Sheila and Katherine Lyon-sisters missing since 1975 - #1

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Hi, does this cemetery have a name? I researched Elizabeth Welch Parker. She was Lloyd Welch's Aunt who owned the property located at 3417 Taylor Mountain Road, Thaxton, VA. According to her obituary, she passed away on 9/21/2006 and was buried in the Parker Family Cemetery. Is this the cemetery they are searching? Is this located in the woods behind the property? Obituary also said she had three sisters and two brothers (Tommy and Richard). One of her brothers must be the father of the person of interest, Lloyd Welch (aka Michael Welch). However, I thought his real name was Lloyd Lee Welch, Jr. (?) She also had two sons (Frank & Henry Parker) and one daughter. I looked up Parker Family Cemetery on, but I don't see where it says how many people have been interned there or how many unmarked graves there are(?)

Here is a link to Elizabeth's obituary:

If you read the full text of it, you will see that she was SURVIVED BY three sisters and two brothers. It is possible that she was preceeded in death by another brother or sister, but not mentioned in the obit.

I was able to find a burial listing for a Lloyd Lee Welch:

DATE OF BIRTH: 04/29/1932
DATE OF DEATH: 04/20/1998

Could this have been the father of Lloyd Lee Welch, Jr.?

Elizabeth's husband followed her in death (August 2013), as did her son Frank, as seen in the following obit link:


I noticed in Elizabeth's obituary that she was born in Prince Georges County, Maryland. It is possible that her brothers still lived in PG County or Maryland in 1975 and later, but it does not indicate that her brothers ever lived in the Bedford, VA area. That was where Elizabeth's husband and his family was from, and where most of their children settled.

Note that Elizabeth's husband would also have been an uncle (by marriage) of Lloyd Lee Welch, Jr. if she was his aunt.
Here is a link to Elizabeth's obituary:

If you read the full text of it, you will see that she was SURVIVED BY three sisters and two brothers. It is possible that she was preceeded in death by another brother or sister, but not mentioned in the obit.

I was able to find a burial listing for a Lloyd Lee Welch:

DATE OF BIRTH: 04/29/1932
DATE OF DEATH: 04/20/1998

Could this have been the father of Lloyd Lee Welch, Jr.?

Elizabeth's husband followed her in death (August 2013), as did her son Frank, as seen in the following obit link:


I noticed in Elizabeth's obituary that she was born in Prince Georges County, Maryland. It is possible that her brothers still lived in PG County or Maryland in 1975 and later, but it does not indicate that her brothers ever lived in the Bedford, VA area. That was where Elizabeth's husband and his family was from, and where most of their children settled.

Note that Elizabeth's husband would also have been an uncle (by marriage) of Lloyd Lee Welch, Jr. if she was his aunt.

Yes, that is Welch's father.

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This was truly a horrible case, I had remembered hearing about it growing up on the other side of the Potomac in Northern Virginia.

The police have really given some statements that seem to indicate they are onto something, I hope they are and can let parents have closure and give the poor girls a proper burial.

It seems strange to me that a 17 year old like Welch had the gumption to move these girls especially without a car. Odd also is the implication of a relative. Perhaps the older man with the tape recorder was a relative of Welchs and he was a young accomplice. Just maybe the pressure on Welch got him to crack and to come clean.

I am very curious if there are other Welch relatives with criminal records for sex offenses.
This was truly a horrible case, I had remembered hearing about it growing up on the other side of the Potomac in Northern Virginia.

The police have really given some statements that seem to indicate they are onto something, I hope they are and can let parents have closure and give the poor girls a proper burial.

It seems strange to me that a 17 year old like Welch had the gumption to move these girls especially without a car. Odd also is the implication of a relative. Perhaps the older man with the tape recorder was a relative of Welchs and he was a young accomplice. Just maybe the pressure on Welch got him to crack and to come clean.

I am very curious if there are other Welch relatives with criminal records for sex offenses.

Welcome to Ws WaynezWorld, great point about young W moving a body without a car!
It is shocking enough when there is one psychotic child killer, and it becomes even more scary if there are two working together.

It seems such a long distance to move abducted girls or bodies. I would have guessed it was a one-off impulse and the bodies ended up locally. Law enforcement is implying there were at least two persons involved. It would make a lot more sense if there were two people involved in the abduction (Welch and relative) as two girls could have split and ran away.

The theory that is making sense to me is that the tape recorder man was a relative of Welch and the two were co-conspirators.

This is such a sickening case. I cannot look at the Lyons girls pictures without feeling incredible sadness.

I hope the detectives can work on whatever conscious that Welch has and get him to be truthful. Though he deserves the worst death possible, I would go as far to offer a plea deal to life in prison just to get this settled.

This is far from a happy ending if it is how it resolves, but I think it would be very important for the family and community to know what happened and that the guilty are put away. I cannot imagine for a minute the pain that family must have endured for so many years.
To the woman in the area of the search- I am so sorry if you are related to anyone involved in this crime. No one can pick their relatives and I hope no one holds it against you.
Welcome to websleuths WaynezWorld your posts are appreciated. Yes it is a sickening case I can't imagine the suffering this crime has caused to the girl's parents and brother. I find it difficult to look at photos of the girls in articles as well. I got a real fright earlier this year when I went on the Daily Mail website in the UK to browse the news in general and the top photo on the website was a picture of the girls naming Lloyd Welch as a person of interest. It is difficult to look at photos of any victims but especially so when it is children who never got the chance to have any sort of life. Life is so cruel at times to innocent people.
Welcome to websleuths WaynezWorld your posts are appreciated. Yes it is a sickening case I can't imagine the suffering this crime has caused to the girl's parents and brother. I find it difficult to look at photos of the girls in articles as well. I got a real fright earlier this year when I went on the Daily Mail website in the UK to browse the news in general and the top photo on the website was a picture of the girls naming Lloyd Welch as a person of interest. It is difficult to look at photos of any victims but especially so when it is children who never got the chance to have any sort of life. Life is so cruel at times to innocent people.

There are actually 2 Lyon Brothers. Jay and another that i can't think of...he's younger.
Thanks for posting this. Sorry I could only recall the brother who became a police officer because of what had happened to his sisters. I appreciate that a number of people have been affected by this terrible crime from family, friends and the local community.
NBC4 is saying that there has been a break in the case, which is the reason for the news conference this afternoon.
My heart is pounding! I can't believe that after all these years, there's finally a break. :please:
I am praying they found these precious little girls.
Pins and needles. I imagine family at least have already been informed of what the breaking news is.
Waiting for Capt. Tim Lyon, state police, to arrive. Is he the girls' brother?
Thank you for the updates. I am hoping beyond hope that these girls have been found.
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