Post Verdict -Working Out The Unresolved Questions

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I could of sworn HLN said the delay was due to the defense today. I was watching my granddaughter and she was cranky so I could of misheard.
Thanks for the heads up, Zuri.

Jane Velez-Mitchell ‏@jvelezmitchell 4m The next hearing for #JodiArias has been postponed until October 4th. When it actually happens we'll cover it

Thanks for the info. Oh, and Grrrr! :banghead:
Btw, Oct. 4th is a Friday. Interesting!
It was the defense that requested this delay. See HLN website. Maybe it was also discussed this a.m. on our legal thread. I know I read this on yet another source.
I think it's due to the Chrisman trial--he can't be in 2 courtrooms. If he's found guilty, then he's got the penalty phase.

Richard Chrisman is only up for second degree murder and the death penalty is not on the table. If he's found guilty, there are no additional phases, the judge will simply sentence him.

But, even though the defense requested the delay, it's just as well for Juan. The jury is still deliberating and he may need more time to prepare his arguments.
The defense is going to make sure we have a January retrial, they'll never get the sentence they want to hear - 25 to life with chance of release - out of either a jury's or the judge's mouth, so the only power they have is to drag heels and write motion after failing (or flailing, depending on your POV) motion.

And they will do everything in their power to make the retrial as lengthy and mind-bendingly frustrating as the first one was. This is her show and she's going to direct it.

A thought has occurred to me more than once throughout the trials since her's began, it might not sit well with many but with each verdict it seems to have become more apparent to me.

We - the trial spectators - may have to realize that the productions we watch and invest our time and emotions in have a hidden and inverse cost. We watch a death penalty trial, televised like a TV show with all actors playing their parts and forget that, while we may be watching for free, they are not working for free, the defendant in particular.

As in true reality, we do not kill actors for bad performances, so minimum wage for this show is the spared life of the star, their 'base pay' for providing this drama to the masses. Could they also earn a bonus of liberty, for a job well done? As the show-trial has little to do with the crime they are charged with, the 'pay' is not based on the crime either, but calculated by our insistence to know and see and be a part of the show.

You cannot go to the Met and not pay the price of admittance. And you may not set your own price tag for the ticket in.

We do not get both - a grand show and the platter with a head upon it at its conclusion, there is no karmic balance in that, we should not expect to have our cake and eat it too, simply because we are the wounded-by-proxy party, or spectators with a grudge. We owe full payment for what we receive, and the actors are deserving of payment for their efforts and the experience they provide.

While it may satisfy a desire in us to sit in the Coliseum bleachers and cheer for (or against) the gladiator, her life spared was the base price of the ticket in, her liberty is the only bonus not guaranteed in her contract, and that is the redux goal, to increase her pay to include the bonus of liberty at some undetermined date.

We already own our tickets, but what final price will karma exact to continue its inexorable balance?
Richard Chrisman is only up for second degree murder and the death penalty is not on the table. If he's found guilty, there are no additional phases, the judge will simply sentence him.

But, even though the defense requested the delay, it's just as well for Juan. The jury is still deliberating and he may need more time to prepare his arguments.

Thanks for the info on sentencing. I knew it wasn't a death penalty case, but I thought maybe the jury had the responsibility for the sentence length.

I'm really disappointed that the jury hasn't come to a verdict yet. I really hope they will come back with guilty. Personally, I hate juries!!! They are so frustrating sometimes.
The defense is going to make sure we have a January retrial, they'll never get the sentence they want to hear - 25 to life with chance of release - out of either a jury's or the judge's mouth, so the only power they have is to drag heels and write motion after failing (or flailing, depending on your POV) motion.

And they will do everything in their power to make the retrial as lengthy and mind-bendingly frustrating as the first one was. This is her show and she's going to direct it.

A thought has occurred to me more than once throughout the trials since her's began, it might not sit well with many but with each verdict it seems to have become more apparent to me.

We - the trial spectators - may have to realize that the productions we watch and invest our time and emotions in have a hidden and inverse cost. We watch a death penalty trial, televised like a TV show with all actors playing their parts and forget that, while we may be watching for free, they are not working for free, the defendant in particular.

As in true reality, we do not kill actors for bad performances, so minimum wage for this show is the spared life of the star, their 'base pay' for providing this drama to the masses. Could they also earn a bonus of liberty, for a job well done? As the show-trial has little to do with the crime they are charged with, the 'pay' is not based on the crime either, but calculated by our insistence to know and see and be a part of the show.

You cannot go to the Met and not pay the price of admittance. And you may not set your own price tag for the ticket in.

We do not get both - a grand show and the platter with a head upon it at its conclusion, there is no karmic balance in that, we should not expect to have our cake and eat it too, simply because we are the wounded-by-proxy party, or spectators with a grudge. We owe full payment for what we receive, and the actors are deserving of payment for their efforts and the experience they provide.

