Sidebar Discussion

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Slewing just slightly off the topic of your great post strawberry but this is such a sad, sad reflection of today's society and education standards.
In this technological age is nobody required, or even expected to think for themselves anymore?
Social media, internet, video games et al all have so much to answer for. They have taken away the necessity to make any sort of deduction or decision, including those which may affect or impact on someone else's life.
How can 12 people between them not be able to calculate how long 18" is? Maybe there was no calculator at hand (or the ruler they have is only 12" long)
The world's turning on its head and everything's being handed to us on a platter (and if it's not, we expect it to be) - surely it's time to get back to being normal, logical thinking humans with at least an ounce of commonsense.

You know after the judge denied the request, I thought, they could figure it out..maybe the floor is 12 x 12 tiles...1 1/2 of those. Or, hello, all those 8 x 12 pieces of paper that make up the evidence. Then I thought, wait a minute, earlier this week I took a ruler out and measured that plus another half to see for myself (no way she could shoot herself straight in the face from that distance IMO)...does this mean not ONE juror went home and did their own experiment? :waitasec: A stunning lack of curiosity and/or critical thinking in today's world.
Well, well! Lookee what Cherishtoo has just posted in This Weeks News!

Methinks the fur may fly on this panel !!!!! I'd pay a $100 to witness this event....:great:

:lol: Too funny! Wait, where's JB? Or FCA? Will birds be flown? Crotches be grabbed? Where's LF?

ETA: Oooh there's a Master of Ceremonys! Just like the circus! LG, I'll split the cost with you, you sneak me in under your trench coat and I'll hide behind a potted plant. Oh, and you have to pick me up in Philadelphia.
:lol: Too funny! Wait, where's JB? Or FCA? Will birds be flown? Crotches be grabbed? Where's LF?

ETA: Oooh there's a Master of Ceremonys! Just like the circus! LG, I'll split the cost with you, you sneak me in under your trench coat and I'll hide behind a potted plant. Oh, and you have to pick me up in Philadelphia.

JB doesn't do ethics, just forensics. jmo
Oh. I didn't realize he was a chemist. :waitasec:

Oh, he's not but he listened very, very closely to what JA said and he thinks he may have been able to make sense of most of it soooooooo, he's an expert now. Yea, he me.
Oh, he's not but he listened very, very closely to what JA said and he thinks he may have been able to make sense of most of it soooooooo, he's an expert now. Yea, he me.

Well, that's how he got to be such an expert at Law!!:floorlaugh:
October is coming, Jury! You know what that means! We will ALL get to see the names of the stupidest jurors in the state of Florida! Hotcha!
You know, I think I can pretty well assess Judge Strickland's general opinion of the Casey Anthony case; but what I really hope and wish for is that I live long enough to be able to hear HHJP's opinion of it. I doubt that he would ever address it until he retires ~ and probably not even then. But I am so curious about his judicial and personal opinion. Do judges ever do this?
Slewing just slightly off the topic of your great post strawberry but this is such a sad, sad reflection of today's society and education standards.
In this technological age is nobody required, or even expected to think for themselves anymore?
Social media, internet, video games et al all have so much to answer for. They have taken away the necessity to make any sort of deduction or decision, including those which may affect or impact on someone else's life.
How can 12 people between them not be able to calculate how long 18" is? Maybe there was no calculator at hand (or the ruler they have is only 12" long)
The world's turning on its head and everything's being handed to us on a platter (and if it's not, we expect it to be) - surely it's time to get back to being normal, logical thinking humans with at least an ounce of commonsense.
I'm sure most on this board would immediately be able to show another how long a yard is ... and some of us live in a country which has been using the metric system for the past 35 years.
Brains - God must be wondering in 2011 why he bothered giving them to us.

I understand your consternation, Well Done, but I have to say that after the fiasco with the Anthony jury, I am encouraged that the Ward jury is asking any questions at all ~ no matter how basic. At least it indicates that they're trying to give it some thought and effort, which is refreshing, compared to the Pinellas Twelve. (I think there are only six in this jury, aren't there?)
October is coming, Jury! You know what that means! We will ALL get to see the names of the stupidest jurors in the state of Florida! Hotcha!

I've been thinking about that as well ! What date is that?
I understand your consternation, Well Done, but I have to say that after the fiasco with the Anthony jury, I am encouraged that the Ward jury is asking any questions at all ~ no matter how basic. At least it indicates that they're trying to give it some thought and effort, which is refreshing, compared to the Pinellas Twelve. (I think there are only six in this jury, aren't there?)
Yes true Unicorns. Thanks. Putting it that way does make sense -at least there's some element of interest re the evidence. One query is one more than the Pinellas 12 had!
(Six on this jury is it?)_
Yes true Unicorns. Thanks. Putting it that way does make sense -at least there's some element of interest re the evidence. One query is one more than the Pinellas 12 had!
(Six on this jury is it?)_

I got my Jury summons for next month. Lets see how well I do.
Yes true Unicorns. Thanks. Putting it that way does make sense -at least there's some element of interest re the evidence. One query is one more than the Pinellas 12 had!
(Six on this jury is it?)_

Yes only 6; that surprised me. Plus since he's rich and posted bail he was free to roam around before, after, and during breaks. Very strange.
I got my Jury summons for next month. Lets see how well I do.

From what we've seen of your great posts, I'm sure you'll come to sensible conclusions and will do well. Good luck!
I got out of my last one a couple months ago due to work restrictions . The accused might well find themselves lucky .. I was pretty fired up about the KC verdict at the time and probably would've been in the frame of mind to find anyone guilty - just for the 'justice' of it! :floorlaugh:)
I got my Jury summons for next month. Lets see how well I do.

You will be a wonderful juror. You will be fair and not swayed by an inept jury forman. You will be an honest juror because you're seen what bad jurors do.

I got my Jury summons for next month. Lets see how well I do.

I hope you will be selected! I know you would go in with an open mind and be able to judge any case on its own merits.
From what we've seen of your great posts, I'm sure you'll come to sensible conclusions and will do well. Good luck!
I got out of my last one a couple months ago due to work restrictions . The accused might well find themselves lucky .. I was pretty fired up about the KC verdict at the time and probably would've been in the frame of mind to find anyone guilty - just for the 'justice' of it! :floorlaugh:)

Thanks Well Done. I've been down to the courthouse a few times and never made a jury yet. Time before last was a murder case. Chap killed his own mom. It was a insanity case so it had a guilt phase and a penalty phase. I made it to the jury box and voir dire began. I guess the defense attorney didn't care for me. I was bounced by him. Maybe this time I'll be selected. Cheers.
I looked at the announcement/flier, I wish we could see the subtopics, and who is chairing or speaking on different topics/sessions.

I see Cheney on panel also, I too would love to go to this, it would probably be well worth it, since it is not ethics, etc. in general, it is specifically about the Casey Anthony trial, very curious to see what will be discussed here. maybe not by name, but JB's antics will have to be the highlight.
IMO, MOO, etc.
Well, we know who the Event Planner isn't
Well, I think we will all have to face the facts here: Casey has gotten away with murder and her mother has gotten away with perjury. Both her parents will get rich via their foundation. Casey will come into some cash of her own, none of which can be touched, even with court orders for her to pay, because of the appeal on the lying convictions and the soon-to-be-filed appeal on the Orders to pay.

So, Casey may or may not have to pay for her lies. Certainly not for murdering her daughter. Her parents can go on to pocket more money than I care to speculate on.

We have to face it. Not accept it, but face it. The situation is what it is.

Depressing, huh?
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