GUILTY OR - Whitney Heichel, 21, Gresham, 16 Oct 2012 #5

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Is it the exact spot where she died? (sorry if you mentioned this before, I might have missed it)

Did you need a permission from the county to make the garden?

The only information that we have, is that her vehicle was parked West of the power pole, still in the turnout, when the crime occurred. I have collected broken vehicle glass, West of the power pole, all the way down to where the fence starts. At the time of the crime, most of that turnout was covered in puddles. I do believe at least some of that glass that I have collected and documented, came from Whitney's Explorer. I sent it into the District Attorney, in case it was evidence that was needed.

Clackamas County has public right of ways at least 3 feet on each side of their roads for utilities and multi-use right of ways. In their county codes, they allow road side memorials as long as they do not interfere with traffic or block county maintenance workers from doing their job. That is why I don't have a problem taking my lawn mower out there once in a while to keep the grass trimmed. It takes all the guessing away, if they can mow around the garden or not.

I am glad that you like Elephants, they are wonderful! Here is the article about the plans for the future Roslyn Lake Elephant Habitat:
Here are a few photos from today, showing the pink rose that La Louve planted in Whitney Heichel's Memorial Garden! The rose is starting to open up some more and the colors look beautiful!

Thank you for the new pictures! Comparing them with those from 2 weeks ago - that rose really grew fast! So lovely!

Thank you for the link. I'm sure the elephants will enjoy the larger area. Zoos are not good spaces for this magnificent creatures! Are they building the sanctuary already?
Thank you for the new pictures! Comparing them with those from 2 weeks ago - that rose really grew fast! So lovely!

Thank you for the link. I'm sure the elephants will enjoy the larger area. Zoos are not good spaces for this magnificent creatures! Are they building the sanctuary already?

Hi Elainera! Hi everyone!

The rose with the pink bud came from my garden pretty much the way you see it in the recent photos. It had two buds on it and one has started to open. Though it is not a lavender or purple shade, it is such a pretty pink that I think Whitney would've enjoyed it too.

It replaced the miniature rose that Sasquatch brought out over the winter, which has been moved to another spot in the garden in hopes that it will recover and thrive again. It took a bit of a beating in its pot all winter so that is why we moved it. It bloomed admirably though, yellow petals if i remember right. It is much loved and coddled between Sasquatch and myself so we will keep our fingers crossed. The purple rose that Sasquatch planted (I forget the name offhand, Blueboy?) has grown a lot since it was planted in its bare root state. I think I saw a hint of a bud forming the last time I was out there. I'm excited to see how tall it ends up being.

I loved Sasquatch's story about the loose alpaca. It is indeed an adventure going out there. My first trip, when I got lost, I came across two dogs walking down the road, with leashes attached to them. Fortunately it was a windy, slow part of the road. As I came back in the other direction a few minutes later, they were a bit further down the road. I then came across a woman walking down the side of the road carrying a leash and I stopped and asked her if she was missing two dogs. She was and I pointed her back down the road to reclaim them.

On another note, I found out today that my esthetician's husband has an air-scent certified SAR dog and they were out searching for Whitney back in October, not too far from where she was ultimately found. I was telling her about the garden and she gave me the tightest hug and thanked me. The search for Whitney was apparently very hard on the local SAR community. She was so excited to tell her husband, and she is going to give me some purple irises from her garden to take out to Whitney's Garden. I invited her to bring her husband out any time to see it and to feel how it has been transformed into a place of beauty and peace.

I'm planning on going out there tomorrow morning to do some more weeding and start preparing a bed for the irises.

Oh, and I don't think anything has really started on the elephant sanctuary yet.

La Louve
Here are a few photos from today, showing the pink rose that La Louve planted in Whitney Heichel's Memorial Garden! The rose is starting to open up some more and the colors look beautiful!

Sasquatch, I think it's so awesome that you mowed! Thank you!

I had forgotten about the elk, too. I hope I get to see them sometime.

How lovely it will be years from now to hear elephants calling to each other in the distance.

La Louve

(snipped by me for space) Thanks Sasquatch, for posting this photo of Whitney. I love it - she's got her backpack on, possibly a camera or binoculars hanging from her neck. She's out in the woods on a hike, enjoying a summer day in this beautiful part of the world, maybe on her way to the top of Multnomah Falls. She just radiates love and joy with every ounce of her being.

