Seaching for Anna - #2

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On Dec. 26, 1981, two days after Brody died, GW made a 39-minute call to Pacifica (355-6185. At that time I think the area code would have been 415. Joe called this number Jan. 29, 1982, and found that it was a health studio. A woman named Evelyn Wanick (spelling?) answered. She knew George Brody as Brody, but GW as "Jack Wolf". Joe's notes say "colon therapy, massage therapy".

Could this Evelyn Wanick be a relative of GB? I am finding a lot of Wanicks from Pennsylvania on Zaba and SSDI
Here is a needle-in-a-haystack type idea: Lets say that Warnick could be who the two Georges gave Anna to (TOTAL speculation here, for investigative sake). If she was residing in Pacifica in late 1981, that would mean Anna would have been in high school in Pacifica starting in 1981 or 1982. There are only two or three public high schools in Pacifica (I recall Terra Nova, but there were a couple more). If anyone can access or any other site that posts high school pictures (or even current pictures of alumni), lets see if anyone looks like the age progressions. Perhaps we could send the pictures to other alumni and see if they remember anyone looking like the pictures. If this hypothesis is true, then Anna would probably have the last name of Warnick.

One big problem with this hypothesis: Pacifica is the next town north of Half Moon Bay (about 15 miles) and certainly would have had some sort of local coverage of Anna's disappearance. That is to not dismiss the possibility - just to place it in its proper perspective of probability.

Also, with the Warnicks in Pennsylvania, are there few enough of them that we can identify any women around age forty who have Warnick as a maiden name? Once we get a list of possibilities, then we can narrow down the list through research to the strong candidates.

Sleuthers, on your mark, get set, GO! :)

P.S. If you find any names of possibilities, please email them to me. Please do not post them on the forum until we can take a good look at them first. Thanks!
I used 'metaphone' to search for the name Warnick and another name that comes up is WARNKE (different spelling.)

Edited: Gave out too much info.
Some other spellings I've come across through metaphone searches:

Oops! I misread Annasmom's post. The last name is Wanick (no 'R"). My bad. :slap:
Oops! I misread Annasmom's post. The last name is Wanick (no 'R"). My bad. :slap:

LOL I had it right the first time when I read Annasmom's post then I read your post and started searching for Warnick. Thank you for pointing that out, otherwise I'd be going in circles and pulling my hair out!
Someone who is having registration problems emailed me the following from the SSDI. It looks like this may be the same woman.

Evelyn WANEK
Birth Date: 11 Feb 1906
Death Date: 31 Dec 1992
Social Security Number: 557-18-1586
State or Territory Where Number Was Issued: California

Death Residence Localities
ZIP Code: 95006
Localities: Big Basin, Santa Cruz, California
Boulder Creek, Santa Cruz, California

So now the question is do the records show that she had a 40 year old daughter? One who hopefully has no birth records.
Holy cow! There is a 40 year old Wanek in California who strongly resembles the age progression! I do not want to post the picture or name here, but email me at the address below and I can send the link to our regular gang. Lets keep the details of this off-forum for now. Holy cow!
To the person who emailed me the original information about Evelyn Wanek (per your request, I won't post your name): I have tried to reply to your request for the link, but it has come back as undeliverable twice. Is there another email address that I can send the info or do you need to remove any email filters?
Could this Evelyn Wanick be a relative of GB? I am finding a lot of Wanicks from Pennsylvania on Zaba and SSDI

I found Evelyn in a 1970 San Francisco directory. Her address in the directory is 967 Sutter and is listed as Evelyn Wanek Health Studio. According to the map this 1970's studio was just a 1/2 block (east)off Hyde Street, 2 Blocks (North) from Geary Street and a block (south) from St. Francis Hospital. I can't find the Georges address at this time, but I remember these street names being discussed. They might have known her for a long time.
I found Evelyn in a 1970 San Francisco directory. Her address in the directory is 967 Sutter and is listed as Evelyn Wanek Health Studio. According to the map this 1970's studio was just a 1/2 block (east)off Hyde Street, 2 Blocks (North) from Geary Street and a block (south) from St. Francis Hospital. I can't find the Georges address at this time, but I remember these street names being discussed. They might have known her for a long time.

Wow! Thats a good find! The street names do sound familiar. I *think* the two Georges lived on Geary Street but I may be wrong.
Holy cow! There is a 40 year old Wanek in California who strongly resembles the age progression! I do not want to post the picture or name here, but email me at the address below and I can send the link to our regular gang. Lets keep the details of this off-forum for now. Holy cow!
Dr. Doogie, I sent you an email. Thanks.
I found Evelyn in a 1970 San Francisco directory. Her address in the directory is 967 Sutter and is listed as Evelyn Wanek Health Studio. According to the map this 1970's studio was just a 1/2 block (east)off Hyde Street, 2 Blocks (North) from Geary Street and a block (south) from St. Francis Hospital. I can't find the Georges address at this time, but I remember these street names being discussed. They might have known her for a long time.

This would seem to confirm that Evelyn Wanek is the correct spelling for the woman in question. The address of her business was also about 3-1/2 blocks east of where Brody lived on Sutter Street in 1970. This makes it quite possible that she would have known both Brody and Waters in 1973. And remember, she interestingly knew Waters as "George Wolf".
I found another curiousity that means nothing, but shows what a small world it is: I found a Dr. Linda Wanek who is an associate professor at the University of California-San Francisco Medical Center - which provides most of the medical personnel for SF General where George Waters worked. This Dr. Wanek also resided for a time in the same very small town that Annasmom lives in.

This Dr. Wanek is 53 years old which is too old to Anna and is too young to have been the connection between Evelyn Wanek and the two Georges in 1973. That is why I say it is a couple of amazing coincidences, nothing more.
Another bit of information that confirms that "Wanek" is the correct spelling: I found a report by a regional power company that an Evelyn Wanek of Pacifica, Ca purchased a wind-powered generator from them. Another interesting, yet meaningless coincidence: the contract was signed 12/24/81 - the same day that Brody died and the day before Waters's phone call to her.
Another bit of information that confirms that "Wanek" is the correct spelling: I found a report by a regional power company that an Evelyn Wanek of Pacifica, Ca purchased a wind-powered generator from them. Another interesting, yet meaningless coincidence: the contract was signed 12/24/81 - the same day that Brody died and the day before Waters's phone call to her.
What on earth would anyone want with a wind-powered generator in Pacifica?
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