GUILTY PA - Stephanie Waters, 21, Roaring Spring, 8 Jan 2015

The boyfriends in action and half-truths may have cost her life. If she did not die immediately, then an police intervention could have saved her or at the very least gotten her medical attention and given her family peace of mind. I hope he gets charged as well with something like interfering with a a police investigation.
The boyfriends in action and half-truths may have cost her life. If she did not die immediately, then an police intervention could have saved her or at the very least gotten her medical attention and given her family peace of mind. I hope he gets charged as well with something like interfering with a a police investigation.
Maybe conspiracy to distribute,if they find a decent quantity of drugs in either her/his apartment.
This has got to be one of the most senseless, ridiculous murders I have heard about in a long time.

She was killed because this teenage punk just wanted to experience the act of killing somebody ?

I guess somebody was going to wind up being a victim one way or another, weren't they ?
Maybe conspiracy to distribute,if they find a decent quantity of drugs in either her/his apartment.

I'm sure he was smart enough to hide or get rid of all of that either before or during the search efforts. I'll bet his place is as spic and span as it can be.
Oh, forgot to add to look at this RH FB picture where he's holding an Xbox controller....and a GUN:

If only someone (like his parents) would have caught that picture earlier, maybe... sigh.

I saw the picture last night and it gave me the shivers. I bet it was the same gun they used to murder Stephanie and Duke. Boy, these scumbags aren't the sharpest tools in the shed.

And, I wonder what their parents would have said IF they had seen the photo. Maybe they had seen it and did nothing. Maybe they saw it and fought over it. Maybe they were scared of their son and his friend. Who knows?! It's so sad.
I know information was posted up thread a bit, but here is also a quick link with the press-release on vid & in-print, as well as the mug shots.

Also, we've got another abuse of a corpse charge on both boys. This may be just another charge to put against them, but since following the Jessica Padgett case, my stomach turns & my skin crawls now seeing those charges in other cases. I'll go dig in PA law to see what else that may cover...
In Pa abuse of a corpse is could just be moving the corpse in a manner that is disrespectful.
In Pa abuse of a corpse is could just be moving the corpse in a manner that is disrespectful.

Thank you DanielleE! You are absolutely right from what i am reading. It says they "tossed" Michele in the backseat of the vehicle after shooting her twice in the neck & once in the head.

Awful. Just awful. And over pot. I guess i just have zero understanding of how one can rationalize KILLING someone over pot. And than spend the rest of their lives behind bars. Correct me if i'm wrong, but you don't really get withdrawals over not smoking pot. I read that this was something they just wanted to do, thrill of the kill. What the hell kind of rationalizing does some kids mind say when planning or carrying out something so senseless as this crime was!?

I am so sorry Michele & her pup. I hope Michele's family has some comfort knowing that the 2 of them are still together in a much better place. RIP.
I live in this area, it is very tragic and many of the locals are showing their true colors throwing around racial slurs. It is very troubling time in our community. Unfortunately they have failed to see many of the kids that live in our area liked and commented on their pictures, kids of all races and socioeconomic backgrounds. We have a real problem that character like this is "cool" and we are doing a disservice by not recognizing this. I don't believe that weed was the root of this crime, but the failure of this community to raise and reprimand our children and a dire need for gun control. Very disheartening and it rips my heart for this girl.
I live in this area, it is very tragic and many of the locals are showing their true colors throwing around racial slurs. It is very troubling time in our community. Unfortunately they have failed to see many of the kids that live in our area liked and commented on their pictures, kids of all races and socioeconomic backgrounds. We have a real problem that character like this is "cool" and we are doing a disservice by not recognizing this. I don't believe that weed was the root of this crime, but the failure of this community to raise and reprimand our children and a dire need for gun control. Very disheartening and it rips my heart for this girl.

I am understanding a bit of what you mean just from reading the facebook comments on the Bedford County Free Press's page....
I live in this area, it is very tragic and many of the locals are showing their true colors throwing around racial slurs. It is very troubling time in our community. Unfortunately they have failed to see many of the kids that live in our area liked and commented on their pictures, kids of all races and socioeconomic backgrounds. We have a real problem that character like this is "cool" and we are doing a disservice by not recognizing this. I don't believe that weed was the root of this crime, but the failure of this community to raise and reprimand our children and a dire need for gun control. Very disheartening and it rips my heart for this girl.
How does gun control play into this? Were they licensed? Was the gun stolen?
The gun was Ryan Hardwick's grandfather's, and from the pictures and dates it appears he had access to it for more than a day.
The gun was Ryan Hardwick's grandfather's, and from the pictures and dates it appears he had access to it for more than a day.
Seems like a parental problem to me. I would look into the culture these wannabes were raised before I would blame the gun.
I understand that completely, which I noted in my comments above. Although, the picture of the pair with the weapon was posted several days earlier and was obviously not reported that that they had access to it, from the teens and the parents of those teens liking and commenting on it. Furthermore, the inability for his family member to have more control of such a weapon with a troubled youth in his home is negligent at best. I understand this is a debated and a heated topic, and I am respectful of those who do not agree.
The gun was Ryan Hardwick's grandfather's, and from the pictures and dates it appears he had access to it for more than a day.
If that's the case the grandfather should also be charged,imo.

Did I read in the court papers (affidavit of probable cause) that the communication via text was between SMW and one of the killers and not between the bf and killers? Seems these two killers were regular customers of the bf in as much as he sent his gf to take care of business .
Yes, so unless the name of who the phone belonged to was never exchanged there is already holes in their story. I find that unlikely that they did not know a female was arriving, she was a friend of one of them on FB but that doesn't necessarily mean they were close.
Another thing that bothers me in this case is that the young lady who was questioned by PSP (her mother reported the vehicle) knew a murder had taken place yet made no known effort to notify LE.
Stephanie Waters

Deaundray Moye

Ryan Hardwick

No Death Penalty for Teen Murder Suspects - District Attorney Bill Higgins says he can not go for the death penalty because the US Supreme Court ruled in 2005 that the courts can’t seek the death penalty if the person committed the crime while under the age of 18. Higgins says if the two were over 18 he would be going for the death penalty.
Another thing that bothers me in this case is that the young lady who was questioned by PSP (her mother reported the vehicle) knew a murder had taken place yet made no known effort to notify LE.
Why would that not be another accomplice or hindering an investigation or something of that nature? Very disturbing behavior by all kids with this knowledge.

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