Such a loss. I hope there is justice for Whitney.
Wonderful! It looks very peaceful. I would like to sit next to it and ... just sit! :) Yes I'm sure it is a place that helps the healing process. Just looking at the photos makes me happy.

Is it the exact spot where she died? (sorry if you mentioned this before, I might have missed it)

Sasquatch, nice job helping with the Alpaca! Sounds like Whitney has good company there, horses, elks ... . And being a huge elephant lover I'm very happy to hear that they are building an elephant sanctuary there. Absolutely wonderful creatures!

As for the canine diggers - I totally hear ya La Louve! We can't garden either. We take care of stray dogs and always have at least some of them in our front garden, just to give them some peaceful time, food, cuddles, or let them recover from illness, surgery etc. And they always dig and break plants. When we moved in here we had a lot of plants, some planted around the edges, some in pots, but not many have survived the constant onslaught, and those who have don't look so happy either. :facepalm: At one point we fostered 10 newly born pups and let them grow up in our front garden until we could home them - by that point almost no plant was left :D Now we have one permanent resident, an elderly male who had an accident last year and had a spinal inury. He walks again but isn't fit anymore for street life. But since his front paws are healthy he has transformed the place into a moon landscape, lots of craters and holes :D Oh well, I don't mind much, but hubby gets angry sometimes.

Sorry for going OT here a little. :blushing:

Did you need a permission from the county to make the garden?

BBM and again a bit O/T but I was so touched by what you wrote Elainera. Bless you for being so compassionate to those who have no one else to care for them. Anyone who rescues dogs is a top-notch human in my book :)
Hi all,

I had a lovely afternoon out at Roslyn Lake working on Whitney's garden.

It was a bit cool and overcast when I got out there, but by the time I left four hours later it had cleared off mostly, with a few pretty puffy clouds. It had also warmed up and turned out to be a nice day weather-wise. LOL we talk alot about the weather in this part of the world, don't we? :)

I picked up a small lavender shrub yesterday and added some things to that today and am so pleased with how it all turned out. I dug out about another 3 feet to the east end of the bed, and put in a new section of flower bed. Planted purple and white allysum (aka Sweet William), blue lobelias, purple pansies and violet colored wallflowers. I also weeded the rest of the garden, and watered everything. I think it turned out really nice. The pink miniature rose is starting to bloom and it's so pretty. It's gotten a bit of a two-toned effect to it, with the edges being a darker pink. The purple rose does have a bud on it and it all looks good. And the original miniature rose has a whole new branch with five tiny leaves on it and the one remaining original branch looks great too. I think the patient is on the road to recovery! :D

I had several visitors stop on the road and chat with me; two neighbors and a young family from nearby Gresham out for a Sunday drive. The first gentleman was on a bike and stopped to ask if the garden was for the teenagers that have drowned at the lake back before it was drained. One a year, he said. I explained to him why the garden was there and he was very touched. He told me that just recently a young person attempted suicide at the turnout but was found by some cyclists and was rescued in time. We had a long chat about all sorts of topics surrounding violence and abuse in our society, and ways that we can work to bring more light to the darkness.

The family was next and they stopped to ask if I knew when the elephant sanctuary was going to be done and they wanted to know about the garden too. We again talked about sadness in life these days and they thanked us for making the garden for Whitney. They looked like they were probably very close in age to Clint and Whitney, with a toddler in the backseat. Reminded me how precious life is.

Then the first fellow, who was riding his bicycle on the Thomas Road/Ten Eyck Road loop, stopped by again and thanked us for the garden and said he was going to share the story about it with his friends and colleagues.

My last visitor was a neighbor lady, who asked if I knew about a young woman named Heidi, who was murdered at the spot many many years ago. ( I think I may have heard mention about this before). She confirmed the recent suicide attempt. She thanked us for the garden and said she and the other neighbors keep an eye on it to make sure no one messes with it.

She asked me if I was part of Whitney's church, and I responded that I was not, but that the garden was turning into a sort of spiritual practice for me. Until I said it out loud I wasn't really aware that's what this has become for me. The common theme today was sadness and how we can bring more light to the sad people and places in life. Even one small act can ripple out and spread more light in ways we can't foresee. I see how that is happening with this garden and I know it's true. The conversations today were heartfelt and real, as if we all acknowledged how fragile life is and that even the briefest of interactions with our fellow humans should be treated respectfully, with integrity and justice.

