SIDEBAR #9- Arias/Alexander forum

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Just woke up to let Mimi out and am so glad I checked in.

I LOVE seeing what everyone looks like. What a great-looking group!

Sending calm household beams Segue...
Just woke up to let Mimi out and am so glad I checked in.

I LOVE seeing what everyone looks like. What a great-looking group!

Sending calm household beams Segue...

Mimi? The dog as your avatar?
So, what will happen when there is a new PP jury and the verdict is not the DP?

Well then she will either have to learn to live with it (her worst fear) or find the cojones to kill herself without assistance. (no way now, but maybe later when she hits the emotional/mental skids) case scenario for her is to let someone else extinguish her, cuz she can't!
Listening to sex tape (not the sex part), i've observed:

1. The first month mentioned is June.
2. And Travis talking about ppl and he says: "They don't have a soul, they are Godless, look into their eyes, they are dark" creepy...
Mimi? The dog as your avatar?

Yes, that is her as a puppy. I just stuck my picture in to join the group. It's old but I don't have any current pictures that I like....(I.e., post meno). :floorlaugh:

It's what I look like anyhoo....well look like again if I did a little Prancercize!
Yes, that is her as a puppy. I just stuck my picture in to join the group. It's old but I don't have any current pictures that I like....(I.e., post meno). :floorlaugh:

It's what I look like anyhoo....well look like again if I did a little Prancercize!

:seeya: Adorable! You're so petite and feminine.
:seeya: Adorable! You're so petite and feminine.

Thanks Elle-Elle...That's what I still look like in my mind's eye, but alas....

I REALLY must start prancercizing! No more Blue Bell!

You look very pretty in that pool!

Hi night owls! Are some of you all posting your pics as your avatar? TIA, going back to see some faces to put the names if so.

Is that you TxProfessional? Very attractive!


NOGALES, Mexico (AP) - An Arizona woman in a Mexico prison on a drug-smuggling charge has been released.

She has 7 children. Not at all what you think.

Yes. hoot.

Such great news!
Thanks Elle-Elle...That's what I still look like in my mind's eye, but alas....

I REALLY must start prancercizing! No more Blue Bell!

You look very pretty in that pool!

Is that you TxProfessional? Very attractive!

Such great news!

Yes, it was fun! :party: Poor Sleuth5 was the lone male. :floorlaugh:
HUDSON, Wis. (AP) -- A defense attorney for a western Wisconsin man who has admitted to killing his three young daughters says his client has a mental disease and should go to a psychiatric institution -- not prison.

During closing arguments Tuesday, defense attorney John Kucinski said the slayings were "psychogenetic killings" that arose from Schaffhausen's mental disease, triggered by a loss of his wife and children through divorce. He says Schaffhausen suffers from a rare disorder, rooted in a deep dependency on his wife

Prosecutors have said Schaffhausen cut his girls' throats in a jealous rage. The government is now presenting its closing arguments.

Please support this.. And Travis. This person said he slit the throats of his daughters in a jealous rage.

Sorry I am new here. Please welcome me. I have family in Wisconsin, Florida and Kentucky. Born in Australia and live in Queensland.
HUDSON, Wis. (AP) -- A defense attorney for a western Wisconsin man who has admitted to killing his three young daughters says his client has a mental disease and should go to a psychiatric institution -- not prison.

During closing arguments Tuesday, defense attorney John Kucinski said the slayings were "psychogenetic killings" that arose from Schaffhausen's mental disease, triggered by a loss of his wife and children through divorce. He says Schaffhausen suffers from a rare disorder, rooted in a deep dependency on his wife

Prosecutors have said Schaffhausen cut his girls' throats in a jealous rage. The government is now presenting its closing arguments.

Please support this.. And Travis. This person said he slit the throats of his daughters in a jealous rage.

Sorry I am new here. Please welcome me. I have family in Wisconsin, Florida and Kentucky. Born in Australia and live in Queensland.

G'Day Mate! :seeya: Is there the DP in Wisconsin? Because if so, he should get it. Sick.
I know, right?! :floorlaugh:

He really kept the party going too...he needs to get a weekend gig as a DJ...

Yes! :floorlaugh: Hook him up with Steely Dan and I can request 80's songs. :floorlaugh:
HUDSON, Wis. (AP) -- A defense attorney for a western Wisconsin man who has admitted to killing his three young daughters says his client has a mental disease and should go to a psychiatric institution -- not prison.

During closing arguments Tuesday, defense attorney John Kucinski said the slayings were "psychogenetic killings" that arose from Schaffhausen's mental disease, triggered by a loss of his wife and children through divorce. He says Schaffhausen suffers from a rare disorder, rooted in a deep dependency on his wife

Prosecutors have said Schaffhausen cut his girls' throats in a jealous rage. The government is now presenting its closing arguments.

Please support this.. And Travis. This person said he slit the throats of his daughters in a jealous rage.

Sorry I am new here. Please welcome me. I have family in Wisconsin, Florida and Kentucky. Born in Australia and live in Queensland.


G'Day Flinders and welcome! :wagon:

What a horrible case...those poor girls!
What is the max amount of trials allowed that result in hung juries? What is the courts options if there are no verdicts one way or the other?
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