The VERDICT! He's....GUILTY!!!

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DP did not fire Mr. Brodsky. He fired Mr. Greenberg regardless of what Mr. Brodsky knows. It just sounds like more dirty tricks to get DP off from his team. I don't trust the lot of them. They all know he is not innocent and still they want him to walk out of that jail a free man. jmo,0,7992995.story?page=2

IMO - this is the best part, other than DP was found guilty, of the entire article...

Peterson's lawyers agreed to represent him for free, lured by the case's challenges and the acclaim that would come from an acquittal. In the end, they lost more than five weeks' worth of billable hours and gained one of Chicago's most infamous courthouse spats.

That last paragraph should be under "News that makes you smile!" I wonder how they'll pay for more fancy suits and expensive sunglasses? Guess the Lopezes are going to have vacation in Sheboygan instead of the Turks and Caicos this year! Lolol!!!
DP did not fire Mr. Brodsky. He fired Mr. Greenberg regardless of what Mr. Brodsky knows. It just sounds like more dirty tricks to get DP off from his team. I don't trust the lot of them. They all know he is not innocent and still they want him to walk out of that jail a free man. jmo

I agree with you 100% lamb chop. If Greenburg had any self respect he'd have never associated with these creeps in the first place. Sounds like they are trying to spin some damage control...
From the Chicago Tribune: "Defense Team Continues Infighting":,0,7992995.story

Simply put: poetic justice.

It's just like the movies when I was little -- they always ran a cartoon after the movie was over. Just like old times.

Brodsky's asking for this favor is like the student who asks his teacher for a make-up test because he missed it due to his being suspended from school. Or the guy who purposefully burns down his house for insurance, and that night stands at the door of the Rescue Mission begging for a room because he his homeless.

It is a cartoon!!
I agree with you 100% lamb chop. If Greenburg had any self respect he'd have never associated with these creeps in the first place. Sounds like they are trying to spin some damage control...

You said it, Mama-cita.

The next thing they may try is asking for mercy from the Court due to inmate DP having pizz-poor counsel.
Sure, I dont have time to complete my motions for my defendant by the appointed date, on because of numerous media commitments, your honor. What's a compentent defense attorney suppose to do?
These idiots were out in public mocking this trial, the families of KS & SP, making like they were the Blues Brothers, crowing because they thought the jury was emulating them not knowing they were being mocked. They deserve everything bad that happens to them regarding this trial, imo. JB is an inept attorney and DP deserves him.

According to the new issue of the National Enquirer, police have a secret witness who claims the former Chicago cop asked him to help stalk Stacy Peterson and may even have lured him into helping bury the body.

I know,it's the Enquirer, but just fyi.

Interesting catch, ohi'girl. I would think that The Enquirer would not write news articles cut from whole cloth. There may indeed be something to this, but we may never know who the source is -- I'm sure it didn't really surprise you to read it, and I don't think it's that far-fetched at all. I do hope something positive comes out of this. Or it may just disintegrate and never be mentioned again.

Maybe the other shoe will drop after all. For Stacy. She is due justice, and DP is due another 50 years.... JMHO
Sure, I dont have time to complete my motions for my defendant by the appointed date, on because of numerous media commitments, your honor. What's a compentent defense attorney suppose to do?

Yes, sureLocke -- They put their bizznezz on the street instead of in the courtroom or in the law library.... Like the earlier article said, their actions certainly are helping the image of defense attorneys everywhere.

In other words: Those who can, do it in the courtroom, those who can't, take it to the streets. Mmpppfff.
That last paragraph should be under "News that makes you smile!" I wonder how they'll pay for more fancy suits and expensive sunglasses? Guess the Lopezes are going to have vacation in Sheboygan instead of the Turks and Caicos this year! Lolol!!!



Yes, sureLocke -- They put their bizznezz on the street instead of in the courtroom or in the law library.... Like the earlier article said, their actions certainly are helping the image of defense attorneys everywhere.

In other words: Those who can, do it in the courtroom, those who can't, take it to the streets. Mmpppfff.

Well-put, borndem!
So was drEWWW really a black-belt in karate? IF this is true, I have to wonder why this wasn't also presented as evidence in the murder trial for Kathleen?

What was that one ex-cops name that was helping drEWWW out early on in this case? Michael something-or-other? The one who was helping him out by loaning him phones and whatnot? I want to say he ran some kind of heating and cooling operation at that time.

Help me out here folks........ my memory isn't what it used to be! LOL!
IMO, this is a purposeful ploy to just try and stall the sentencing

I'm not buying all the infighting one iota

These snake oil salesmen are just doing anything & everything they can for their "dear" Drew ($$$$$$)

But it won't work, will it, MrsPC?!

As I've said before, I feel sure all the trial principals knew each other, at least at little -- maybe a lot -- or maybe too much -- before this trial. I am not trying to suppose what the judge thinks (far be it from me, etc., etc.) but I suspect that the judge may dislike that defense group more than we do. And in this as in the other phases of the trial, he does have the last meaningful words: "I hereby sentence....."
DP did not fire Mr. Brodsky. He fired Mr. Greenberg regardless of what Mr. Brodsky knows. It just sounds like more dirty tricks to get DP off from his team. I don't trust the lot of them. They all know he is not innocent and still they want him to walk out of that jail a free man. jmo

Indeed, LambChop -- Egos, at the very least, are being measured here, and you know what they say -- "Winning isn't everything - it's the only thing."

Again with the 6, er um, 5 AmEgos!!

*[attributed to Henry Russel "Red" Sanders, UCLA Bruins football coach]
Michael J. Robinson

**snipped** Mike Robinson, November 27, 2007 - YouTube **snipped**

That's the one!! Thank you AmandaReckonwith! I have to wonder where he is now and what he's up to....... The things that make ya go hmmmm........ back when Stacy went missing and this whole story broke I felt hinky about him and still do.
Good morning, everyone!

I woke up to this interesting story:

Peterson post-trial battle | Attorney: "I love Drew, Drew loves me"

A motion to remove one of Drew Peterson's defense attorneys was presented to a judge Thursday morning, but not before a friendly exchange took place between Peterson and attorney Steven Greenberg.

After the conversation between Peterson and Greenberg took place, Peterson asked that the motion be continued-- a bizarre twist in the post-trial battle between the defense team.

ABC 7 News broke the news to Brosdky about his client's decision to keep Greenberg on for now. Brodsky's response was anger laced with profanity.

More plus video at link:

Bases on Brodsky's reaction, I have a couple of observations, all MOO :moo:

1. Peterson is well aware that Brodsky lost the case for him single-handedly.

2. Peterson will keep Greenberg (the one with the true ability to file an appeal) and fire Brodsky.

3. Based on Greenberg's letter, Drew will claim that Brodsky blackmailed him to keep him as lead attorney.

I can't wait to hear yall's interpretation of this latest!
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