OR - Kyron Horman, 7 yo Second grader, Portland, 4 June 2010 - Part #10

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I love the dream info :) I am big on looking into dreams as well and really enjoyed that.
What exactly does this mean?

That if they talk about all that they know certain people will clam up?

The public needs to know - but we won't release anything that might damage investigation - huh?

That's just weird to me.

Like lets say the public needs to know to be on the lookout for a particular vehicle - but they wouldn't release that as it might tip the person off?

I just am not getting it.

Someone please interpret for me.

I believe he was referring to the government term 'public right to know'. You can Google it and read up on it. There's quite a bit of info available about it.

I worked for the government for some time, and there is always a balance that is sought to be achieved between providing the public with the info they have a right to know, and protection of... well, lots of things.

So I believe he's referring to the public right to know versus the need to protect investigations.

I hope that if they really do believe he is out in those woods that they would sporadically put tents up out there with food and water inside. I'm sure he can read some and have notes that say Stay inside here Kyron eat and drink we will find you.
They put water and stuff out for Nadia.
The picture of the parents walking in reminded me of something I wondered about the other day. Where are the press conferences being conducted at? It almost looks like a chapel or church of some kind? The one from the other day looked to have the frame of a stained glass window, but no glass in it? Thanks! :)

Brookhill Historical Church across from Skyline Elementary School.

I agree, i have always looked at those numbers and been amazed that "rare" is used in the same sentence. I also believe that there are too many under 18 "runaway" cases that are just shrugged off and that kidnapping cases are actually higher. Maybe it is a young boy, my age at the time, in my community was kidnapped and murdered when I was growing up has made these cases stand out to me, but I am always having to tell my friends that it happened ALOT more than just the occasional case that makes the national news.

Remember in Florida, when little Rilya Wilson was found to have been missing from her foster home for over a year? The state suddenly decided it might be a good idea to do an "inventory" of all the children they had in foster care to see if there were any others missing. Turned out they initially couldn't locate 972 of them (and many of those were never found). 401 were classified as runaways, and a DCF official reporting on the progress of the inventory said the number of runaways was not unusual, because "kids come and they go." http://archives.cnn.com/2002/US/06/03/florida.child.welfare/
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