The Springfield Three--missing since June 1992 - #1

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Any new news on this case recently?? How do all these people keep disappearing and we never know what happened? Very frustrating. Someone needs to go to Springfield with a camera crew and shoot a documentary! Everything is solvable!
I just checked the Springfield News-Leader last week and there is nothing. I usually try to do some checking once a month on this one and a couple other cases. According to what I could find in the Springfield newspaper, there hasn't been anything new since 2004. I would think the paper would be one of the first to have any updates as well as Doe and Charley Project. I would LOVE if if someone went there and made a documentary. I can't believe they can't solve this one either!

Thinking about this case today. It's unbelievable to imagine 2 families suffering for so long. I wish their disappearances had been taken more seriously at the beginning. Maybe things would be different now.

I just read a short story that I think was based on this case (Missing Women by June Spence; it's included in several anthologies). An interesting take on the town's reactions to these terrible disappearance (Spence worked at a newspaper in Springfield in 1992).
As I recall, during the time frame that the 3 women went missing a large portion of the James River Freeway was being built to the south of Cox medical center and west of Remingtons night club. Has anyone heard/read anything about the police dept investigating that area?
There is a point of interest in Springfield. It's the Hulston Cancer Center Parking Garage. On April 18th, a certain spot in the garage was scanned using a prototype technology. That scan indicated the presence of three sets of ovaries, dental work, hair, and jewelry. On June 16th, a second independent scan using ground penetrating radar was done. That scan indicated the presence of three sets of graves under concrete. The second scan was recorded on video. It's 12 minutes long and it was given to the Springfield Police Department. The data was also recorded on computer harddrive. Both scans were done independently of each other by two different people.
Wow..that's interesting. I have been checking the Springfield newspaper and haven't found anything recent in there about them. I know they were thinking of that parking garage as an area of interest..isn't that across the street from Sherill Levitt's house where they disappeared from? I sure hope this lead pans out so they can find them! Thanks for the update.
liz325 said:
Wow..that's interesting. I have been checking the Springfield newspaper and haven't found anything recent in there about them. I know they were thinking of that parking garage as an area of interest..isn't that across the street from Sherill Levitt's house where they disappeared from? I sure hope this lead pans out so they can find them! Thanks for the update.

These ladies disappeared from 1717 E. Delmar Street which is northeast and just over 2 miles from the location of the Hulston Cancer Center at 3850 S. National Ave as the crow flies. Driving from Delmar to the location of the referenced area would be more like 3 miles. The area around Delmar Street is primarily residential. The area around the Hulston Cancer Center (S. National at 360 - the James River Freeway) back in 1992 was an area containing hospitals (Cox South and Doctor's Hospital) and several other office type buildings occupied by various doctors (Smith Glenn Calloway etc.). If you go to Map Quest and enter either of these address you will be able to see the distances quite easily.

Of interest is that the freeway was complete to Kansas Expressway in 1992, no additional extension of this freeway was undertaken until 2002 - so there is no chance the bodies would be under the freeway. Also of note is according to Greene County Assessment records, 120,000 square feet of asphalt paving was placed on the Cox property (Hulston Cancer Center) in 1990. Link:

Having lived in this area for most of my adult life and knowing when things were built, I have serious doubts that these three ladies are buried under any asphalt paving or any freeway systems around town.

There has been no recent reporting on this case for some time now, however I can tell you that everytime bones are found anywhere in the area, they do run DNA tests to check. I can tell you that the area around Springfield is very rural with lots of hills and valleys, lots of heavily wooded areas, rivers and creek beds with steep bluffs, as well as state forests.

If I hear of anything I will post it for you here. Believe me it is still a topic of discussion in this neck of the woods.
Ken, I remember that you made some pshycic claims to have had 'visions' of one of these women. I'm curious where your information about the findings from the ground radar came from. I can't find an article verifying this. I also understand you have been in correspondance with Robert Craig Cox in Texas, any new information to report there?

