POI * Serial Killer?

Yes it could be a college boy from Lake Charles (where I live) but I doubt it.

Whoever it is, runs in the same circle with these girls---who all knew each other. They feel somewhat comfortable with him. Rumors of LE involvement have been prevalent. Perhaps it is some kind of narc. ( give police info. but still involved in drugs, so somewhat protected)...

Regarding the lapse in time, many theories have surfaced. Jail, offshore work, military, relocated etc....

Location of the bodies says that someone is very familiar with the area. I saw it as a taunt that one body was dumped on the way to the police shooting range. Locals living around these dump sites have noticed suspicious cars in the area....they suspected drug deals on these remote country roads. They said police did little about it.

What is shocking to me is the size of this town...no greater than 7500....that's a lot of bodies for such a small town.

The task force meets at a particular location.....and many times, even late, there is a bevy of activity/many cars when I pass by....

Just had to say your post is a great one, very thought provoking.

Do you know if these girls lived very close to where they were dumped? I think he did too!

Your idea about the 'taunt' was very interesting, especially since there was very little investigation about that.

Be back tomoz after my grandaughter's prom dress is hemmed! :blowkiss:
I don't think I've ever been to Jennings, so I can not help anyone with the local scene.

Yes, they all knew each other. And they all knew the perp. Their age differences suggest to me that they didn't grow up together, but apparently had something in common that links them together. So far, there is an alleged drug, booze and prostitution link, but I hesitate to repeat this about the girls, because I didn't know them and I don't want to be disrespecful of them. However, these alleged links may have nothing whatsoever to do with the murders.

Who knows, it could be a Dahlmer type of nerd who makes candy during the day and eats people at night. It could be the lawn police - like BTK, but I dont' recall any LE officer serial killers off-hand. It could be a bulgy eyed, fat, toothless drifter - like Lucas.

What we do know is that he has trophies, what was taken from each girl?

Maybe LE should list every item each was known to be wearing last, in case some housewife has come across a weird stash in the shed somewhere.

Hi Dot, I don't think we need to be embarrased to say it like it is, as prostitution is one of the oldest professions in the whole world. I think that is what linked them and why they were murdered. IMO

This guy obviously had a problem with a female member of his family while growing up, probably his mother, and like so many other men was traumatized by it to where he had to erradicate the ones he could find. They weren't virgins, rather low life women in his mind. Ted Bundy, the Greenriver killer, BFK {hope that's right as it's late ;} just as a few examples.

Man 'O Live. To think the FBI only has 50 Profilers on staff. We need to find one, or an retired one, to write a profile of this perp. Think I'll email both Candice DeLong and Pat Brown to see if they'll answer me. They are both experts in this exact field of expertise. xox
Scandi - yes, please do!

Yes, I understand everything you have written. My point is that the girls all knew one another through something other than drugs, booze and prostitution. They were friends, cousins, related by offspring, etc. Brittany was only 13 or 14 years old when the first girl, Ernestine, was murdered. They weren't hookers together - IYKWIM. Prostitution was not what introduced them to one another and is not their only link to one another.

Brittany was at the Family Dollar buying phone cards or something and disappeared after she left to walk 5 blocks to her house. It was dark by then maybe it was a chilly or rainy November night. I think someone she knew offered her a ride home. She was already wary of strangers, her cousin and her best friend were murdered.

They all knew him and they HAD to have talked about him to someone at some point.

I won't go to them confiding in their moms/step mom who all then died within 4 months of one another. Odd. 7 murder victims, 4 early deaths of mothers/step mother 3 of whom were under 50, the 4th's age not remembered by me yet.
I don't think I've ever been to Jennings, so I can not help anyone with the local scene.

Yes, they all knew each other. And they all knew the perp. Their age differences suggest to me that they didn't grow up together, but apparently had something in common that links them together. So far, there is an alleged drug, booze and prostitution link, but I hesitate to repeat this about the girls, because I didn't know them and I don't want to be disrespecful of them. However, these alleged links may have nothing whatsoever to do with the murders.

