The Last Happy Hour, book by Charles Joseph Hackett

What the heck are you talking about? I don't think I've ever mentioned Flukeyou's name before that post.

And the idea that truthspider is being bullied is hysterical. JMHO of course

I just did a search and I was correct, that is the first and only time I have ever posted anything about flukeyou

This person & myself are here to think of why these young woman, men & a baby is deceased not who a poster is.

So Truth believes its the Doctor, he gave a plethera of info that backs up his hypothesis. I think it's admirable.

I think the more we know about the community & who is lying or who has more info, or who is misrepresenting is vital to sluething.

JJ Articles where mentioned & him being a writer.

In my opinion he shows no sign of being a writer. He shows signs of alcohol abuse as well as questionable motive for his involvement. He does not deserve this attention IMO he is a preditor IMO. He sought out Family tried to gain trust ....but his actions were telling a whole different story, as for his pals to, another questionable person who also took advantage of family member with broken promises. Do not think for one minute that people who are involving themselves in an ongoing investagation are not being looked at, well that would be ludicris IMO, I think LE will make specticles of these lunatics. They are not into guessing games & bullcrap stories taking there precious time away from the focus (deceased victims & families), well that is also punishable by law. I think MG is going to have a pile full of law suits & well deservedWhen I see the word Creepy posted I can't help to focus I feel MG played the players. One good Bingo for her, IMO if so.

When I see the word Creepy...I see the letters JJ (who put himself in the public spotlight) & think affliation...Thats what I feel about him, unstable, alcohol, connected to OB, liar, misleading Family Members & so much more. IMO he is destin for a life behind bars, IMO. Headlines Read: Interview from his cell.
This person & myself are here to think of why these young woman, men & a baby is deceased not who a poster is.

So Truth believes its the Doctor, he gave a plethera of info that backs up his hypothesis. I think it's admirable.

I think the more we know about the community & who is lying or who has more info, or who is misrepresenting is vital to sluething.

JJ Articles where mentioned & him being a writer.

In my opinion he shows no sign of being a writer. He shows signs of alcohol abuse as well as questionable motive for his involvement. He does not deserve this attention IMO he is a preditor IMO. He sought out Family tried to gain trust ....but his actions were telling a whole different story, as for his pals to, another questionable person who also took advantage of family member with broken promises. Do not think for one minute that people who are involving themselves in an ongoing investagation are not being looked at, well that would be ludicris IMO, I think LE will make specticles of these lunatics. They are not into guessing games & bullcrap stories taking there precious time away from the focus (deceased victims & families), well that is also punishable by law. I think MG is going to have a pile full of law suits & well deservedWhen I see the word Creepy posted I can't help to focus I feel MG played the players. One good Bingo for her, IMO if so.

When I see the word Creepy...I see the letters JJ (who put himself in the public spotlight) & think affliation...Thats what I feel about him, unstable, alcohol, connected to OB, liar, misleading Family Members & so much more. IMO he is destin for a life behind bars, IMO. Headlines Read: Interview from his cell.

I'm sorry but I have no clue what you are talking about and I'm not sure why you quoted me.
(warning, this post is actually in defense of CPH)

On the subject of people being bullied by mean people, what do you guys make of CJH's use of the term "limping" to insult people. Am I being too sensitive, or was he too insensitive? I mean if my father insulted people by calling them a "no good, surf bum, computer dork, who drives a surveillance van" my feelings would be hurt. :laugh:

Is that not like a parent who has a child with down syndrome recklessly throwing around the word "*advertiser censored*"? It seems hurtful to me.

Newsday (Melville, NY)
May 16, 1986

Page: 101

Index Terms:
`Doonesbury' Is Not Funny
Author: Charles J. Hackett - Hempstead
Article Text:Regarding the letter by William J. Corbett [" `Doonesbury' Is Out of Place, May 8]: A number of reasons were enumerated for ditching Doonesbury or at least getting it out of the cartoon section. He left out the most compelling reason of all. Doonesbury is just not funny. In the '60s, its limping attempts at political satire might have been tolerated for protest value, but now G.B. Trudeau's pseudo-sophistication is nothing more than insulting drivel.
Copyright (c) 1986 Newsday, Inc.
Record Number: 103222484

