Underexposed Cases on "The Doe Network" that have been bothering me lately


Active Member
Feb 29, 2020
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Hi all,

I was browsing "The Doe Network" the other day and I wanted to discuss three obscure cases that stuck out in my mind, and explain why they resonated with me.


1117UMOH. 1117UMOH Unidentified black male, found in 1991 in Ohio. Aged between 18-21, COD unknown.
In his right sneaker was a note that read:

"For Daddy
We can't wait to see you!
Cynthia and Boo Boo
Miss You"

I think what leapt out at me from this case was the note, which is, needless to say, utterly heartbreaking. Also, the case seems rather solvable compared to the many other John Doe cases. The letter suggests he had people in his life who truly cared about him and noticed him when he was gone. The inclusion of the name "Cynthia" could have been helpful to police as interviewing women named Cynthia in that area could have led to the identity of this young man.


227UFTX. 227UFTX Unidentified white female, found in 1998 in Texas. Aged between 30-50, COD apparent suicide by gunshot.

What makes this case unusual to me is the method in which she chose to take her life: gunshot suicides are common with males but much less so with females. It makes me sad, because this woman clearly was struggling so much with life she wanted the most lethal way out possible.


And finally, possibly the most gut-wrenching:

3072UMPEI 3072UMPEI Unidentified male victim, race unknown, found in 2015 on Prince Edward Island, Canada. Newborn, COD undetermined but investigated as homicide.Found with him was a towel with a frog emblem on it.

When I looked at that frog, I wanted to cry. It is just so sad and frustrating. Someone cared about this tiny baby enough to gift that adorable towel to him, yet he remains unknown. This case is so recent too. Why is it not solved?

When it comes to 227UFTX, what stands out to me is: "Dentals: Available. She had some distinctive dental work, including a gold foil filling. She had $30,000-$35,000 worth of extensive dental work done, the work was of very high quality; gold foil fillings with porcelain veneers."

So, at some point in her life this lady had access to enough money for "very high quality" dental work. The profile also mentioned : "Sutures in her pelvic region possibly suggest a hysterectomy. Either two breast implants or prosthetic breasts. Her bra was a "pocket bra" with a facing on the inside to hold prosthetic breasts. This may suggest a possible mastectomy." Prosthetic breasts and implants aren't cheap either. But on the other hand, the things found with her (wind suit, "very inexpensive" glasses, blue shoulder bag) don't seem to be expensive or fancy. I quickly looked up "Natural Comfort white athletic shoes " and the prices ranged from $50-70 USD, so not that expensive either.

There could be any number of factors that led her to make the decision she took. But, I could see this being related to a break up from a wealthy partner or being cut off (financially and emotionally) from a well off family. At least it's less tragic than another thought that crossed my mind when I read about her having pelvic sutures indicative of a possible hysterectomy. 35-55 years old is usually the age women are well into having families and raising children (even more so in the 90s, more women are waiting to have kids in recent years). If she had her hysterectomy young, she may have never had the chance to have children. I also imagine not being able to have children would have been an additional obstacle to attracting family minded men and reaching her presumed ultimate goal, marriage...

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