UT - Parenting influencer, Ruby Franke, and blogger/podcast partner Jodi Hildebrandt, arrested for Child Abuse, Aug 2023

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You don't let the suspect out of your site.
The cop let JH go into the bathroom with her phone and she stayed there about 4 mins.according to the video that I watched.
She could have some out shooting, split her wrists, OD'ed for examples.
They came to arrest both women and you don't have to be under arrest to be cuffed, all that's needed is a reasonable suspicion of criminal activity and they already had her abused son and were also looking for his sister.
As I said in another thread,"oh, I forgot, this is Utah, silly me".
Another poster from the East Coast also commented on it too.
We're I came from and hopefully where I'm living now both gals would have been cuffed in a "New York minute."
Outrageous. She should have been cuffed and forced to sit her tail down as instructed.
Yes! It IS very odd and I’m super worried. Who came up with such a system and why?
LDS. They are the super majority and do not separate church & patriarchal theocratic state with God giving you personal messages while stockpiling for doomsday. Not to be sarcastic but I have SERIOUS issues with religion and the abuse that, IMO, is inherent in all Abrahamic religions. I believe they were created by men for men. Slippery slope to crazy too-all the spiritual voodoo. Perfect for psychological manipulation. Listening to Lori Vallow, Jodi, Ruby, Chad, sounds crazy BUT it's all rooted in mainstream LDS dogma. It's not a huge leap-it's quite adjacent.
Actually, it's on the Kevin Franke interrogation tape I believe. I hadn't been able to view everything easily until I found a Youtuber who had ordered everything in advance & already received it and posted everything. She's also a young mom who's doing this on her "free" time. https://www.youtube.com/@Jessssicadanielle
I found her last night and got a good sequential review of all the statements & evidence. She also has some good insights. I'm NOT her agent:). But I did leave a message of support-everyone should have a passion to pursue no matter the limitations.

Oh, this is the video I referenced:
I like her too.
Thanks, I found her Pam video, I knew nothing about Pam except reading/hearing her name dropped.
The Pam video is a long one, the cops that were detaining her cuffed in the back of their car waited over an hour for the investigating cops to arrive.
This was right after Jodi was arrested and cops are looking for her other 4 children.
Jodi's 2 older daughters were at Pams house,Jodi had called Pam with an emergency and asked her to pick them up at the pool and an Ace store.
Bottom telling line is when Pam was informed that Jodi had been arrested for abuse/neglect( I forget how it was described to Pam) for 2 of her children and they were found in a "safe" Pam showed NO reaction, she did not ask how the children were etc.
Neither did Pam's husband.
The video ends when the cops from a different department (superior to cops detaining Pam) talk to Pam and then are seen walking up to Jodi's daughters who were sitting on the porch.

LDS. They are the super majority and do not separate church & patriarchal theocratic state with God giving you personal messages while stockpiling for doomsday. Not to be sarcastic but I have SERIOUS issues with religion and the abuse that, IMO, is inherent in all Abrahamic religions. I believe they were created by men for men. Slippery slope to crazy too-all the spiritual voodoo. Perfect for psychological manipulation. Listening to Lori Vallow, Jodi, Ruby, Chad, sounds crazy BUT it's all rooted in mainstream LDS dogma. It's not a huge leap-it's quite adjacent.
After hearing JH's niece on "Mormon Stories" I looked up Adam Steed who was mentioned.
MS's interview with him was hit with a temp court order to remove the video, which they did.
I found it on Youtube and played it yesterday in the background.
I now have somewhat of an understanding how these men who went to the LDS recommended JH for marriage counseling became whipped by JH and their wives.
AS's story runs parallel with KF's story but AS describes the Mormon teen/man's experience of having to call your bishop and confess whenever you lust, look at a female /image and pleasure yourself etc.
The guilt and fear is embedded in these guys from the get-go because erotic or blatant images is a sin to LDS up there with murder.
Fast forward and both guys were labeled as having the addiction and that was the foundation that JH and then their wives based everything on, first the guys were shunned in their own homes and the idiots even had to ask permission to talk to wives/Jodi, who moved in with AS's family.
Eventually the guys were kicked out of their homes.
I'm not giving AS's story justice, he explains Jodi and their relationship with her in detail beginning from their first therapy session which was with 4-5 other couples for like 500.00 a week.
I don't know anything about AS so I don't know where he stands with all of you who have followed RF &JH from the beginning.

