SIDEBAR #51 - Arias/Alexander forum

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Africa is a rich source of dinosaur fossils. A site in Tanzania has held some major discoveries.
Although dinosaurs were reptiles, much of their behavior, such as agile running, has more in common with mammals.
Brain size is not always a sign of intelligence, but big-brained Troodon was probably one of the smartest dinosaurs.
Crests, frills, horns, and spikes adorned the heads of many dinosaurs. These decorations helped dinosaurs identify one another and were sometimes used for signaling.
Crocodiles were around before the dinosaurs, and are still alive today.
Dinosaur embryos have been found fossilised in their eggs.
Dinosaurs are divided into two groups based on the shape of their hips, saurischians (lizard-hipped) and ornithischians (bird-hipped).
Dinosaurs became extinct around 65 million years ago
Dinosaurs became extinct over 60 million years before the first humans existed.
Dinosaurs thrived for 150 million years.
Heavier than eight elephants and more than 80 ft (24 m) long, Barosaurus was one of the biggest dinosaurs.
Scientists now recognise birds as the closest living relatives of dinosaurs.
Several groups of reptiles existed before dinosaurs appeared.
Some dinosaurs may have lived for 200 years.
Some of the plants dinosaurs ate, such as pine trees, ferns, and cycads, still grow today.
Stegosaurus had a brain no larger than a golf ball.
The cheek teeth of Stegosaurus were leaf-shaped.
The first dinosaurs were all carnivores.
The name ornithomimosaur means - bird-mimic reptile.
There were about thirty times more herbivores than carnivores.
Tyrannosaurus rex is the largest land-living carnivore we know of.
We do not know if dinosaurs could see in color.
When running, Tyrannosaurus rex would have held its tail rigid for balance.
While the dinosaurs ruled the land, their reptile relatives, the pterosaurs, ruled the air above, and the ichthyosaurs and plesiosaurs ruled the oceans. Dinosaurs did not fly or live in water.
Did You Know

Leonardo Da Vinci
Da Vinci isn't really his last name. He had no Last name. Da Vinci simply means 'Of/From Vinci' Vinci being the town where he was born.
It took about ten years for Leonardo da Vinci to paint Mona Lisa's lips.
Leonardo da Vinci could write with one hand and draw with the other at the same time
Leonardo da Vinci invented scissors.
Leonardo da Vinci is considered by many to be the founder of modern science
Leonardo da Vinci never married or had children.
Leonardo da Vinci sketched the first parachute, first helicopter, first aeroplane, first tank, first repeating rifle, swinging bridge, paddleboat and the first motorcar.
Leonardo Da Vinci was a Vegetarian.
Leonardo da Vinci was an architect, musician, engineer, scientist and inventor.
Leonardo Da Vinci was dyslexic, and he often wrote backwards.
Leonardo da Vinci would wear pink to make his complexion look fresh.
Leonardo Da Vinci wrote using 'mirror writing', starting at the right side of the page and moving to the left.
X-rays of the Mona Lisa show that there are three completely different versions of the same subject, all painted by Leonardo Da Vinci, under the final portrait.
CRAZY Things People Do While Driving
Eat a full meal – Cereal with milk? Really?
Fist pump to the music
Solve the Rubik’s cube
File fingernails
Color with a box of 64 Crayolas
Dress, undress or redress
Wave a gun around like a madman
Paint fingernails
Talk to a mannequin head sitting in the passenger seat
Dance enthusiastically
Read a book
Brush teeth with toothpaste and a glass of water
Clip toenails
Shave face with an electric razor
Do homework
Put contacts in eyes
Tweeze eyebrows
Blow dry hair by using the heat vents
Shave face with a razor blade AND shaving cream
Floss teeth
Have the left foot hang out the driver’s window
Put on makeup including mascara
Have various forms of sex –
Smoke pot with the windows rolled down and the sunroof open while driving past the police station
Snap pictures with a camera
Urinate in a cup
Put hair rollers in hair
Read the newspaper with it stretched out over the steering wheel
Pretend to play the drums on the steering wheel Steer with knees
Record a video
Cut her own hair
Pet a cat laying between the steering wheel and the windshield
Pass food to the kid who was laying in the back window
Lean to one side while having both feet on the dashboard
Pop pimples – I know! That’s just so gross!
Knit. Yes, knitting with yarn.
Passionately kiss with eyes CLOSED
Arm around a plastic doll
Type on laptop
Feed a baby a bottle. Mother driving and baby in the back seat.
Talk on two cell phones at one time
Let a large bird stand on the steering wheel
Exercise with hand weights
Dmacky My KY friend :) Are you getting all the rains and storms that we are getting? For the last 4 days, it has rained, big electrical storms. We can on an average 2-3 storms a day! Calling for this rest of the week. It's so muggy and steamy outdoors they are telling people who have breathing problems stay indoors! Just miserable weather.