So, I want to put a laminated placard out on the utility pole that gives the crisis hotline phone number, and maybe a few others helpful phone numbers for someone else who pulls into the turnout who might be feeling sad and hopeless. I'd also like to find out about Heidi and the other drownings and eventually commemorate them somehow too.

Oh and the animal sighting today is one I never would have expected. I think they were there all the time but if I had not walked north towards the lakebed for a couple minutes, I would not have seen them. Any guesses?

Chickens!!! A rooster and two hens, to be specific. LOL!!!!

ETA I found a few small bits of auto glass about 30-40 feet west of the utility pole so I will send those into the DA this week.

La Louve

photo #1 pink rosebud
photo #2 purple rosebud
photo #3 new garden extension from the east
photo #4 new flowerbed with lavender in center of photo; blue pansy and lobelia behind
photo #5 new flowerbed closeup


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here's a photo of the chickens :)


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Hi all,

I had a lovely afternoon out at Roslyn Lake working on Whitney's garden.

It was a bit cool and overcast when I got out there, but by the time I left four hours later it had cleared off mostly, with a few pretty puffy clouds. It had also warmed up and turned out to be a nice day weather-wise. LOL we talk alot about the weather in this part of the world, don't we? :)

I picked up a small lavender shrub yesterday and added some things to that today and am so pleased with how it all turned out. I dug out about another 3 feet to the east end of the bed, and put in a new section of flower bed. Planted purple and white allysum (aka Sweet William), blue lobelias, purple pansies and violet colored wallflowers. I also weeded the rest of the garden, and watered everything. I think it turned out really nice. The pink miniature rose is starting to bloom and it's so pretty. It's gotten a bit of a two-toned effect to it, with the edges being a darker pink. The purple rose does have a bud on it and it all looks good. And the original miniature rose has a whole new branch with five tiny leaves on it and the one remaining original branch looks great too. I think the patient is on the road to recovery! :D

I had several visitors stop on the road and chat with me; two neighbors and a young family from nearby Gresham out for a Sunday drive. The first gentleman was on a bike and stopped to ask if the garden was for the teenagers that have drowned at the lake back before it was drained. One a year, he said. I explained to him why the garden was there and he was very touched. He told me that just recently a young person attempted suicide at the turnout but was found by some cyclists and was rescued in time. We had a long chat about all sorts of topics surrounding violence and abuse in our society, and ways that we can work to bring more light to the darkness.

The family was next and they stopped to ask if I knew when the elephant sanctuary was going to be done and they wanted to know about the garden too. We again talked about sadness in life these days and they thanked us for making the garden for Whitney. They looked like they were probably very close in age to Clint and Whitney, with a toddler in the backseat. Reminded me how precious life is.

Then the first fellow, who was riding his bicycle on the Thomas Road/Ten Eyck Road loop, stopped by again and thanked us for the garden and said he was going to share the story about it with his friends and colleagues.

My last visitor was a neighbor lady, who asked if I knew about a young woman named Heidi, who was murdered at the spot many many years ago. ( I think I may have heard mention about this before). She confirmed the recent suicide attempt. She thanked us for the garden and said she and the other neighbors keep an eye on it to make sure no one messes with it.

She asked me if I was part of Whitney's church, and I responded that I was not, but that the garden was turning into a sort of spiritual practice for me. Until I said it out loud I wasn't really aware that's what this has become for me. The common theme today was sadness and how we can bring more light to the sad people and places in life. Even one small act can ripple out and spread more light in ways we can't foresee. I see how that is happening with this garden and I know it's true. The conversations today were heartfelt and real, as if we all acknowledged how fragile life is and that even the briefest of interactions with our fellow humans should be treated respectfully, with integrity and justice.

So, I want to put a laminated placard out on the utility pole that gives the crisis hotline phone number, and maybe a few others helpful phone numbers for someone else who pulls into the turnout who might be feeling sad and hopeless. I'd also like to find out about Heidi and the other drownings and eventually commemorate them somehow too.

Oh and the animal sighting today is one I never would have expected. I think they were there all the time but if I had not walked north towards the lakebed for a couple minutes, I would not have seen them. Any guesses?

Chickens!!! A rooster and two hens, to be specific. LOL!!!!