This is the AS interview from Mormon Stories that MS had to take down from their site.
The first interview is mostly the LDS/Boy Scout sex abuse by counselor(s) where AS was the whistleblower.
Where it's time marked is AS's second interview and how AS and first wife went to JH for marriage counseling, recommended by the LDS.
AS had just settled with the Boy Scout lawsuit so the church knew he had $$.
I find it all dangerously insane how people can turn their children/their lives/their souls over to anyone.
Is R & J's LDS church getting sued?
There's a few lawsuits ongoing against JH.

IMO: The video is good because AS describes in damn good detail how JH sucks people in and slowly destroys their lives/marriages, something I had not heard before.
I didn't listen to the complete video

Oh man. I’m listening to round two of the Franke husband’s interview. And sure enough, Jodi and Ruby started sharing a bed together. I suspected.

I feel like those two had a deeper relationship than just business partners, based on various photos of them together.
Glad I'm not alone..lol
I asked the question right after their sentencing and iirc: no one here ran with it.

Click to expand...
It was reported that her husband was in the courtroom crying as she was speaking and began crying when talking about him.
When she spoke about him it was obvious that she figured he's stupid enough to be her buddy while she sits in prison.
So ole' Mama Ruby had her "come to Jesus" thingy when she was handcuffed and thanked the officer who cuffed her.(facepalm)

RF and her spew are reprehensible.

Did RF & JH have an intimate relationship?
I like her too.
Thanks, I found her Pam video, I knew nothing about Pam except reading/hearing her name dropped.
The Pam video is a long one, the cops that were detaining her cuffed in the back of their car waited over an hour for the investigating cops to arrive.
This was right after Jodi was arrested and cops are looking for her other 4 children.
Jodi's 2 older daughters were at Pams house,Jodi had called Pam with an emergency and asked her to pick them up at the pool and an Ace store.
Bottom telling line is when Pam was informed that Jodi had been arrested for abuse/neglect( I forget how it was described to Pam) for 2 of her children and they were found in a "safe" Pam showed NO reaction, she did not ask how the children were etc.
Neither did Pam's husband.
The video ends when the cops from a different department (superior to cops detaining Pam) talk to Pam and then are seen walking up to Jodi's daughters who were sitting on the porch.

Those girls are Ruby's daughters. It was Ruby who called Pam to pick up A from work. Still not sure how Pam got J or from where. It has been made public that the day of the arrests, Ruby left Ivins at 3 AM with J to go to Springville so J could go to a early dentist appointment.

Jodi has two adult children, a daughter and a son. No minor children.

Those girls are Ruby's daughters. It was Ruby who called Pam to pick up A from work. Still not sure how Pam got J or from where. It has been made public that the day of the arrests, Ruby left Ivins at 3 AM with J to go to Springville so J could go to a early dentist appointment.

Jodi has two adult children, a daughter and a son. No minor children.
Yes, and thank you.
I meant to write Ruby's 2 daughters.
My head is spinning after watching these long videos.
In the Instagram link is a copy of Ruby's entry.

BREAKING NEWS: On 1st page of Ruby Franke's diary, she reports either her or Jodi Hildebrandt meeting with: 1) an LDS Temple President, 2) former LDS mission president Steve Caplin, 3) LDS General Authority Jeremy Jaggi, and 4) YM General Presidency member Brad Wilcox. RIP LDS Church Leader spirit of discernment.

Yup, I wonder about this a lot. Speculating here, but I've been wondering if that would be something as simple as the house being used as an Air BnB or Jodi having conferences or meeting with clients or similar, with a lot of people coming and going at the house. That's a high-end neighborhood and the HoA would be pretty extreme. But those kinds of things wouldn't seem to rise to the level of "trouble" or "problems".

Brilliant. While watching the body cam footage of the police approaching the house, I thought they were going around to the back of the house!
I wonder if Jodi bought the house already built or if she designed it.