Newsday (Melville, NY)
September 30, 1990

Section: IDEAS
Page: 02

Index Terms:
Reno's Rancid Rhetoric
Author: Charles J. Hackett. Point Lookout
Article Text:Robert Reno's puerile condemnation of Gen. Michael J. Dugan was another example of the inability of your master of rancid rhetoric to demonstrate the perspicacity of a titmouse whenever he gets a chance to apply his limping logic to a sensitive issue. Back in the days when the press corps was more honorable, remarks like Dugan's would not have been reported - or published. Recently one of your readers suggested that Reno be transferred from the financial section. May I suggest that the comic section might be appropriate.
Copyright (c) 1990 Newsday, Inc.
Record Number: 1006043218

Better yet Freudian Limps....nice picking up on that. The Almighty Subconcious & Super Ego can not be buried thats for sure.
Better yet Freudian Limps....nice picking up on that. The Almighty Subconcious & Super Ego can not be buried thats for sure.

Especially coming from an author who clearly thinks (consciously) about the words he chooses "Reno's Rancid Rhetoric"...smh

rancid rhetoric indeed...
Nobody needs to worry about me being bullied, I have bullet proof skin and I gargle with a mouthful of razor blades each morning, so bring it on.

I have to say when I saw your new pic.....I almost fell on the floor. Like your spirit & conviction as to what you believe. Great sense of humor. So if you feel bullied or intimadated you will clearly identify this.

I know due to reading TOS, that their maybe kids that come on here & nobody should feel bullied or targeted. When I see people inferring things by comments it just creates negative energy & that belongs elsewhere IMO. It is not alright for kids to read posts that may have an undertone of silencing others via name calling etc.

Just being honest I do not like that. I do not like when people ask who one is. Like they are above people or will intimadate by questioning.

I don't answer people if my post was clear to what I said. If a question is a question...than take it as a question. Do not waste others time by asking for link when it is a questionb. People know exactly what they are trying to accomplish. It doesn't get merit. Deceptive.

So my Question is:
Is it true JB & Doc were facebook friends <modsnip>?
Who was the patient of the CPH that overdosed?
Did that person Die?
Did he live in OB?
Wasn't the DR. there with Ambulence saying that he was his patient or did he only state it after it was known?
Has the Dr. ever been caught administering drugs unethically?
If you are a ER Doc one has access to many drugs, that go missing?
Has the hosp. ever released records or how can the history of lost drugs, big quantities used during certain dr. timeline get recorded.

I would seriously like to know what drugs he adminstered @ the ER....that doesn't mean he did it just means the record looks as though he did. I am sure a couple drugs will pop out, IMO
So my Question is:
Is it true JB & Doc were facebook friends <modsnip>?

Who was the patient of the CPH that overdosed?

Did that person Die?

Did he live in OB?

Wasn't the DR. there with Ambulence saying that he was his patient or did he only state it after it was known?

Has the Dr. ever been caught administering drugs unethically?

Newsday (Melville, NY)
November 24, 1997
Section: NEWS
Page: A04
Index Terms:

Suffolk's Trauma Care Bruised / Disputes still swirl around ex- director
Author: Elizabeth Moore. STAFF WRITER

Article Text:
- The MacArthur rescue: Rumors circulated for months after a dangerous March rescue of three workers seriously injured when the water tank they were repairing collapsed under them. Hackett said the rumors accused him of causing spinal injuries to the workers after he rappelled down into the icy water to stabilize and soothe the victims with intravenous fluids and morphine, but "I just brushed it off."
Those rumors crystallized into a direct accusation at an early August meeting between Fischler, Bradley, Deputy County Executive Eric Kopp and county executive aide Joseph Michaels. When Bradley later asked Hackett for an explanation, he produced a hospital report that indicated the victims never suffered the spinal injuries Fischler alleged. But some volunteers who worked alongside Hackett that day remain vocal in their criticism.


I would certainly like to have the integrity of that "hospital report" verified, since we know he was accused of falsifying documents in the past:

"Fischler was meeting with senior county officials to air allegations that Hackett had abused his cellular phone, falsified his time sheets, and even caused spinal injuries to three men he helped to rescue from the wreckage of a caved-in water tank at Long Island MacArthur Airport."

