Theories On What Happened to Caylee Part #5

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(Snip Respect butwhatif?):)

"so goes into cover-up mode so she doesn't look like the bad mum CA was telling her she was."

I am glad you brought up that Cindy was telling Casey she was a bad mom. I agree. But, if she was trying to cover her tracks RE: the pool wouldn't she close the gate and put the ladder back where it "belongs"?


IMO the "A"s pulled out that ladder. and it has nothing to do with the case.
Just another diversion part of their plan. AKA Con game.
(Snip Respect Secretsolver):)

I would not put it past the Anthony's either. The only thing that bothers me about that is they came up with that on July15th and called LE and left a message that night(early morning July16th)giving the information about the gate/ladder.

Supposedly...they still believe Caylee is alive. George says they were "brainstorming" and remembered "the pool." Why were they not just sitting at home waiting for Casey to come back from Universal with LE? LE was heading out with Casey to find that Nanny! She was going to where she worked, to get that other phone so they could go get Caylee back from this Zanny the Nanny.

GA: "There has to be more to this mess."

That is what George claims was the thinking of he and Cindy that night. I think they are telling us they did not buy the nanny story either. Even tho' Cindy repeated the Zanny/Nanny story to her own mother as early as 2007 complete with Jeff H. and his son because SP thought Caylee was staying with "Danny" till she asked and was corrected.

And I still think this tells what George knows about how Caylee died:

GA: I don't want to believe that I have, have raised someone and brought someone in this world that could do something to another person. I don't want to believe that.

I do not think he disposed of the body. I think that George knows his daughter-he told RG and JG that Casey had "issues." He repeated in two statements how there was more than resentment on Casey's part with Cindy trying to be "mommy" to Caylee. That coupled with the fight he witnessed on June15th (along with the escalation that occurred the months before)even if there was no actual fight on the 15th things were tense enough. Then he sees Casey at their house when she is supposed to be in Jacksonville.

The day that George "saw" Casey(gas can day?)I think he knew that Caylee was no longer alive. I swear I saw a statement GA made about that day and trying to look in the trunk but Casey would not let him...then, I swear he makes a statement like: that is life...or these things happen...? If anybody knows what I am talking about please help.

I might be making that up and in that case...I have been reading about this case too much! :crazy:


That is what I believe too - GA knew - end of story.

All the rest of the Chit that falls out of his mouth changes as often as we all change our underwear = DAILY.
So if it falls out of his mouth its is none other then a silky smooth con job. CA is not smooth, or slick, she is irritating so we say other things about her. But he is the thinker here, not her.
I have to go back and relisten to the Greta interview done by G and C from their home early on in the case. From what I can remember, the entire interview was one lie after another by C and G, all to throw off motive, the evidence, the timeline and, untimately, the fact that KC murdered Caylee. G seeing them leave the house "hugs and kisses" and C hearing them breathing through a closed door, both on the 16th. The gas can incident on the 24th (G looking in the trunk and C finishing the story for him that the gas cans were there - makes me wonder if he didn't see something else). The pool ladder incident (to give KC an accidental death scenario). The borrowed shovel and KC using it to pull up grass (like he##). I can't recall what other topics were covered by G and C that day, but we can all safely assume that whatever was said was an out and out lie. They certainly knew early on that Caylee was dead and KC was responsible. They then went all out with the billboard, the donation jar, the TV interviews, the fake Caylee sightings, etc. It will really make my day when these two scoundrels are arrested.
I have to go back and relisten to the Greta interview done by G and C from their home early on in the case. From what I can remember, the entire interview was one lie after another by C and G, all to throw off motive, the evidence, the timeline and, untimately, the fact that KC murdered Caylee. G seeing them leave the house "hugs and kisses" and C hearing them breathing through a closed door, both on the 16th. The gas can incident on the 24th (G looking in the trunk and C finishing the story for him that the gas cans were there - makes me wonder if he didn't see something else). The pool ladder incident (to give KC an accidental death scenario). The borrowed shovel and KC using it to pull up grass (like he##). I can't recall what other topics were covered by G and C that day, but we can all safely assume that whatever was said was an out and out lie. They certainly knew early on that Caylee was dead and KC was responsible. They then went all out with the billboard, the donation jar, the TV interviews, the fake Caylee sightings, etc. It will really make my day when these two scoundrels are arrested.

