The VERDICT! He's....GUILTY!!!

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Do you mean tongue in cheek EXACTLY what Jose Baez did? I would think his book sale would be better than Joses book on the Casey Anthony trial?

Not sure this attorney could write a book since he was fired by his client. I believe DP would have to sign a release and that is not likely to happen. jmo
Not sure this attorney could write a book since he was fired by his client. I believe DP would have to sign a release and that is not likely to happen. jmo

I would much rather know what Greenberg was thinking in the Nicarico/Brian Dugan trial.
(note: if you did not follow that case, it is in my archive site, click my siggy line)
Greenberg will be the next to jump ship. Brodsky will be the only one left to write the appeal. Good luck with that slim ball. Brodsky now has a bad rep among his own peers. LOL
I have thought from the beginning that DrewP and Baez were each others' biggest fans, IMO because they both get a huge buzz out of lying so much that they start to believe their own lies! Really, they seem to feed off of each other!

Apparently DP did not even call any of Kathleen's family to see if she was at one of their homes, or to ask if anything had happened to one of her family members.


*I hope DP is so, so miserable every moment of every day.

*So do I, LaLaw --

Plus, I think (hope) he will have a lot of trouble conning the cons. He'll probably go into state prison thinking that since he's an ex-cop (that's a term that a lot of LEO's don't like, so that's why I'm using it to describe DP), he'll know just how to relate & deal with his fellow convicts (yes, he's one now!), but he may have lots of trouble talking them out of taking him out on a group date... It should be hard for him to find a buddy that's "safe" to tell his troubles. Every con has his story, but who wants to hear a cop's story? There's only one ending most of them like to hear...

Agreed, Lera! About their coordinated outfits -- As the saying goes, "Now why didn't we think of that?" Ha! Can't help but laff. Clever, and, IMO, their only hint of disrespect, and I think there was none intended on the jury's part, was toward the Lopez "twins."

I had said all along that I didn't think it was a big deal -- and it wasn't. But I love it now that we know what was behind it. Sounds like they weren't fans of the DT, either.... Smart bunch.
While this judge is not the most popular person here for a number of reasons, he cannot just hand out sentences willy-nilly. I hope an attorney will correct me if I'm wrong, but I think both sides can appeal a sentence.

I have to say, I didn't like Burmila at the beginning of the trial because of the way he was treating certain female witnesses. I also didn't like all the objections the defense succeeded in getting. Now, with the trial over, I have more respect for him. He was extremely tough on the prosecution, which will result in having the verdict upheld on appeal.


Very good point, CarolinaMoon -- something I hadn't thought of. His riding them like he did, especially at first as we all saw, could only make them tighten up their game & they did. And it probably will help if an appeal ever does come up for evaluation.

Judges, prosecutors and defense attys with some experience in the county know each other, at least to some degree. Maybe the judge also wanted to prevent the trial from becoming a circus -- that is, if he knew the DT and their potential for dramatics which I feel sure he did.
One thing that has been making me shake my head and making me even more elated at this victory we have just seen... And this is only half-humorous:

Could you just see Brodsky and his gi-normous ego oh-so-proudly glowing & crowing if the DT had won the case for DP?? Gives me the shivers & shakes. The now-reduced bunch of them & Co. (whom I will name the Four-and-one-half AmEgos) would need a city block just to sit down & eat lunch together. <super-gag>

But they didn't...
One thing that has been making me shake my head and making me even more elated at this victory we have just seen... And this is only half-humorous:

Could you just see Brodsky and his gi-normous ego oh-so-proudly glowing & crowing if the DT had won the case for DP?? Gives me the shivers & shakes. The now-reduced bunch of them & Co. (whom I will name the Four-and-one-half AmEgos) would need a city block just to sit down & eat lunch together. <super-gag>

But they didn't...

I lo e thes threads if nothing more than the quick wits of members! The thanks button was not enough for the "AmEGOS" comment.
RBBM: Unfortunately, he is still under "attorney client privilege" ...

LOL ... I just had this in the legal class I am taking ...

Hmmm ... maybe he'll "slip" ... wishful thinking !