If you are a ER Doc one has access to many drugs, that go missing?
Has the hosp. ever released records or how can the history of lost drugs, big quantities used during certain dr. timeline get recorded.

I would seriously like to know what drugs he adminstered @ the ER....that doesn't mean he did it just means the record looks as though he did. I am sure a couple drugs will pop out, IMO
All I did was post what CPH said. That doesn't mean I believe everything he says. Believe me, I've been around the block a time or two - I'm probably at least twice as old as you are. You call me gullible - I'll refer to you as "young whippersnapper"

I like #4 snapper

I do believe you have a little bit of tunnel-vision though in this case. None of us know that Gilbert even died at the hands of a killer yet. Do we???

It is nice we have a right to whatever vision we wish. I am cofused as to why that comment was made. Opinions are welcome regarless, let;s just respect & agree to disagree.

Speculation, theory....Fact the doctor has lied on numberous occassions I get how Truth arrives where he is.

IMO I think projection is Projection. I think tunnel vision is not polite, it's an opinion. With the endless ongoing history of lies Dr hackett has made everywhere would ....reflect tunnel vision comment is not appropriate.

When I see a Biased comment I feel it's unacceptable. Let's stick to our theory & not name call or belittle others statements. "Tunnel Vision" It's about the Scenerio not the poster.

So do you all have a POI or theory about who did what on OB?????
I would be interested in learning more.....Or thinking What Happened to SG

Of course it wasn't NOTHING now. Shannan ran hysterical from a home & outed herself to LE (Escort) about a john that was going to kill her.

Shannan ended up deceased, how could that happen????
23 minutes to 911 naming names & SG is found Dead.....oh did I mention 11 bodies were retreived in the same area where SG where.....pretty fishy to think it was nobody & nothing strange was happening & the fact that the erased video was not confiscated from day 1 by LE baffles me. Thats the first place I would have safeguarded the evidence being LE.
Like I've said before, I'm not going to theorize what happened to SG until I hear from the ME.
Interesting tidbit, though I don't think it has much significance...

JJ and MG actually had a falling out over things contained in this blog. I don't know all the details but MG spoke about it on FB.

Mari wrote & explained JJ had no right or did not even inform her he was going to write an article. MG was surprised, MG was very upset he wrote the whole story it was not to be made public of there trip & findings. That was a telling sign that JJ acting very weird & he was suppose to be supporting MG. JJ goes out & leaves MG in a motel with people she just met, & JJ goes to a tavern...My question was , who was he meeting? Alcoholics just assume to pick up bottles & hide there actions. JJ talked more about his hang over & basically threw a monkey wrench in MG efforts. Reds Flags than article confirmed that something is very wrong to do such a insensitive methodical move. Make public & minimize all & the doc hack meeting was a set up IMO. I Believe JJ got paid from some1 @ the tavern for delivering MG to end than to focus on how wonderful hacketts family is...the artist daughter etc....Where is SG...not found yet, JJ had alot of.....Balls IMO. He thought he was going to write a book. Entitlement issuse, I believe connencted to JB & started LISK.......with Doc & jb behind everything...IMO
I believe this game & charactors are on here doing the same thing just walking the line.

This is my opinion

If I were with MG the last thing would be to drink & take notes of all for MG record as one does not remember all. But JJ who really cared was getting Chit Faced at a bar. Minimizing the important event for all eyes to view.

Also MG was upset most by JJ putting the Meduims in danger by naming them ....... putting families in jeopardy. This is not a criminal minds episode....this is about MG Daughter. She wanted to know what happened.

I feel JJ will answer for actions as well as his buddy who are friends with JB IMO.
Like Dwn stated he thought the sight was run by the perp. Well I believe it...I thought so soon after.
The Newsday article that Truthspider shared earlier is no longer on-line, but can be found by using the following steps:

Go to

and search "Suffolk's Trauma Care Bruised"

This is a pay-to-view site; we haven't been able to locate a pdf or cached copy of the article yet (it's from 1997). Thanks TS for locating it and directing us there!
Just to clarify: The book found at the AC dump site is not the book written by CPH's father. At AC it was "Beach Road" by Patterson. The book written by CPH's father is "The Last Happy Hour."

The confusion probably comes in because the writer, JJ, noted that he saw a copy of "Beach Road" in CPH's bookshelf.

