Protestors ask State Atty to file charges against GA


And very good post, Ali Girl. I couldn't agree with you or Chilly Willy more.

Now I really do have to make dinner. If I could just get away from the computer!

I'm glad to see I'm not alone...I was afraid I was going to get jumped on. I absolutely agree with Chilly Whilly as well.
He also pushed her in the chest area. I guess in George's mind he can do whatever he wants.
What does this mean ... that he intentionally touched her breasts? I certainly don't think that was even close to being on his mind when he pushed her but maybe we should charge him with sexual assault while we're at it. ;)
Yes, I see it, thanks, Diamond. If only he had dropped the hammer before assaulting those on public property . . .

If only he wouldn't have had it in his hands, if only he hadn't pushed the guy, if only they wouldn't harrass the family and if only they wouldn't cause problems for the neighborhood. All of this could be avoided...but everyone is acting out of emotions and it's not helping the matter.
If only he wouldn't have had it in his hands, if only he hadn't pushed the guy, if only they wouldn't harrass the family and if only they wouldn't cause problems for the neighborhood. All of this could be avoided...but everyone is acting out of emotions and it's not helping the matter.

yep, for want of a nail, the war was lost . . .
I am tired of making excuses for the A's. In my mind there is no excuse to put your hands on another person in anger. GA was also trying to call people up into his property. I do not agree with some of the protesters, but it is their right to protest. It is not GA right to put his hands on ANYONE. JMO
I have to wonder about the mentality of people who would taunt a man with a hammer in his hand and then refuse to move when he told them to.
What does this mean ... that he intentionally touched her breasts? I certainly don't think that was even close to being on his mind when he pushed her but maybe we should charge him with sexual assault while we're at it. ;)


And because they were "hammering in the yard that day" negates the fact that the hammer was in his hand when he shoved these people?!?! That this hammer could have cause serious injury? It's "excused behavior" because he was "hammering in the yard that day"?

The "hammering in the yard that day" is in response to a post saying they weren't using the hammer that day. With respect, if you wish to quote me and call me out on something...please, read what I'm talking about.:)

ETA: You are talking about him having a hammer while being keep bringing that up w/me. I never argued that point, because I'm not even talking about that issue. I simply stated they were using the hammer in the yard that day (in response to a post saying they weren't), which is true.
What does this mean ... that he intentionally touched her breasts? I certainly don't think that was even close to being on his mind when he pushed her.

He has anger problems and no self control. He had a gun in his car (he knew better). This is the third person that he has pushed. Two men, one woman. None of them were on his property. And yes, a woman's chest area is off limits for some crazed person (even George). My point is, he shouldn't touch another person in an aggressive manner.
If only he wouldn't have had it in his hands, if only he hadn't pushed the guy, if only they wouldn't harrass the family and if only they wouldn't cause problems for the neighborhood. All of this could be avoided...but everyone is acting out of emotions and it's not helping the matter.

If only Casey would tell the truth...
The "hammering in the yard that day" is in response to a post saying they weren't using the hammer that day. With respect, if you wish to quote me and call me out on something...please, read what I'm talking about.:)

I have, thanks!

And IMO it's nonsense to keep spouting about why he had a hammer in his hand... it doesn't matter if he was picking his nose with it. He should have dropped it before confronting anyone. The fact is he didn't and he shoved people and he could have hurt someone.
Putting police tape up around their house not only looks ludicrous, it’s completely ineffective. They might as well hang Christmas lights on it for all the good it’s doing. They would have been better off planting a few big bushes to block off the lawn.

In the same way it's cathartic for people to stand around and yell at the Anthonys, it must be cathartic for them to keep replacing that tape, a symbol of the boundary between us and them.

And hey, at least it gets them out of the house so they don't have to look at the fruit of their loins for awhile.
If only Casey would tell the truth...

Exactly...but that doesn't mean it's acceptable to harrass the family and neighbors.

I'm just as upset with the family (& I'd bet good money, even more upset), but two wrongs don't make a right.

It needs to be brought back to Caylee...
I have, thanks!

