Soccer Game ... No really, "the" Soccer Game

I think that's a really good point trix--what was Janet doing when Raven left? Never once did we hear a statement on what she was doing as Raven left the house. Of course, with all the responsibilities that she had--bread winner, mother, adult--I wouldn't blame her if she was watching TV all night. But then, how did she end up in an upstairs bedroom??
I'm sure this was discussed a while back, but they had a laptop and a desktop computer.

There were also 2 bathrooms up stairs, one in the master bedroom and one right when you came up the stairs. the one they repainted and worked on was the one right up the stairs.
munch said:
I'm sure this was discussed a while back, but they had a laptop and a desktop computer.

There were also 2 bathrooms up stairs, one in the master bedroom and one right when you came up the stairs. the one they repainted and worked on was the one right up the stairs.

munch - is that something you can confirm 100%? The reason I ask - I had heard, and certainly unconfirmed, a good while ago that in fact there was only ONE computer - the laptop - but, that they also had a docking station for the laptop, so it could be used like a desktop with a regular monitor, keyboard, etc. But again, that was just unconfirmed information...
I heard the same thing too SES. I thought there was a docking station, but the only confirmation I know was that there was a laptop. There is no confirmation that there was actual desktop computer, just a docking station.
Do you remember the pictures of Raven from Ravenstree. There was a picture of him on working at the computer holding Kaiden. He said that Kaiden was helping him prepare his Home Teaching Lesson. There was a lot of discussion about that. Knowing that the laptop was missing, I found it interesting that the computer in the picture was a desktop computer with a tower.... I am about 99.9% sure of that. That is just one of the details that has always struck me as odd. Does anyone have an archive link to that page where we can double check?
I just did some searching but can't find that photo with Raven and Kaiden at the computer. All of our links that I've found were links to Ravenstree which Raven dismantled a while back. Does anyone have that picture saved anywhere?

In any case, I did find two posts by SES that partially describe what was visible in that pic. It seems that it was NOT evident from the photo whether it was a laptop or a desktop computer:

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Evidence

"... I was looking at the picture from, the one taken April 24, 2005, with Raven at the computer, with Kaiden in his lap. I wonder if it's possible that instead of having a traditional desktop, if Raven in fact had only the laptop, and used a port to connect it to the monitor? That way the laptop is always just pull it out of the port, and off you go. I enlarged the pic and brightened it, but I couldn't really tell much... looks like it might be a flat screen monitor, but otherwise I couldn't really tell if there might be a docking port there for a laptop or not.....

Even so, if that were the case, and the laptop had been removed from the port, the keyboard and monitor would still presumably be there...."

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Evidence

"I remember, too, that Rooster reported that they ONLY had cell phones, no land line. But, look closely at this picture. (It's the picture from April 24, 2005, with Raven at the computer, holding Kaiden in his lap)... On the left-hand side of the picture, about 1/2 down what looks like the side of a flat screen monitor... Guessing for sure, but that sure looks like a regular telephone there to me. It's not the size/shape of the HP charger that I looked up. Maybe it could be a cellphone charger...but darn, it looks like a regular telephone to me...."
RainbowsAndGumdrops said:
Do you remember the pictures of Raven from Ravenstree. There was a picture of him on working at the computer holding Kaiden. He said that Kaiden was helping him prepare his Home Teaching Lesson. There was a lot of discussion about that. Knowing that the laptop was missing, I found it interesting that the computer in the picture was a desktop computer with a tower.... I am about 99.9% sure of that. That is just one of the details that has always struck me as odd. Does anyone have an archive link to that page where we can double check?
Thanks for the information Rainbows!
JerseyGirl said:
I am of the belief that the laptop was gone before the murder. I am also leaning towards the belief that Kaiden was in bed before the hometeacher(s) arrived. As for what Janet was doing, we know she probably didn't shower because she was found wearing shoes and even earrings. So maybe she was doing laundry, reading, paying bills ...
I think you may be right about this.
Jenifred said:
I think that's a really good point trix--what was Janet doing when Raven left? Never once did we hear a statement on what she was doing as Raven left the house. Of course, with all the responsibilities that she had--bread winner, mother, adult--I wouldn't blame her if she was watching TV all night. But then, how did she end up in an upstairs bedroom??
terminatrixator said:
I heard the same thing too SES. I thought there was a docking station, but the only confirmation I know was that there was a laptop. There is no confirmation that there was actual desktop computer, just a docking station.
They had a laptop (Raven's) A monitor (the one you see in the photo on the website) and a docking station. At one time they had a desk computer, but it was gone by the time they moved into that house on Ferrand.
Thanks BirdHunter that's what I thought.

So, confirmed, there was no office table computer, just a laptop and that's the only thing missing, oh that and the weapon.
terminatrixator said:
Thanks BirdHunter that's what I thought.

So, confirmed, there was no office table computer, just a laptop and that's the only thing missing, oh that and the weapon.
And Raven's conscience. :liar:
I remember a desktop computer being downstairs inbetween the kitchen and the kitchen table. I'm sure of that. Whether they sold it or not, I don't know. Whether or not they moved it up stairs, I don't know.

Granted we are talking November 2004, so things could have changed.
Well if it wasn't in the home after the murder, and wasn't reported as missing, then guess The Raven has more splainin' to do!
munch said:
he redid the bathroom upstairs in the fall of 2004. I guess that could be a possible spot.
Did he actually remodel the bathroom? Weren't they renting the house? Maybe he was exchanging work for rent?
Anyone know who spent the most time in the office? Janet or Raven? Was it odd for Janet to be in that room at all? Or did they share it?

And I too, remember seeing a computer in the memorial video in the kitchen area.
JerseyGirl said:
I just did some searching but can't find that photo with Raven and Kaiden at the computer. All of our links that I've found were links to Ravenstree which Raven dismantled a while back. Does anyone have that picture saved anywhere?

In any case, I did find two posts by SES that partially describe what was visible in that pic. It seems that it was NOT evident from the photo whether it was a laptop or a desktop computer:

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Evidence

"... I was looking at the picture from, the one taken April 24, 2005, with Raven at the computer, with Kaiden in his lap. I wonder if it's possible that instead of having a traditional desktop, if Raven in fact had only the laptop, and used a port to connect it to the monitor? That way the laptop is always just pull it out of the port, and off you go. I enlarged the pic and brightened it, but I couldn't really tell much... looks like it might be a flat screen monitor, but otherwise I couldn't really tell if there might be a docking port there for a laptop or not.....

Even so, if that were the case, and the laptop had been removed from the port, the keyboard and monitor would still presumably be there...."

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Evidence

"I remember, too, that Rooster reported that they ONLY had cell phones, no land line. But, look closely at this picture. (It's the picture from April 24, 2005, with Raven at the computer, holding Kaiden in his lap)... On the left-hand side of the picture, about 1/2 down what looks like the side of a flat screen monitor... Guessing for sure, but that sure looks like a regular telephone there to me. It's not the size/shape of the HP charger that I looked up. Maybe it could be a cellphone charger...but darn, it looks like a regular telephone to me...."
...unfortunately JG..those "old" posts do link to the "ravenstree" pics, which raven has removed.........( oddly enough, although even 'wayback machine' has lost those pics, raven has left some of the wedding photos, and some of he and his friends 'goofing around' still accessible on "wayback"---------------so he DID have options in what he left available..)

..the question-------------why did he choose to remove a cute shot of himself and kaiden ? it because he was clearly sitting at a PC , and it is also missing ?

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