trial day 31: the defense continues it's case in chief #88

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Was the interview in the orange jumpsuit done after the video where she is acting crazy? Is it the same day? Someone please answer...did she know she was going to be arrested when she was doing her looney act?

:seeya: strawberry !

There was a portion of a video of JA where she is cray cray -- doing "head stands" in the interrogation room -- she is in her regular clothes ... not :jail: clothes ...

Also in this video, she is "singing" AND "talking to herself" ... :eek:

This video is a "must see" ... :crazy:

But now I can't get the video to link ! It's on Fox -- info is in my post above.

I hope this helps ...

What the the heck was the defence thinking when they solicited this guys services. I mean its obvious they scraped the bottom of the barrel. They don't seem to REALY have it together. Wilma all smiles and snarky! Towards juan! Yesterday! Now this information comes out. And exposes him. And makes the defence look bad!! Some smart sleuthed somewhere did his homework! And sent the Samuels information to HLN.

The talking heads are having a field day with Samuels testimony! At his cost!
He's been exposed! I mean who comes to court with a DMV and flips thru the pages to find and read.! Than needs wilma to coach him!
No pier reviews! All from magazines! How intelligent is wilma that she puts someone like him up there! In a death penalty case who turns out to be played on national tv as a quack.

I said earlier that I think he is, quite simply, the best they could get under the circumstances. I doubt very much that any credible psychologist or psychiatrist would have been willing to say anything other than "your client appears be a narcissistic sociopath who committed a premeditated rage killing." So, they got stuck with Gus Searcy's dad.
I couldn't believe my eyes! Why hadn't they played that!
they definitely could have not shown any footage of this - "no words" - because it would have completely blown out their "self defense" strategy
Excellent analysis. No continuing education and no publications. Plus did you notice that he DID include some degree as a radio engineer or something from the 1960's? I get that he changed careers, but why include it at all? Very odd.

So he could testify as an expert radio engineer in a trial?
Thank you to the poster who posted the link to You Tube video of the Wendy Andriano case. It was interesting to hear Juan Martinez's comments about the case and I would like to see more of his prosecution. Is this part of a larger TV show episode? Nothing came up when I searched the 48 hours and Dateline web sites.
Yes and I also think she could have had plans to commit another murder using the 9mm gun hidden in the engine of the rental car she was driving the day she was arrested in Yreka. If I'm not mistaken I believe LE also found a couple knives packed in some boxes of her belongings also in the car. Who might have been at risk? The Hughes? Potential witnesses like DB .. Gas cans ... Mimi? Clearly it's unlikely she was planning to commit suicide.

Totally agree she was planning to kill again. I wonder who she had in her sights.

There is no way she was planning suicide because you are right she had both knife and gun. Not likely she was going to stab herself since she cant even handle a paper cut.

Just cant figure out who she hated as much as Travis. I bet her emails and phone calls to other people would give us a hint who she was after. Im wondering if it was someone who ratted on her to the police.
Did anyone ever get a copy of the DT witness list? I want to make sure the two experts are the only ones on it. TIA

Hi how's your dear brother?
I have a question! You said you will talk to Janine on
Monday regarding this latest video. Have you seen the video on youtube
of the song jodi was singing? How real weird ? She hid in the closet! Spooky similarities
Thanks katie
Saw the video. Didn't see crazy, and didn't see an attempt to look crazy. Saw a narcissist and a sociopath who knew she was being watched, loving every second, and finding it hilariously funny to taunt Flores (singing about memory, etc).

No way the jury should see it. Its just one more of her lies.
Totally agree she was planning to kill again. I wonder who she had in her sights.

There is no way she was planning suicide because you are right she had both knife and gun. Not likely she was going to stab herself since she cant even handle a paper cut.

Just cant figure out who she hated as much as Travis. I bet her emails and phone calls to other people would give us a hint who she was after. Im wondering if it was someone who ratted on her to the police.

