Theory #3: Other Stranger Abduction

Elberethe said:
Hi Doogie.

Hope I didn't offend you. It certainly was not my intention and I see how much work and how much leads you have followed. No one can question how hard you have worked on this.
I am not offended at all - I just wanted to demonstrate that other theories were being looked at in addition to the Waters/Brody theory. I appreciate any input that people can offer.
Dr. Doogie said:
One more quick example of the highlights (lowlights?) of what has been looked into: the musician Neil Young lives in the area not far from the place were Anna disappeared. Somewhere, in the back of this dustbin I call a mind, I recalled that a member of the band Crazy Horse (whom Neil records with frequently) was denied entry into the United States due to legal troubles and thought I remembered that it was for statutory rape. Letting my mind go to the possibilty that the bandmember could have been in the area in January 1973, I checked the discography of Neil to see if he could have been recording an album at his ranch at that time with Crazy Horse. I could never locate any information about the nature of the bandmember's legal troubles, so eventually I gave up this pursuit. (Annasmom, sometimes ya' just gotta look for zebras too.)
Couldn't agree more, my friend, especially when you've looked at most of the horses. But our dream author has a legitimate point. Lots of Coastside kids are home-schooled and don't really circulate in the community. I just ran into a piano parent a couple of days ago and said I couldn't believe how seldom I saw any one of my hundreds of (I'm not exaggerating) former piano students, some of which still live here. I accused them of hiding when they saw me, still feeling guilty about not practicing.
Dr. Doogie said:
One more quick example of the highlights (lowlights?) of what has been looked into: the musician Neil Young lives in the area not far from the place were Anna disappeared. Somewhere, in the back of this dustbin I call a mind, I recalled that a member of the band Crazy Horse (whom Neil records with frequently) was denied entry into the United States due to legal troubles and thought I remembered that it was for statutory rape. Letting my mind go to the possibilty that the bandmember could have been in the area in January 1973, I checked the discography of Neil to see if he could have been recording an album at his ranch at that time with Crazy Horse. I could never locate any information about the nature of the bandmember's legal troubles, so eventually I gave up this pursuit. (Annasmom, sometimes ya' just gotta look for zebras too.)

I didn't know he lived near there! Yes, a very strange angle to pursue. You are certainly looking at things I would not think much of. I suppose that is possible, but I like your "Occums Razor" thing and really think this is as simple as abduction by someone wanting a child. No one famous or terribly weird involved. No cults or such. Just someone desperate and selfish. Someone who doesn't feel any empathy for others; who puts their own needs above those of others. Someone you wouldn't know because you would never run in those circles. Make sense?
Elberethe said:
If there is anything I can do, please don't hesitate to ask. I realize I get on odd tangents at times. I have a tendency to approach things from a different perspective then other people. Sometimes seems a curse, but I have also seen it have good results for others. I'm Native American so please forgive my awkward way of approaching problems. Most is cultural differences.

By the by, you can kick the AC out there anytime now .. it is getting kinda warm inland here ;)
Elberethe, it's 50 degrees where we are! One of my sons (Annasbro) was adopted by a Lakota tribe in North Dakota and given the name Plays the Earth. He did some recordings with them. I have always believed that Native Americans are more open to dream messages than some of the rest of us.
Elberethe and your point is well taken. I guess that I may have been hasty in saying "nill" - a more thoughtful answer would have been "unlikely" (but this case gets more unlikely everyday!). This makes the article in the HMB Review even more important. Annasmom, have you seen any hard-copies of the new edition yet?
Annasmom said:
Couldn't agree more, my friend, especially when you've looked at most of the horses. But our dream author has a legitimate point. Lots of Coastside kids are home-schooled and don't really circulate in the community. I just ran into a piano parent a couple of days ago and said I couldn't believe how seldom I saw any one of my hundreds of (I'm not exaggerating) former piano students, some of which still live here. I accused them of hiding when they saw me, still feeling guilty about not practicing.