ETA I found a few small bits of auto glass about 30-40 feet west of the utility pole so I will send those into the DA this week.

La Louve

photo #1 pink rosebud
photo #2 purple rosebud
photo #3 new garden extension from the east
photo #4 new flowerbed with lavender in center of photo; blue pansy and lobelia behind
photo #5 new flowerbed closeup

Wow La Louve! The new addition to the garden looks beautiful! After I saw your post I had to drive out there and see it yesterday. The sun was shining, so I wanted to take advantage of the beautiful weather and go for a nice drive. I love the flowers and their colors. Your pink rose is beautiful too! I did see the small bud on the "BlueGirl" rose that I planted, and the new leaves on the small miniature roses that we are reviving. I gave all of the plants a drink of water, even though we will be getting some rain this week. Thank you for the beautiful photos as well!

Thanks for your nice comments! Mowing the strip of grass, does make it easier to see the garden. I love the fact that you got to see some chickens. You never know what animals you will run into, when you drive out to Roslyn Lake.

La Louve, also thank you for sharing your big heart and your heartfelt words.
I will agree with you, that the garden in a sense has become a spiritual practice. I am so happy that the garden is adding light to people's lives.
I am also happy that the people that you spoke with, were genuinely touched. I know that after speaking with the lady last week, that sometimes just standing next to a person, reflecting on the tragedies that have happened, does make a big difference. Even if both people are silent and reflecting, a moment is shared. I am amazed, how this ripple is affecting other people.

I didn't hear about the suicide attempt before your post. That is very sad. I am glad that the bikers found that person. Posting a Suicide Hotline number sounds like a great idea. I do remember hearing about a few drownings at Roslyn Lake. In 2006, a 12 year old girl drowned and back in 1988 a Scuba Diver drowned there. On the Sandy River, there is a drowning every year. It is common at least once every other year to see the Search and Rescue coming out to Dodge Park. Times like these remind us that life is fragile, indeed.

Thank you again La Louve for sharing your beautiful experience and adding to Whitney's Memorial Garden! It is wonderful to have people like you in this world! Not only have you shared your wonderful gardening talents, but you have also shared your wonderful insight and heartfelt words that have touched so many of us! I am sure that you have added a lot of light to many people's lives!
Thanks hardly seems like enough! What you have done La Louve and Sasquatch in the memory of Whitney is incredible, and the size of your hearts, well I don't know how they are contained in your chests!
I never personally met Whitney but in so many ways I feel like I knew her. That first day when I heard she was missing, I knew that for me she was so much more than a news story. Denial, sadness, anger-it was all there.
I went out to "visit" Whitney and saw the first stages of your memorial garden in late March. While there I felt a sort of lonely feeling in my gut, along with revisiting the sadness and anger. I hope to go again soon to see your beautiful garden (love the photos!) and be more accepting of the fact that Whitney truly is in a better place, more fitting for her loveliness. I'd like to add a plant to the garden but would like your okay on that.
The pink rose is so perfect! Just how I picture Whitney!
I can barely type through my tears right now, so touched by Sasquatch and Lordeebee and your kind words. I am so humbled.

Sasquatch, I'm so glad you got out there on Monday before the rains returned and that you approve of my additions. Thanks for watering again too!

Lordeebee, I completely agree about Whitney's light. I didn't know her either but there were some personal circumstances that week that drew me to her plight. All one had to do was see her photos and know this was a young woman who needed to be found as soon as possible. And it has taken me awhile to get to the place where I enjoy going out there (odd as that may sound). At first, I felt the sense of violence and oppression that hung in the air. But for me, digging in Mother Earth and connecting with Her is very therapeutic. And I believe flowers contain powerful Sun energy for healing as well. If you've ever heard of flower essences, you might be familiar with ideas along these lines. At any rate, I know that when I go out there and feel sad for Whitney, that it feels good for me to channel that into something positive and beautiful as an antidote to the darkness. I do hope you will come visit again and I would love it if you would plant something! PM me or Sasquatch if you want to discuss in more detail, but I know there is room in the new bed I just added. I want to move part of the forget-me-nots I planted a while back so there will be room there. And once I get my friend's irises I think we will probably need to add on to the other end of the garden.

I'll be going out this weekend, probably Sunday.