Who knows, it could be a Dahlmer type of nerd who makes candy during the day and eats people at night. It could be the lawn police - like BTK, but I dont' recall any LE officer serial killers off-hand. It could be a bulgy eyed, fat, toothless drifter - like Lucas.

What we do know is that he has trophies, what was taken from each girl?

Maybe LE should list every item each was known to be wearing last, in case some housewife has come across a weird stash in the shed somewhere.

The casino was gold something... It's part of a resturant/gas station

To answer a question about carnivals...The local fair is around First/second week in October.
No Scandi..............I don't think the victims and the dump sites were particularly close. The bodies were found "in the country". Basically outside of the city with some farmland, empty fields, waterways, and scattered houses. Just not very populated.

I definitely think that the main artery tying these girls together is drugs...when you start running in the same circles, everyone starts to know each other, perhaps even date or marry in the same family.

From what I understand, some of these girls were only "prostitutes" to be close to drugs and not the type of prostitute that would walk the street per se.

Casinos are close to Jennings but I doubt these girls had the money or desire to really get into casino scene. There is a restaurant/convenience store/ slot machine type of place in Jennings....but I mostly see an older crowd actually gambling.

Again drug use seems to be the common thread. That is my strong opinion from talking to several people.

Now.........lately it has been awfully quiet, too quiet. No new info., press conferences and a very tight lipped task force..........A few months ago, the buzz was over possible DNA results from the last vic. I even heard that an arrest was said to be "close". And then.........NOTHING....no arrest, no talk, nada. So it makes me wonder 1.Did results not match POI, or anyone at all..or 2. Are they watching someone before arresting them for a stronger case.

I also feel that there is some type of racial componet here, I'm just not sure what it is. The white victims were known to date/marry black men. The black victims had their throats slit. Interracial dating in Jennings also puts people running in the same crowd. No one take offense, these are just my observations.
Hello. I came across the Jennings murders the other day. I have looked through every post, looked at almost every link and did a little digging of my own. I am only prepared at this time to give an opinion of the murders as I have not finished the journey my thoughts on the case has taken me nor have I stumbled upon something that would prove my thoughts. With that said, here it is:

I think that each and every victim was related to each other by blood and/or by marriage/children. I do not believe there is a serial killer. Only a murderer. Although high levels of drugs and alcohol were found in the victims system and that each victim was suspected of doing drugs, I do not believe that the drug atmosphere is what killed them. I think it was something they knew or something the killer thought they knew.

I probably should have started this post later today as I have not finished but its time for me to head to work. I will post more later today.
Although I think drugs are what brought and kept these girls running in the same crowd, I do agree that the motive for killing them may have been something that these girls knew.

I have always thought, as many others have, that the last victim was killed because she may have too dangerous to leave alive.........they wanted to shut her up.

Now, what could these girls have known that would warrant killing them.........that may be the law enforcement link that so many in Jennings believe is key.........

One story passed around is that the victims were privy to a drug raid and subsequent shooting of a man years ago that may have been the catalyst.......
What about sex offenders? Performing a search on sex offenders within Jennings, 4 of the victims were found clustered in the same area as one offender. However, this offender is female. There is also a listing of a male that works/worked on the same road as the Family Dollar that Brittany Gary had went to.
Although I think drugs are what brought and kept these girls running in the same crowd, I do agree that the motive for killing them may have been something that these girls knew.

I have always thought, as many others have, that the last victim was killed because she may have too dangerous to leave alive.........they wanted to shut her up.

Now, what could these girls have known that would warrant killing them.........that may be the law enforcement link that so many in Jennings believe is key.........

One story passed around is that the victims were privy to a drug raid and subsequent shooting of a man years ago that may have been the catalyst.......

I think you may be hitting something on the head there mysterygirl
I have been out of the country for a while and couldn't read or post here. Interesting "talk" about a drug raid and subsequent shooting (I presume someone was killed) which the girls may have had some insight to.

When was the raid/shooting? Who was shot? Who was the shooter?
I've heard about this raid but no one seems to know details. It was from several years ago before the first victim. I've also read some things on different blogs, I just don't remember where they were.