I don't condone some of GA/CA's behaviour in this case, but I also don't agree that everything they've said is a deliberate lie. For instance, although I'm taking CA's comment about hearing breathing through the bedroom door with a pinch of salt, I think GA was giving an honest description of what he thought was the last time he'd seen Caylee, but that it was the events of 9 June he was recalling - not 16th. On 9 June both KC and Caylee did stay away overnight, at RMs.

I also don't see how his account of the gas can incident on 24 June can be said to be a deliberate lie since the gas cans were stolen the day before, he did report the theft, and KC's phone pings place her at the house on that day. He has given slightly different accounts of exactly what happened on that day, but that's not unusual when someone is trying to recall an incident from the past, especially given his age (memory problems), the stress he is obviously under, and the time that had elapsed. If you asked me to recall the events of a date a few weeks prior, I'd likely give you my best recollection. If you asked me again in a couple of weeks time, I might recall it differently.

As for the pool ladder/gate open incident, CA mentioned this to her co-worker DB just a few days after it occurred - i.e. in June, long before the 15 July! Nothing will convince me that anyone other than KC knew Caylee was dead prior to 15 July, and I personally don't believe that any of the A's knew the truth until Caylee's remains were found.

I think we have to remember that much of the A's account of events was either from their own sketchy memory and so subject to normal human error, or from their 'knowledge' gained from consulting 'the world according to KC' - i.e. KC's version of 'the truth' as relayed to them. They may be clinging in desperation to a suitably modified version of reality now (for whatever reason), and glossing over or denying certain facts, but I believe that prior to the remains being found they really did believe, or at least hoped, that Caylee was still alive.
I am confused, are you asking about me saying what if someone picked up a package in the ark out of the car?
if that is it....I am not so sure that the camera takes pictures as far away as that car was.....It was not in the main part of the lot, it was off to the side near a dumpster.
Maybe there are no shots of that location....
I think they protect the cars in their possession, this car was not yet in their possession...
I will say it again the brain of LE daddy? :eek: :confused:
I was just throwing out possibilities, not sure of anything with these guys.
Only sure of Two things; KEEPING my eye on GA. & Honoring CAYLEE. the rest of them are a circus.

Sorry for the confusion songline -just wasn't sure if the car was in position for the tow yard camera - also, do you know if LE released any pix taken there? Agree with you completely - this is a total circus - every day it becomes more unbelievable!!!
I think this could be a possiblity:
TonE said Casey could spend the night but Caylee couldn't on the 16th, Cindy wouldn't agree to babysit, Casey and her got in a big fight and Casey stormed out of the house, Casey got her babysitter out..Xanax or Caylee to sleep, put her in the trunk with her Winnie the Poo Blankie, went to Blockbuster and stayed the night with TonE. TonE decided to stay home from school on the 17th so they could sleep in and he could spend more time with Casey, Casey couldn't very well go get the baby out of the trunk plus she figured what the heck Caylee might get hungry but she will be ok, but it was hot in the trunk and poor Caylee didn't make it through the heat of the day. The games, lies, false accusations begin, it was everybodies fault but Casey. I have no doubt she is sitting in jail right now thinking she will be able to take the stand and convince 12 jurors it definately wasn't her that harmed Caylee.

Those were my first thoughts early on, that the baby sitter was the Trunk of her car, and the baby got a xanax to go to sleep: I posted this early on too: I woke up one night from a night mare hearing Caylee screaming "NO MOMMY NO" I think she hated the trunk and maybe one of those times poor CAYLEE just did not wake up. I still think that way, I never thought that Casey planed a murder. But I do think that ex LE daddy helped to clean up her mess. (no body yet has convinced me other wise) MY eyes are on GA and as for CA she is just abnoxiouse to the marrow. But she is not the planner.

