Number on Back of Picture


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Jan 3, 2019
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Hey, I just saw a video on this and had an idea. It might be nothing but its an idea. The number on the back of the photo looks like a Canadian service number from the military. It might be worth looking into it from either Canada or US. Like I said, might be nothing at all, but its an idea.
hmmmm do ya reckon its still in service?
One of those things I got in the back of my head that popped up the other day. Delurking to post, sorry.

I wonder if the note was something in not Louis sending it but someone who knew him?

Louis Sodder Name added to show who it was, or believed to be.
I love brother Frankie. Could this be a priest...known as Brother Frankie?
ilil Boys. In spencerian script, sometimes the ts are not crossed, usually at the end but seen other. Ilil - Italian boys?
A90132 or 35 Numerous reasons

Say a young boy (let's call him Mark) enters into a school. One of the teachers is Frankie. Frankie, under Catholic rules, is a brother...a man who gives his life to the service of God but not ordained (especially after 1962, this became a bigger thing, especially with teachers and other professionals).

So Mark takes a snapshot of his favorite teacher, Brother Frankie. But Mark was a bit of a ruffian, along with his friends, and Brother Frankie sort of takes them under their wing. Since Mark and co. are all Italian, they get colloquially known as Italian boys. (And Catholic schools taught Spencerian script until the 80s).

Mark sees one of the magazines, looks hard at Bro. Frankie and says, hey this looks like Louis Sodder! Sends the photo out of his scrapbook...but all the other information is there so he just captions it "Louis Sodder" and leaves everything else there.

The numbers...this could be anything from negative id (if a school photo), location or even a school number from the Vatican...and it throws all of it out whack.

And even with location, since this was sent from KY: Mark could have been in a tech school, a reform school or even a boarding school and moved home. Or he could have had family in the area and moved to help when he graduated...the sender need not be from the area or gone to school in the area.
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In Italian the letter A means "to". So it could be that A90132 or 35 means "To area 90132 or 35"?
In Italian the letter A means "to". So it could be that A90132 or 35 means "To area 90132 or 35"?

Just an addition to the above:

It could be possible that the A90132 or 35 means "To 90132 now 35".
A in Italian means "to" and "ora" means "now".
Maybe ora was misspelled.
Palermo Italy has postal codes 90121-90151, in the CAP system (Codice di Avviamento Postale or Postal Sending Code). Postal Codes were only introduced in Italy in 1967 according to google, a year before this was sent.

So could it be that the Children were kidnapped by the Mafia, and later brought to Sicily, where Louis sent the picture after this new system to pinpoint location was introduced.
First time posting, but what if ilil was actually illi as in illinois, ya know a bordering state of kentucky. It wouldnt take much to drive over the Illinois/Kentucky border and mail a photo.

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