We are so on the same wavelength, I don't have to tell you much. My dream told me that too .. this is stuff you already know. I think maybe just kinda put on a back burner. Yes, homeschooling is what I thought as one possibility. If any schooling at all (depending on how low life this person is and face it .. anyone stealing a child is pretty low life). In and out of the community is another possibility. I'm sure you can think of just as many other possibles.

Please don't feel hopeless though. There is a link somewhere. Something that connects this person to you. I don't believe for a minute this was a random abduction. They had opportunity. Just my gut there.
Annasmom said:
One of my sons (Annasbro) was adopted by a Lakota tribe in North Dakota and given the name Plays the Earth.
I was chased off tribal land once in Nevada and was given the name "Plays with Self", but thats a different story...:liar:
Annasmom said:
Elberethe, it's 50 degrees where we are! One of my sons (Annasbro) was adopted by a Lakota tribe in North Dakota and given the name Plays the Earth. He did some recordings with them. I have always believed that Native Americans are more open to dream messages than some of the rest of us.

Oh what a wonderful name! You must be very proud of him (I am)! I never had an American Native name. What an honor. My son just got home from school (15 years) and saw your post and now he wants a Native American name. Hahah. I will be busy now, as you can imagine. Glad we got to talk some.

Again, keeping you in my prayers and thoughts. I really feel a new hope for the return of Anna. Maybe your son can ask the Lakota to give her a name. I would love to know what they come up with. I bet it would be beautiful!
Dr. Doogie said:
I was chased off tribal land once in Nevada and was given the name "Plays with Self", but thats a different story...:liar:

:doh: /comfort Doogie. :blowkiss: Funny guy.
Dr. Doogie said:
Elberethe and your point is well taken. I guess that I may have been hasty in saying "nill" - a more thoughtful answer would have been "unlikely" (but this case gets more unlikely everyday!). This makes the article in the HMB Review even more important. Annasmom, have you seen any hard-copies of the new edition yet?
I'm printing it off the web page at this very moment ( WebSleuthers, I have to tell you that both Doogie and I are MUCH better looking than that picture. It looks like a good story to me. What do you think?
awww Doogie. /comfort It makes it look like you are bald! It is a good picture though and it is so good to put a face to the people I feel such a connection to. The story is great! They put alot of information in there! This writer really cares.

I'm going to read it again. Have to start dinner though~ haha.

Congratulations on getting the story posted! Wonderful job! :dance: :dance:
Doogie is going to get me more information on Craig when he gets home. I will forward that info to anyone who wants it or I'm sure you can get it from Doogie too. I like to continue any discussion of Craig on this thread so as not to interfere with what others are doing.

I also think it would be a very good idea to explore any other people who were in the area or on the property around the time of the disappearance. I am in no way saying to stop checking out Brody/Waters. That needs to be done. I just think we have enough people interested that we can pursue other ideas at the same time.

My apologies in advance if I'm stepping on any toes. I'm more amateur then any one here, but I just strongly feel that this theory (other stranger abduction) needs to be explored a bit more.

Thanks for understanding,
Anyone who wants to see the info Doogie sent me, just drop me an email at and I will forward it to you.

I will say this much. My hinky meter is still pointing at Craig, but it did drop a couple of volts. Meaning, I can see a bit better now why he is being dismissed as involved. A bit.

I could be interesting to get everyone's thoughts on it, but I get the feeling this is not something Doogie wants discussed in a public forum? I still have my reservations and others may too, but how do you discuss them without offending someone who might be innocent?

I do appreciate Doogie forward the info to me and it did give me reason to pause. Thankyou Sir.

