OK OK - Sharon Marshall, 20, multiple aliases, OKC, 1990 - ID'd as Suzanne Sevakis - #1

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[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]I found this and thought it might fit in here...........:laugh: By her senior year, Sharon Marshall was among the top students in her class at Forest Park High School near Atlanta, Georgia. She was an avid reader, studied hard, served as a Lt. Colonel in the ROTC, and was focused on winning a full scholarship to Georgia Tech University, where she would study aerospace engineering. No one questioned why this was the fourth high school in the last year alone for this blonde, blue-eyed, and good-natured young woman.[/font]​
[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Sharon Marshall's story is one of the most baffling cases in the annals of American law enforcement. Sharon's excellent behavior and grades kept anyone from examining the stranger aspects and conflicting stories of her personal life. She insisted that she arrive home by 4:30 PM every evening to cook, clean, and care for her ailing father. She told some her mother had died of cancer, and others she was killed in a car accident. The provocative clothes she wore did not match her wholesome persona. Sharon was carrying horrible secrets about the murderous felon predator she called her father. In truth, she knew little of her past, real parents, or the very different life she could have led. [/font]

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]She was unable to escape the man who raised her as his daughter. If Sharon made a friend, or if questions were raised about, the father and daughter they changed identities and moved - to Oklahoma City, Ok; Louisville, KY; Atlanta, GA; Phoenix, AZ; Tampa/St. Petersburg, FL, New Orleans, LA, and Tulsa, OK - keeping Sharon isolated. Later, Sharon had a baby boy, Michael, born into the reign of terror that seemed to have no end. [/font]

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Before the Missing Children Act of 1982 was signed into law, missing children were not considered a government priority, and there was no national registry for local governments to share information about children lost and found. A dedicated FBI agent and law enforcement officials, reveal Sharon's story and the heinous crimes committed by her "father," Franklin Delano Floyd. [/font]

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]And thanks to the work of the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children, information has been discovered that could lead to Sharon's identity. If Sharon's story increases public awareness about the plight of the thousands of missing and exploited children reported each year, her tragic life will not have been in vain. [/font]

mjak said:
..."Im looking for Suzy, who would be I think in her 40s now. Her mothers name was lula mae Williams, I believe. She was married for a brief time to my father, carl honeycutt. They lived in Tennessee. Our family has been trying to find her for years"...
It sounds to me like it was Suzy that was married to the poster's father. That would make her not Sharon. Am I reading this right?
Dr. Doogie said:
It sounds to me like it was Suzy that was married to the poster's father. That would make her not Sharon. Am I reading this right?
The way I read it, I toook it that Lula Mae was married to Carl but I could be wrong, wouldn't be the first time
Shadow205 said:
The way I read it, I toook it that Lula Mae was married to Carl but I could be wrong, wouldn't be the first time

I read it both ways. But since I could not determine for sure if This man was married to Suzy or Lula Mae I decided I can not disinclude this posting .
I am going to post a reponse to it and see what I learn.

mjak said:
I read it both ways. But since I could not determine for sure if This man was married to Suzy or Lula Mae I decided I can not disinclude this posting .
I am going to post a reponse to it and see what I learn.

mjak, I think that it is definitely worth following up on. I'm anxious to see if you get a reply.
i think lula willams was married to the man shes refering to but i could be wrong id check it out and send away a picture of sharon
Okay, I posted a response to the missing relative post. I am going to go
really really slow on this. I really really doubt this is sharon but just in case this would be horrific for her family.

mjak said:
Okay, I posted a response to the missing relative post. I am going to go
really really slow on this. I really really doubt this is sharon but just in case this would be horrific for her family.

Thanks from all of us for following this lead, you never know! Waiting to hear what happens.......
annemc2 said:
Ohhhh, yes. That makes perfect sense (to me anyway, FWIW!!) - great idea!

Thank you for taking time to answer! Sometimes I have a thought and am a little challenged when putting it in the written word...

As per the blood, it seems like it would be "simple" (for a DNA expert) to decide if Sharon's blood is really Sharon's by comparison to Michael's sample and it seems also to be a more cost effective way vs. an exhumation or at least could determine if exhumation would be a consideration.

It seems that a couple of people who were determined not to match Sharon through DNA testing did have enough resemblence to Sharon that I couldn't believe any of them weren't a match. I don't have my book to refer to the proper names, sorry. I think that is why I personally have questions about the blood sample.

So many of you on WS are really good at this and I don't doubt for a minute that someone will strike upon the right clue or answer to find out who Sharon really is. And thanks for letting me chime in!
Boyz_Mum said:
I can't remember if someone has allready asked this next question or can let me know if I remember right... but if Michael's blood was compared to Floyd's for their DNA "relationship" and that test confirmed Floyd was NOT the father, could Michael's DNA be compared to that of the blood that is supposed to be Sharon's blood that is supposed to be available? (in my head it seems that testing Michaels sample (if available) to the one of Sharon's would decide for sure it really is her blood...?).... Does this babbling mess of sentences make any sense? I don't think I can type it any clearer!:confused:
We covered this a while back but to answer your question yes Michael's genetic profile could be used to determine whether or not the blood that is on file for Sharon is actually hers.
We covered this a while back but to answer your question yes Michael's genetic profile could be used to determine whether or not the blood that is on file for Sharon is actually hers.
Thank you for answering. Do you know who it would be up to in order to decided if a comparison should be done? Sorry to be a bother, I really have read a lot about this case and without the threads, I have trouble trying to keep all the info in order.
I received a response from the author of the post looking for her half sister Suzy. Her father was married to Lula mae williams and Suzy was the child.
The reply I received said that Suzy could have been short for Suzzane but she dosent' know for sure. I have now posted asking if this half sister has been missing from the mid 70's. I will keep you informed .

mjak said:
I received a response from the author of the post looking for her half sister Suzy. Her father was married to Lula mae williams and Suzy was the child.
The reply I received said that Suzy could have been short for Suzzane but she dosent' know for sure. I have now posted asking if this half sister has been missing from the mid 70's. I will keep you informed .