Then I got side tracked by "Follow the Money" and SODDI and my mind is still there too.
Sorry for the confusion songline -just wasn't sure if the car was in position for the tow yard camera - also, do you know if LE released any pix taken there? Agree with you completely - this is a total circus - every day it becomes more unbelievable!!!
I do not know. :blowkiss:
I have to go back and relisten to the Greta interview done by G and C from their home early on in the case. From what I can remember, the entire interview was one lie after another by C and G, all to throw off motive, the evidence, the timeline and, untimately, the fact that KC murdered Caylee. G seeing them leave the house "hugs and kisses" and C hearing them breathing through a closed door, both on the 16th. The gas can incident on the 24th (G looking in the trunk and C finishing the story for him that the gas cans were there - makes me wonder if he didn't see something else). The pool ladder incident (to give KC an accidental death scenario). The borrowed shovel and KC using it to pull up grass (like he##). I can't recall what other topics were covered by G and C that day, but we can all safely assume that whatever was said was an out and out lie. They certainly knew early on that Caylee was dead and KC was responsible. They then went all out with the billboard, the donation jar, the TV interviews, the fake Caylee sightings, etc. It will really make my day when these two scoundrels are arrested.
Lexington by now I have learned that they don't even try to cover up their lies...They just do it and justify it. :puke:
This is what I believe is the thread they hold on to for dear life:"the DA cant tie KC to the deed" they have a stinky car, but nobody in the "A" family know how it got to stink. They put out a ladder by the pool and they have no clue how that got there either, in their mind Casey only stole from her grandma once and that is just fine. :eek: KC went out to party when CAYLEE was missing because she was grieving :eek: GA and KC remember what CAYLEE was wearing a month before :confused: I cant remember what my grand kids were wearing last weekend....:waitasec:
in thier mind the search team is not doing a good job and they do not need a Caylee garment :eek:
There are no finger prints on anything at all not even GA's print on his own Gas can but they have no idea why :eek:
There we go for for a starter....Are you expecting them to tell you anything?I cant wait for them to be locked up at least for a couple of years. :behindbar
I wonder why they had to come to Florida, I wonder what other trails of chit are out there? I wonder why GA is no longer an LE I wonder why CA's brother was pointing GA out as the looser. Just wondering.
Those were my first thoughts early on, that the baby sitter was the Trunk of her car, and the baby got a xanax to go to sleep: I posted this early on too: I woke up one night from a night mare hearing Caylee screaming "NO MOMMY NO" I think she hated the trunk and maybe one of those times poor CAYLEE just did not wake up. I still think that way, I never thought that Casey planed a murder. But I do think that ex LE daddy helped to clean up her mess. (no body yet has convinced me other wise) MY eyes are on GA and as for CA she is just abnoxiouse to the marrow. But she is not the planner.

Then I got side tracked by "Follow the Money" and SODDI and my mind is still there too.

I can follow along with the Caylee left in a trunk theory, possibly medicated but, she would have had to die in her sleep because why wouldn't she cry or scream? Apartment parking lots are busy places. People work, go to school at different shifts, surely someone would hear a child crying in a trunk?
I have a question which I am not sure where to ask; while going over possible scenario's I thought of what Tony's roommate said, that Casey would leave for "work" around 9 am the same time he went to school.

Has it been determined where Casey went mornings around 9 am during the time she was living with Tony? I assume she was not going to the Anthony house, but where then did she go, if this has been discussed somewhere can someone give me the link of that thread, TIA.
I can follow along with the Caylee left in a trunk theory, possibly medicated but, she would have had to die in her sleep because why wouldn't she cry or scream? Apartment parking lots are busy places. People work, go to school at different shifts, surely someone would hear a child crying in a trunk?

You are correct 100% whiteangora asleep on a drug.
If you are referring to me waking in the night and hearing CAYLEE screaming "NO Mommy NO" That would have happened when she was supposed to go in the trunk...(I did not see anything when I jumped out of bed just heard the scream vividly) this happened very very early on. Almost as if she was sending me a message. It is posted somewhere.
I think that KC stomped out with Caylee and took her to the bonding vacation. There was a fight, maybe the 9th, maybe the 15th. And I think that one thing that CA said to KC was something like "I will never forgive you if something happens to that baby."

This is why, the very first time that KC appeared in court, CA hollered to her, "I forgive you!"

I never heard that---is there a video? I would love to see that. TIA
Just wondering... was the Pontiac parked in the garage most of the time. I ask because as often as it appears she must be putting Caylee in the trunk how did she do it without someone witnessing it at least once.

