The Anthony Backyard *REVISITED*

Those are the results I found also..... Everyone references the first doc dump that was in August... I just can't find it yet.
Ok, got it. Page 88

'George anthony allowed me to search the inside of his three backyard sheds. The sheds were locked and were unlocked by George Anthony to facilitate my search. He told me that he and his wife already searched through the sheds, but I was welcomed to check behind them. He told me that he even moved his granddaugters playhouse and looked underneath it for evidence of foul play. The playhouse is positioned in the backyard on a deck of brick pavers'.
it is on page 348, incident report, of the docs released Aug. 25th. Right after getting the shovel from the neighbor.
Thanks Reagan!! I was looking at a pdf, and I clicked on the little camera..hahaha! It said copied to clipboard...I have NO CLUE what to do I guess it is still on that little clip board ...somewhere! LOL! I made myself crazy looking for this.....just wanted to say thanks!!
I am still wondering,because the dogs "hit" on more than one area in the back yard,if this might not be where hosing off of items taken from the car,or buckets being dumped,after cleaning the car,might have happened? Again just wondering.
For some reason , I believe the "A's yard search" was prior to getting the car back from the tow lot. I just think there is more behind CA's myspace blog than what she has said (M&M depo). She made numerous calls/texts to KC on 7/3 and even went to Universal Studios that day(even paid a 10.00 dollar parking fee). I think something in the A's yard that day threw CA's hinky meter into a VERY high gear...I just wish I knew what it was. JMO
For some reason , I believe the "A's yard search" was prior to getting the car back from the tow lot. I just think there is more behind CA's myspace blog than what she has said (M&M depo). She made numerous calls/texts to KC on 7/3 and even went to Universal Studios that day(even paid a 10.00 dollar parking fee). I think something in the A's yard that day threw CA's hinky meter into a VERY high gear...I just wish I knew what it was. JMO


she went to Universal because KC told her she would meet her there and let CA take Caylee for the 4th of July. Then KC stood her up because she obviously never had any intention seeing her mother and poor little Caylee had already been killed and dumped and was not going to be eating hot dogs or watching fireworks with anyone.
For some reason , I believe the "A's yard search" was prior to getting the car back from the tow lot. I just think there is more behind CA's myspace blog than what she has said (M&M depo). She made numerous calls/texts to KC on 7/3 and even went to Universal Studios that day(even paid a 10.00 dollar parking fee). I think something in the A's yard that day threw CA's hinky meter into a VERY high gear...I just wish I knew what it was. JMO

I agree. When you put all those things together........CA not only saw "red flags", something jolted her into some action. I could be wrong, but I just don't trust these people. I think the As knew much sooner than the 15th that something bad had happened to Caylee, and by whom. How it all went down is what I'd like to see.

she went to Universal because KC told her she would meet her there and let CA take Caylee for the 4th of July. Then KC stood her up because she obviously never had any intention seeing her mother and poor little Caylee had already been killed and dumped and was not going to be eating hot dogs or watching fireworks with anyone.

Do we have texts that confirm that they were to meet at Uni? Or is it CA's word only? I ask b/c at this moment, I don't remember.
Do we have texts that confirm that they were to meet at Uni? Or is it CA's word only? I ask b/c at this moment, I don't remember.

Just CA's word. We only have texts from KC's phone for the last few days before she was arrested, and none from CA's phone. Most of KC's texts that we have are the ones to and from Amy, because Amy's phone had texts saved back to April.

I think, though, that CA said Zani's roommate "Jennifer" had Caylee at Universal, so CA was going to meet Jennifer there and pick up Caylee, rather than meeting KC there. I seem to remember CA saying something about how she was annoyed that KC was leaving Caylee with this other person when CA was on vacation that week and totally available to take care of Caylee.
Just CA's word. We only have texts from KC's phone for the last few days before she was arrested, and none from CA's phone. Most of KC's texts that we have are the ones to and from Amy, because Amy's phone had texts saved back to April.

I think, though, that CA said Zani's roommate "Jennifer" had Caylee at Universal, so CA was going to meet Jennifer there and pick up Caylee, rather than meeting KC there. I seem to remember CA saying something about how she was annoyed that KC was leaving Caylee with this other person when CA was on vacation that week and totally available to take care of Caylee.

Thank You, AZlawyer! The reason I asked this question is if there is no text or email to prove that CA had that plan to go to Uni and p/u Caylee, I doubt that it happened. Oh, she may have gone to Uni, but not by some prior arrangement. Just me, but I don't trust CA and her statements. Every one seems weighted to try and prove that Caylee was alive and well, and "no red flags". To me, it's in the same league as the *Zanny had a white dog* declaration. I don't think Caylee told CA about a dog. I think so much of this has been invented. KC is not the only story spinner, IMO.
Here's a link to the cell phone ping, July 3rd, thread. BJB posts about Casey arranging the Universal trip for Cindy so that she could get into the house without them seeing her. There are some interesting posts on this thread...

[ame=""]Ping Map for July 3, 2008 - Discuss that day only - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
Which came first, the no-show at Universal or the "My Caylee is Missing" posting?
Which came first, the no-show at Universal or the "My Caylee is Missing" posting?
I could be wrong, but I'm thinking the no show at Universal was before the My Space message. Then we have Lee chasing her around downtown Orlando that night...quite the busy day for all of them. Oh, and also Casey gets the tattoo that day..whew !

I know TMI, sorry. :)
I could be wrong, but I'm thinking the no show at Universal was before the My Space message. Then we have Lee chasing her around downtown Orlando that night...quite the busy day for all of them. Oh, and also Casey gets the tattoo that day..whew !

I know TMI, sorry. :)

I believe the no-show at Universal and the MySpace message were the same day, with the MySpace message being later in the day.
I am still wondering though about CA's trip to Uni....instead of CA having an arrangement to p/u Caylee from there, could she have told KC *I'm coming now to Universal to get her!* And then KC decides to scuttle home to retrieve something, as the pings reflect. I just wonder about the purported reason CA went to Uni. I should be willing to accept that they had an amicable agreement for CA to go get Caylee, but I'm cynical and wonder if it went down that way. Because CA's version is more of a "no red flags" variety, whereas all of the other activity that day--her MySpace post and sending LA to drag her out of some club seems more desperate to me. Of course, some will point out that it got desperate because Caylee was not at Uni as CA hoped, so there is that angle. AHHH! This case is drving me nuts!
I am still wondering though about CA's trip to Uni....instead of CA having an arrangement to p/u Caylee from there, could she have told KC *I'm coming now to Universal to get her!* And then KC decides to scuttle home to retrieve something, as the pings reflect. I just wonder about the purported reason CA went to Uni. I should be willing to accept that they had an amicable agreement for CA to go get KC, but I'm cynical and wonder if it went down that way. Because CA's version is more of a "no red flags" variety, whereas all of the other activity that day--her MySpace post and sending LA to drag her out of some club seems more desperate to me. Of course, some will point out that it got desperate because Caylee was not at Uni as CA hoped, so there is that angle. AHHH! This case is drving me nuts!

Your take on the trip to Universal makes perfect sense. I think Cindy going to Universal was more of an effort to call KC's bluff, or was intended to be a confrontation.

I think she changes the story when she tells it to LE though. It then becomes an arranged meeting between CA and KC.

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