TKS S1 E5: "Different Seasons"

CONCERN: I do not want to seem haughty, but showing the beautiful 15 year old daughter whose mother was a SK's victim and a victim of a SK who may be the one who likes to harass siblings is dangerous. This is a real crime and a really sick killer.
Are these cases still open?? Are the only investigative clues available those that are in news articles or essays? If it is still open, I will take the time to read everything you have available and see if I can find some new info. I'm only a couple of hours away from Daytona.
Many thanks for the reply. We're in Europe atm and don't have cable access. Will try to catch up some other way.


even web sleuths dont want things posted . my anomily sorry for my poor spelling is that this is happening in canada as well. All I know is that our provinces share data due to the RCMP it horrify's me to know that nothing is being done over there. Help me understand why the people of your states arent getting involved
fascinating episode. The squatter in the field should be glad he wasn't messing with the wrong people-he could have easily ended up on the wrong side of a gun with the way he was acting, or they could have been the police. Really angers me. The Peter Brendt theories of why the killer went cold makes sense to may not be the case always with every serial killer but it makes so much sense that possibly he has a normal life that he wants to maintain right now. I also wonder about the two brothers....while DNA may have cleared them in some avenues I get the feeling that they, or one of them, may be involved in some shady stuff of some sort. Something on that property maybe? I don't know.
Can't help but think what a shame it is that Scorpiosdaughter isn't active with all this going on. Would have thought the show would have brought them back.
Hi all - I just found this board via the A&E series. I started watching as the topic is close to my heart.

I was very briefly married to a man in FL who admitted during our marriage therapy to regularly brutalizing prostitutes. One of (ha!) our marriage therapists at the time as well as my long term subsequent therapist said that they strongly believed he had already likely murdered a prostitute (or more) or considering the escalation in the behaviors he had shared with them, would do so in the very near future.

He was an assistant District Attorney and he bragged to me (and his former wife) how he would murder us and get away with it easily, due to his knowledge and police connections. I was strongly advised by both therapists and family in law enforcement not to come forwards a) because they have enough to do without spurious claims of "maybe" and b) they were certain he'd probably try to follow through on his threats even without me revealing this particular information.

I came to this site out of curiosity... and then thought ..."oh gosh I hope there isn't a Florida thread." Then I looked at the map/timeline.. he moved from CA to FL in 2003 and... ugh. My stomach is in knots.

I'm not sure what else to say other than I still carry guilt that I didn't do more to try and protect other women, I hope it really isn't him, and ... I don't know. This is the first time I've thought about all this in a very long time. My prayers and support go out to those who have lost or who are missing a loved one.
Bearsfan- you could always send an anonymous email or letter to the LE in this case leaving your personal details out. You could also send this info to the marriage counsel who may perhaps feel it is necessary to send his info on to LE. They will check into everything and won't pound on his door without good reason.

For what it's worth.. I'm glad you got away regardless of the social status he holds... Anyone deserves a better life than to be threatened and no one is above the law.

Doesn't say when he moved to FL. We do have a few, one in Kissimmee, one in Tampa) and I think Christmas FL. (Regan Kendall was Kissimmee 7-10-2007, Melissa Easterling was Tampa 6-11-2011, Unidentified Christmas FL 11-29-2003. It sounds like he was in NY in 2005.

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