And IMO it's nonsense to keep spouting about why he had a hammer in his hand... it doesn't matter if he was picking his nose with it. He should have dropped it before confronting anyone. The fact is he didn't and he shoved people and he could have hurt someone.

No, no you didn't follow my post. If you had, you would understand my response. And, I also didn't "keep spouting". I said it once...but then you keep quoting me.
Originally Posted by Chilly Willy
Yes, it could have been dangerous and it wasn't. That speaks well of George.


EXACTLY!!!! :clap:

I don't get this statement. It speaks well that George, although didn't smash someone's head in with the hammer, was acting fine and normal by shoving and pushing people? I think we have a difference of opinion. His actions do not speak well of him at all - thus the CRIMINAL charges against him now.
I think that is pathetic. These people need to go home and find a more productive way of helping. Antagonizing this family is doing nothing for Caylee. Another group looking for their 15 minutes of fame at the expense of an innocent baby. :(

I think that is pathetic. These people need to go home and find a more productive was of helping. Antagonizing this family is doing nothing for Caylee. Another group looking for their 15 minutes of fame at the expense of an innocent baby. :(
You think? That woman snagged herself national airtime to point out to the world that instead of doing something constructive to find his granddaughter (after all, he's "watching" the kidnappers, right?), the missing girl's grandfather was puttering around the yard and shoving a senior citizen who called him on it.

She was there on behalf of Caylee. George was out there protecting his lawn.
I would never be in the Anthony's position, that is certain. But I or any of us could be in their neighbor's position. Through no fault of our own, we could be subjected to this sort of self-serving, instigating behavior and I personally would be compelled to protect my property, liberty and pursuit of happiness!

Perhaps, a demonstration should be organized to protest these instigators. An alternative to instigating the Anthonys, would be protesting at the courthouse or at the jail when Casey was a resident and will be again.

I always feel the need to qualify almost anything I write on here that is not in line with demonizing the A's, so here it is...In no way am I defending Casey or her parents in regard to Caylee. Mob mentality is NOT a good thing, period! Only after all the facts are in and presented in a court of law will we know the extent of the A's involvement before, during and after the fact Caylee went missing/died.

Also, my m-n-l is 65 and in no way do I consider her elderly!!! Good Grief, charlie brown!

Wow, I really want to stop typing... someone needs to confiscate my keyboard, pronto! But one more thing, I realize some people do not care about animals, but I DO and they are dependent upon humans for care and these 'instigators' have no concern for the A's dogs and that makes my blood boil, just as much as Casey's apparent disregard for her child does. Children and domesticated animals have every right to protection, equally. <--- MO
I would never be in the Anthony's position, that is certain. But I or any of us could be in their neighbor's position. Through no fault of our own, we could be subjected to this sort of self-serving, instigating behavior and I personally would be compelled to protect my property, liberty and pursuit of happiness!

Perhaps, a demonstration should be organized to protest these instigators. An alternative to instigating the Anthonys, would be protesting at the courthouse or at the jail when Casey was a resident and will be again.

I always feel the need to qualify almost anything I write on here that is not in line with demonizing the A's, so here it is...In no way am I defending Casey or her parents in regard to Caylee. Mob mentality is NOT a good thing, period! Only after all the facts are in and presented in a court of law will we know the extent of the A's involvement before, during and after the fact Caylee went missing/died.

Also, my m-n-l is 65 and in no way do I consider her elderly!!! Good Grief, charlie brown!

Wow, I really want to stop typing... someone needs to confiscate my keyboard, pronto! But one more thing, I realize some people do not care about animals, but I DO and they are dependent upon humans for care and these 'instigators' have no concern for the A's dogs and that makes my blood boil, just as much as Casey's apparent disregard for her child does. Children and domesticated animals have every right to protection, equally. <--- MO

65 is not "elderly" is most cases . . . however, in criminal actions, age of the victim is considered.
They said on Headline news that GA could be in more trouble for pushing the lady because she is 65 and that is a worse crime than somone who is 64 or younger.

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