Our area weather today: M-T-W Heat Index over 100. Keep an eye on your pets and elderly who may be without A/C.
Been taking a break for a couple of weeks and oh my, such sadness here. :( I can't get Lily Ann out of my mind; that poor, sweet baby. Pretty sure I could go all Rambo in a heart beat if I saw someone abusing a child, especially an infant.

Prayers and much love to all who are suffering.

I've missed you Sidebarians. When you are angry or hurting or confused or just need to bounce an idea around, is there anyplace on the web better than this? Don't think so. You guys rock. There are angels on the other side of those keyboards...Y'ALL. (And in the South that is a real word!)
My little way of saying "thank you" to you wonderful people here, who provide such loving comfort and wisdom to their friends in need.

Dmacky My KY friend :) Are you getting all the rains and storms that we are getting? For the last 4 days, it has rained, big electrical storms. We can on an average 2-3 storms a day! Calling for this rest of the week. It's so muggy and steamy outdoors they are telling people who have breathing problems stay indoors! Just miserable weather.

We've had quite a bit of rain but luckily we've missed a lot of it. The path stayed mostly north of us. We have had a few hit and miss storms, crazy! My DD had a horrible rain storm the other day and it didn't rain a drop at my house. Odd that she lives only 7 miles away. We did have some horrible storms last night again though. But OMG the humidity is the worst... the heat index will be 100's today through most of the week. :hot:
Good Morning to all! Hope you all had a lovely weekend. My DD, DH and I went out for dinner last night for Father's Day to a lovely restaurant and we had a great time. We rarely sit down together for a meal and conversation, as my children are young adults and 2 are out of state. I love have my youngest daughter, 21, at home as she is very good company when she is here.

Hope you all have a wonderful day! Xo
Good morning everyone

I was having loads of problems with the internet because of the weather. Today we finally have sunshine. :)
I was getting use to not checking WS and I forgot about the restitution hearing today:

Restitution hearing set for Jodi Arias- (video)

Cathy ‏@courtchatter 2h2 hours ago
#JodiArias restitution hearing today at 11:30 EDT. At sentencing, she waived her appearance. One local station reporting she'll be there

Cathy retweeted
Jason Lamm ‏@PhxCriminalAtty 1h1 hour ago
Jason Lamm retweeted Cathy
The docket does not show an Order to transport #JodiArias from prison to court. The local station is wrong #NoJodi

Jen's Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 57m57 minutes ago
Made it but doors are locked at the moment. All the news crews are back! #JodiArias

Cathy ‏@courtchatter 51m51 minutes ago
#JodiArias restitution hearing scheduled to start in 10 mins (11:30 edt). Nothing happening atm.I will tweet out all action

Jen's Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 46m46 minutes ago
Juan is here in grey with a black tie #juantiereport #jodiarias

Jen's Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 44m44 minutes ago
We are in! Cameraman doesn't know if he's streaming so my guess is no #jodiaria

Jen's Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 29m29 minutes ago
Jen Willmott is here in black with her brown hair back #jodiarias

William Pitts retweeted
Chris Williams ‏@chriswnews 32m32 minutes ago
In court awaiting #JodiArias restitution hearing. #TravisAlexander. #Arias has not yet arrived. #12News

Cathy ‏@courtchatter 26m26 minutes ago
Judge Stephens is presiding over the Restitution hearing today. #jodiarias

Jen's Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 24m24 minutes ago
Court is in session and no #jodiarias

Jen's Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 23m23 minutes ago
Just like old times....side bar #jodiarias

Michael Kiefer ‏@michaelbkiefer 23m23 minutes ago
Waiting for #jodiarias restitution to begin. Arias waived her presence. Jennifer Willmott and Juan Martinez here, but no sign of Kirk Nurmi.

Katie Conner ‏@KatieJConner 23m23 minutes ago Phoenix, AZ
Judge Stephens already calls for a sidebar in #jodiarias restitution hearing #abc15

Cathy ‏@courtchatter 23m23 minutes ago
Court has begun and #JodiArias is not expected.

Michael Kiefer ‏@michaelbkiefer 22m22 minutes ago
Judge Sherry Stephens calls Martinez and Willmott to the bench for a sizzling sidebar, for old time sakes. #jodiarias

Jen's Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 22m22 minutes ago
Jodi waived presents. Juan is speaking. Alexander's will not be coming back to AZ. Juan submitted receipts from them #jodiarias

Katie Conner ‏@KatieJConner 21m21 minutes ago Phoenix, AZ
Juan Martinez says victim's family did not want to come back to Arizona for restitution because it's too hard #abc15

Jen's Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 21m21 minutes ago
Jodi agreed to pay some of the amounts but defense wants a report on the Alexander's donations #jodiarias

Michael Kiefer ‏@michaelbkiefer 21m21 minutes ago
Martinez says that Travis Alexander's family is not interested in returning to Arizona. Amounts of restitution asked and offered under seal.