Well if he does he better hope he isn't in the tub.......
Agreed, Lera! About their coordinated outfits -- As the saying goes, "Now why didn't we think of that?" Ha! Can't help but laff. Clever, and, IMO, their only hint of disrespect, and I think there was none intended on the jury's part, was toward the Lopez "twins."

I had said all along that I didn't think it was a big deal -- and it wasn't. But I love it now that we know what was behind it. Sounds like they weren't fans of the DT, either.... Smart bunch.

not only that but did I read how the one juror mentioned they all or most all knew that SP was missing.
not only that but did I read how the one juror mentioned they all or most all knew that SP was missing.

Yes, Lera you did -- the female juror with the good interview was talking about how she did her best not to see or do anything that had to do with the case once she was selected as a juror, but she did say that Stacey's disappearance was known before all that stuff started.
I had posted this before, but during the press conference with the 3 or 4 jurors, they said they were aware SP was missing, but they could not and did not use that knowledge during their deliberations and SP's disappearance was not discussed.
Looks like Brodsky made Steve Greenberg his fall guy.

Ummm Brodsky, YOU were lead attorney. You knew exactly what Steve was doing and approved it. It wasn't Steves fault Joel.
bbm -

Maybe DrEWWWWW does have a decent shot at a case for inadequate counsel!!! <gag>

(But in reality, it's on record that one of DP's own counsel & the Judge warned against it, each in his own way, so Nahhhhh, it probably wouldn't fly...) "Ain't that a shame? My tears fell like rain. Ain't that a shame? You're the one to blame ...." as Fats Domino would sing.

:floorlaugh: You have quickly become one of my favorites borndem! Just when I'm feeling the most :waitasec: exasperated, there you are with some jewel :dance:to save me! Your wit :woohoo: never ceases to have me lmao!! Thinking along the same line with you guys, wouldn't you think dear ole DrEWWWWW might have fired the wrong attorney if he wants a shot at inadequate council?! For being so smart, as he always believed himself to be, he he sure is DUMB!!! :confused: OT, I'm anxious for Elizabeth Johnson's trial to really get underway & am so hoping to see lot's of my new friends there! Does anyone know if it will be on IS & if it should be on Mon?
*So do I, LaLaw --

Plus, I think (hope) he will have a lot of trouble conning the cons. He'll probably go into state prison thinking that since he's an ex-cop (that's a term that a lot of LEO's don't like, so that's why I'm using it to describe DP), he'll know just how to relate & deal with his fellow convicts (yes, he's one now!), but he may have lots of trouble talking them out of taking him out on a group date... It should be hard for him to find a buddy that's "safe" to tell his troubles. Every con has his story, but who wants to hear a cop's story? There's only one ending most of them like to hear...

I think dp is shaking in his shoes right about now. Too bad. His only saving grace will be that he will probably be kept out of general population because of being ex le. He is lucky in that respect but we will be anxious of any news of misfortunes that may befall him in prison. I know I will.
When I need a little 'lift', I just think of DP sitting in his jail cell branded a convicted murderer! I am still so pleased with the verdict!!!

Have a great Saturday everyone!
DP should not get his pension. He used his position as a police officer to get away with murder. At the very least when he called the locksmith to open up Kathy's door he was using police resources to get the door unlocked when he should have called LE and they would have kept him out of the house while they investigated. Essentially he was breaking into her home if he were off duty. DP knew what the procedures were. He totally abused his power as LE to guide those investigators to find she died accidentially. I hope they look into DP's past. There just may too many coinky dinks in some of his past investigations. jmo

Drew stated that "we got information that it was a household accident". As if someone else had told "them" that. I call BS because he was saying it was accidental death as everyone converged at Savio's death scene. So HE was the one who perpetrated the "accident" idea. JMO
Drew stated that "we got information that it was a household accident". As if someone else had told "them" that. I call BS because he was saying it was accidental death as everyone converged at Savio's death scene. So HE was the one who perpetrated the "accident" idea. JMO

Along with planting the seed that she had medication and alcohol issues giving the impression that may have been the reason for the fall. jmo
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