Btw. my hinky meter is very sensitive so don't fret too much about it. :crazy:
Elberethe said:
Anyone who wants to see the info Doogie sent me, just drop me an email at and I will forward it to you.
The info that I sent includes phone numbers and addresses that we have obtained for him through Zabasearch and other public databases. This is info that any of you could access on your own, but I would request that nobody contact him directly. When it becomes time to make contact, I would like to do that myself - I don't want to scare him off with numerous strangers contacting him all at once. Thanks!
Dr. Doogie said:
The info that I sent includes phone numbers and addresses that we have obtained for him through Zabasearch and other public databases. This is info that any of you could access on your own, but I would request that nobody contact him directly. When it becomes time to make contact, I would like to do that myself - I don't want to scare him off with numerous strangers contacting him all at once. Thanks!

hahaha! Me contact him!? I'm chicken! :chicken: :chicken: No, I'm looking for something that might make YOU want to contact him. I do all my work behind the scenes. hehe. :p
Ronald Middleton is a man who was convicted of murdering an acquaintance over a monetary dispute in the 1990's while living on Purissima Creek Road. He buried his victim under an earthen dam on the creek.

This occured just down the road from where Anna disappeared twenty years earlier. Because this put a murderer in the neighborhood and since Middleton disposed of his victim's body in the creek, I wanted to take a closer look at him as a possible perp in Anna's case.

The questions centered around: 1) Was he a resident of PC Road in 1973?, and 2) Did his rap sheet contain any sexual offenses or crimes against children?

I received the following email from the San Mateo County Sheriff Detective assigned Anna's case:

"I was not able to determine where Middleton lived in 1973 and there is
nothing suggesting he would be involved with crimes against children."

It looks like this angle is not worth persuing any more.
Shortly after Anna’s disappearance, Joe Ford and Annasbro visited every house on Purissima Creek Road to see if anyone had seen anything that may be of help in the search. Everyone was as helpful as they could be, until the visited a ramshackle residence at the corner of PC Road and Verde Road. There, they were met by a man wielding a hatchet and was told to leave the property immediately. Evidently, the man moved out shortly afterwards.

Prior to Anna’s disappearance, if something bizarre had happened on the road, most people would have at first suspected this man. This overall suspicion, coupled with the violent reaction to visitors, has bothered Joe all of these years and leads him to wonder if this “Wild Man” may have had some involvement in Anna’s case. As far as we know, he was never questioned by authorities.

The following is a bit confusing (and hopefully Joe and Annasbro can clarify the timeline): Joe and Annasbro returned to the shack after the man moved and gathered some items that had been left behind. There was roll of film negatives (nothing suspicious on them) and some mail and paycheck stubs for a Richard Speder. What is confusing are these items were all dated in January and February of 1980, but Joe had indicated that he gathered them shortly after the man vacated the shack. The timeframe does not match up – if the man moved out within weeks of the disappearance and these items were collected shortly after that, they should be dated 1973. Another couple of possibilities are that the man stayed there until 1980, then moved out, or that he left in 1973, then someone else resided there until 1980 when the materials were discovered.

As a result of the time frame confusion, we do not know if the “Wild Man” and Richard Speder are one in the same. One of the pictures on the roll of negatives shows a young man with long hair and a beard, but Joe Ford does not believe that he is the “Wild Man”. The picture may be of Richard Speder (if Speder is not the Wild Man) or it may be of an acquaintance of Speder. One way to nail this question down is to find someone who knew Speder and see if the man in the picture is him – I am working on that angle now.

I have googled and zabaed the name Richard Speder and found some hits, but nothing that immediately jumps out as suspicious (not an RSO, etc.) If anyone wants to take a shot at researching him, be my guest. If you do find anything, please email me first before posting.
The paycheck stubs for Richard Speder indicate that he worked part time for an organization located in Montara (about ten miles north of Half Moon Bay) named “House of Affirmation”.

The HOA was a live-in treatment facility for defrocked Catholic priests who had been accused pedophilia. The HOA originated in Massachusetts and the Montara branch served all of California. The organization shut down in 1987 due to financial improprieties and lawsuits over molestations. The accusations were that the organization either did not do enough to protect children (releasing supposedly “cured” pedophile priests back into society) or actually helped cover-up molestations by its patients. The founder himself was accused of molestation and fled to Mexico to avoid prosecution. I have not found any record of molestaton accusations concerning the Montara facility.