Cathy ‏@courtchatter 21m21 minutes ago
WOW! Defense wants a report on the ALEXANDER'S donations. #jodiarias

Cathy ‏@courtchatter 20m20 minutes ago
The amount of restitution asked for my the family and the amount offered by #jodiarias are under seal. #secretcourt

Cathy ‏@courtchatter 19m19 minutes ago
Apparently #jodiarias agreed to pay "some"of what is being asked for in restitution but wants to know what the Alexander's have in donations

William Pitts retweeted
Chris Williams ‏@chriswnews 19m19 minutes ago
And just like that the #JodiArias restitution hearing is over. #TravisAlexander siblings getting apx $31,000 in restitution (cont) #12News

Jen's Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 18m18 minutes ago
Sam- $15,000 Tanisha- $10,000- Hillary $4000- Steven $1000- Dennis over $200 these are estimates
Hearing is now over #jodiarias

Michael Kiefer ‏@michaelbkiefer 18m18 minutes ago
Judge reads quickly, amts approx: Samantha Alexander $15,530, Tanisha Sorenson 10,755, Hilary Wilcox 4,000-some, Stephen 1,300, Dennis 200

Cathy ‏@courtchatter 16m16 minutes ago
Judge ordered restitution for TA family traveling costs, approx amounts: Sam $15K Tanisha 10K Steven 10K Hillary 4K Dennis $200. #jodiarias

MC Superior Court ‏@courtpio 17m17 minutes ago
Judge Sherry Stephens ordered the defendant Jodi Arias to pay restitution.

Cathy retweeted
MaryEllen Resendez ‏@maryellenabc15 17m17 minutes ago
#JodiArias Atty Jennifer Wilmott pointed out to Judge that #TravisAlexander family did receive donations for travel costs #abc15

Cathy ‏@courtchatter 15m15 minutes ago
The restitution were approximations as Judge Stephens read them quickly in court, reporters are getting exact amounts. #jodiarias

Cathy retweeted
MaryEllen Resendez ‏@maryellenabc15 15m15 minutes ago
Judge Sherry Stephens sets #JodiArias restitution around 31k to be paid to #TravisAlexander family for travel expenses #abc15

Cathy ‏@courtchatter 13m13 minutes ago
Closer figures: Sam $15, 530. Tanisha $10,755. Hilary approx 4K. Steven $1,300. Dennis $200. #jodiarias

Cathy ‏@courtchatter 12m12 minutes ago
Reminder: The Alexanders still have a wrongful death civil case against #jodiarias and will ask for monetary damages

Cathy ‏@courtchatter 9m9 minutes ago
Restitution hearing is adjourned. #jodiarias

Steve Krafft ‏@SKrafftFox10 1m1 minute ago
#JodiArias restitution hearing came and went: no Arias, no Alexanders. Alexander family agrees to $31,000. Case closed. #fox10phoenix

Katie Conner ‏@KatieJConner 43s44 seconds ago Phoenix, AZ
#JodiArias attorney says #TravisAlexander family wanted around $90,000 restitution but judge granted $31,000 #abc15

I wonder how she will pay this since she is "indigent"????? :thinking:
Wilmott speaking after hearing about the murderer:

#JodiArias attorney after restitution hearing #abc15 ( short clip):

Interesting that Wilnott brings up the donations made to the Alexanders. Weren't those considered gifts? Why would they be relevant?
Interesting that Wilnott brings up the donations made to the Alexanders. Weren't those considered gifts? Why would they be relevant?

What about all the murderer's donations???
Hey all!

YESorNO - good to "see" you back at the Sidebar! :happydance:

And I just came back to post the restitution hearing, but you beat me to it!! And yes, the Alexander's still have the civil case against her!! :skip:

What did Wilmott say in the clip above?? couldn't see it!! TIA!! :wave:

Okay - off to read my other cases. :pcguru:

Take care everyone!!

What about all the murderer's donations???

Is that what she is going to use to pay restitution? How ironic that all the money she has raised from her artwork and sympathizers, is probably going to go to the real victims in this case.
Hey all!

YESorNO - good to "see" you back at the Sidebar! :happydance:

And I just came back to post the restitution hearing, but you beat me to it!! And yes, the Alexander's still have the civil case against her!! :skip:

What did Wilmott say in the clip above?? couldn't see it!! TIA!! :wave:

Okay - off to read my other cases. :pcguru:

Take care everyone!!


Wilmott said that the murderer is working hard to behave herself in prison so she can get more visits, etc. Right now she has only 1 visit a week- through the glass- no physical contact...

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