OH OH - Brian Shaffer, 27, Columbus, 1 April 2006 - #2

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In a few weeks, it will be four years since Brian disappeared. Someone knows what happened.
Yes, it does sound brutal, though I hadn't meant it to. It's just astonishing, even after all the years of well-publicized missing persons, that an adult can just "disappear" and four years later, we still don't know where Brian is or what happened to him. And what a hard four years for the people who love him.
for Brian.
The four years has been so much worse because of 'friends' who would not assist the inevstigation...
Where is Brian??

I wonder that a lot, but I gotta tell you I just spent one week in OSU Med Center for a serious surgery and it was absolutely eerie to be there thinking and wondering about Brian, especially with all the med students and residents coming into my room each day. I almost wanted to ask some of them about him but I didn't. Just didn't know how to approach it really. It was sort of bittersweet seeing the med students so full of promise and so eager, knowing that Brian was that way himself at one time, and how sad it is that he is just gone. :(
This is one case that has haunted me for some reason. Maybe because it's not too often you hear of a healthy, "strong" man going missing. I feel so badly for his brother and wish there were answers for him.
I wonder that a lot, but I gotta tell you I just spent one week in OSU Med Center for a serious surgery and it was absolutely eerie to be there thinking and wondering about Brian, especially with all the med students and residents coming into my room each day. I almost wanted to ask some of them about him but I didn't. Just didn't know how to approach it really. It was sort of bittersweet seeing the med students so full of promise and so eager, knowing that Brian was that way himself at one time, and how sad it is that he is just gone. :(

Cambria, it had to have been a tough week thinking about Brian while you attempt to recover from your surgery. And then on top of that the shooting on campus Tuesday morning. I hope that you are able to get rested and on the road to a full recovery soon now that you are home.
Yes, Cambria, best wishes for a speedy recovery. And bless you for thinking about Brian while you were going through a rough time of your own.

Where is Brian?
Thank you arielilane and pittsburghgirl for the kind words. It was open heart surgery to fix a congenital problem they tell me I was born with. It took 56 years for it to show up..lol. I'm just glad it's over with. I actually couldn't help but think of Brian when I was there. Like I said there were so many med students in my room every day so I thought about him a lot.

On April 1st, it will soon be 4 years since his disappearance, and still no answers.....
Thank you arielilane and pittsburghgirl for the kind words. It was open heart surgery to fix a congenital problem they tell me I was born with. It took 56 years for it to show up..lol. I'm just glad it's over with. I actually couldn't help but think of Brian when I was there. Like I said there were so many med students in my room every day so I thought about him a lot.

On April 1st, it will soon be 4 years since his disappearance, and still no answers.....
you're welcome. omg, that’s a lot to be going through.
I don't think it's utterly ridiculous at all. I have never been able to make up my mind on what I believe happened to Brian. The thing that has made me start to feel that he is no longer alive is the fact that it has been 3 years with no word from or about him. He's a guy who by all accounts had a close, loving relationship with his family and his girlfriend. I feel like if he would have snapped under stress from school and grieving and taken off, well, I can't see someone who has those close relationships being able to leave for 3 years without a word to any of his loved ones. 3 days or 3 weeks, sure, but not 3 years with absolutely zero contact. Maybe that's projecting too much of my personality onto a stranger, but it just doesn't feel plausible to me. I understand that feeling of wanting to run away from everything, but would never be able to leave my loved ones, at least not for a long period of time!

But then I second guess that feeling - what if he's in a fugue? What if he was/is experiencing some kind of psychosis that negates those feelings of wanting to be with loved ones? Those things seem implausible though too.

Somewhere, someone knows something and he needs to be found.

well said
I think about Brian often. Although I did not know him personally. I have kept up on information about him. I live in southern ohio. I can not understand how a grown man goes missing with video cameras and people arround. I remember the look on his dads face when he first went missing, it touched my soul. I pray for brian, his friends and family. now more for closure.
There was a story on the news this week about OSU med students getting their residency assignments, and it made me think of Brian. I hope he is safe and well somewhere.
I don't think he would be so callous as to leave his brother, who had just lost his mother, to mourn both his father and his brother alone. And I think, if her were "not himself," it is likely that the national publicity would have triggered someone to notice him.

But whatever happened, we are thinking of Brian and wanting to know what happened that night.
In 8 days it will be 4 years since Brian went missing. Let's pray for some answers soon.

Those of you who know what happened to Brian (and you know who you are) PLEASE come forward with information to give Brian's brother and the rest of his family and friends some peace and closure.
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