When she parked on the driveway I wonder if the neighbors saw her pull her car in the garage, close the door, then open the door a few seconds after and leave. If I was a neighbor and saw her do that more than a few times I would say WTH???

Maybe her car has a hatch from the back seat to the trunk.
Just wondering... was the Pontiac parked in the garage most of the time. I ask because as often as it appears she must be putting Caylee in the trunk how did she do it without someone witnessing it at least once.

When she parked on the driveway I wonder if the neighbors saw her pull her car in the garage, close the door, then open the door a few seconds after and leave. If I was a neighbor and saw her do that more than a few times I would say WTH???

Maybe her car has a hatch from the back seat to the trunk.

Remember, any and all talk of an ALIVE Caylee ever being in the trunk is Pure Speculation. Not a proven fact.:blowkiss:

IIRC, The neighbor who told LE about the Pontiac being at the house on June 17th-19th remembered this because it was backed into the driveway. This stood out to her because previously it had Always been parked head on.

Will find you a link. brb.
Remember, any and all talk of an ALIVE Caylee ever being in the trunk is Pure Speculation. Not a proven fact.:blowkiss:

IIRC, The neighbor who told LE about the Pontiac being at the house on June 17th-19th remembered this because it was backed into the driveway. This stood out to her because previously it had Always been parked head on.

Will find you a link. brb.

Thanks. Sorry, I should have said 'alive Caylee'.

Speculation of course, but when are WS'ers thinking she started putting 'an alive' sedated Caylee in the trunk? A few days before she murdered her or are we talking weeks, months? That's why I thought if it had been more than a few days (like weeks) you would think psycho girl would be concerned someone might see her putting her in the trunk. So whenever she sedated her and put her in the trunk, where was she when she would do that? In the garage (every time) where no one would see? And if her car wasn't in the garage she would have to drive in the garage, close the door, put her in then open the garage door and leave. If neighbors saw her do that more than a few times I would think they would wonder what the h3ll she was doing.

Thanks. Sorry, I should have said 'alive Caylee'.

Speculation of course, but when are WS'ers thinking she started putting 'an alive' sedated Caylee in the trunk? A few days before she murdered her or are we talking weeks, months? That's why I thought if it had been more than a few days (like weeks) you would think psycho girl would be concerned someone might see her putting her in the trunk. So whenever she sedated her and put her in the trunk, where was she when she would do that? In the garage (every time) where no one would see? And if her car wasn't in the garage she would have to drive in the garage, close the door, put her in then open the garage door and leave. If neighbors saw her do that more than a few times I would think they would wonder what the h3ll she was doing.


Sorry, I haven't found a link yet about the car being suddenly backed into the driveway June 17th-19th. Post-death.

I don't subscribe to the theory KC used the trunk to stash Caylee while she was alive, so I dunno... Brian-01-0717.pdf

Found it!:woohoo: Here's a bit of it. There's more "Pontiac in the garage/driveway" talk on the last two pages too.

"Q. Okay is there something that you when you seen that car is it normally pulled in straight or is it backed in?
A. Normally pulled in straight.
Q. Okay.
A. Most times is out outside of the garage.
Q. Did you...
A. Occasionally she did pull in the garage but..."
You are correct 100% whiteangora asleep on a drug.
If you are referring to me waking in the night and hearing CAYLEE screaming "NO Mommy NO" That would have happened when she was supposed to go in the trunk...(I did not see anything when I jumped out of bed just heard the scream vividly) this happened very very early on. Almost as if she was sending me a message. It is posted somewhere.

Hi, dear songline, can you elaborate on this? I don't recall reading it early on, but then I didn't get involved with the case until December. Sounds very
interesting to me, 'specially since I respect your posts & you! :rose:
I have to go back and relisten to the Greta interview done by G and C from their home early on in the case. From what I can remember, the entire interview was one lie after another by C and G, all to throw off motive, the evidence, the timeline and, untimately, the fact that KC murdered Caylee. G seeing them leave the house "hugs and kisses" and C hearing them breathing through a closed door, both on the 16th. The gas can incident on the 24th (G looking in the trunk and C finishing the story for him that the gas cans were there - makes me wonder if he didn't see something else). The pool ladder incident (to give KC an accidental death scenario). The borrowed shovel and KC using it to pull up grass (like he##). I can't recall what other topics were covered by G and C that day, but we can all safely assume that whatever was said was an out and out lie. They certainly knew early on that Caylee was dead and KC was responsible. They then went all out with the billboard, the donation jar, the TV interviews, the fake Caylee sightings, etc. It will really make my day when these two scoundrels are arrested.