Thanks MJ!
mjak said:
I received a response from the author of the post looking for her half sister Suzy. Her father was married to Lula mae williams and Suzy was the child.
The reply I received said that Suzy could have been short for Suzzane but she dosent' know for sure. I have now posted asking if this half sister has been missing from the mid 70's. I will keep you informed .

That was quick! (In the earlier post I couldn't tell who the father was married to.) I think you were right about the similar names. Thanks for the follow up!
Boyz_Mum said:
Thank you for answering. Do you know who it would be up to in order to decided if a comparison should be done? Sorry to be a bother, I really have read a lot about this case and without the threads, I have trouble trying to keep all the info in order.
[font=&quot]It depends on who is holding a) the print out (or original test conclusions) showing the alleles, dyes etc. used in Michael's test and b) who is holding on to the blood we assume is Sharon's. If I remember correctly the blood is the possession of the LE. Michael's records would be held by both the lab that processed the original test and the LE. The lab would be unable to release any information due to privacy issues. The only person/agency who would be in the position to authorize a comparison would be the LE. There are a great deal of laws and rules that protect genetic testing. It would not be an easy road to go around the LE.

The problem that we have run into several times is that there are questions raised as to the authenticity of Sharon's blood. The LE is unlikely willing to question the sample and a judge would more than likely be just as unwilling to authorize exhumation in order to retrieve another sample when one (however dubious) is already attributed to Sharon.

And you are never ever a bother!!! It’s a lot of info and there are so many twists and turns. Don’t ever hesitate to ask a question or share a thought![/font]:bang:
[font=&quot]It depends on who is holding a) the print out (or original test conclusions) showing the alleles, dyes etc. used in Michael's test and b) who is holding on to the blood we assume is Sharon's. If I remember correctly the blood is the possession of the LE. Michael's records would be held by both the lab that processed the original test and the LE. The lab would be unable to release any information due to privacy issues. The only person/agency who would be in the position to authorize a comparison would be the LE. There are a great deal of laws and rules that protect genetic testing. It would not be an easy road to go around the LE.

The problem that we have run into several times is that there are questions raised as to the authenticity of Sharon's blood. The LE is unlikely willing to question the sample and a judge would more than likely be just as unwilling to authorize exhumation in order to retrieve another sample when one (however dubious) is already attributed to Sharon.

And you are never ever a bother!!! It’s a lot of info and there are so many twists and turns. Don’t ever hesitate to ask a question or share a thought![/font]:bang:
Thanks KJERVIS... your answer is appreciated. I do wish that LE would use the DNA available to them- just to clear up the "mystery of Sharon's blood". Sometimes the redtape just bugs me!
I just got a response back from the Women who is looking for her half sister. I told her I was looking for information of a child possibly named suzanne, who may have been missing from the mid 70's and Mother might have been named Linda Williams. The Women has responded say THIS COULD BE HER HALF SISTER!!!! She has asked for more information. This is a public board we are posting back and forth to each other she has asked for more information. I have to figure out a way to gently tell her what I know or communicate with her off the board. Any input for handling this would be greatly appreciated!!! I just looked again and she left me an email address!!! Thank goodness.

I'm jumping in here after reading only parts of this thread so I appologize if there is a realative detail I missed but in reply to the above thread, maybe I'm crazy, but I don't think theres much need to be "gentle" as long as the person looking has told you that they believe the half sister was kidnapped. The summary on page one of this thread by Heart Of Texas would suffice, or even less than that (ie: There was this woman who was hit by a car and killed (year) and no one knows who she really is. We know she lived her life with a man who kidnapped her at the age of 4-6. Here is what we know about her identity: blah blah blah facts only blah blah blah). THEN if there really is a link between the sister and the woman you can proceed with more of the dirty details - or better yet, direct her to the authorities. I would think anyone looking for a relative who had gone missing would be prepared for bad news but hope for good.
She has not said she believes the half sister was kidnapped. IF she said that I agree I would not feel the need to be so gentle. Here is the letter I composed to send to her. What do you think?

Thank you for providing your email so we can communicate off of the public board. My name is MJ, and
I am a member of an online volunteer community that trys to help find missing children. Before, we go any further I have to tell you unfortunitly that the information I have regarding a child who might ( and this is a real long shot) be your missing half sister is very tragic and this child is no longer alive. However, You should know she was a remarkable child and young women who left an incredible impression on everyone who new her. It was her remarkableness that has kept me and others activly searching for her real identity and to give her back to her family. I am so so sorry I have to tell you such sad news. At this point I understand completly if you want to go no further with this. If you do want to persue this, emal me back and I will provide you with more information. Again, I am so sorry I could not be emailing you with happier information.

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