Poss. child predator with WA plates in Santa Barbara CA


Former Member
Sep 11, 2008
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Many thanks to SALEM for this find, and reporting it to authorities in both states! :clap:

This is where Salem first discovers the crime in Santa Barbara: http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=86822&page=8

Media information below:



On Monday, 11-year-old Courtnee claims she was walking home from a friend's house when she was approached by a strange man driving a white van.

"The guy was just sitting there and I was about to turn the corner and he yelled, 'Hey, you want to come help me look for my puppy?'" Courtnee recalled.

Sensing something wasn't right, Courtnee took off.

"She just darted back to the neighbor's house and called me," said Courtnee's mother, Melody Creath.

Melody says that's when she called police and then headed out into the neighborhood to warn others. It didn't take long for the word to get around the neighborhood.

"They were in a van with Washington plates and no side windows," said 12-year-old Cameron Carter.
Bringing my post over from the other thread:

I called the Santa Barbara incident in to McCleary. They said they would contact Santa Barbara Sheriff's. Maybe nothing - but definitely enough time to get from WA to So. Cal since Lindsey went missing. I am hoping and hoping this might lead to a break!


here is the article again: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/32072451

Sorry to quote myself, but wanted to update. I also called Santa Barbara Sheriff's. In the article, it says LE made contact with this guy. I let Santa Barbara know about Lindsey and told them that if this guy really had WA license plates that they should not let the guy out of their site until they have talked to McCleary LE. I let them know I had contacted McCleary LE and that McCleary LE said they would contact Santa Barbara.

My adrenilene is pumping here. The SB officer was pretty noncommital, but did say they would keep an eye on the guy.


EVERYBODY - please pray, meditate or whatever that both LE agencies follow up on this and check it out. The similarities are just scary.

Before I scan the SO thread, does anyone remember off the top of their head if this description matches anyone previously sleuthed?
Salem, I'm feeling you may have just cracked this case.

How the heck are they going to "keep an eye" on him?
I am going to clarify what i meant by "a vehicle somewhat meeting the description"

The description KK gave (via kid(s)) was basically a clean white station wagon w/round headlights.

She may not have outright said 'station wagon but upon her description & discussion she reflected a likeness of that being accurate.

The pictures i took had a couple of conflicts with that description

1. It was not clean (in nearly any sense)
2. (closer to) Square Headlights.

- It was a white station wagon

I'd asked KK if the kid(s) possibly said 'round' because the headlights were on. This didn't seem to 'ring a bell.

Round headlights probably being the most telling.

I'd been off/on racking my brain on a round-headlight wagon.

I'm usually not bad w/identifying cars. It only occurred to me today what it might have been.

1997 Ford Taurus Wagon

1999 Ford Taurus Wagon

1999 Ford Taurus Wagon

- So you may want to take the pictures i referred to earlier w/a grain of salt.

Thought these pictures might be helpful. Do any look like a van or cargo van?


Salem, I'm feeling you may have just cracked this case.

How the heck are they going to "keep an eye" on him?

Oh I just don't know concentric. The officer I spoke with said they were watching him and that he would make sure the duty cops got the information.

My greatest fear at the moment is that the agencies will get busy and not follow up.

I think I am going to put a reminder on my calendar for tomorrow to call them both back to make sure they got in touch with each other. Is that too rude?

This is a van similar to the one the child in the Santa Barbara case described
He was last seen driving a white cargo or minivan with Washington plates and no side windows, only a rear window with a curtain.

Cargo van

I can't find a mini van without the side windows but I'm sure I've seen them before (usually a commercial vehicle)
"But as of right now, they are not sure any crime has been committed."

Look for a puppy? This guy did everything but stamp a blazing neon:

"Look, I'm a Child Molester"

on his forehead.
Salem, calling them back is your call. If you are feeling hinky, then I might strongly consider it!
"But as of right now, they are not sure any crime has been committed."

Look for a puppy? This guy did everything but stamp a blazing neon:

"Look, I'm a Child Molester"

on his forehead.

I'm sure California has a statute for "luring a child"!!! And a VAN with no SIDE WINDOWS and CURTAINS IN THE BACK? ITA with you, Concentric!
"But as of right now, they are not sure any crime has been committed."

Look for a puppy? This guy did everything but stamp a blazing neon:

"Look, I'm a Child Molester"

on his forehead.

Pulling my comment from the other thread to post here.

It's not illegal to approach someone and say "hey, I lost my dog do you mind helping me find it?" Just like it's not illegal to approach someone and ask for directions or what time it is.

It wouldn't have even been illegal if the child would have (willingly) gotten into the van with him. It becomes illegal if he doesn't let the child back out of the car or if he touches the child inappropriatly.

That is why we need to teach our children to never ever willingly get into a car with someone other than who we tell them to (even if they know them)
Jennifer, what if they can prove the man doesn't have a puppy?
Jennifer, what if they can prove the man doesn't have a puppy?

In a case like this.. can they prove that he asked her to help him find a puppy? Or that he even approached her?

It sucks but it's a he said/she said thing. She said he did it, he says he didn't. Obviously the police have been in contact with him.. they didn't arrest him so regardless of what he supposedly said it seems he didn't break any laws. Hopefully they will continue to watch him to see if he tries it again but I doubt it.. the police agencies are overworked already chasing known criminals. They can't watch everyone.
I am so glad that this child escaped what could have been a rape and/or death!
There are statutes for "annoying" a child. Scaring a child is annoyance. Enough to pick the dude up on, maybe not enough to hold him.

jvk - I emailed one of the articles you posted to the Grey's Harbor Sheriff's. I also explained how important it was for them to contact Santa Barbara right away. BEFORE this guy decides to move on to friendlier places, so to speak. I sent them the phone number, bolded, underlined and in large font size and requested a "read receipt."

This could turn out to be nothing, BUT I sure want them to check it out before the dude gets away.


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