(Snip Respect Lexington) ;)

I am thinking word for word what you have written here. I just recently transcribed part of the GVS interview and all of this is fresh in my mind and I was left with the very same impressions.

On the subject of June16th and George's statement RE: "Normal Day". By that statement alone...saying it was a normal day for Casey to be going to work, is a lie.

Statement to LE(Richard Grund)
September 5th 2008

RG: ...and then he , he just kind of blurted out about the whole job thing. He said you know, we, I knew she didn't have any of these jobs. Said she, when she told us she worked at the Sports Authority I went there one day and they told me she'd never been there, and I've discovered most of the jobs she's told us she had, she never had.

In a statement I am watching on video right now and will transcribe if I can not find that already done...George tells OC LE how Casey would fake emails, sending them from one computer to another to make it seem like they were real. George goes on to say that he caught on to it by looking at the address and whatnot...

Statement to LE(George Anthony)
July24, 2008

GA: But a lot of times they've gotten into it is because of Casey not being where she's supposed to have been. The lying about working. Me wanting to be Mr. detective again. I know you guys brought up about Sports Authority(inaudible).
LE: Yeah
GA: I went out to Sports Authority and I, I think I told you guys, I actually went inside and confronted the manager.
LE: That's not necessarily being a detective that's being a dad
LE: Um-hum
LE: Well, you know(inaudible)
GA: And, and I(inaudible) and this, well and I even asked this Ryan, god, what's Ryan's last name? Hasting? Yeah. I asked Ryan, I said, Ryan did you work with Casey? "No, she doesn't work here." I said, well then how in the hell did she make...oh, did we tell you about a report supposedly that she was at gunpoint?

By his own statements George knew during the interview with GVS that Casey had not had a job in two years. His was and IS lying when he tells the story that on June16th 2008 he saw Casey and Caylee leave for work like any normal day. How much else of this statement is true or a lie...? Cindy only "heard their breathing through the door" on the 16th leaving the pressure on George. When GVS further questions CA about when the last time they saw Caylee, CA repeats July15th(for herself).

About the night of the 16th Cindy says: "I knew where she would be sleeping that night." Casey told George on the 16th that she would "see him and mom tomorrow because she had to work late" so that would mean that neither George nor Cindy should have expected the girls to be home on the night of the 16th but Cindy "knew where she would be sleeping that night." Where did they think Casey and Caylee were staying? That is not clear...

Both George and Cindy are vauge(imagine that!)regarding where they thought Caylee was going/staying (for the night) once she walked out the door with Casey on June16th normal day. They do not elaborate in this interview about the 18th when they would have expected the next "normal day" where Casey and Caylee are back in their room at night like "normal" so they can leave for work, saying good bye to George around ten to 1:00 like "normal".


Statement to LE(George Anthony)
August 4th 2008

LE: ...these two days out but um, she, so she actually told you on the 16th, I plan on staying at Zanny's on a late event?
GA: Yes, most definitely
LE: Mom starts calling, apparently mom says that she had some form of a uh, big deal going on at, at work, a convention. So they were staying at the uh, Hard Rock Hotel
GA: That's what she told us
LE: Yeah
GA: I mean that's what my wife reiterated to me
LE: You didn't have a conversation just what your wife...
GA: Right
LE: ...told you, okay. And then there was, they had to move that to Busch Gardens Tampa area
GA: Yes
LE: And that's where Zanny got in an accident...
LE: Mom starts calling, apparently...staying at the Hard Rock Hotel

George tells LE that it was Cindy who spoke to Casey on the 16th and Casey told her of staying at the Hard Rock Hotel. At least that's what his wife reiterated to him. Does not sound like Casey told him "on the way out" of the house that morning. Seems like mom had to start calling to find out where "they would be sleeping." And that's why Cindy did know "where they would be sleeping."