Deanna :moo:
WOW on that video! Interesting that even with the position she is in, she can't help snooping. In the GARBAGE CAN no less in an interrogation room! What a freakin' weirdo!!! :gasp:

:seeya: OMG yes ... SNOOPING in the trash can ... I mean WHO does that ? Only a :crazy:

:floorlaugh: I just can't stop laughing at that video :floorlaugh:

I mean what a loon !

How many of you, with children of dating age, are as horrified as I am by watching JA and CA? Our kids are out in the world with people like this? It's downright terrifying.

I want to some how do some teaching. To warn them. But that backfires sometimes. So I pray
Would someone please post the link to the second interview with Det. Flores.....the day she was arrested. Thanks
I said earlier that I think he is, quite simply, the best they could get under the circumstances. I doubt very much that any credible psychologist or psychiatrist would have been willing to say anything other than "your client appears be a narcissistic sociopath who committed a premeditated rage killing." So, they got stuck with Gus Searcy's dad.

I thought the same thing while I was watching him. Any reputable expert would not stoop this low just for money. And who would want that on their conscience? Except maybe someone similar to JA.
Totally agree she was planning to kill again. I wonder who she had in her sights.

There is no way she was planning suicide because you are right she had both knife and gun. Not likely she was going to stab herself since she cant even handle a paper cut.

Just cant figure out who she hated as much as Travis. I bet her emails and phone calls to other people would give us a hint who she was after. Im wondering if it was someone who ratted on her to the police.

Weird you mention the knives she had in her boxes when she was arrested. I was thinking last night! And wondering if! One of those knives were the weapon! What was her obsession with knives!

When she was arrested was she driving! I heard she was at her grandparents! Getting ready to leave.

Also I want to thank all of you here! This is the best place on the net for information and updates! Y'all are funny and smart!
Jury question for the "expert":

She testified that the reason she finally admitted murdering Travis was that she felt fraudulent blah blah blah. However, IIRC this "expert" testified today that he and Nurmi went to her and told her to come clean...the ninja story was not credible. Which is it?!

ETA: at 34:02 minutes in he speaks to this Jodi Arias Trial - Day 31 - Part 2 - YouTube

Check out how her attorney stops him mid-sentence when he said Nurmi and I went to her and told her the importance of ...

Hmmm, but I thought Detective Flores gently confronted Jodi about why the ninja story couldn't be true because of the photos that Jodi was so morbidly curious about?
She remembered exactly what happened to Travis, and she acted it out. I wonder if it was a female doctor if the diagnosis would of been different?
So does anyone know what the evidentuary hearing is about? Is it about discrediting or maybe de-edifying the "Good doctor?"
After seeing this infamous clip of her behavior etc etc etc, reading the lyrics from the song she was singing... this Mr. Samuels diagnosed her with PTSD???? i am really really disgusted.....

I wonder if it's me, but during her testiphoney, I was struck at how much of an insignificant loser she was. She wasn't compelling or particularly intelligent- although a whole lotta dupes thought otherwise. She struck me as surprisingly powerLESS, not powerFUL and I've always in a weird way equated evil with dark power.

She was a nobody from nowhere with no value. A grifter having made no contributions to the world.

She met a guy with an enviable lifestyle she felt she deserved to share in, presented herself *** up for the world to see, and when he attempted to pull away from her, she plotted to murder him.

She's no multi-layered onion blossom as the media portrays. Her complexity is on par with a ding dong or a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

I agree.

Kind of jumping off from your post, it struck me how . . . damaged, or screwed up she is, I just don't know the right word. She's not powerful, and really not nearly as bright as she thinks she is.

What gets me, though, is: Here is a person who doesn't care about anybody but herself. No interest in the rights or feelings of others. Now she's on trial for her life, a threat to the only important person in her world. You would expect her to be doing things to save herself, maybe even free herself. Should some guilt and remorse (faked, of course, but still pretend to show it). And yet she doesn't do that. So if she's unable to make an effort to save even herself, what chance to the rest of us have? She's really dangerous. I feel sorry for the other people in the jail with her.
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