La Louve

ETA re: the pink rose, the first word that comes to my mind about that pink is "girly", and I sense Whitney would've enjoyed it for that reason too :)
Thanks hardly seems like enough! What you have done La Louve and Sasquatch in the memory of Whitney is incredible, and the size of your hearts, well I don't know how they are contained in your chests!
I never personally met Whitney but in so many ways I feel like I knew her. That first day when I heard she was missing, I knew that for me she was so much more than a news story. Denial, sadness, anger-it was all there.
I went out to "visit" Whitney and saw the first stages of your memorial garden in late March. While there I felt a sort of lonely feeling in my gut, along with revisiting the sadness and anger. I hope to go again soon to see your beautiful garden (love the photos!) and be more accepting of the fact that Whitney truly is in a better place, more fitting for her loveliness. I'd like to add a plant to the garden but would like your okay on that.
The pink rose is so perfect! Just how I picture Whitney!

Thank you very much for your kind words Lordeebee! The garden has been an extension of our hearts. It has been many months in the making, and a long journey, but well worth it. It has been an honor to be able to share the development of this garden here on Websleuths. Even though most people can not physically go out to Roslyn Lake and plant something, feel comfort in knowing, that with each flower planted that there is a little bit of all of our hearts there and growing!

When I first put the pot of miniature roses by the power pole back in November, I only expected them to last a week or so. I felt that they were going to either die with the soggy weather or that somebody might just steal them. It was tough to find the positive and see the light, when there was so much darkness that occurred in that spot. When I placed the roses, they were in their original plastic decorative wrap, and I had just placed them on the ground by the power pole.

Every other week, I would drive out to Roslyn Lake and the roses were still there. They kept on blooming. Even though the turnout would be covered in beer cans and garbage, nobody touched or took the roses. I was happy to be able to provide updates here on Websleuths of my journey every week and show the progression of the potted roses. Every week, my journey out to Roslyn Lake brought mixed emotions. Making that turn from Lusted Road onto Thomas Road, made my heart sink every time. But underneath all of my emotions, was a sense of calmness and peace. I knew that there was something bigger and more connected than I could understand. Every trip that I took out there, I would play Celtic music. In January of this year, I gave Whitney's Mom and family an Enya's Greatest Hits CD. Later I found out from Whitney's mom that Whitney loved Enya, and had played 3 of the songs that happened to be on that CD, at her wedding.

The roses kept blooming through December. On a snowy New Years Eve, I drove out to Roslyn Lake to take some final photos before the freeze. There was a single yellow bud, and a pink/red bud unopened and beside each other. This was also the Eve of what would have been Whitney and Clint's 2nd Wedding Anniversary, They were married on Jan. 1st. The roses had buds up until the end of January. After that time, I thought that the roses might have died, because they had been in the pot so long without anyone touching them.

I later placed Silk Purple Tulips on the Power Pole, later to find out that those were Whitney's favorite flower. I decided to place a Purple Rose out there. I first placed it into a Glazed Pot, but then placed it into the ground. Later I put the Silk Purple Tulips into the Pot. I placed the original miniature roses from the plastic pot into the ground.

La Louved has always blessed us with her gardening knowledge and inspiration! She came out and planted more flowers. Then I followed, and planted more and placed the sign. Then La Louve came out and extended the garden. With each update to the garden, I would send the family photos of the progress. The original potted roses, had one surviving branch that is now sprouting leaves. This was placed to the North of the Glazed Pot. It is funny how watching a plant, that you think will die, can prove you wrong. Just because a person can't see the growth on the surface, does not mean that something isn't growing in a place that we can not see. Nature has taught me many lessons over these past 7 months.

As La Louve had also mentioned, that this became more than just a garden. People came out and started sharing their connections that they have had with Whitney and with the garden. They opened up and shared their experiences and feelings with us. There is so much more hope and light around us that is hard to see, when it gets covered up by selfish dark acts caused by other people.
There is a powerful force of the good inside all of us, and in this world.
This garden made a larger impact on people and the area community than I had expected. I spoke with a retired Police Officer last week out at Roslyn Lake, that came from Idaho, and wanted to visit the spot. I am happy that he didn't have to see a grungy turnout with beer cans. He was able to see a beautiful garden and sign, showing light and dignity for Whitney. He shared with me how this had impacted him.

