trial day 51: REBUTTAL; #158

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One thing about the witnesses was how they humanized Travis. Making the point how normal, loving and flawed he was just like anyone else.

Jodi has unsuccessfully tried to paint Travis as an inhuman demon.

The truth has prevailed.
Years ago one of my girl friends husband collapsed on the floor of their home. She was not in town and did not have a land line or cell phone. Her and her hubby had a wt difference I would say was comparable to Jodi and Travis. She dragged her husbands body out of the home and into her vehicle and drove him to the ER. I asked her how she did it and she said she did not know..just that her adrenaline kicked in and she did what she had to do. He lived by the way. They were in their 20's, he had a heart attack.
Thanks so much! You should see my last post - it is so long - too long! I need to start watching the trial, and, somehow blocking Arias from my view.

Watching Arias take to her artwork, and, I use that term lightly (it really looked as though she was working on sketching today), smiling, enjoying herself, ect. Arias comes across to me as being very satisfied with herself. I do not think that she will care if she if found guilty and receives life in prison. I think that she feels as though she is a star - and will be a star in prison. I feel as though she is happy that she murdered Travis Alexander.

Seeing Arias today made me feel even more sad about Travis Alexander. I needed to rant - and apparently write a novella (a very long post).

Again, thank you very much! I greatly appreciate your comment, and, you for putting a smile on my face.

I agree, I think she's filled with self-satisfaction over what she did to Travis. I think it's the JA sick psycho version of "winning".

Did you guys see the new video Dr. Drew had on last night of Travis after he rolled his snowmobile? He was such a cool, funny guy. The point that his friend, Clancy Talbot brought out was that he would never have gotten angry the way JA claims he did when she supposedly dropped his camera and came after her.

Seriously don't know what I'll do if this jury doesn't find JA guilty, with at least LWOP.
Who out there thinks it was JA who tried to access TA's laptop at 4 pm on June 4, only to be "locked out" because she didn't know his new password?!? She looked quite interested in that line of questioning with the computer expert yesterday. Perhaps THIS expert was not the one who assessed that... :twocents:

I noticed too how intently she was listening to this line of questioning!! It was so strange - that's when I knew something is up with that 4 pm computer are totally right. Or maybe she thought they had figured out that they weren't really looking at the picture CD's which was her story. It's obvious she lied about something regarding that computer access.
I hope it is not but I think we should assume that the manslaughter and surrebuttal will be allowed. It changes nothing! This very smart jury will convict JA of first degree murder. In fact, it will be a nice, big FU to JA if the manslaughter is added in and the jury still comes back with a murder one verdict. I'm very optimistic. With Justice and JM working together how can we not have a guilty of murder in the first degree verdict? :drumroll:
I'm optimistic too. Researched the Wendi Andriano verdict and saw that the jury deliberated for 2.5 hours to find her guilty and another 8 to decide on death over LWOP. Her trial was significantly shorter, but given the viciousness of Jodi's crime, the overwhelming evidence and the nature/tone of the juror questions, I can't imagine they'll decide on anything less than first-degree. I understand why the judge may allow a limited surrerebuttal, but much less so when it comes to the jury even considering manslaughter as an option after a four month trial built around a bogus self defense claim.
Good Morning fellow WSers. Yesterday was, for me, the second worst day of the trial. Not only was I uber angry but sick at my stomach. There is a special place in hell for KN. Please don't tell me he was only doing his job. Why didn't JW do the questioning of Deanna? Because, IMO, KN gets off on sexual questioning and by him doing the questioning it seemed even more salacious. I actually expected to see him start drooling at any moment. I stopped posting because I knew I would get TO'd or banned. What he did to Deanna and Travis' siblings yesterday went far beyond 'his job.' I was so upset that I called a friend, a well known defense attorney (who I never ask legal questions unless I am desperate) and asked him his opinion about KN's questioning of Deanna. He didn't see it, so I emailed him the link to watch. After watching it, he called me and agreed with me and us, that this was not only cruel and inhuman. It did more harm to his case than any good that could have come from it. He offended every female on the jury, in the court room and in the watching audience. He offend males who could relate to Deanne being their wife, daughter, girlfriend, niece etc. He offended every Morman in the world. And he once again escalated the general personna that defense attorneys are scum bags (his words not mine). He said there was an acceptable way these questions could have been asked that might be offensive to some, but not to the masses. I felt better knowing that even someone like my friend was offended by KN.

