Repercussions for those close to JAG


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Jul 27, 2008
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SAN DIEGO -- 10News learned staff members at Scripps Mercy Hospital are upset about the mother of accused killer John Gardner returning to work.

Sources told 10News Scripps Mercy staff members were summoned to a 3 p.m. meeting Thursday to discuss the issue of Cathy Osborn's return to the hospital. The staff members were asked to dress in street clothes and come in through the front door.
Osborn is a registered nurse and is a supervisor in the behavioral health unit at Scripps Mercy.
Wow, the comments under the article do make it sound like this isn't going to be forgotten easily by her co-workers or people in her sphere! Imagine, they have to take orders from her at work, and are now completely disillusioned with her professional wisdom, some are furious. A Leave of Absence is the only solution at this point.
10news is covering the complete dilemna because of the uproar over her involvement in the running group even showing some of the blurred out pics calling them almost pornographic. It sounds like many people at work do not want her to continue working there. This on top of, neighbors wanting her to move. Surprised she went right back to work like nothing happened, huh.
Due to John's conviction and the fact that she works with sex offenders, it appears clear she was aware of Megan's law and would have known that by letting JAG live with her she was allowing him to get around that law. That seems pretty irresponsible and I understand how Chelsea's family would put blame on her--it's not as if he were a teenager with no place to live. Continuing to teach a self-defense class? That is in bad taste. It appears that she has been and still is in complete denial.
If she was just a mother of a murderer, it would be different.
BUT SHE HELPED a murderer and RSO.
I would not want her as my boss, with her morals.
I would not want her treated me in that field.
Maybe she should get a demotion and just be a regular nurse.
She should not treat other RSO, look what happened to her son under her care!
passionflower - I don't think it is so much that SHE HELPED - but more that her occupation and education was (and is) in the very field that JAG will now be evaluated (yet again). SHE KNEW! She had the docs to read - and she knew how to understand them.

IMO she has to have some psych problems as well. Her profession - working with SO's and then she turns around and belongs to a "sexually progressive" (trying to be a little PC here :) ) running group. Then she gets her RSO son somewhat involved in this group as well.

C'mon - she still lives in the very house that JAG committed his first crime. Oh how horrible - if that would have been my family I would have moved IMMEDIATELY - probably never gone back inside, just have a moving crew pack it all. Yet she continues to live there for decades.

I also believe there is something fatality flawed with the relationship between JAG and his mother. Kinda like a "Norman Bates" type of mentality.

The apple doesn't fall far - but it sure can mutate into a spoiled, rotten, nasty mess!
My reason is that she HELPED her son, he lived with her, I'm sure she helped him with shelter, food and possibly money......he wasn't working.........that kind of help.
Help get him in the social groups etc...........but she sure never helped his illness!

Yes I think Jag/mom love/hate relationship.........Norman Bates.......yep
Don't nurses/etc have a moral clause in their work agreement?
Did mom ever get other SO in her kennel group????
That would be buddies for her son???
After a person is exposed to things over and over it is normal.........

example........after 40 years in the hair business, seeing a hair on my food was just a hair, no big deal............which would gag someone else.
Don't nurses/etc have a moral clause in their work agreement?
Did mom ever get other SO in her kennel group????
That would be buddies for her son???
After a person is exposed to things over and over it is normal.........

example........after 40 years in the hair business, seeing a hair on my food was just a hair, no big deal............which would gag someone else.

LOL true
I agree, she's in complete denial. If my son had done the things he's been accused of, I"d surely be looking in the mirror. With all the father figures in and out of his life I think he has a real hatred toward women because of his mother.
I believe she enabled her son because if she accepted him as a SO, actually read the court reports from his 2000 conviction, etc. she might actually have had to take a look at HER actions and how they may have influenced and affected her son throughout his life. IMO she didn't want to give up her lifestyle and involvement in her group and therefore she lived in denial out of convenience. IMO it is completely irresponsible for a parent, regardless of how old your child is, to choose your own wants and needs over what is best for your child. I believe that once you make the decision to have children you are obligated to choose your child's best interest (which in no way is to enable them and pretend they aren't a SO if they have been convicted of a sexual offense) over your own for the rest of your/their life.

It angers me to no end that her son was convicted of molesting a child in her home and the victim's family had to pick up and move! If I were her co-worker or her neighbor I would not be shy in letting her know exactly how I felt about her actions.
I believe she enabled her son because if she accepted him as a SO, actually read the court reports from his 2000 conviction, etc. she might actually have had to take a look at HER actions and how they may have influenced and affected her son throughout his life. IMO she didn't want to give up her lifestyle and involvement in her group and therefore she lived in denial out of convenience. IMO it is completely irresponsible for a parent, regardless of how old your child is, to choose your own wants and needs over what is best for your child. I believe that once you make the decision to have children you are obligated to choose your child's best interest (which in no way is to enable them and pretend they aren't a SO if they have been convicted of a sexual offense) over your own for the rest of your/their life.

It angers me to no end that her son was convicted of molesting a child in her home and the victim's family had to pick up and move! If I were her co-worker or her neighbor I would not be shy in letting her know exactly how I felt about her actions.

How do you know the victim had to move? I hope that is not true.
Can't help but notice that 'mom' is getting 100% of the blame here - what about the male family member who molested JAG? What about the father who couldn't handle young kids? What about putting 100% of the blame on JAG? MOO
Her son is being accused of rape and murder. Yet, if you look, he didn't put out any smut about himself on the internet - She did. I'm shocked at how plain stupid it was of her. She has a very professional career position, and should known not to pose in pics like that and openly promote sex, sex, sex. Agree, it points to her having her own problems.

Both parents living in that house should have sat their son down and found out how to help him. It was selfish to deny the obvious signs they must have seen.
A link on the psyc thread has a high school friend giving information about JAG - I copied this section - I'm not surprised:


Something Gardner shared with Brandt might have been another significant impact on his developing personality. He once confided in her, she said, that he had been sexually abused by a male family member on repeated occasions. Though she said she knows how they were related, she declined to identify that relationship.
Here comes the local 10News report on her again. It's about her, not her son. It's her in the group, and her in the pics. People are shocked.
Can't help but notice that 'mom' is getting 100% of the blame here - what about the male family member who molested JAG? What about the father who couldn't handle young kids? What about putting 100% of the blame on JAG? MOO

I don't think anyone is putting 100% blame on mom and not on Jag. The thread is titled: Repercussions for those close to JAG , so people are talking about that. Wasn't she and her husband the closest to him and have shown so far their irresponsibility in dealing with Jag? Good gawd, mom's profession is to deal with people just like her son. Sounds like she is in the wrong profession.

I'm sure as more info comes out about others possible knowledge the percentage will get spread around. There is more than one way to cut a pie. :)

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