Here's a bit of information about the Kayenta Development where Jodi's home is located. It's enormous and has been around for 30 years.
Jodi had the house built, I believe. ^^^^^ we had the tax records: they were absurdly low.
In their search, LE had maps from the architect and builder just to get around the house.

I wonder if Jodi was going to build new in AZ?
St. George is gorgeous territory and there are so many beautiful pueblo desert-type homes there. Hildebrandt's huge home has a typical austere exterior that implies thick walls to make cool interior in the desert heat, and privacy.

The entrance way is austere and built to prevent home burglaries as these might be only seasonal homes.

The real interior however, is awfully dark and unkind looking as she kept it. It does look like a fortress or prison inside. I was expecting a much softer look for the home interior, but it keeps the fortress look all along.

It's currently on Zillow for $5.3 million. The glossy home photos do show how it could look in better light, but it's still got a masculine, hard feeling to it.

Thick walls, and no solar, so for me, it’s not about keeping utility costs down.

It would be interesting to compare Jodi’s house with the neighbors’, which, from the air and judging from ring cameras at 2 front doors, seem a lot less fortress-like.
Jodi received a blessing from Steve Caplin.
Well, that worked out great for her, eh?

"A priesthood blessing is a conferral of power over spiritual things. In a priesthood blessing a servant of the Lord exercises the priesthood, as moved upon by the Holy Ghost, to call upon the powers of heaven for the benefit of the person being blessed.

The Importance of Priesthood Blessings

https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org › new-era › 2012/07

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Chad Daybell's former sister-in-law Heather has given several enlightening interviews. Heather was well established in her church (and/or district) prior to Chad moving his family there. She held a couple offices and was the president of some group. *From my understanding* she had much of what power women are can have in the LDS church. Yet somehow everyone was so enamored with Chad that anything Heather said negative about him was disregarded, and Chad got to move up the ranks rather fast.

The above is widely chalked up to be because of patriarchal preference, but I have to wonder if something like the above happened with Jodi. It certainly sounds like she held a lot of power and influence for an LDS woman and had a legion of supporters. She was apparently given license to throw men around and break up families (so to speak). I wouldn't be surprised if more and more "Heathers" start coming out to attest they warned people about Jodi. Just some thoughts, MOO.
The above is widely chalked up to be because of patriarchal preference, but I have to wonder if something like the above happened with Jodi. It certainly sounds like she held a lot of power and influence for an LDS woman and had a legion of supporters. She was apparently given license to throw men around and break up families (so to speak). I wouldn't be surprised if more and more "Heathers" start coming out to attest they warned people about Jodi. Just some thoughts, MOO.
Good point, I agree it seems unusual that the LDS structure supported her even though she was a divorced, unmarried woman.

Sort of the Margaret Thatcher phenomenon, IMO. She seems similarly very strong-willed and opinionated, a force to be reckoned with.

It seems she was very willing to bend all the ethics/ principles of psychotherapy so as to conform to LDS preoccupations around sexual purity, and IMO that made her valuable.

If she'd been a strong woman who stuck, with a similar level of determination, to the ethics and first principles of psychotherapy, IMO she wouldn't have received that support.

Neighbors in Springville, Utah (location of the Franke family home) made calls to police/CPS when it became apparent that RF was leaving the kids on their own -- no adult -- for long stretches. RF was presumably hanging with Jodi in Ivins, Utah, 260 miles away. Police made at least one visit to the Springville home, but the kids would not answer the door, so they left.
Did the 2 older children live with Pam while Ruby was shacking up with Jodi and torturing the children?
Yes! It IS very odd and I’m super worried. Who came up with such a system and why?
Oh, when I took a look, info very limited of course. But after researching more generally, IMO it's to take it out of the public eye-to treat it as things are treated in the church. A few men decide. They're appointed by God, they have a "calling".

This seems the same. Most often the Governor, most of state gov is LDS. And if you're not & you want a successful life you probably won't say a word. I don't even think it's ill intended. It's how they live.

I see a lot of criticism as I would suspect. Going easy on abusers. I saw the statistic that 1/3 of the offenders in UT are for sex offences. I don't know if that is typical or not. It sounds high to me but.

The LDS paper is the Deseret News. I was just reading this article about an offender and & his "story". There is little focus on the crime. Convicted sex offender says change is possible, but more treatments needed
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