I totally agree. I've always wondered, do they really believe JA's lies or do they know the truth about what really happened?
If she only realized she could pass as Andrea Yates (drowned her 5 babies) twin sister.:facepalm:

Omg, I was thinking that same thing the other day. There is an amazing resemblance isn't there?
Good Morning fellow WSers. Yesterday was, for me, the second worst day of the trial. Not only was I uber angry but sick at my stomach. There is a special place in hell for KN. Please don't tell me he was only doing his job. Why didn't JW do the questioning of Deanna? Because, IMO, KN gets off on sexual questioning and by him doing the questioning it seemed even more salacious. I actually expected to see him start drooling at any moment. I stopped posting because I knew I would get TO'd or banned. What he did to Deanna and Travis' siblings yesterday went far beyond 'his job.' I was so upset that I called a friend, a well known defense attorney (who I never ask legal questions unless I am desperate) and asked him his opinion about KN's questioning of Deanna. He didn't see it, so I emailed him the link to watch. After watching it, he called me and agreed with me and us, that this was not only cruel and inhuman. It did more harm to his case than any good that could have come from it. He offended every female on the jury, in the court room and in the watching audience. He offend males who could relate to Deanne being their wife, daughter, girlfriend, niece etc. He offended every Morman in the world. And he once again escalated the general personna that defense attorneys are scum bags (his words not mine). He said there was an acceptable way these questions could have been asked that might be offensive to some, but not to the masses. I felt better knowing that even someone like my friend was offended by KN.

I think you're right that KN gets off to all these sexual phrases, he uses them too well and too often not to, imo. I really can't stand him anymore, and to think that for a while I felt sorry for him. :facepalm:
I bravely Google'd it and still can't find it's meaning. :what:

Good morning Sleuth! I am excited that the hearing this morning might be televised. Unfortunately I'm at work, but with the help of you fine WSers, I will be able to get updates until I can watch it later tonight on Youtube.

What do you think the hearing will be about?

Yes…and TRUST ME, you don't want to know!!! Google if you must, but don't say you weren't warned. No one here at WS is going to tell you (and remain a member).
Huh...I have a different take on Jodi's verbal intelligence....I was re-watching a couple of her days on cross with Juan, noticed that when she let her "smart lawyer" guard down for a mnute we would see the REAL JODI - quotes: "he's full of crap" referring to Ryan Burns, and my favorite "well when you have **** on your face..."

She has what people call a "jailhouse education". She does a lot of reading, but doesn't know how to apply words or pronounce them properly because she's only seen the word and not used in every day life. When she speaks, her true personality emerges. Example: when she argues with Juan Martinez. When you see her writings, its childish. No handwriting in her journals, all print like a kid's. She never grew up, she probably thinks she doesn't have to when she uses her sexuality to get what she wants.
I noticed too how intently she was listening to this line of questioning!! It was so strange - that's when I knew something is up with that 4 pm computer are totally right. Or maybe she thought they had figured out that they weren't really looking at the picture CD's which was her story. It's obvious she lied about something regarding that computer access.

I never heard the part about being locked out I guess. Wouldn't 4PM on June 4th be just an hour and a half before Travis was killed? So he was still alive then and in the office downstairs before his room mate left for work? Am I missing something cause I thought they were engaging in sex at this time?
Huh...I have a different take on Jodi's verbal intelligence....I was re-watching a couple of her days on cross with Juan, noticed that when she let her "smart lawyer" guard down for a mnute we would see the REAL JODI - quotes: "he's full of crap" referring to Ryan Burns, and my favorite "well when you have **** on your face..."