Statement to LE(Cindy Anthony)
August 1st 2008

LE: On this week, on this conference week, do you ever get on the phone, do you remember...
CA: I talk to her everyday
LE: Every day you talk to the baby?
CA: No, I stopped talking to Caylee, the last time I talked to Caylee was the 15th when we put her to bed. Now, George had a conversation with her in the morning, she was there in the morning, had breakfast and the normal stuff.

(above is from later in same interview 08-01-08: what follows came first)

CA: Now on the 22nd(6-22-08 Sunday) I talked to her in the morning and Zanny's actually I think she said Zanny's roommate has come in, Raquel, that's right, Raquel was with her, said Raquel was with her, ah, when they went to Busch Gardens. That was the 21st, Zanny and her roommate were together."
LE: She called you on the 22nd and told you that?
CA: Yeah
LE: When did they get back?
CA: Well here's the deal, they ended up staying at the park so Juliette could actually go to the park that day and then she said they stayed one more night and way on their way back Monday morning on the 23rd.

So. Did Cindy and George think that Casey was in Busch Gardens/Tampa the night of the 16th or 22nd? If Cindy thinks it was the 22nd and they were Tampa lets go back to what George says about the night of the 16th...Casey said she had a work thing...but then he tells LE it was Cindy who told him about that...

and around and round we go...where it stops...?:rolleyes:

Verité;3839110 said:
Hi, dear songline, can you elaborate on this? I don't recall reading it early on, but then I didn't get involved with the case until December. Sounds very
interesting to me, 'specially since I respect your posts & you! :rose:

Hi sweet Verte: :blowkiss:
This is the entire discussion maybe that will help, if not please ask away - be my pleasure to post with you always:

Originally Posted by Becky319
Casey got her babysitter out..Xanax or Caylee to sleep, put her in the trunk with her Winnie the Poo Blankie, went to Blockbuster and stayed the night with TonE.

Originally Posted by songline
Those were my first thoughts early on, that the baby sitter was the Trunk of her car, and the baby got a xanax to go to sleep: I posted this early on too:
I woke up one night from a night mare hearing Caylee screaming "NO MOMMY NO" I think she hated the trunk and maybe one of those times poor CAYLEE just did not wake up. I still think that way.
I never thought that Casey planed a murder. But I do think that ex LE daddy helped to clean up her mess. (no body yet has convinced me other wise) MY eyes are on GA; and as for CA she is just obnoxious to the marrow. But she is not the planner.

Then I got side tracked by "Follow the Money" and SODDI and my mind is still there too.

Originally Posted by whiteangora
I can follow along with the Caylee left in a trunk theory, possibly medicated but, she would have had to die in her sleep because why wouldn't she cry or scream? Apartment parking lots are busy places. People work, go to school at different shifts, surely someone would hear a child crying in a trunk?

Originaly Posted Songline
You are correct 100% whiteangora; asleep on a drug.
If you are referring to me waking in the night and hearing CAYLEE screaming "NO Mommy NO" That would have happened when she was supposed to go in the trunk...(I did not see anything when I jumped out of bed just heard the scream vividly) this happened very very early on. Almost as if she was sending me a message. It is posted somewhere.
Verite&#769; I hope this clarifies what you are asking; if not ask me a direct question and I will reply :)
In My head I see a selfish Casey going to party and leaving the baby in a trunk drudged, I am slightly clairvoyant, (I was as a child and I had suppressed that - so I am not really).
I do not know why I jumped out of the bed hearing the baby scream "NO Mommy No".

But I have had dreams every so often (not often) then they were verified as factual.
However this will never be verified, so It was just one of those night mares.
For example: I told some friends about a dream I had - "Princess Dianna is going to be dead" - one month prior to her accident. (so we all dismissed that dream) A month later I was in Sag Harbor - A beach by the Hampton's in NY. As I came down the steps one morning my girlfriend said OH my God Guess What?
No it does not happen often, but it occasionally happens, and some dreams have no base in reality.
I never know when I am on to something or not.
I suppressed all that 6th sense when I was a child because I never liked what I saw and I feared it.
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