I could be wrong but "Rat Trahan" is the name I remember that possibly relates to this and I want to say that he did die and police did the shooting. Again, this is just from memory. I'll try to figure out where I read that. Jennings posters may know offhand.
Ok, shows how unreliable my memory is....Rat Trahan was abducted and murdered. Loretta Chaisson was present when the abduction took place. She was then murdered. Rat Trahan's murder was never solved.

I will try to get info. on this rumored raid. I definitely think there is a motive other than just killing for the heck of it with these deaths.
All I can find on this "raid" is that there was a drug and prostitution sting. The girls arrested were let out and one of them left town. The other girls ended up being our victims. There was also talk of someone being shot. This story has gone around and I cannot find anyone with details nor do I know the truth of the story.
I also feel that there is some type of racial componet here, I'm just not sure what it is. The white victims were known to date/marry black men. The black victims had their throats slit. Interracial dating in Jennings also puts people running in the same crowd. No one take offense, these are just my observations.

Yes, I thought there might be a racial componenet too because of the slit throats and the dousing of Muggy with bleach. But that is only if we are talking about one killer.
Who was Trahan? Pimp? Dealer? John?

He was abducted during a prostitution/drug raid?

Loretta witnessed his abduction.

He was later found dead.

There was a police shooting of someone too?

All of this happened before the first victim was murdered?

The murder has not been solved. Did Loretta not cooperate with police?

Brittany would have been 13 or 14 when that happened, and I doubt she was arrested in the raid. Huh? Was she? If not, what is her connection? Being cousin to Chaisson?

I think we might have more rumor than info in that theory. For instance, there would be arrest records for all of the girls and by running them, one could easily find the date on which they were all charged. And, I am sure that investigators know these girls' sheets forward and back and a common arrest date would trigger more investigation into the circumstances surrounding the arrests.

Since arrests were made in the raid, there would also be reports of the raid. The reports would tell us who was there in an official capacity. If there were any legs to this story, it would easily be corroborated in part by public records which are available to anyone who wishes to go look or to get copies.

Where is that PI guy who was working on this case? He could go look all this up without any problem. Unless we have a volunteer from the audience. LOL
I think that Rat Trahan was simply a user, I don't know if he was a pimp or dealer. I am not sure if he owed money for drugs but his murder has never been solved. Loretta was said to be at the house and hid while he was taken. Whether she was forthcoming with police or not, who knows. This is separate from the rumored raid.

There are many rumors in this town but they are unsubstantiated.

DotEyes- do you know how to look up arrest records online?
No DotEyes Brittany Gary was not involved in that raid, if it happened. The insinuation from locals it that several years ago, there was a raid of some sort. All of the girls present were let go at the same time. So I suppose charges were not filed. One of those girls left town and has not moved back. The other girls, with the exception of Brittany, ended up murdered. The implication I get from that is that LE did not want to pursue this matter? I could be wrong and it could all be rumor, but a persistent one that locals seem to regard as being true. It seems like if someone was shot there would be more details but I don't live in Jennings so I'm at a disadvantage--if I did live there, I would know more. I bet the PI, Kirk Menard knows many details. He seems to be pretty knowledgeable on the case but is limited in what he can say.

The one name that pops up everywhere though is Frankie Richard. Remember he was the one arrested with his niece Hannah Connor. They were let go due to lack of evidence. Not only does the warden visit him but the task force seems to be keeping a close eye on him also. He is constantly in trouble with the law but never seems to stay in prison!!!!
1. Could motive stem from white male being angry at caucasian females dating/marrying/having sex with African-American men?

2. Perp could possibly be compulsive murderer (alternate 'profiler' lingo for SK) pimp-type.

3. Casino connections definitively should be ruled out, relative to the AC murders.

4. If and/or when DNA evidence is recovered from victim(s), the DNA be "broken down" (my totally layman term) in terms of ethnic origins, i.e., Caucasian, Native American, Negro, Mongoloid, etc.?

After all, result regarding question #4 is what broke open the Derrick Todd Lee case.

My apologies to anyone if these issues have been discussed in other threads, haven't had time to read them all.
The killer seems to have a knowledge of forensics seems as how he manages to kill 8 people and not leave any dna or evidence at all.

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