I've been known to toss around some not-so-nice language :blushing:, but it has nothing to do with my verbal intelligence. JA's test score speaks for itself: Jodi has exceptional verbal ability. :moo:
Can someone answer a question for me concerning the gun shot? JA got up on the stand and showed how TA was coming at her like a linebacker, and she shot him in the head. I think Juan did that for a specific reason. Now here is my question about the gun, if JA was facing him, how did the bullet go in above his eyebrow downward into his cheek? If she was facing him how would that be possible? It wouldn't matter what way his head was turned, she would have to be above him to get the bullet to go in that way, or am I crazy?
It's such a pleasure to read here...I had the trial on yesterday but the threads here move so fast - quickity quick quick quick! While I wish they'd get on with it at least the later start time lets us catch up here.

Wouldn't surprise me in the least.

This constant scribbling that JA is up to - who knows, it may be a 'calming' technique she's been told to do. Hey, she may be working on updating her journals, and including her version of what's going on at the trial, thinking she'll write a book afterward. Or perhaps she'll get a prison degree in psych like Samuels and ALV. I also think she thinks her scribbling is a diss to whomever is testifying for the prosecution, that's how self deluded she is. She gave Deanna the oddest stare down though when Deanna was speaking about Napoleon - not sure what that was about.

Deanna did a fine job yesterday, that can't be said enough. She's a better person than I am for sure, because after Nurmi's comment yesterday I would have been very tempted to retort. I can't think his treatment of her did him any favors.

Can't wait for the bank person to testify, that'll be awesome!


after watching her yesterday and see her write and erase the way she was, she was without a doubt in my mind...... Drawing. :facepalm:
It drives me mad the way she continually stares at the jury as if to send them some psychic thoughts of "please dont convict me". If I was on the jury I would have to ask the judge not to let that ugly psycho stare at me please.

She's scary, I would have nightmares. I have to wonder if she has any way of making voodoo dolls in her cell.
"Unsurrendered Will," and all that. The talent may be there, but one must be willing to submit to education and correction in order to fully develop potential. Narcissists are unwilling to subordinate their sense of perfection and are thus notorious for repeating behaviors which are patently foolish to outside observers. She would probably make corrections to word usage only if stung by a criticism or remark from someone she felt was an authority -- and given that she does not grant that designation lightly and takes great pains to avoid being in the company of anyone who might make her feel even the slightest bit inadequate, such corrections would be few and far between.


Is there any indication in the record that JA is capable of feeling "the slightest bit inadequate"? I'm drawing a blank.
She has what people call a "jailhouse education". She does a lot of reading, but doesn't know how to apply words or pronounce them properly because she's only seen the word and not used in every day life. When she speaks, her true personality emerges. Example: when she argues with Juan Martinez. When you see her writings, its childish. No handwriting in her journals, all print like a kid's. She never grew up, she probably thinks she doesn't have to when she uses her sexuality to get what she wants.

Hey, wait a minute on that printing thing. I have never used cursive as an adult -- lots of people don't, but it doesn't make them childish. :) In her case, well...can't argue a lot about the content of those journals.
Yeah, also she was at risk of getting caught so of course she would have found the strength to move him. Also what gets me are her HUGE HANDS...when I see those manly hands, I have no doubt she had the strength to do it.

One five gallon gas can full of gas would weigh thirty one pounds and she was able to pick up and remove (unless she filled them in the trunk) them. I don't think she saved much in gas with ninety three pounds in the trunk. That's a lot of weight to carry in the trunk.
It would be interesting to know what date was on the cheque that JA gave TA the day he was killed. She went to great lengths to avoid detection that she was there that day, such as turning off cell phone, gas cans etc. The cheque was found on TA's desk, I'd be surprised if it was dated the day she gave it to him. Also why not just give him cash for a relatively small amount of money, particularly as she'd been to the bank depositing cash so recently?
I also think returning this money is the only reason TA initially agreed to see her.
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