I am correcting this so people don't become even more confused. The book JJ mentioned in CPH's bookshelf was "The Last Happy Hour." That's how we know about it. He mentioned CPH had books by Patterson but he did not mention "Beach Road."
Thanks for correcting the info above.

Does anyone know when and how CPH lost his leg. Previous posts about him seem to indicate that he was not very handicapped, especially the ones about him climbing down into the water tower at ISP and going out with EMTs on emergency calls, etc.

CPH also said that he was involved in the TWA800 crash search and jumped into the ocean from a yacht and swam out to a body in the water. (After jumping from a helicopter onto the yacht.) He made himself out as a very healthy hero.

This story was disputed by officials at the scene as were other heroic stories (lies) he told.

Another ? - I saw a commercial for a reality series "The Long Island Medium" and I wondered if she had ever been involved in this case?

Thanks for any help!
Thanks for correcting the info above.

Does anyone know when and how CPH lost his leg. Previous posts about him seem to indicate that he was not very handicapped, especially the ones about him climbing down into the water tower at ISP and going out with EMTs on emergency calls, etc.

CPH also said that he was involved in the TWA800 crash search and jumped into the ocean from a yacht and swam out to a body in the water. (After jumping from a helicopter onto the yacht.) He made himself out as a very healthy hero.

This story was disputed by officials at the scene as were other heroic stories (lies) he told.

Another ? - I saw a commercial for a reality series "The Long Island Medium" and I wondered if she had ever been involved in this case?

Thanks for any help!

Yep, he's a certified hero. "I've done a lot for this county"-CPH
Give him a 21 gun salute.....
Thanks for correcting the info above.

Does anyone know when and how CPH lost his leg. Previous posts about him seem to indicate that he was not very handicapped, especially the ones about him climbing down into the water tower at ISP and going out with EMTs on emergency calls, etc.

CPH also said that he was involved in the TWA800 crash search and jumped into the ocean from a yacht and swam out to a body in the water. (After jumping from a helicopter onto the yacht.) He made himself out as a very healthy hero.

This story was disputed by officials at the scene as were other heroic stories (lies) he told.

Another ? - I saw a commercial for a reality series "The Long Island Medium" and I wondered if she had ever been involved in this case?

Thanks for any help!

The information we have is that he lost his leg after a car hit him as he was standing on the side of the road trying to help a stranded motorist. No one has been able to find the exact details. It would be great to know the details and the date this occurred but it was before 1988, right? In the videos he makes a point of walking with a very pronounced limp which I believe was fake and done for the cameras so people would think he was too handicapped to have committed the murders. JMO.
The information we have is that he lost his leg after a car hit him as he was standing on the side of the road trying to help a stranded motorist. No one has been able to find the exact details. It would be great to know the details and the date this occurred but it was before 1988, right? In the videos he makes a point of walking with a very pronounced limp which I believe was fake and done for the cameras so people would think he was too handicapped to have committed the murders. JMO.

if you watch that video closely you can see in the first second or so he is cruising at quite the clip before he sees the news crew. Someone (other than me) should snag that piece of the video and make an animated jpg out of it for all of us to share. Another instance of con behavior.
[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Joseph Brewer[/ame]

[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Joseph Brewer[/ame]
How come the skeptics on here aren't questioning if he actually has both working legs? Has anyone seen proof of this prosthetic leg? I haven't. I am not saying he doesn't have a wooden foot, I just wonder how some question events that are admitted in signed documents and also corroborated by the commissioner of police but haven't questioned the complete lack of proof of this bionic appendage?


  • wood foot.jpg
    wood foot.jpg
    12.5 KB · Views: 12
When did the police commissioner corroborate any signed documents pertaining to this case?

Please cite a credible source.
I just did an Internet search and I was unable to find any information about a police commissioner corroborating any signed documents pertaining to this case.
The information we have is that he lost his leg after a car hit him as he was standing on the side of the road trying to help a stranded motorist. No one has been able to find the exact details. It would be great to know the details and the date this occurred but it was before 1988, right? In the videos he makes a point of walking with a very pronounced limp which I believe was fake and done for the cameras so people would think he was too handicapped to have committed the murders. JMO.

my purely speculative prediction....someday we will find out that it wasn't all that accidental.

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