Being part of the garden and cleaning up the turnout has been an honor to do. Working along side La Louve has also been an honor and a blessing. I believe that Whitney would be proud of all of the flowers and people thinking about her. Lordeebee, you have my blessing to plant in Whitney's Garden!

Flowers have spoken to me more than I can tell in written words. They are the hieroglyphics of angels, loved by all men for the beauty of the character, though few can decipher even fragments of their meaning. - Lydia M. Child

I felt the sense of violence and oppression that hung in the air.
It was tough to find the positive and see the light, when there was so much darkness that occurred in that spot.

Thank you both for putting into words that which I was not able to, EXACTLY how I felt when I visited. From continuing to read your words and seeing Whitney's garden, I have hope that I will be able to get to that point of acceptance. After all, just seeing her angelic lit-up smile tells me she'd rather have us all not persist in darkness! Also the many obvious signs that you have both experienced with nature and people while tending the garden. Thanks for letting me contribute to Whitney's Garden.
Thank you very much for your kind words Lordeebee! The garden has been an extension of our hearts. It has been many months in the making, and a long journey, but well worth it. It has been an honor to be able to share the development of this garden here on Websleuths. Even though most people can not physically go out to Roslyn Lake and plant something, feel comfort in knowing, that with each flower planted that there is a little bit of all of our hearts there and growing!

When I first put the pot of miniature roses by the power pole back in November, I only expected them to last a week or so. I felt that they were going to either die with the soggy weather or that somebody might just steal them. It was tough to find the positive and see the light, when there was so much darkness that occurred in that spot. When I placed the roses, they were in their original plastic decorative wrap, and I had just placed them on the ground by the power pole.

Every other week, I would drive out to Roslyn Lake and the roses were still there. They kept on blooming. Even though the turnout would be covered in beer cans and garbage, nobody touched or took the roses. I was happy to be able to provide updates here on Websleuths of my journey every week and show the progression of the potted roses. Every week, my journey out to Roslyn Lake brought mixed emotions. Making that turn from Lusted Road onto Thomas Road, made my heart sink every time. But underneath all of my emotions, was a sense of calmness and peace. I knew that there was something bigger and more connected than I could understand. Every trip that I took out there, I would play Celtic music. In January of this year, I gave Whitney's Mom and family an Enya's Greatest Hits CD. Later I found out from Whitney's mom that Whitney loved Enya, and had played 3 of the songs that happened to be on that CD, at her wedding.

The roses kept blooming through December. On a snowy New Years Eve, I drove out to Roslyn Lake to take some final photos before the freeze. There was a single yellow bud, and a pink/red bud unopened and beside each other. This was also the Eve of what would have been Whitney and Clint's 2nd Wedding Anniversary, They were married on Jan. 1st. The roses had buds up until the end of January. After that time, I thought that the roses might have died, because they had been in the pot so long without anyone touching them.

I later placed Silk Purple Tulips on the Power Pole, later to find out that those were Whitney's favorite flower. I decided to place a Purple Rose out there. I first placed it into a Glazed Pot, but then placed it into the ground. Later I put the Silk Purple Tulips into the Pot. I placed the original miniature roses from the plastic pot into the ground.

La Louved has always blessed us with her gardening knowledge and inspiration! She came out and planted more flowers. Then I followed, and planted more and placed the sign. Then La Louve came out and extended the garden. With each update to the garden, I would send the family photos of the progress. The original potted roses, had one surviving branch that is now sprouting leaves. This was placed to the North of the Glazed Pot. It is funny how watching a plant, that you think will die, can prove you wrong. Just because a person can't see the growth on the surface, does not mean that something isn't growing in a place that we can not see. Nature has taught me many lessons over these past 7 months.

As La Louve had also mentioned, that this became more than just a garden. People came out and started sharing their connections that they have had with Whitney and with the garden. They opened up and shared their experiences and feelings with us. There is so much more hope and light around us that is hard to see, when it gets covered up by selfish dark acts caused by other people.
There is a powerful force of the good inside all of us, and in this world.
This garden made a larger impact on people and the area community than I had expected. I spoke with a retired Police Officer last week out at Roslyn Lake, that came from Idaho, and wanted to visit the spot. I am happy that he didn't have to see a grungy turnout with beer cans. He was able to see a beautiful garden and sign, showing light and dignity for Whitney. He shared with me how this had impacted him.