When I first started looking in to Anna’s case, I found an article in the San Jose Mercury News that mentioned Anna’s name in connection with a Catholic priest named Stephen Keisle who was accused of molestation (he has since been convicted) in the Bay Area. The article specifically linked Keisle to the abduction of Amber Swartz-Garcia from Pinole, CA. His homes in Pinole and Truckee, CA were being searched with “cadaver-sniffing” dogs and ground-penetrating radar for possible burial sites of his victims. No bodies were ever found and he was never charged concerning Swartz-Garcia or any other possible murders. The mention of Anna was in the context of a listing of girls that went missing in the area during the time he lived there. Frighteningly, Keisle specifically mentioned that his preference in victims was “little blond girls”.

There are many gaps in connecting all of this disparate data into a plausible theory. In particular:

1) Is Speder the same as or have connections to the “Wild Man”?

2) Is there any evidence that Speder’s connection to the HOA is anything other than as an employee? Did he maintain any relationships with any of the pedophiles residing there?

3) We know that HOA treated pedophile priests in the area and that Keisle was a pedophile priest in the area – did he have any actually connection to HOA as a patient or to other pedophile priest who were patients?

Needless to say, this is not a development that we hoped to find, but honesty in our search dictates that we must follow the dark leads as well as the positive ones. This is the first possible connection of Anna’s case and pedophilia, so I would ask that everybody be judicious in your postings and questions. I believe that this is worthy of examination, but we also must be careful when discussing this delicate issue. If you have any questions concerning the appropriateness of a post, please email me and I can offer my opinion. Forgive me if I am stating the obvious here, but I would rather say too much up front than try to clean up problems afterward.
Dr. Doogie said:
Shortly after Anna’s disappearance, Joe Ford and Annasbro visited every house on Purissima Creek Road to see if anyone had seen anything that may be of help in the search. Everyone was as helpful as they could be, until the visited a ramshackle residence at the corner of PC Road and Verde Road. There, they were met by a man wielding a hatchet and was told to leave the property immediately. Evidently, the man moved out shortly afterwards.

Prior to Anna’s disappearance, if something bizarre had happened on the road, most people would have at first suspected this man. This overall suspicion, coupled with the violent reaction to visitors, has bothered Joe all of these years and leads him to wonder if this “Wild Man” may have had some involvement in Anna’s case. As far as we know, he was never questioned by authorities.

The following is a bit confusing (and hopefully Joe and Annasbro can clarify the timeline): Joe and Annasbro returned to the shack after the man moved and gathered some items that had been left behind. There was roll of film negatives (nothing suspicious on them) and some mail and paycheck stubs for a Richard Speder. What is confusing are these items were all dated in January and February of 1980, but Joe had indicated that he gathered them shortly after the man vacated the shack. The timeframe does not match up – if the man moved out within weeks of the disappearance and these items were collected shortly after that, they should be dated 1973. Another couple of possibilities are that the man stayed there until 1980, then moved out, or that he left in 1973, then someone else resided there until 1980 when the materials were discovered.

As a result of the time frame confusion, we do not know if the “Wild Man” and Richard Speder are one in the same. One of the pictures on the roll of negatives shows a young man with long hair and a beard, but Joe Ford does not believe that he is the “Wild Man”. The picture may be of Richard Speder (if Speder is not the Wild Man) or it may be of an acquaintance of Speder. One way to nail this question down is to find someone who knew Speder and see if the man in the picture is him – I am working on that angle now.

I have googled and zabaed the name Richard Speder and found some hits, but nothing that immediately jumps out as suspicious (not an RSO, etc.) If anyone wants to take a shot at researching him, be my guest. If you do find anything, please email me first before posting.

so if annasbro and joe ford took his stuff after he vacated what year was that? was it in the 70s and what was on those papers? and why the date of 1980 did it hold a connection to this man was something suposed to happen in the 80's? if we can find out the year the stuff was found it might shed some light on things but if it was found in the 70s then the date of 1980 is very strange

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