Police eventually got a mental patient to confess to it, but he was never tried or convicted of any of them. All of those bombings occurred on weekends.
Richard - Are there any other threads than the one in Cold Cases regarding the Caesar Code posted by AKWILKS? ....

I do not remember there being a thread dedicated soley to the Zodiac Codes here on Websleuths, although I do recall discussions on his writings in this thread.

Zodiac sent quite a number of messages, notes, letters, etc to police and news media during his time. Of those, however, only a few contained his famous "code".

The initial coded message which he sent was sent in three parts to each of three different newspapers. They were: The Vallejo Times-Herold, The San Francisco Examiner, and the San Francisco Chronicle.

These contained symbols from various different sources, including the alphabet, Greek Alphabet, zodiac symbols like from an almanac, and other signs such as navy signal flags. It was basically a simple substitution code with each letter of the alphabet being represented by one or more different symbols.

A teacher and his wife were able to decode most of the message, with 18 symbols left over which did not follow the pattern. Those symbols were thought by some to be "filler" - that is symbols without meaning simply to make the message a certain length. This is a technique used in military crypto messaging and filler is usually put at the very end of the message - as it was in this case.

Each of the three newspapers received a code which had eight lines of seventeen figures. The portion of the message sent to the San Francisco Chonicle contained the last eighteen symbols which may have been simply filler OR- a possible signature line.

On a later occasion (8 Nov 1969), Zodiac sent another cryptogram containing 340 characters. This message contained many of the same symbols as the first, but the solution code was not the same.

On 20 April 1970, Zodiac sent a short note to the SF Chronicle asking if they had deciphered his last message and said that he had included his name and gave another series of 13 symbols.

These are the cryptograms being discussed in the threads in Cold Cases.

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