Being part of the garden and cleaning up the turnout has been an honor to do. Working along side La Louve has also been an honor and a blessing. I believe that Whitney would be proud of all of the flowers and people thinking about her. Lordeebee, you have my blessing to plant in Whitney's Garden!

Flowers have spoken to me more than I can tell in written words. They are the hieroglyphics of angels, loved by all men for the beauty of the character, though few can decipher even fragments of their meaning. - Lydia M. Child

Sasquatch, thank you for telling the story of the garden so beautifully. I am honored to be your garden conspirator and excited that Lordeebee is joining us! ("conspire" comes from the Latin con spiro meaning "to breathe together") The ripples are spreading.

BBM This quote about flowers so resonates for me and I'd never seen it before so thank you. I have a massive climbing rose in my garden, Cecille Bruner, which has pink miniature rose flowers with the most gorgeous buds and long-lasting fragrance. I have always described their fragrance as what angels' kisses must smell like. I started drying them many years ago at art school and using them in my work, which prompted me to finally plant one in my own garden. Flowers are so healing, it's hard to even fathom how much they contribute to our environment.

Yesterday was very rainy again, we've had our typical late May storms. A couple nights ago the snow level dropped from 8,000' to 3,000 feet over night and the last few mornings have seen temps hovering above freezing. Today looks like the weather is improving and I think tomorrow is supposed to be improved even more, so gardening awaits!

Hope everyone has a lovely weekend, holiday or otherwise :)

Blessings to those who lost their lives defending their country.

La Louve
here's a photo of the chickens :)

Aaaww!! I love them! They look so nice there in the green. Happily, peacefully and innocently adding to the beauty of Whitney's garden. :heartluv:
BBM and again a bit O/T but I was so touched by what you wrote Elainera. Bless you for being so compassionate to those who have no one else to care for them. Anyone who rescues dogs is a top-notch human in my book :)

I almost overlooked your post La Louve! Thank you for your kind words! :)
Sasquatch, thank you for telling the story of the garden so beautifully. I am honored to be your garden conspirator and excited that Lordeebee is joining us! ("conspire" comes from the Latin con spiro meaning "to breathe together") The ripples are spreading.

BBM This quote about flowers so resonates for me and I'd never seen it before so thank you. I have a massive climbing rose in my garden, Cecille Bruner, which has pink miniature rose flowers with the most gorgeous buds and long-lasting fragrance. I have always described their fragrance as what angels' kisses must smell like. I started drying them many years ago at art school and using them in my work, which prompted me to finally plant one in my own garden. Flowers are so healing, it's hard to even fathom how much they contribute to our environment.

Yesterday was very rainy again, we've had our typical late May storms. A couple nights ago the snow level dropped from 8,000' to 3,000 feet over night and the last few mornings have seen temps hovering above freezing. Today looks like the weather is improving and I think tomorrow is supposed to be improved even more, so gardening awaits!

Hope everyone has a lovely weekend, holiday or otherwise :)

Blessings to those who lost their lives defending their country.

La Louve

You are welcome, and Thank you! I am honored to be your garden conspirator as well! :smile: Yes, I am happy too, that Lordeebee will be planting with us!

I am glad that you enjoy the quote! Lydia Child spent her life fighting for justice on behalf of others, and she seemed to reference flowers in many of her quotes. She must have been much like yourself, and understood the hieroglyphics of angels. Each flower does tell us something, but some do not take the time to stop and listen. Thank you La Louve for adding all of the flowers to Whitney's Garden! Also Thank You for taking the time to extend the garden and spending time working on it! We all appreciate what you have done by adding so much beauty to the area! I hope that you and everyone have a great weekend too! I put my flag up to honor the fallen heroes! Bless them and their families for their sacrifice!

If you haven't watched the HBO movie "Taking Chance" yet, it is well worth watching. It is a movie about a senior officer escorting a fallen soldier home. It shows a deep respect for a fallen soldier on his journey home.

Taking Chance Trailer - Trailer Addict

Here is another quote that I like from Lydia Child, making another reference to flowers:

Every human soul has a germ of some flowers within; and they would open if they could only find sunshine and free air to expand in. I always told you that not having enough of sunshine was what ailed the world. Make people happy, and there will not be half the quarrelling or a tenth part of the wickedness there is. - Lydia Child
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