I think these women will be found by accidental discovery and not from some premonition or pshycic scent. I've read recently some accounts that wonder if they are alive, I don't personally see how this could be possible. To hold a person in captivity in this country for thirteen years is not unheard of, but to hold three women would seem to me quite a feet.
The Hulston Cancer Center Parking Garage was built beginning in September of 1993. If it is true the women are buried there, then we cannot account for their whereabouts for about 15 months. My understanding is that the Springfield Police are seriously reviewing the data from the second scan. That scan does indicate the presence of three graves. The person who did the second scan said off camera there are three sets of skulls, three backbones, and three sets of extremities. No, you won't find anything in the media about this as of yet. That may change in the near future. Of course if this is true, it does make my vision with Stacy McCall a genuine authentic vision. Personally, I can't wait until that happens.
I agree that something should be in the newspaper about the scans as it would be of great interest to many people. And who did the scans? It obviously wasn't the Springfield Police if Ken said they were reviewing the second scan.

The News-Leader has an archived section of all articles on this case. Here is the website to get to one of the articles.

Below the article they have past articles you can click on and then below that there is a section called Multimedia. Down where it says Video, Three Missing Women, the Beginning of a Mystery, there is a compilation video of all the headlines and images from the disappearance. It's very haunting to watch the video and listen to the music. I'm sure most of you have already seen it but it still is very chilling.
raisincharlie said:

These ladies disappeared from 1717 E. Delmar Street which is northeast and just over 2 miles from the location of the Hulston Cancer Center at 3850 S. National Ave as the crow flies. Driving from Delmar to the location of the referenced area would be more like 3 miles. The area around Delmar Street is primarily residential. The area around the Hulston Cancer Center (S. National at 360 - the James River Freeway) back in 1992 was an area containing hospitals (Cox South and Doctor's Hospital) and several other office type buildings occupied by various doctors (Smith Glenn Calloway etc.). If you go to Map Quest and enter either of these address you will be able to see the distances quite easily.

Of interest is that the freeway was complete to Kansas Expressway in 1992, no additional extension of this freeway was undertaken until 2002 - so there is no chance the bodies would be under the freeway. Also of note is according to Greene County Assessment records, 120,000 square feet of asphalt paving was placed on the Cox property (Hulston Cancer Center) in 1990. Link:

Having lived in this area for most of my adult life and knowing when things were built, I have serious doubts that these three ladies are buried under any asphalt paving or any freeway systems around town.

There has been no recent reporting on this case for some time now, however I can tell you that everytime bones are found anywhere in the area, they do run DNA tests to check. I can tell you that the area around Springfield is very rural with lots of hills and valleys, lots of heavily wooded areas, rivers and creek beds with steep bluffs, as well as state forests.

If I hear of anything I will post it for you here. Believe me it is still a topic of discussion in this neck of the woods.
Thanks raisincharlie for the info...I can believe it is still a hot topic for discussion around the area. It's just so baffling...I haven't read some of the past articles in depth for a while but do you know if many people believe that Robert Craig Cox was responsible for their disappearance or that he really knows what happened? The last I remember reading he was in prison in Texas for something else. I'll have to re-read them all again when I have time but I can't remember what the general concensus was about him. Thanks again!
My partner is a reporter in Springfield. She videotaped the second scan that was given to the Springfield Police. At this time, I can't tell you her name or the name of the person who did the second scan. However, I can tell you the name of the person who did the first scan. His name is Tim Gray.

On April 18th, my partner called me and told me that Tim found a point of interest in the Hulston Cancer Center Parking Garage. I was numb with excitement. When he came to Springfield, we had around 12 areas lined up for him to look at with his instrument. Mine was the 3rd one on his list. He told me that he found the three graves just four hours after arriving in Springfield.

On June 16th, a second independent scan was done using ground penetrating radar to confirm Tim's original findings. In fact, I am meeting with Tim Gray this evening for the first time - in person.

The exact spot in question is the basement of the Hulston Cancer Center Parking Garage underneath the first floor ramp. Both scans indicate the presence of three graves under virgin concrete. The second scan indicates the presence of three graves between 1.9 and 3 feet deep under concrete.

Right now, we are anticipating that an excavation will be taking place by sometime in August to rule in or rule out this exact spot. My partner did tell me that she is considering taking the videotape to the national media.
Again, I'm not trying to run anyones beliefs down, but Ken I know you are a self-professed psychic. The vision you had cannot be proved or disproved by anyone, and it seems now there is this scan with ground penetrating radar that found three graves that nobody can seem to verify either. I go back to an earlier statement when I said that I believe if a psychic would come forward and say this person is in x place and so and so did it with this weapon and actually solved it then the entire profession would gain credibility. But that doesn't happen, you have Sylvia Browne coming on Montel twice a year talking about knomes and underworld beings and then you are supposed to trust her enough to shell out $1600 for a phone reading with her. It's a bogus religion right now as far as most law enforcement is concerned.