While it may satisfy a desire in us to sit in the Coliseum bleachers and cheer for (or against) the gladiator, her life spared was the base price of the ticket in, her liberty is the only bonus not guaranteed in her contract, and that is the redux goal, to increase her pay to include the bonus of liberty at some undetermined date.

We already own our tickets, but what final price will karma exact to continue its inexorable balance?

I don't watch trials for entertainment, but because I've always been interested in the legal process, the job attorneys do and forensic psychology. I've been reading true crime books since 5th grade, and I'm fascinated with all the aspects of trying to figure out why a fellow human being murders another.

It fascinates me that someone like Jodi came to the conclusion that she was going to murder Travis Alexander after their romantic relationship failed. It's fascinating to me because I've "been there" as far as having a long-term romantic relationship with a guy in college that failed. I was devastated at the time--I thought we were "on track" to get married & I also felt that I was basically just "arm candy" and that realization was very hurtful.

I've also "been there" in suspecting a boyfriend is cheating & then looking for evidence in his wallet (we didn't have cell phones back then! lol). I have never been violent, but I have wanted to physically lash out a time or two.

These feelings are common to the human race and what attracts me to reading about murder cases is that fascination with the WHY? Why did Arias decide that killing Travis was the answer? What led up to that? What pathologies are poisoning her personality that this murder was the result?

I don't relish Jodi Arias being executed, although I do think her crime warrants it. It's not a "win" for her to get the death penalty or rot in jail for the rest of her life--it's a tragedy that she took her life and squandered it completely--and it's a tragedy that she still justifies her crime and doesn't seem to understand the gravity of murdering a human being. But this all was Jodi's choice--and whatever punishment she gets is a direct consequence of that choice. She's a wretch, and that's never something I would wish on anyone.

Liebchen, law enforcement does know the sz. in length & thickness of the knife she wielded. It was determined from the wounds with Dr. K. Horn's confirmations. I can't help you with the knife dimensions because I didn't take notes on that & don't remember them.
Did anyone figure out what caused JA's ankles to be injured & bleeding after the murder? And what caused all the bruising to Travis' legs and ankles? TIA!
Did anyone figure out what caused JA's ankles to be injured & bleeding after the murder? And what caused all the bruising to Travis' legs and ankles? TIA!

Thanks for bringing it up about her ankles, I saw some mention of those injuries a few days ago and meant to give it some thought again (and forgot).

My thinking on his leg/feet injuries was mostly her dragging him on the floor, maybe banging into the baseboard (lots of transfer marks, even at a corner - was it the closet?) and then over the metal strip on the bottom of the shower stall, I can see that tearing skin - did JM ever ask Horn if those were more likely done before or after death? Horn said he could tell on the stab wounds because of bleeding into the tissues but I don't recall what the testimony was about his feet in that regard. Can bruising occur post mortem?
Did anyone figure out what caused JA's ankles to be injured & bleeding after the murder? And what caused all the bruising to Travis' legs and ankles? TIA!

IIRC Arias testified at trial that she had dropped/broken a glass the night before the murder and when the glass shattered it cut her ankles.
IIRC Arias testified at trial that she had dropped/broken a glass the night before the murder and when the glass shattered it cut her ankles.

Did she really? That made me literally laugh out loud.
Does anyone know the specific location of this pic? I have it tagged as being in the bedroom but I can't find any furniture that looks like this in pics I have of his room:

Did anyone figure out what caused JA's ankles to be injured & bleeding after the murder? And what caused all the bruising to Travis' legs and ankles? TIA!

Perhaps Travis clawing at her as she cut his throat?
Thanks for bringing it up about her ankles, I saw some mention of those injuries a few days ago and meant to give it some thought again (and forgot).

My thinking on his leg/feet injuries was mostly her dragging him on the floor, maybe banging into the baseboard (lots of transfer marks, even at a corner - was it the closet?) and then over the metal strip on the bottom of the shower stall, I can see that tearing skin - did JM ever ask Horn if those were more likely done before or after death? Horn said he could tell on the stab wounds because of bleeding into the tissues but I don't recall what the testimony was about his feet in that regard. Can bruising occur post mortem?

I'm not sure about post-mortem bruising--it's bleeding under the skin, so I would think it doesn't happen after death. Maybe very close to death?

IIRC Arias testified at trial that she had dropped/broken a glass the night before the murder and when the glass shattered it cut her ankles.

Yeah--but I wanted some realistic hypotheses, not garbage!:floorlaugh:
Poor Jodi told so many stupid lies she is unable to remember them.

During the jury questions, she said that she got the injuries during the murder & that nobody saw them b/c she "wore shoes and socks" to cover them.
Perhaps Travis clawing at her as she cut his throat?

I never thought of that--remember all those "wildebeest migration" footprints in blood where he had his throat slit--he must have put up a mighty fight there. :(
Does anyone know the specific location of this pic? I have it tagged as being in the bedroom but I can't find any furniture that looks like this in pics I have of his room:


Is it the armoire? During her Ninja story, she said she kneeled there.
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