NY NY - Barry James Sheridan - Left Docked Barge - Brooklyn - 11 Dec 1990


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Jan 29, 2019
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NamUs #MP22015
Circumstances of Disappearance - Barry was working on a barge which was docked in the harbor. He reportedly left the boat at 8pm on 12/11/1990 to make a phone call to his family and never returned. His family never received a call and he was never heard from or seen again.

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LOOKING FOR HELP WITH COLD CASE: MY UNCLE BARRY JAMES SHERIDAN WENT MISSING AT AROUND 9PM ON 12/11/1990 IN N.Y.C. He was working on a barge called the Rhode Island and it was docked at pier 6 in Brooklyn Harbor. It was my cousin's 5th birthday - he left the barge to call her and never returned. There are several suspicious circumstances surrounding his disappearance, and we have no doubt that he was murdered. There's no way he would've ever just walked away from his life and his family, especially his 4 daughters whom he wrote and called frequently even when he was out working for long periods of time on the barge. The NYPD's investigation has been questionable from the very start and it seems obvious that they knew more than they were admitting. Their strategy has been simple: say that he fell in the harbor, drowned, his body got swept right out to sea, case closed, nobody asks any more questions. Except we DID ask questions - my family members continued to pursue the case and they were repeatedly told in no uncertain terms to "drop it." This is only 1 of the many questionable things that have happened during the course of the investigation. I drafted a memo with all of the important case details which I've attached to this post. I believe that the barge's captain at the time, George Forbes, holds the key to this case and I believe their employer Moran Towing has secrets they aren't telling. There's people out there who KNOW what happened to my uncle and it's just a matter of finding them. My family is desperate for help - any suggestions/ideas would be greatly appreciated! *PLEASE SEE ATTACHED FILES* ~Jenna~


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NamUs #MP22015
Circumstances of Disappearance - Barry was working on a barge which was docked in the harbor. He reportedly left the boat at 8pm on 12/11/1990 to make a phone call to his family and never returned. His family never received a call and he was never heard from or seen again.

Thank you so much for sharing!

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@shamrock61186 has now been verified as Barry's family member. As a Verified member, they do not have to provide links to what they state as fact about about their knowledge of the case or inside information. In all other respects verified members must post in accordance with WS TOS just like regular members.

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Thank you to shamrock61186 and all other members who are here to discuss the case and try to find our what happened to Barry.

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