It makes for interesting stories and good tv, but where are these three women, where is Natalie Holloway, where is Tara Grinstead, where is Jodie Husentruit, where is Johnny Gosch, and the thousands of other high profile cases that come across these boards. Why can't any of these psychics find these people.

It all has to be extremely cryptic and open to interpretation. Your vision, with all do respect Ken, was so vague that you could backtrack if these girls are found and attach credibility to everything you said due to the vagueness of it. I know your interpretation was that she was dead and had been sexually assaulted, that's almost a given in this case. I would just ask for one psychic to come forward with plain english explanations of a cold case and solve the friggin' thing and bring a tiny bit of credibility to what is nothing more, in my opinion, than a religion.

Sorry to rant, Ken, I don't know you and I'm sure you are a great guy. I just wish you were a great psychic too and could solve all these cases. You'd be worth millions my friend.
The message that Stacy McCall gave me is as follows: "Right in back of Cox Hospital South; while facing west, it's the building (area) to the left." I wrote the Springfield Police in 2002 and again in 2004 specifically about the Hulston Cancer Center and surrounding area.

Please see for information about how I reached that conclusion.

Miles, If the three missing women are buried in the basement of the Hulston Cancer Center Parking Garage underneath the first floor ramp, it makes my vision with Stacy McCall authentic. Period.
miles_draken said:
Again, I'm not trying to run anyones beliefs down, but Ken I know you are a self-professed psychic. The vision you had cannot be proved or disproved by anyone, and it seems now there is this scan with ground penetrating radar that found three graves that nobody can seem to verify either. I go back to an earlier statement when I said that I believe if a psychic would come forward and say this person is in x place and so and so did it with this weapon and actually solved it then the entire profession would gain credibility. But that doesn't happen, you have Sylvia Browne coming on Montel twice a year talking about knomes and underworld beings and then you are supposed to trust her enough to shell out $1600 for a phone reading with her. It's a bogus religion right now as far as most law enforcement is concerned.

It makes for interesting stories and good tv, but where are these three women, where is Natalie Holloway, where is Tara Grinstead, where is Jodie Husentruit, where is Johnny Gosch, and the thousands of other high profile cases that come across these boards. Why can't any of these psychics find these people.

It all has to be extremely cryptic and open to interpretation. Your vision, with all do respect Ken, was so vague that you could backtrack if these girls are found and attach credibility to everything you said due to the vagueness of it. I know your interpretation was that she was dead and had been sexually assaulted, that's almost a given in this case. I would just ask for one psychic to come forward with plain english explanations of a cold case and solve the friggin' thing and bring a tiny bit of credibility to what is nothing more, in my opinion, than a religion.

Sorry to rant, Ken, I don't know you and I'm sure you are a great guy. I just wish you were a great psychic too and could solve all these cases. You'd be worth millions my friend.

Well said!!

I have never ever intepreted my own vision stating that Stacy was sexually assaulted. You have mis-quoted me.
I apologize Ken, I will re-read the original post as soon as I can. I never meant to misquote you, and contrary to what you might think I wasn't running you down for your beliefs either. What I'm saying is just a mainstream view, or what I percieve to be the mainstream view toward this sort of thing right now. I am curious how the Springfield police recieved your information. Were they interested or did they seem to just blow it off? And you said something about the radar showing traces of ovaries? i believe you said, in addition to the grave, can it really detect that? I'm just asking because I have no knowledge of how it works.
Interesting possibility. It is a few hours from Springfield and I had heard about this case last night but never thought it might be their final resting place. My first instinct is no, because it appears drug related and I don't think the missing women from Springfield had anything to do with drugs, but who knows. We'll have to watch this case with more interest now.
englishleigh said:
There have been human remains found in a rural yard in western MO. It is believed they are drug murders. Is there any possibility that some of these remains (of 2-6 people) could be our Springfield Three?

I thought of them too when I first heard about sounds like the people buried there had actually gone to this guy's house for drug deals though so in all probability the Springfield Three aren't among the people who are buried there. :(

I hope I'm wrong though!
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